(files in top directory)
-.clang-format Files Porting README
+.clang-format Files Porting README
(files for people developing changes to NetHack)
-Developer.txt code_features.txt code_style.txt git_recipes.txt
-gitinfo.pl nhgitset.pl
+Developer.txt code_features.txt code_style.txt git_recipes.txt
+gitinfo.pl nhgitset.pl
(file for people developing changes to NetHack)
(files for people developing changes to NetHack)
-NHadd NHgithook.pm NHsubst
-NHtext TARGET applypatch-msg
-commit-msg nhsub post-applypatch
-post-checkout post-commit post-merge
-post-rewrite pre-applypatch pre-auto-gc
-pre-commit pre-push pre-rebase
+NHadd NHgithook.pm NHsubst
+NHtext TARGET applypatch-msg
+commit-msg nhsub post-applypatch
+post-checkout post-commit post-merge
+post-rewrite pre-applypatch pre-auto-gc
+pre-commit pre-push pre-rebase
(files for all versions)
-Arch.des Barb.des Caveman.des Healer.des Knight.des
-Monk.des Priest.des Ranger.des Rogue.des Samurai.des
-Tourist.des Valkyrie.des Wizard.des bigroom.des bogusmon.txt
-castle.des cmdhelp data.base dungeon.def endgame.des
-engrave.txt epitaph.txt gehennom.des help hh
-history keyhelp knox.des license medusa.des
-mines.des opthelp oracle.des oracles.txt quest.txt
-rumors.fal rumors.tru sokoban.des symbols tower.des
-tribute wizhelp yendor.des
+Arch.des Barb.des Caveman.des Healer.des Knight.des
+Monk.des Priest.des Ranger.des Rogue.des Samurai.des
+Tourist.des Valkyrie.des Wizard.des bigroom.des bogusmon.txt
+castle.des cmdhelp data.base dungeon.def endgame.des
+engrave.txt epitaph.txt gehennom.des help hh
+history keyhelp knox.des license medusa.des
+mines.des opthelp oracle.des oracles.txt quest.txt
+rumors.fal rumors.tru sokoban.des symbols tower.des
+tribute wizhelp yendor.des
(files for all versions)
-Guidebook.mn Guidebook.tex Guidebook.txt config.nh dgn_comp.6
-dgn_comp.txt dlb.6 dlb.txt fixes10.0 fixes14.f
-fixes22.0 fixes23.e fixes30.0 fixes30.pl01 fixes30.pl02
-fixes30.pl03 fixes30.pl04 fixes30.pl05 fixes30.pl06 fixes30.pl07
-fixes30.pl08 fixes30.pl09 fixes30.pl10 fixes31.1 fixes31.2
-fixes31.3 fixes32.0 fixes32.1 fixes32.2 fixes32.3
-fixes33.0 fixes33.1 fixes34.0 fixes34.1 fixes34.2
-fixes34.3 fixes35.0 fixes36.0 fixes36.1 fixes36.2
-lev_comp.6 lev_comp.txt makedefs.6 makedefs.txt nethack.6
-nethack.txt recover.6 recover.txt tmac.n window.doc
+Guidebook.mn Guidebook.tex Guidebook.txt config.nh dgn_comp.6
+dgn_comp.txt dlb.6 dlb.txt fixes10.0 fixes14.f
+fixes22.0 fixes23.e fixes30.0 fixes30.pl01 fixes30.pl02
+fixes30.pl03 fixes30.pl04 fixes30.pl05 fixes30.pl06 fixes30.pl07
+fixes30.pl08 fixes30.pl09 fixes30.pl10 fixes31.1 fixes31.2
+fixes31.3 fixes32.0 fixes32.1 fixes32.2 fixes32.3
+fixes33.0 fixes33.1 fixes34.0 fixes34.1 fixes34.2
+fixes34.3 fixes35.0 fixes36.0 fixes36.1 fixes36.2
+lev_comp.6 lev_comp.txt makedefs.6 makedefs.txt mn.7
+mnh.7 nethack.6 nethack.txt recover.6 recover.txt
+tmac.n tmac.nh window.doc
(files for GEM versions)
-bitmfile.h gem_rsc.h load_img.h wingem.h
+bitmfile.h gem_rsc.h load_img.h wingem.h
(file for GNOME versions)
(files for Qt versions)
-qt_clust.h qt_kde0.h qt_win.h qt_xpms.h qttableview.h
+qt_clust.h qt_kde0.h qt_win.h qt_xpms.h qttableview.h
(files for X versions)
-tile2x11.h winX.h xwindow.h xwindowp.h
+tile2x11.h winX.h xwindow.h xwindowp.h
(files for all versions)
-align.h amiconf.h artifact.h artilist.h attrib.h
-beconf.h botl.h color.h config.h config1.h
-context.h coord.h decl.h def_os2.h dgn_file.h
-display.h dlb.h dungeon.h engrave.h extern.h
-flag.h func_tab.h global.h hack.h integer.h
-lev.h lint.h mail.h mextra.h mfndpos.h
-micro.h mkroom.h monattk.h mondata.h monflag.h
-monst.h monsym.h ntconf.h obj.h objclass.h
-os2conf.h patchlevel.h pcconf.h permonst.h prop.h
-qtext.h quest.h rect.h region.h rm.h
-skills.h sp_lev.h spell.h sys.h system.h
-tcap.h tileset.h timeout.h tosconf.h tradstdc.h
-trampoli.h trap.h unixconf.h vision.h vmsconf.h
-wceconf.h winami.h winprocs.h wintype.h you.h
+align.h amiconf.h artifact.h artilist.h attrib.h
+beconf.h botl.h color.h config.h config1.h
+context.h coord.h decl.h def_os2.h dgn_file.h
+display.h dlb.h dungeon.h engrave.h extern.h
+flag.h func_tab.h global.h hack.h integer.h
+lev.h lint.h mail.h mextra.h mfndpos.h
+micro.h mkroom.h monattk.h mondata.h monflag.h
+monst.h monsym.h ntconf.h obj.h objclass.h
+os2conf.h patchlevel.h pcconf.h permonst.h prop.h
+qtext.h quest.h rect.h region.h rm.h
+skills.h sp_lev.h spell.h sys.h system.h
+tcap.h tileset.h timeout.h tosconf.h tradstdc.h
+trampoli.h trap.h unixconf.h vision.h vmsconf.h
+wceconf.h winami.h winprocs.h wintype.h you.h
(file for tty versions)
(files for various Macintosh versions)
-mac-carbon.h mac-qt.h mac-term.h macconf.h macpopup.h
-mactty.h macwin.h mttypriv.h
+mac-carbon.h mac-qt.h mac-term.h macconf.h macpopup.h
+mactty.h macwin.h mttypriv.h
(files for all versions)
-allmain.c alloc.c apply.c artifact.c attrib.c ball.c
-bones.c botl.c cmd.c dbridge.c decl.c detect.c
-dig.c display.c dlb.c do.c do_name.c do_wear.c
-dog.c dogmove.c dokick.c dothrow.c drawing.c dungeon.c
-eat.c end.c engrave.c exper.c explode.c extralev.c
-files.c fountain.c hack.c hacklib.c invent.c light.c
-lock.c mail.c makemon.c mapglyph.c mcastu.c mhitm.c
-mhitu.c minion.c mklev.c mkmap.c mkmaze.c mkobj.c
-mkroom.c mon.c mondata.c monmove.c monst.c mplayer.c
-mthrowu.c muse.c music.c o_init.c objects.c objnam.c
-options.c pager.c pickup.c pline.c polyself.c potion.c
-pray.c priest.c quest.c questpgr.c read.c rect.c
-region.c restore.c rip.c rnd.c role.c rumors.c
-save.c shk.c shknam.c sit.c sounds.c sp_lev.c
-spell.c steal.c steed.c sys.c teleport.c timeout.c
-topten.c track.c trap.c u_init.c uhitm.c vault.c
-version.c vision.c weapon.c were.c wield.c windows.c
-wizard.c worm.c worn.c write.c zap.c
+allmain.c alloc.c apply.c artifact.c attrib.c ball.c
+bones.c botl.c cmd.c dbridge.c decl.c detect.c
+dig.c display.c dlb.c do.c do_name.c do_wear.c
+dog.c dogmove.c dokick.c dothrow.c drawing.c dungeon.c
+eat.c end.c engrave.c exper.c explode.c extralev.c
+files.c fountain.c hack.c hacklib.c invent.c light.c
+lock.c mail.c makemon.c mapglyph.c mcastu.c mhitm.c
+mhitu.c minion.c mklev.c mkmap.c mkmaze.c mkobj.c
+mkroom.c mon.c mondata.c monmove.c monst.c mplayer.c
+mthrowu.c muse.c music.c o_init.c objects.c objnam.c
+options.c pager.c pickup.c pline.c polyself.c potion.c
+pray.c priest.c quest.c questpgr.c read.c rect.c
+region.c restore.c rip.c rnd.c role.c rumors.c
+save.c shk.c shknam.c sit.c sounds.c sp_lev.c
+spell.c steal.c steed.c sys.c teleport.c timeout.c
+topten.c track.c trap.c u_init.c uhitm.c vault.c
+version.c vision.c weapon.c were.c wield.c windows.c
+wizard.c worm.c worn.c write.c zap.c
(files for Amiga versions - untested for 3.6.2)
-Build.ami Install.ami Makefile.agc Makefile.ami NetHack.cnf
-amidos.c amidos.p amifont.uu amifont8.uu amigst.c
-amii.hlp amimenu.c amirip.c amisnd.c amistack.c
-amitty.c amiwind.c amiwind.p clipwin.c colorwin.c
-cvtsnd.c grave16.xpm ifchange mkdmake txt2iff.c
-winami.c winami.p winchar.c windefs.h winext.h
-winfuncs.c winkey.c winmenu.c winproto.h winreq.c
-winstr.c xpm2iff.c
+Build.ami Install.ami Makefile.agc Makefile.ami NetHack.cnf
+amidos.c amidos.p amifont.uu amifont8.uu amigst.c
+amii.hlp amimenu.c amirip.c amisnd.c amistack.c
+amitty.c amiwind.c amiwind.p clipwin.c colorwin.c
+cvtsnd.c grave16.xpm ifchange mkdmake txt2iff.c
+winami.c winami.p winchar.c windefs.h winext.h
+winfuncs.c winkey.c winmenu.c winproto.h winreq.c
+winstr.c xpm2iff.c
(files for Atari version - untested for 3.6.2)
-Install.tos atarifnt.uue nethack.mnu setup.g tos.c
+Install.tos atarifnt.uue nethack.mnu setup.g tos.c
(files for BeOS version - untested for 3.6.2)
-README bemain.c
+README bemain.c
(files for 68K Macintosh versions)
-Files.r Install.mw MacHelp NHDeflts NHrsrc.hqx
-NHsound.hqx News README carbon.plist dprintf.c
-maccurs.c macerrs.c macfile.c machelp.hqx macmain.c
-macmenu.c macsnd.c mactopl.c mactty.c macunix.c
-macwin.c mgetline.c mmodal.c mrecover.c mrecover.hqx
+Files.r Install.mw MacHelp NHDeflts NHrsrc.hqx
+NHsound.hqx News README carbon.plist dprintf.c
+maccurs.c macerrs.c macfile.c machelp.hqx macmain.c
+macmenu.c macsnd.c mactopl.c mactty.c macunix.c
+macwin.c mgetline.c mmodal.c mrecover.c mrecover.hqx
(files for MSDOS version - untested for 3.6.2)
-Install.dos Makefile.BC Makefile.GCC Makefile.MSC SCHEMA35.MSC
-moveinit.pat msdos.c msdoshlp.txt ovlinit.c pckeys.c
-pctiles.c pctiles.h pcvideo.h portio.h schema1.BC
-schema2.BC schema3.MSC setup.bat sound.c tile2bin.c
-vesa.h video.c vidtxt.c vidvesa.c vidvga.c
+Install.dos Makefile.BC Makefile.GCC Makefile.MSC SCHEMA35.MSC
+moveinit.pat msdos.c msdoshlp.txt ovlinit.c pckeys.c
+pctiles.c pctiles.h pcvideo.h portio.h schema1.BC
+schema2.BC schema3.MSC setup.bat sound.c tile2bin.c
+vesa.h video.c vidtxt.c vidvesa.c vidvga.c
(files for running MSDOS binary under Windows)
-nhico.uu nhpif.uu
+nhico.uu nhpif.uu
(files for OS/2 version - untested for 3.6.2)
-Install.os2 Makefile.os2 nhpmico.uu os2.c
+Install.os2 Makefile.os2 nhpmico.uu os2.c
(Berkeley random number file, which may be included in any version)
(Berkeley uudecode file, which may be used in build process of any version)
(file for MSDOS, OS/2, NT, Amiga, and Atari versions - untested for 3.6.2)
(file for MSDOS, OS/2, and Atari versions - untested for 3.6.2)
-NetHack.cnf pctty.c
+NetHack.cnf pctty.c
(file for MSDOS, OS/2, and VMS versions)
(file for NT version)
(file for VMS version)
(files for MSDOS and OS/2 versions - untested for 3.6.2)
-Makefile.lib termcap.uu
+Makefile.lib termcap.uu
(files for MSDOS, OS/2, NT, and Atari versions - untested for 3.6.2)
-pcsys.c pcunix.c
+pcsys.c pcunix.c
(files for UNIX and Be versions)
-ioctl.c unixtty.c
+ioctl.c unixtty.c
(lex/yacc output for special level and dungeon compilers)
-dgn_comp.h dgn_lex.c dgn_yacc.c lev_comp.h lev_lex.c lev_yacc.c
+dgn_comp.h dgn_lex.c dgn_yacc.c lev_comp.h lev_lex.c lev_yacc.c
(posix regex for versions that include regex in their C library)
(c++ regex code for versions that can build a C++ module and link it in)
(pmatch regex for other versions)
(files for Amiga and Macintosh versions)
-README bell.uu bugle.uu erthdrum.uu firehorn.uu frsthorn.uu
-lethdrum.uu mgcflute.uu mgcharp.uu toolhorn.uu wdnflute.uu wdnharp.uu
+README bell.uu bugle.uu erthdrum.uu firehorn.uu frsthorn.uu
+lethdrum.uu mgcflute.uu mgcharp.uu toolhorn.uu wdnflute.uu wdnharp.uu
(files for UNIX versions)
-Install.unx Makefile.dat Makefile.doc Makefile.src
-Makefile.top Makefile.utl NewInstall.unx README.linux
-depend.awk gitinfo.sh mkmkfile.sh nethack.sh
-setup.sh sysconf unixmain.c unixres.c
+Install.unx Makefile.dat Makefile.doc Makefile.src
+Makefile.top Makefile.utl NewInstall.unx README.linux
+depend.awk gitinfo.sh mkmkfile.sh nethack.sh
+setup.sh sysconf unixmain.c unixres.c
(files for replacement cpp, only needed by some ancient UNIX systems)
-cpp1.shr cpp2.shr cpp3.shr
+cpp1.shr cpp2.shr cpp3.shr
(file for sound driver for 386 UNIX)
(files for configuring UNIX NetHack versions)
-linux linux-chroot linux-qt4 linux-qt5
-linux-x11 macosx macosx.sh macosx10.5
-macosx10.7 macosx10.8 macosx10.10 macosx10.10-qt
+linux linux-chroot linux-qt4 linux-qt5
+linux-x11 macosx macosx.sh macosx10.5
+macosx10.7 macosx10.8 macosx10.10 macosx10.10-qt
(files for VMS version)
-Install.vms Makefile.dat Makefile.doc Makefile.src Makefile.top
-Makefile.utl install.com lev_lex.h nethack.com oldcrtl.c
-spec_lev.com sysconf vmsbuild.com vmsfiles.c vmsmail.c
-vmsmain.c vmsmisc.c vmstty.c vmsunix.c
+Install.vms Makefile.dat Makefile.doc Makefile.src Makefile.top
+Makefile.utl install.com lev_lex.h nethack.com oldcrtl.c
+spec_lev.com sysconf vmsbuild.com vmsfiles.c vmsmail.c
+vmsmain.c vmsmisc.c vmstty.c vmsunix.c
(files for Windows CE and PocketPC - untested for 3.6.2)
-Install.ce bootstrp.mak celib.c cesetup.bat cesound.c
-defaults.nh keypad.uu menubar.uu mhaskyn.c mhaskyn.h
-mhcmd.c mhcmd.h mhcolor.c mhcolor.h mhdlg.c
-mhdlg.h mhfont.c mhfont.h mhinput.c mhinput.h
-mhmain.c mhmain.h mhmap.c mhmap.h mhmenu.c
-mhmenu.h mhmsg.h mhmsgwnd.c mhmsgwnd.h mhrip.c
-mhrip.h mhstatus.c mhstatus.h mhtext.c mhtext.h
-mhtxtbuf.c mhtxtbuf.h mswproc.c newres.h nhico.uu
-resource.h winMS.h winhack.c winhack.rc winhcksp.rc
+Install.ce bootstrp.mak celib.c cesetup.bat cesound.c
+defaults.nh keypad.uu menubar.uu mhaskyn.c mhaskyn.h
+mhcmd.c mhcmd.h mhcolor.c mhcolor.h mhdlg.c
+mhdlg.h mhfont.c mhfont.h mhinput.c mhinput.h
+mhmain.c mhmain.h mhmap.c mhmap.h mhmenu.c
+mhmenu.h mhmsg.h mhmsgwnd.c mhmsgwnd.h mhrip.c
+mhrip.h mhstatus.c mhstatus.h mhtext.c mhtext.h
+mhtxtbuf.c mhtxtbuf.h mswproc.c newres.h nhico.uu
+resource.h winMS.h winhack.c winhack.rc winhcksp.rc
(header files for Windows CE and PocketPC - untested for 3.6.2)
-assert.h errno.h fcntl.h
+assert.h errno.h fcntl.h
(sys/stat.h for Windows CE and PocketPC - untested for 3.6.2)
(files for Windows 7/8.x/10 version)
-Install.nt Makefile.gcc Makefile.msc console.rc defaults.nh
-nethack.def nh340key.c nhdefkey.c nhico.uu nhraykey.c
-nhsetup.bat ntsound.c nttty.c porthelp stubs.c
-sysconf win32api.h winnt.c
+Install.nt Makefile.gcc Makefile.msc console.rc defaults.nh
+nethack.def nh340key.c nhdefkey.c nhico.uu nhraykey.c
+nhsetup.bat ntsound.c nttty.c porthelp stubs.c
+sysconf win10.c win10.h win32api.h winnt.c
(files for all versions)
-dgn_main.c dlb_main.c lev_main.c makedefs.c mdgrep.h mdgrep.pl
-panic.c recover.c
+dgn_main.c dlb_main.c lev_main.c makedefs.c mdgrep.h mdgrep.pl
+panic.c recover.c
(lex/yacc input for special level and dungeon compilers)
-dgn_comp.l dgn_comp.y lev_comp.l lev_comp.y
+dgn_comp.l dgn_comp.y lev_comp.l lev_comp.y
(files for the Qt 3 widget library - X11, Windows, Mac OS X, or Qtopia)
-Info.plist Install.Qt knethack.lnk
-knh-mini.xpm knh.xpm nhicns.uu
-nhsplash.xpm qpe-nethack.control qt_clust.cpp
-qt_win.cpp qttableview.cpp tileedit.cpp
+Info.plist Install.Qt knethack.lnk
+knh-mini.xpm knh.xpm nhicns.uu
+nhsplash.xpm qpe-nethack.control qt_clust.cpp
+qt_win.cpp qttableview.cpp tileedit.cpp
(files for the Qt 4 widget library - X11, Windows, Mac OS X)
-qt4bind.cpp qt4bind.h qt4click.cpp qt4click.h qt4clust.cpp
-qt4clust.h qt4delay.cpp qt4delay.h qt4glyph.cpp qt4glyph.h
-qt4icon.cpp qt4icon.h qt4inv.cpp qt4inv.h qt4kde0.h
-qt4key.cpp qt4key.h qt4line.cpp qt4line.h qt4main.cpp
-qt4main.h qt4map.cpp qt4map.h qt4menu.cpp qt4menu.h
-qt4msg.cpp qt4msg.h qt4plsel.cpp qt4plsel.h qt4rip.cpp
-qt4rip.h qt4set.cpp qt4set.h qt4stat.cpp qt4stat.h
-qt4str.cpp qt4str.h qt4streq.cpp qt4streq.h qt4svsel.cpp
-qt4svsel.h qt4win.cpp qt4win.h qt4xcmd.cpp qt4xcmd.h
-qt4yndlg.cpp qt4yndlg.h
+qt4bind.cpp qt4bind.h qt4click.cpp qt4click.h qt4clust.cpp
+qt4clust.h qt4delay.cpp qt4delay.h qt4glyph.cpp qt4glyph.h
+qt4icon.cpp qt4icon.h qt4inv.cpp qt4inv.h qt4kde0.h
+qt4key.cpp qt4key.h qt4line.cpp qt4line.h qt4main.cpp
+qt4main.h qt4map.cpp qt4map.h qt4menu.cpp qt4menu.h
+qt4msg.cpp qt4msg.h qt4plsel.cpp qt4plsel.h qt4rip.cpp
+qt4rip.h qt4set.cpp qt4set.h qt4stat.cpp qt4stat.h
+qt4str.cpp qt4str.h qt4streq.cpp qt4streq.h qt4svsel.cpp
+qt4svsel.h qt4win.cpp qt4win.h qt4xcmd.cpp qt4xcmd.h
+qt4yndlg.cpp qt4yndlg.h
(files for X versions)
-Install.X11 NetHack.ad Window.c dialogs.c ibm.bdf
-nethack.rc nh10.bdf nh32icon nh56icon nh72icon
-nh_icon.xpm pet_mark.xbm pilemark.xbm rip.xpm tile2x11.c
-winX.c winmap.c winmenu.c winmesg.c winmisc.c
-winstat.c wintext.c winval.c
+Install.X11 NetHack.ad Window.c dialogs.c ibm.bdf
+nethack.rc nh10.bdf nh32icon nh56icon nh72icon
+nh_icon.xpm pet_mark.xbm pilemark.xbm rip.xpm tile2x11.c
+winX.c winmap.c winmenu.c winmesg.c winmisc.c
+winstat.c wintext.c winval.c
(files for stacking window systems)
-wc_chainin.c wc_chainout.c wc_trace.c
+wc_chainin.c wc_chainout.c wc_trace.c
(files for GEM versions - untested for 3.6.2)
-Install.gem bitmfile.c gem_rsc.uu gem_rso.uu gr_rect.c gr_rect.h
-load_img.c tile2img.c title.uu wingem.c wingem1.c xpm2img.c
+Install.gem bitmfile.c gem_rsc.uu gem_rso.uu gr_rect.c gr_rect.h
+load_img.c tile2img.c title.uu wingem.c wingem1.c xpm2img.c
(files for GNOME versions - untested for 3.6.2)
-README gn_xpms.h gnaskstr.c gnaskstr.h gnbind.c gnbind.h
-gnglyph.c gnglyph.h gnmain.c gnmain.h gnmap.c gnmap.h
-gnmenu.c gnmenu.h gnmesg.c gnmesg.h gnomeprv.h gnopts.c
-gnopts.h gnplayer.c gnplayer.h gnsignal.c gnsignal.h gnstatus.c
-gnstatus.h gntext.c gntext.h gnworn.c gnworn.h gnyesno.c
-gnyesno.h mapbg.xpm
+README gn_xpms.h gnaskstr.c gnaskstr.h gnbind.c gnbind.h
+gnglyph.c gnglyph.h gnmain.c gnmain.h gnmap.c gnmap.h
+gnmenu.c gnmenu.h gnmesg.c gnmesg.h gnomeprv.h gnopts.c
+gnopts.h gnplayer.c gnplayer.h gnsignal.c gnsignal.h gnstatus.c
+gnstatus.h gntext.c gntext.h gnworn.c gnworn.h gnyesno.c
+gnyesno.h mapbg.xpm
(files for macosx versions)
-NetHackGuidebook.applescript NetHackRecover.applescript
-NetHackTerm.applescript recover.pl
+NetHackGuidebook.applescript NetHackRecover.applescript
+NetHackTerm.applescript recover.pl
(files for versions using optional tiles)
-bmptiles.c gifread.c giftiles.c monsters.txt objects.txt
-other.txt ppmwrite.c renumtiles.pl thintile.c tile.doc
-tile.h tile2bmp.c tilemap.c tileset.c tiletext.c
+bmptiles.c gifread.c giftiles.c monsters.txt objects.txt
+other.txt ppmwrite.c renumtiles.pl thintile.c tile.doc
+tile.h tile2bmp.c tilemap.c tileset.c tiletext.c
(files for tty versions)
-getline.c termcap.c topl.c wintty.c
+getline.c termcap.c topl.c wintty.c
(files for Windows versions - tested up to Windows 10)
-dgnstuff.mak levstuff.mak mhaskyn.c mhaskyn.h mhdlg.c
-mhdlg.h mhfont.c mhfont.h mhinput.c mhinput.h
-mhmain.c mhmain.h mhmap.c mhmap.h mhmenu.c
-mhmenu.h mhmsg.h mhmsgwnd.c mhmsgwnd.h mhrip.c
-mhrip.h mhsplash.c mhsplash.h mhstatus.c mhstatus.h
-mhtext.c mhtext.h mnsel.uu mnselcnt.uu mnunsel.uu
-mswproc.c nethack.rc nhresource.h petmark.uu pilemark.uu
-record.uu resource.h rip.uu splash.uu tiles.mak
-winMS.h winhack.c winhack.rc
+dgnstuff.mak levstuff.mak mhaskyn.c mhaskyn.h mhdlg.c
+mhdlg.h mhfont.c mhfont.h mhinput.c mhinput.h
+mhmain.c mhmain.h mhmap.c mhmap.h mhmenu.c
+mhmenu.h mhmsg.h mhmsgwnd.c mhmsgwnd.h mhrip.c
+mhrip.h mhsplash.c mhsplash.h mhstatus.c mhstatus.h
+mhtext.c mhtext.h mnsel.uu mnselcnt.uu mnunsel.uu
+mswproc.c nethack.rc nhresource.h petmark.uu pilemark.uu
+record.uu resource.h rip.uu splash.uu tiles.mak
+winMS.h winhack.c winhack.rc
(files for Windows versions - tested up to Windows 10)
-NetHack.sln NetHack.vcxproj NetHackW.vcxproj
-afterdgncomp.proj afterdlb.proj afterlevcomp.proj
-aftermakedefs.proj afternethack.proj afterrecover.proj
-aftertile2bmp.proj aftertilemap.proj afteruudecode.proj
-build.bat common.props config.props
-console.props default.props default_dll.props
-dgncomp.vcxproj dirs.props dlb.vcxproj
-dll.props files.props levcomp.vcxproj
-makedefs.vcxproj nh340key.def nh340key.vcxproj
-nhdefkey.def nhdefkey.vcxproj nhraykey.def
-nhraykey.vcxproj notes.txt recover.vcxproj
-tile2bmp.vcxproj tilemap.vcxproj tiles.vcxproj
+NetHack.sln NetHack.vcxproj NetHackW.vcxproj
+afterdgncomp.proj afterdlb.proj afterlevcomp.proj
+aftermakedefs.proj afternethack.proj afterrecover.proj
+aftertile2bmp.proj aftertilemap.proj afteruudecode.proj
+build.bat common.props config.props
+console.props default.props default_dll.props
+dgncomp.vcxproj dirs.props dlb.vcxproj
+dll.props files.props levcomp.vcxproj
+makedefs.vcxproj nh340key.def nh340key.vcxproj
+nhdefkey.def nhdefkey.vcxproj nhraykey.def
+nhraykey.vcxproj notes.txt recover.vcxproj
+tile2bmp.vcxproj tilemap.vcxproj tiles.vcxproj
(files for Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition builds)
-NetHack.sln NetHack.vcxproj NetHackW.vcxproj
-afterdgncomp.proj afterdlb.proj afterlevcomp.proj
-aftermakedefs.proj afternethack.proj afterrecover.proj
-aftertile2bmp.proj aftertilemap.proj afteruudecode.proj
-build.bat common.props config.props
-console.props default.props default_dll.props
-dgncomp.vcxproj dirs.props dlb.vcxproj
-dll.props files.props levcomp.vcxproj
-makedefs.vcxproj nh340key.def nh340key.vcxproj
-nhdefkey.def nhdefkey.vcxproj nhraykey.def
-nhraykey.vcxproj recover.vcxproj tile2bmp.vcxproj
-tilemap.vcxproj tiles.vcxproj uudecode.vcxproj
+NetHack.sln NetHack.vcxproj NetHackW.exe.manifest
+NetHackW.vcxproj afterdgncomp.proj afterdlb.proj
+afterlevcomp.proj aftermakedefs.proj afternethack.proj
+afterrecover.proj aftertile2bmp.proj aftertilemap.proj
+afteruudecode.proj build.bat common.props
+config.props console.props default.props
+default_dll.props dgncomp.vcxproj dirs.props
+dlb.vcxproj dll.props files.props
+levcomp.vcxproj makedefs.vcxproj nh340key.def
+nh340key.vcxproj nhdefkey.def nhdefkey.vcxproj
+nhraykey.def nhraykey.vcxproj recover.vcxproj
+tile2bmp.vcxproj tilemap.vcxproj tiles.vcxproj
This is a list of files produced by auxiliary programs. They can all be
regenerated from the files in the distribution.
-(file generated by dgn_comp at playground creation time)
-(files generated by lev_comp at playground creation time)
-Arc-fila.lev Arc-filb.lev Arc-goal.lev Arc-loca.lev Arc-strt.lev
-Bar-fila.lev Bar-filb.lev Bar-goal.lev Bar-loca.lev Bar-strt.lev
-Cav-fila.lev Cav-filb.lev Cav-goal.lev Cav-loca.lev Cav-strt.lev
-Hea-fila.lev Hea-filb.lev Hea-goal.lev Hea-loca.lev Hea-strt.lev
-Kni-fila.lev Kni-filb.lev Kni-goal.lev Kni-loca.lev Kni-strt.lev
-Mon-fila.lev Mon-filb.lev Mon-goal.lev Mon-loca.lev Mon-strt.lev
-Pri-fila.lev Pri-filb.lev Pri-goal.lev Pri-loca.lev Pri-strt.lev
-Ran-fila.lev Ran-filb.lev Ran-goal.lev Ran-loca.lev Ran-strt.lev
-Rog-fila.lev Rog-filb.lev Rog-goal.lev Rog-loca.lev Rog-strt.lev
-Sam-fila.lev Sam-filb.lev Sam-goal.lev Sam-loca.lev Sam-strt.lev
-Tou-fila.lev Tou-filb.lev Tou-goal.lev Tou-loca.lev Tou-strt.lev
-Val-fila.lev Val-filb.lev Val-goal.lev Val-loca.lev Val-strt.lev
-Wiz-fila.lev Wiz-filb.lev Wiz-goal.lev Wiz-loca.lev Wiz-strt.lev
-air.lev asmodeus.lev astral.lev baalz.lev bigrm-1.lev
-bigrm-2.lev bigrm-3.lev bigrm-4.lev bigrm-5.lev bigrm-6.lev
-bigrm-7.lev bigrm-8.lev bigrm-9.lev bigrm-10.lev castle.lev
-earth.lev fakewiz1.lev fakewiz2.lev fire.lev juiblex.lev
-knox.lev medusa-1.lev medusa-2.lev medusa-3.lev medusa-4.lev
-minefill.lev minend-1.lev minend-2.lev minend-3.lev minetn-1.lev
-minetn-2.lev minetn-3.lev minetn-4.lev minetn-5.lev minetn-6.lev
-minetn-7.lev oracle.lev orcus.lev sanctum.lev soko1-1.lev
-soko1-2.lev soko2-1.lev soko2-2.lev soko3-1.lev soko3-2.lev
-soko4-1.lev soko4-2.lev tower1.lev tower2.lev tower3.lev
-valley.lev water.lev wizard1.lev wizard2.lev wizard3.lev
-(files generated by makedefs at playground creation time)
-data dungeon.pdf options oracles quest.dat rumors
-(files generated for Qt interface on Mac OS X)
-Info.plist nethack.icns
-(files generated for win32 at compile time)
-dlb.lst porthelp
-(files generated for win32 gui at compile time)
-(files generated for win32 tty at compile time)
-(tile files optionally generated for X ports at playground creation time)
-pet_mark.xbm rip.xpm x11tiles
(file for tiles support copied from win/share at compile time)
(file for win32 that are moved into include at compile time)
(files generated by makedefs at compile time)
-date.h onames.h pm.h vis_tab.h
+date.h onames.h pm.h vis_tab.h
(files generated by yacc (or copied from sys/share) at compile time)
-dgn_comp.h lev_comp.h
+dgn_comp.h lev_comp.h
(files for win32 that are moved into src at compile time)
-Makefile Makefile.bcc Makefile.gcc
+Makefile Makefile.bcc Makefile.gcc
(files generated by 'moc' for Qt interface at compile time)
-qt_kde0.moc qt_win.moc qttableview.moc
+qt_kde0.moc qt_win.moc qttableview.moc
-(files generated by makedefs at compile time)
-monstr.c vis_tab.c
+(file generated by makedefs at compile time by some ports)
+(file generated by makedefs at compile time)
(file optionally generated by tilemap at compile time)
(file generated by uudecode at compile time)
(files generated by lex and yacc (or copied from sys/share) at compile time)
-dgn_lex.c dgn_yacc.c lev_lex.c lev_yacc.c
+dgn_lex.c dgn_yacc.c lev_lex.c lev_yacc.c
(file generated for unix at compile time if various tiles utilities are built)
(file generated for win32 at compile time)
NOTE: If your binaries were compiled with the data librarian (DLB) option,
your playground will not contain all of the files listed here. All
--- /dev/null
+.\" $NHDT-Branch: NetHack-3.6.2 $:$NHDT-Revision: 1.0 $ $NHDT-Date: 1541298619 2018/11/04 02:30:19 $
+.TH MN 7 "News Version B2.11"
+mn \- text formatting macros for the news documentation
+.B "nroff \-mn"
+[ options ] file ...
+.B "troff \-mn"
+[ options ] file ...
+This package of
+.IR nroff (1)
+.IR troff (1)
+macro definitions provides a formatting facility
+which may be used to run off the formatted news documents.
+When reverse line motions are needed,
+filter the output through
+.IR col (1).
+All \-mn macros,
+string registers,
+and number registers are defined below.
+.I nroff
+.I troff
+requests are unsafe in conjunction with this package.
+the requests below may be used with impunity:
+.ta 5n 12n
+ .bp begin new page
+ .br break output line
+ .sp \f2n\fP insert \f2n\fP spacing lines
+ .ce \f2n\fP center next \f2n\fP lines
+ .ls \f2n\fP line spacing: \f2n\fP=1 single, \f2n\fP=2 double space
+ .na no alignment of right margin
+Font and point size changes with \ef and \es are also allowed;
+for example,
+\&``\ef2word\efR'' will italicize \f2word.\fP
+Output of the
+.IR tbl (1),
+.IR eqn (1),
+.IR refer (1)
+preprocessors for equations,
+and references is acceptable as input.
+eqn(1), refer(1), tbl(1), troff(1)
+If you do not set the string register ``.f'' to the file name,
+you will only be told the line number on which any errors occur.
+If you define this string to be the file name,
+you will get the file name,
+This is useful when dealing with a document
+split up into many files.
+This package is not now intended for uses
+other than with the news documentation.
+Bug reports are always welcome;
+please send them to the author.
+(Include a sample of the input;
+this helps track down the bug.)
+Matt Bishop
+.RI ( mab@riacs.arpa ,
+.IR ihnp4!ames!riacs!mab ,
+.IR decvax!decwrl!riacs!mab )
+Updated for versions 1.4-1.6 by The NetHack Development Team
+In the
+.I Note
+.I b
+means the request causes a break,
+.I i
+means the macro,
+number register,
+string register,
+or diversion is internal and should not be used for anything.
+In the
+.I "What It Is"
+.IR div " means " diversion ,
+.IR mac " means " macro ,
+.IR num " means " "number register" ,
+.IR str " means " "string register" .
+In the
+.I "Initial Value"
+a hyphen means no initial value is used,
+anything else is the initial value,
+and if two values are given,
+the first is for
+.I nroff
+and the second for
+.IR troff .
+.if n .in 0
+.ds x \f2x\fP\|
+.ds y \f2y\fP\|
+.ds z \f2z\fP\|
+.ds X "\*x
+.ds Y "\*x \*y
+.ds Z "\*x \*y \*z
+.tr _.
+.ta \w'MacroNames'u +\w'WhatItIs'u +\w'InitialVal'u +\w'Note 'u
+.sp .3
+Macro What Initial Note \0 Explanation
+Name It Is Value
+.sp .3
+_f num \- \- file name, used in error messages if set
+_ai mac \- \- author's institution
+_au mac \- b author's name
+_b \*Z mac \- \- print \*x in font 3, \*y after, \*z before;
+ if no arguments, switch to font 3
+b num \- i used to embolden italics
+_bi \*Z mac \- \- print \*x in emboldened font 2, \*y after,
+ \*z before
+bm num 1i,1i+1v \- height of bottom margin
+_bt mac \- \- print pottom title
+bt num .5i+1v \- bottom of footer to bottom of page
+_cf \*Z mac \- \- print contents of header line (double
+ quotes around \*x, \*y before, \*z after)
+cm num 0 \- 0 if no cut marks, nonzero if cut marks
+_cn \*Z mac \- \- print computer/site name; same as _i
+_dd div \- i text of display
+dg str \(**,\(dg \- footnote mark
+dw str \f2current\fP \- name of current day of week
+dy str \f2current\fP \- full date
+_ed mac \- b end display
+_ef mac \- b end footnote
+_ei mac \- b move left margin to the right
+_er mac \- \- print error message
+_et mac \- b,i macro called at end of text
+f0 str \- \- left bottom title
+f1 num \- i current font number
+f1 str \f2date\fP,\- \- center bottom title
+f2 num \- i previous font number
+f2 str \- \- right bottom title
+fc num \- i per-page footnote count
+_fd mac \- b,i drop footnotes
+fg num \- i gets fudge factor for footnote
+fl num 5.5i \- default footnote line length
+_fn mac \- \- begin footnote
+_fo mac \- \- bottom of page (footer) macro
+fp num \- i current location of trap for _fo macro
+_fs mac \- i print text/footnote separator
+fs num \- i position where footnote printing should begin
+_fx mac \- i collect overflow footnotes
+_fy div \- i text of footnote overflow
+_fz mac \- i move overflow footnotes from _fy to _tf
+gs num \- i used to be sure footnotes fit
+h0 num 0 i current level 1 section number
+h0 str \- \- left header title
+h1 num 0 i current level 2 section number
+h1 str \f2\- page \-\fP \- center header title
+h2 num 0 i current level 3 section number
+h2 str \- \- right header title
+h3 num 0 i current level 4 section number
+_hd mac \- i top of page (header) macro
+_hf mac \- \- print header field name; same as _cf
+_hn \*x mac \- b numbered section; if present, \*x is level
+hn num 0 i current level of numbering (temporary)
+hs num 1v \- default intra-section spacing
+_hu mac \- b unnumbered section header
+_i \*Z mac \- \- print \*x in font 2, \*y after, \*z before;
+ if no arguments, switch to font 2
+i1 num \- i current indent
+i2 num \- i previous indent
+id num 0 i 1 if in display, 0 otherwise
+if num 0 i 1 if in footnote, 0 otherwise
+_is \*Z mac \- \- print \*x 2p bigger, \*y after, \*z before;
+ if no arguments, increase point size by 2p
+it num 0 i 0 before _bt called, 1 after
+l0 num 0 i leftmost position for left margin
+l1 num \- i first level of indent for left margin
+l2 num \- i second level of indent for left margin
+l3 num \- i third level of indent for left margin
+l4 num \- i fourth level of indent for left margin
+l5 num \- i fifth level of indent for left margin
+l6 num \- i sixth level of indent for left margin
+l7 num \- i seventh level of indent for left margin
+l8 num \- i eighth level of indent for left margin
+l9 num \- i ninth level of indent for left margin
+li num 5n \- paragraph indent
+ll num 6i \- default line length
+lm num 0 i current level of indent for left margin
+lo num \- i previous level for left margin
+_lp \*Y mac \- b labelled paragraph; \*x is label, \*y indent
+lq str ",`` \- left double quotation marks
+mo str \f2current\fP \- name of current month
+_mt mac \- b title
+mt num 1.5i+1v \- distance of title from top of page
+_ng \*Z mac \- \- newsgroup name; same as _b
+_nl mac \- b reset point size to default
+ns num 0 i if nonzero, _fn does not call _fs
+_op \*Z mac \- \- command option; same as _b
+p1 num 0 i 1 after PDP-11(tm) footnote printed,
+ 0 before
+_pa \*Z mac \- \- print protocol appellation; same as _i
+_pd \*Y mac \- \- print PDP-11(tm), footnote; \*x after,
+ \*y before
+pd num 1v,.3v \- intra-paragraph spacing
+_pf mac \- \- print footer title
+_pg \*x mac \- b paragraph; if \*x is l, left justify
+pi num 5n \- default paragraph indent
+po num 1.25i \- default page offset
+ps num 12p \- default point size
+_pt \*x mac \- \- print header; \*x is distance from top of
+ page
+_qc \*Z mac \- \- print name of control char; \*x is name,
+ in font 3, between <>, \*y after, \*z before
+_qp \*Z mac \- \- print char; same as _b
+_r mac \- \- switch to font 1
+rg str \- \- registered trademark symbol
+rq str ",'' \- right double quotation marks
+s1 num \- i current point size
+s2 num \- i previous point size
+_sd \*X mac \- \- start display; if \*x is c, center display
+sf num \- i 1 if center display, 0 otherwise
+_si \*x num \- \- indent left margin by \*x (5n default)
+_sm \*Z mac \- \- print \*x 2p smaller, \*y after, \*z before;
+ if no arguments, decrease point size by 2p
+_sn \*x mac \- b space by \*x (1v default), enter nospace mode
+_sr \*x mac \- \- enter spacemode, space by \*x (1v default)
+t2 num 0 i 0 if little/no space, nonzero otherwise
+_tf div \- i text of footnotes
+tm num 1i-.5v \- height of top margin
+tt num .5i-.5v \- distance from top of page to header
+_ux \*Y mac \- \- print UNIX(tm), footnote; \*x after,
+ \*y before
+ux num 0 i 1 after UNIX(tm) footnote printed,
+ 0 before
+v1 num \- i current vertical spacing
+v2 num \- i previous vertical spacing
+vr str \- \- current version of news
+vs num 16p \- default vertical spacing
+vx num 0 i 1 after VAX(tm) footnote printed,
+ 0 before
+_vx \*Y mac \- \- print VAX(tm), footnote; \*x after,
+ \*y before
+ws str \- \- used to construct error message
+_ya mac \- \- same as calling _yf, _yi, _ys, _yv
+_yf mac \- \- restore fonts saved by _zf
+_yi mac \- \- restore indents saved by _zi
+Yr str \- \- current year
+_ys mac \- \- restore point sizes saved by _zs
+_yv mac \- \- restore vertical spacings saved by _zv
+_za mac \- \- same as calling _zf, _zi, _zs, _zv
+_zf mac \- \- save previous, current fonts
+_zi mac \- \- save previous, current indents
+_zs mac \- \- save previous, current point sizes
+_zv mac \- \- save previous, current vertical spacings