Problem: Cursor position wrong on wrapped line with 'signcolumn'.
Solution: Don't add space for showbreak twice. (Christian Brabandt,
closes #8262)
// TODO: is passing p for start of the line OK?
n_extra = win_lbr_chartabsize(wp, line, p, (colnr_T)vcol,
NULL) - 1;
+ // We have just drawn the showbreak value, no need to add
+ // space for it again
+ if (vcol == vcol_sbr)
+ n_extra -= MB_CHARLEN(get_showbreak_value(wp));
if (c == TAB && n_extra + col > wp->w_width)
n_extra = tabstop_padding(vcol, wp->w_buffer->b_p_ts,
set fillchars& fdc& foldmethod& foldenable&
+func Test_display_linebreak_breakat()
+ new
+ vert resize 25
+ let _breakat = &breakat
+ setl signcolumn=yes linebreak breakat=) showbreak=+\
+ call setline(1, repeat('x', winwidth(0) - 2) .. ')abc')
+ let lines = ScreenLines([1, 2], 25)
+ let expected = [
+ \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
+ \ ' + )abc '
+ \ ]
+ call assert_equal(expected, lines)
+ %bw!
+ let &breakat=_breakat
" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 2903,