]> granicus.if.org Git - openssl/commitdiff
GOST public key algorithm ENGINE donated to the OpenSSL by Cryptocom.
authorDr. Stephen Henson <steve@openssl.org>
Sun, 17 Sep 2006 13:00:18 +0000 (13:00 +0000)
committerDr. Stephen Henson <steve@openssl.org>
Sun, 17 Sep 2006 13:00:18 +0000 (13:00 +0000)
Very early version, doesn't do much yet, not even added to the build system.

33 files changed:
engines/ccgost/Makefile [new file with mode: 0644]
engines/ccgost/ameth.c [new file with mode: 0644]
engines/ccgost/crypt.h [new file with mode: 0644]
engines/ccgost/e_gost_err.c [new file with mode: 0644]
engines/ccgost/e_gost_err.h [new file with mode: 0644]
engines/ccgost/e_gost_err.proto [new file with mode: 0644]
engines/ccgost/engine.c [new file with mode: 0644]
engines/ccgost/gost.ec [new file with mode: 0644]
engines/ccgost/gost2001.c [new file with mode: 0644]
engines/ccgost/gost2001_keyx.c [new file with mode: 0644]
engines/ccgost/gost89.c [new file with mode: 0644]
engines/ccgost/gost89.h [new file with mode: 0644]
engines/ccgost/gost94_keyx.c [new file with mode: 0644]
engines/ccgost/gost_asn1.c [new file with mode: 0644]
engines/ccgost/gost_asn1.h [new file with mode: 0644]
engines/ccgost/gost_crypt.c [new file with mode: 0644]
engines/ccgost/gost_sign.c [new file with mode: 0644]
engines/ccgost/gosthash.c [new file with mode: 0644]
engines/ccgost/gosthash.h [new file with mode: 0644]
engines/ccgost/gostkeyx.h [new file with mode: 0644]
engines/ccgost/gostsum.1 [new file with mode: 0644]
engines/ccgost/gostsum.c [new file with mode: 0644]
engines/ccgost/keywrap.c [new file with mode: 0644]
engines/ccgost/keywrap.h [new file with mode: 0644]
engines/ccgost/md.h [new file with mode: 0644]
engines/ccgost/md_gost.c [new file with mode: 0644]
engines/ccgost/meth.h [new file with mode: 0644]
engines/ccgost/params.c [new file with mode: 0644]
engines/ccgost/paramset.h [new file with mode: 0644]
engines/ccgost/pmeth.c [new file with mode: 0644]
engines/ccgost/pmeth.h [new file with mode: 0644]
engines/ccgost/sign.h [new file with mode: 0644]
engines/ccgost/tools.h [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/engines/ccgost/Makefile b/engines/ccgost/Makefile
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b4caacd
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+# OPENSSL_DIR is a root directory of openssl sources
+THISDIR?=$(shell perl -MCwd -e 'print getcwd')
+CFLAGS=-fPIC -g -Wall -I$(OPENSSL_DIR)/include
+LDFLAGS=-g -L $(OPENSSL_DIR) -static-libgcc
+ifeq "$(FOR)" "s64"
+OS:=$(shell uname -s)
+ifeq "$(OS)" "FreeBSD" 
+LIBDIR:=$(shell LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(OPENSSL_DIR) $(OPENSSL_DIR)/apps/openssl version -d|sed -e 's/^[^"]*"//' -e 's/".*$$//')/lib
+LDFLAGS+=-rpath $(LIBDIR)
+ifeq "$(FOR)" "w32"
+ifeq "$(OS)" "Linux"
+ifneq "$(FOR)" ""
+export FOR
+export ENGINE_LIB
+ENG_SOURCES=md_gost.c  gost_crypt.c  gost_asn1.c ameth.c pmeth.c\
+       gost_crypt.c gost_sign.c gost2001.c md_gost.c gost_crypt.c\
+       engine.c gost94_keyx.c keywrap.c gost2001_keyx.c
+all: $(ENGINE_LIB) openssl.cnf
+$(ENGINE_LIB): e_gost_err.o engine.o ameth.o pmeth.o params.o md_gost.o gosthash.o gost89.o gost_sign.o gost_crypt.o  keywrap.o  gost2001.o gost94_keyx.o gost2001_keyx.o gost_asn1.o
+       $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -shared -o $@ $+ $(LIBS) $(LDFLAGS)
+openssl.cnf: openssl.cnf.1 openssl.cnf.2
+       cat $+ > $@
+       echo "openssl_conf = openssl_def" > $@
+       echo "[openssl_def]" > $@
+       echo "engines = engine_section" >> $@
+       echo "[engine_section]" >> $@
+       echo "$(ENGINE_ID) = $(ENGINE_ID)_section" >> $@
+       echo "[$(ENGINE_ID)_section]" >> $@
+       echo "dynamic_path = $(THISDIR)/$(ENGINE_LIB)" >> $@
+       echo "engine_id = $(ENGINE_ID)" >> $@
+       echo "default_algorithms = ALL" >> $@
+gosthash1.o: gosthash.c
+       $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -DOPENSSL_BUILD $+
+gostsum: gostsum.o gosthash.o gost89.o
+inttests: gosttest$(EXESUFFIX) etalon wraptest$(EXESUFFIX) etalon.wrap ectest$(EXESUFFIX) etalon.ec
+       ./gosttest${EXESUFFIX} > gost_test
+       diff -uw gost_test etalon
+       ./wraptest$(EXESUFFIX) > wrap_test
+       diff -uw wrap_test etalon.wrap
+       ./ectest$(EXESUFFIX) > ec_test 2>&1
+       diff -uw ec_test etalon.ec
+ectest$(EXESUFFIX): ectest.o gost2001_dbg.o gost_sign_dbg.o params.o e_gost_err.o
+       $(CC) -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) $+ -lcrypto 
+%_dbg.o: %.c   
+       $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -DDEBUG_SIGN -DDEBUG_KEYS -o $@ $+
+gosttest$(EXESUFFIX): gosttest.o gosthash.o gost89.o
+       $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $+
+wraptest$(EXESUFFIX): wraptest.c keywrap.c gost89.c    
+       $(CC) -DDEBUG_DH $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $+
+sign_ex: LOADLIBES=-lcrypto
+sign_ex: sign_ex.o
+       rm -f core gosttest gostsum *.o gost_test openssl.cnf* $(ENGINE_LIB)
+       if [ -f t/Makefile ]; then $(MAKE) -C t clean; fi
+       if [ -f $(TESTSUITE_DIR)/Makefile ]; then $(MAKE) -C $(TESTSUITE_DIR) clean; fi
+e_gost_err.c e_gost_err.h: $(ENG_SOURCES) gost.ec e_gost_err.proto
+       perl $(OPENSSL_DIR)/util/mkerr.pl -conf gost.ec -nostatic -debug -write $(ENG_SOURCES)
+tests: openssl.cnf.2
+# depedencies
+gost_sign.o: gost_sign.c sign.h paramset.h tools.h e_gost_err.h
+pmeth.o: pmeth.c meth.h pmeth.h sign.h paramset.h e_gost_err.h
+ameth.o: ameth.c tools.h meth.h pmeth.h gost_asn1.h crypt.h e_gost_err.h paramset.h
+keywrap.o: keywrap.c gost89.h keywrap.h
+gost2001.o: gost2001.c tools.h sign.h paramset.h e_gost_err.h
+engine.o: engine.c md.h crypt.h meth.h e_gost_err.h
+gost89.o: gost89.c gost89.h
+gost_asn1.o: gost_asn1.c gost_asn1.h
+gost_crypt.o: gost_crypt.c crypt.h gost89.h e_gost_err.h gost_asn1.h
+gosthash.o: gosthash.c gost89.h gosthash.h
+md_gost.o: md_gost.c md.h gosthash.h e_gost_err.h
+params.o: params.c paramset.h
+gost94_keyx.o: gost94_keyx.c  gost_asn1.h gost89.h gosthash.h crypt.h pmeth.h keywrap.h e_gost_err.h gostkeyx.h
+gost2001_keyx.o: gost2001_keyx.c gost89.h gost_asn1.h e_gost_err.h keywrap.h crypt.h sign.h gostkeyx.h pmeth.h gosthash.h tools.h
diff --git a/engines/ccgost/ameth.c b/engines/ccgost/ameth.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..c64cd2d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,671 @@
+ *                          ameth.c                                   *
+ *             Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Cryptocom LTD                  *
+ *         This file is distributed under the same license as OpenSSL *
+ *                                                                    *
+ *       Implementation of RFC 4490/4491 ASN1 method                  *
+ *       for OpenSSL                                                  *
+ *          Requires OpenSSL 0.9.9 for compilation                    *
+ **********************************************************************/
+#include <openssl/engine.h>
+#include <openssl/evp.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "meth.h"
+#include "pmeth.h"
+#include "paramset.h"
+#include "gost_asn1.h"
+#include "crypt.h"
+#include "sign.h"
+#include "tools.h"
+#include "e_gost_err.h"
+int gost94_nid_by_params(DSA *p) 
+       R3410_params *gost_params;
+       BIGNUM *q=BN_new();
+       for (gost_params = R3410_paramset;gost_params->q!=NULL; gost_params++) {
+               BN_dec2bn(&q,gost_params->q);
+               if (!BN_cmp(q,p->q)) 
+               {
+                       BN_free(q);
+                       return gost_params->nid;
+               }
+       }       
+       BN_free(q);
+       return NID_undef;
+static ASN1_STRING  *encode_gost_algor_params(const EVP_PKEY *key)
+       ASN1_STRING *params = ASN1_STRING_new();
+       GOST_KEY_PARAMS *gkp = GOST_KEY_PARAMS_new();
+       int pkey_param_nid = NID_undef;
+       int cipher_param_nid = NID_undef;
+       if (!params || !gkp) {
+                       ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);
+               ASN1_STRING_free(params);
+               params = NULL;
+               goto err;
+       }       
+       switch (EVP_PKEY_base_id(key)) {
+       case NID_id_GostR3410_2001_cc:
+               pkey_param_nid = NID_id_GostR3410_2001_ParamSet_cc;
+               cipher_param_nid = NID_id_Gost28147_89_cc;
+               break;
+       case NID_id_GostR3410_94_cc:
+               pkey_param_nid = NID_id_GostR3410_94_CryptoPro_A_ParamSet;
+               cipher_param_nid = NID_id_Gost28147_89_cc;
+               break;
+       case NID_id_GostR3410_2001:
+               pkey_param_nid = EC_GROUP_get_curve_name(EC_KEY_get0_group(EVP_PKEY_get0((EVP_PKEY *)key)));
+               cipher_param_nid = get_encryption_params(NULL)->nid;
+               break;
+       case NID_id_GostR3410_94:
+               pkey_param_nid = (int) gost94_nid_by_params(EVP_PKEY_get0((EVP_PKEY *)key));
+               if (pkey_param_nid == NID_undef) {
+                       GOSTerr(GOST_F_ENCODE_GOST_ALGOR_PARAMS,
+                       GOST_R_INVALID_GOST94_PARMSET);
+                       ASN1_STRING_free(params);
+                       params=NULL;
+                       goto err;
+               }       
+               cipher_param_nid = get_encryption_params(NULL)->nid;
+               break;
+       }       
+       gkp->key_params = OBJ_nid2obj(pkey_param_nid);
+       gkp->hash_params = OBJ_nid2obj(NID_id_GostR3411_94_CryptoProParamSet);
+       /*gkp->cipher_params = OBJ_nid2obj(cipher_param_nid);*/
+       params->length = i2d_GOST_KEY_PARAMS(gkp, &params->data);
+       if (params->length <=0 ) 
+       {
+                       ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);
+               ASN1_STRING_free(params);
+               params = NULL;
+               goto err;
+       }
+       params ->type = V_ASN1_SEQUENCE;
+       GOST_KEY_PARAMS_free(gkp);
+       return params;
+/* Parses GOST algorithm parameters from X509_ALGOR and
+ * modifies pkey setting NID and parameters
+ */
+static int decode_gost_algor_params(EVP_PKEY *pkey, X509_ALGOR *palg) 
+       ASN1_OBJECT *palg_obj =NULL;
+       int ptype = V_ASN1_UNDEF;
+       int pkey_nid = NID_undef,param_nid = NID_undef;
+       ASN1_STRING *pval = NULL;
+       const unsigned char  *p;
+       GOST_KEY_PARAMS *gkp = NULL;
+       X509_ALGOR_get0(&palg_obj, &ptype, (void **) (&pval), palg);
+       if (ptype != V_ASN1_SEQUENCE) {
+                       GOST_R_BAD_KEY_PARAMETERS_FORMAT);
+               return 0;
+       }       
+       p=pval->data;
+       pkey_nid = OBJ_obj2nid(palg_obj);
+       gkp = d2i_GOST_KEY_PARAMS(NULL,&p,pval->length);
+       if (!gkp) {
+       }       
+       param_nid = OBJ_obj2nid(gkp->key_params);
+       GOST_KEY_PARAMS_free(gkp);
+       EVP_PKEY_set_type(pkey,pkey_nid);
+       switch (pkey_nid) {
+       case NID_id_GostR3410_94:
+       case NID_id_GostR3410_94_cc:
+               {       DSA *dsa= EVP_PKEY_get0(pkey);
+                       if (!dsa) {
+                               dsa = DSA_new();
+                               if (!EVP_PKEY_assign(pkey,pkey_nid,dsa)) return 0;
+                       }
+                       if (!fill_GOST94_params(dsa,param_nid)) return 0;
+                       break;
+               }
+       case NID_id_GostR3410_2001:
+       case NID_id_GostR3410_2001_cc:
+               { EC_KEY *ec = EVP_PKEY_get0(pkey);
+                       if (!ec) {
+                               ec = EC_KEY_new();
+                               if (!EVP_PKEY_assign(pkey,pkey_nid,ec)) return 0;
+                       }
+                       if (!fill_GOST2001_params(ec,param_nid)) return 0;
+               }       
+       }                       
+       return 1;
+static int gost_set_priv_key(EVP_PKEY *pkey,BIGNUM *priv) 
+       switch (EVP_PKEY_base_id(pkey)) {
+       case NID_id_GostR3410_94:
+       case NID_id_GostR3410_94_cc:
+               {       DSA *dsa = EVP_PKEY_get0(pkey);
+                       if (!dsa) {
+                               dsa = DSA_new();
+                               EVP_PKEY_assign(pkey,EVP_PKEY_base_id(pkey),dsa);
+                       }       
+                       dsa->priv_key = BN_dup(priv);
+                       if (!EVP_PKEY_missing_parameters(pkey)) 
+                               gost94_compute_public(dsa);
+                       break;
+               }       
+       case NID_id_GostR3410_2001:
+       case NID_id_GostR3410_2001_cc:
+               {       EC_KEY *ec = EVP_PKEY_get0(pkey);
+                       if (!ec) {
+                               ec = EC_KEY_new();
+                               EVP_PKEY_assign(pkey,EVP_PKEY_base_id(pkey),ec);
+                       }       
+                       if (!EC_KEY_set_private_key(ec,priv)) return 0;
+                       if (!EVP_PKEY_missing_parameters(pkey)) 
+                               gost2001_compute_public(ec);
+                       break;
+               }
+       }
+       return 1;               
+BIGNUM* gost_get_priv_key(const EVP_PKEY *pkey) 
+       switch (EVP_PKEY_base_id(pkey)) {
+       case NID_id_GostR3410_94:
+       case NID_id_GostR3410_94_cc:
+               {       DSA *dsa = EVP_PKEY_get0((EVP_PKEY *)pkey);
+                       if (!dsa) {
+                               return NULL;
+                       }       
+                       if (!dsa->priv_key) return NULL;
+                       return BN_dup(dsa->priv_key);
+                       break;
+               }       
+       case NID_id_GostR3410_2001:
+       case NID_id_GostR3410_2001_cc:
+               {       EC_KEY *ec = EVP_PKEY_get0((EVP_PKEY *)pkey);
+                       const BIGNUM* priv;
+                       if (!ec) {
+                               return NULL;
+                       }       
+                       if (!(priv=EC_KEY_get0_private_key(ec))) return NULL;
+                       return BN_dup(priv);
+                       break;
+               }
+       }
+       return NULL;            
+static int pkey_ctrl_gost(EVP_PKEY *pkey, int op,
+                             long arg1, void *arg2)
+       switch (op)
+       {
+               case ASN1_PKEY_CTRL_PKCS7_SIGN:
+                       if (arg1 == 0) {
+                               X509_ALGOR *alg1 = NULL, *alg2 = NULL;
+                               int nid = EVP_PKEY_base_id(pkey);
+                               PKCS7_SIGNER_INFO_get0_algs((PKCS7_SIGNER_INFO*)arg2, 
+                                               NULL, &alg1, &alg2);
+                               X509_ALGOR_set0(alg1, OBJ_nid2obj(NID_id_GostR3411_94),
+                                               V_ASN1_NULL, 0);
+                               if (nid == NID_undef) {
+                                       return (-1);
+                               }
+                               X509_ALGOR_set0(alg2, OBJ_nid2obj(nid), V_ASN1_NULL, 0);
+                       }
+                       return 1;
+               case ASN1_PKEY_CTRL_PKCS7_ENCRYPT:
+                       if (arg1 == 0)
+                               {
+                               X509_ALGOR *alg;
+                               ASN1_STRING * params = encode_gost_algor_params(pkey);
+                               if (!params) {
+                                       return -1;
+                               }
+                               PKCS7_RECIP_INFO_get0_alg((PKCS7_RECIP_INFO*)arg2, &alg);
+                               X509_ALGOR_set0(alg, OBJ_nid2obj(pkey->type),
+                                                               V_ASN1_SEQUENCE, params);
+                               }
+                       return 1;
+               case ASN1_PKEY_CTRL_DEFAULT_MD_NID:
+               *(int *)arg2 = NID_id_GostR3411_94;
+               return 2;
+       }
+       return -2;
+/*----------------------- free functions * ------------------------------*/
+static void pkey_free_gost94(EVP_PKEY *key) {
+       if (key->pkey.dsa) {
+               DSA_free(key->pkey.dsa);
+       }
+static void pkey_free_gost01(EVP_PKEY *key) {
+       if (key->pkey.ec) {
+               EC_KEY_free(key->pkey.ec);
+       }
+/* ------------------ private key functions  -----------------------------*/
+static int priv_decode_gost( EVP_PKEY *pk, PKCS8_PRIV_KEY_INFO *p8inf) 
+       const unsigned char *pkey_buf = NULL,*p=NULL;
+       int priv_len = 0;
+       BIGNUM *pk_num=NULL;
+       int ret =0;
+       X509_ALGOR *palg =NULL;
+       ASN1_OBJECT *palg_obj = NULL;
+       ASN1_INTEGER *priv_key=NULL;
+       if (!PKCS8_pkey_get0(&palg_obj,&pkey_buf,&priv_len,&palg,p8inf)) 
+               return 0;
+       p = pkey_buf;
+       if (!decode_gost_algor_params(pk,palg)) {
+               return 0;
+       }       
+       priv_key=d2i_ASN1_INTEGER(NULL,&p,priv_len);
+       if (!priv_key) {
+       }
+       if (!(pk_num =  ASN1_INTEGER_to_BN(priv_key, NULL))) {
+               GOSTerr(GOST_F_PRIV_DECODE_GOST_94,
+                       EVP_R_DECODE_ERROR);
+       }
+       ret= gost_set_priv_key(pk,pk_num);
+       BN_free(pk_num);
+       return ret;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+static int priv_encode_gost(PKCS8_PRIV_KEY_INFO *p8, const EVP_PKEY *pk)
+       ASN1_OBJECT *algobj = OBJ_nid2obj(EVP_PKEY_base_id(pk));
+       ASN1_STRING *params = encode_gost_algor_params(pk);
+       unsigned char *priv_buf = NULL;
+       int priv_len;
+       BIGNUM *key;
+       ASN1_INTEGER *asn1key=NULL;
+       if (!params) {
+               return 0;
+       }
+       key = gost_get_priv_key(pk);
+       asn1key = BN_to_ASN1_INTEGER(key,NULL);
+       BN_free(key);
+       priv_len = i2d_ASN1_INTEGER(asn1key,&priv_buf);
+       ASN1_INTEGER_free(asn1key);
+       return PKCS8_pkey_set0(p8,algobj,0,V_ASN1_SEQUENCE,params,
+               priv_buf,priv_len);
+static int priv_print_gost (BIO *out,const EVP_PKEY *pkey, int indent,
+ ASN1_PCTX *pctx) 
+       BIGNUM *key;
+       if (!BIO_indent(out,indent,128)) return 0;
+       key = gost_get_priv_key(pkey);
+       if (!key) return 0;
+       BN_print(out,key);
+       BN_free(key);
+       return 1;
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+static int param_missing_gost94(const EVP_PKEY *pk) 
+       const DSA *dsa = EVP_PKEY_get0((EVP_PKEY *)pk);
+       if (!dsa) return 1;
+       if (!dsa->q) return 1;
+       return 0;
+static int param_missing_gost01(const EVP_PKEY *pk) 
+       const EC_KEY *ec = EVP_PKEY_get0((EVP_PKEY *)pk);
+       if (!ec) return 1;
+       if (!EC_KEY_get0_group(ec)) return 1;
+       return 0;
+static int param_copy_gost94(EVP_PKEY *to, const EVP_PKEY *from) 
+       const DSA *dfrom = EVP_PKEY_get0((EVP_PKEY *)from);
+       DSA *dto = EVP_PKEY_get0(to);
+       if (EVP_PKEY_base_id(from) != EVP_PKEY_base_id(to)) 
+       {
+               GOSTerr(GOST_F_PARAM_COPY_GOST94,
+               return 0;
+       }       
+       if (!dfrom) 
+       {
+               GOSTerr(GOST_F_PARAM_COPY_GOST94,
+               return 0;
+       }       
+       if (!dto) 
+       {
+               dto = DSA_new();
+               EVP_PKEY_assign(to,EVP_PKEY_base_id(from),dto);
+       }       
+#define COPYBIGNUM(a,b,x) if (a->x) BN_free(a->x); a->x=BN_dup(b->x);  
+       COPYBIGNUM(dto,dfrom,p)
+       COPYBIGNUM(dto,dfrom,q)
+       COPYBIGNUM(dto,dfrom,g)
+       if (dto->priv_key) 
+               gost94_compute_public(dto);
+       return 1;       
+static int param_copy_gost01(EVP_PKEY *to, const EVP_PKEY *from) {
+       EC_KEY *eto = EVP_PKEY_get0(to);
+       const EC_KEY *efrom = EVP_PKEY_get0((EVP_PKEY *)from);
+       if (EVP_PKEY_base_id(from) != EVP_PKEY_base_id(to)) {
+               GOSTerr(GOST_F_PARAM_COPY_GOST01,
+               return 0;
+       }       
+       if (!efrom) {
+               GOSTerr(GOST_F_PARAM_COPY_GOST94,
+               return 0;
+       }       
+       if (!eto) {
+               eto = EC_KEY_new();
+               EVP_PKEY_assign(to,EVP_PKEY_base_id(from),eto);
+       }       
+       EC_KEY_set_group(eto,EC_GROUP_dup(EC_KEY_get0_group(efrom)));
+       if (EC_KEY_get0_private_key(eto)) {
+               gost2001_compute_public(eto);
+       }
+       return 1;
+static int param_cmp_gost94(const EVP_PKEY *a, const EVP_PKEY *b) {
+       const DSA *da = EVP_PKEY_get0((EVP_PKEY *)a);
+       const DSA *db = EVP_PKEY_get0((EVP_PKEY *)b);
+       if (!BN_cmp(da->q,db->q)) return 1;
+       return 0;
+static int param_cmp_gost01(const EVP_PKEY *a, const EVP_PKEY *b) {
+       if (EC_GROUP_get_curve_name(EC_KEY_get0_group(EVP_PKEY_get0((EVP_PKEY *)a)))==
+               EC_GROUP_get_curve_name(EC_KEY_get0_group(EVP_PKEY_get0((EVP_PKEY *)b)))) {
+                       return 1;
+       }
+       return 0;
+/* ---------- Public key functions * --------------------------------------*/
+static int pub_decode_gost94(EVP_PKEY *pk, X509_PUBKEY *pub)
+       X509_ALGOR *palg = NULL;
+       const unsigned char *pubkey_buf = NULL;
+       unsigned char *databuf;
+       ASN1_OBJECT *palgobj = NULL;
+       int pub_len,i,j;
+       DSA *dsa;
+       ASN1_OCTET_STRING *octet= NULL;
+       if (!X509_PUBKEY_get0_param(&palgobj,&pubkey_buf,&pub_len,
+               &palg, pub)) return 0;
+       EVP_PKEY_assign(pk,OBJ_obj2nid(palgobj),NULL);  
+       if (!decode_gost_algor_params(pk,palg)) return 0;
+       octet = d2i_ASN1_OCTET_STRING(NULL,&pubkey_buf,pub_len);
+       if (!octet) 
+       {
+               return 0;
+       }       
+       databuf = OPENSSL_malloc(octet->length);
+       for (i=0,j=octet->length-1;i<octet->length;i++,j--)
+       {
+               databuf[j]=octet->data[i];
+       }       
+       dsa = EVP_PKEY_get0(pk);
+       dsa->pub_key=BN_bin2bn(databuf,octet->length,NULL);
+       ASN1_OCTET_STRING_free(octet);
+       OPENSSL_free(databuf);
+       return 1;
+static int pub_encode_gost94(X509_PUBKEY *pub,const EVP_PKEY *pk)
+       ASN1_OBJECT *algobj = NULL;
+       ASN1_OCTET_STRING *octet = NULL;
+       void *pval = NULL;
+       unsigned char *buf=NULL,*databuf,*sptr;
+       int i,j,data_len,ret=0;
+       int ptype;
+       DSA *dsa = EVP_PKEY_get0((EVP_PKEY *)pk);
+       algobj = OBJ_nid2obj(EVP_PKEY_base_id(pk));
+       if (pk->save_parameters) {
+               ASN1_STRING *params = encode_gost_algor_params(pk);
+               pval = params;
+               ptype = V_ASN1_SEQUENCE;
+       }       
+       data_len = BN_num_bytes(dsa->pub_key);
+       databuf = OPENSSL_malloc(data_len);
+       BN_bn2bin(dsa->pub_key,databuf);
+       octet = ASN1_OCTET_STRING_new();
+       ASN1_STRING_set(octet,NULL,data_len);
+       sptr = ASN1_STRING_data(octet);
+       for (i=0,j=data_len-1; i< data_len;i++,j--)
+       {
+               sptr[i]=databuf[j];
+       }
+       OPENSSL_free(databuf);
+       ret = i2d_ASN1_OCTET_STRING(octet,&buf);
+       ASN1_BIT_STRING_free(octet);
+       if (ret <0)  return 0;
+       return X509_PUBKEY_set0_param(pub,algobj,ptype,pval,buf,ret);
+static int pub_decode_gost01(EVP_PKEY *pk,X509_PUBKEY *pub)
+       X509_ALGOR *palg = NULL;
+       const unsigned char *pubkey_buf = NULL;
+       unsigned char *databuf;
+       ASN1_OBJECT *palgobj = NULL;
+       int pub_len,i,j;
+       EC_POINT *pub_key;
+       BIGNUM *X,*Y;
+       ASN1_OCTET_STRING *octet= NULL;
+       const EC_GROUP *group;
+       if (!X509_PUBKEY_get0_param(&palgobj,&pubkey_buf,&pub_len,
+               &palg, pub)) return 0;
+       EVP_PKEY_assign(pk,OBJ_obj2nid(palgobj),NULL);  
+       if (!decode_gost_algor_params(pk,palg)) return 0;
+       group = EC_KEY_get0_group(EVP_PKEY_get0(pk));
+       octet = d2i_ASN1_OCTET_STRING(NULL,&pubkey_buf,pub_len);
+       if (!octet) 
+       {
+               return 0;
+       }       
+       databuf = OPENSSL_malloc(octet->length);
+       for (i=0,j=octet->length-1;i<octet->length;i++,j--)
+       {
+               databuf[j]=octet->data[i];
+       }
+       if (EVP_PKEY_base_id(pk) == NID_id_GostR3410_2001_cc) {
+               X= getbnfrombuf(databuf,octet->length/2);
+               Y= getbnfrombuf(databuf+(octet->length/2),octet->length/2);
+       } else {
+               Y= getbnfrombuf(databuf,octet->length/2);
+               X= getbnfrombuf(databuf+(octet->length/2),octet->length/2);
+       }
+       OPENSSL_free(databuf);
+       pub_key = EC_POINT_new(group);
+       if (!EC_POINT_set_affine_coordinates_GFp(group
+               ,pub_key,X,Y,NULL))
+       {
+               GOSTerr(GOST_F_PUB_DECODE_GOST01,
+               ERR_R_EC_LIB);
+               return 0;
+       }       
+       BN_free(X);
+       BN_free(Y);
+       if (!EC_KEY_set_public_key(EVP_PKEY_get0(pk),pub_key))
+       {
+               GOSTerr(GOST_F_PUB_DECODE_GOST01,
+               ERR_R_EC_LIB);
+               return 0;
+       }       
+       /*EC_POINT_free(pub_key);*/
+       return 1;
+static int pub_encode_gost01(X509_PUBKEY *pub,const EVP_PKEY *pk)
+       ASN1_OBJECT *algobj = NULL;
+       ASN1_OCTET_STRING *octet = NULL;
+       void *pval = NULL;
+       unsigned char *buf=NULL,*databuf,*sptr;
+       int i,j,data_len,ret=0;
+       const EC_POINT *pub_key;
+       BIGNUM *X,*Y,*order;
+       const EC_KEY *ec = EVP_PKEY_get0((EVP_PKEY *)pk);
+       int ptype;
+       algobj = OBJ_nid2obj(EVP_PKEY_base_id(pk));
+       if (pk->save_parameters) {
+               ASN1_STRING *params = encode_gost_algor_params(pk);
+               pval = params;
+               ptype = V_ASN1_SEQUENCE;
+       }
+       order = BN_new();
+       EC_GROUP_get_order(EC_KEY_get0_group(ec),order,NULL);
+       pub_key=EC_KEY_get0_public_key(ec);
+       if (!pub_key) {
+               GOSTerr(GOST_F_PUB_ENCODE_GOST01,
+               return 0;
+       }       
+       X=BN_new();
+       Y=BN_new();
+       EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates_GFp(EC_KEY_get0_group(ec),
+               pub_key,X,Y,NULL);
+       data_len = 2*BN_num_bytes(order);
+       BN_free(order);
+       databuf = OPENSSL_malloc(data_len);
+       memset(databuf,0,data_len);
+       if (EVP_PKEY_base_id(pk) == NID_id_GostR3410_2001_cc) {
+               store_bignum(X,databuf,data_len/2);
+               store_bignum(Y,databuf+data_len/2,data_len/2);
+       } else {
+               store_bignum(X,databuf+data_len/2,data_len/2);
+               store_bignum(Y,databuf,data_len/2);
+       }
+       BN_free(X);
+       BN_free(Y);
+       octet = ASN1_OCTET_STRING_new();
+       ASN1_STRING_set(octet,NULL,data_len);
+       sptr=ASN1_STRING_data(octet);
+    for (i=0,j=data_len-1;i<data_len;i++,j--) {
+        sptr[i]=databuf[j];
+    }
+    OPENSSL_free(databuf);
+       ret = i2d_ASN1_OCTET_STRING(octet,&buf);
+       ASN1_BIT_STRING_free(octet);
+       if (ret <0)  return 0;
+       return X509_PUBKEY_set0_param(pub,algobj,ptype,pval,buf,ret);
+static int pub_cmp_gost94(const EVP_PKEY *a, const EVP_PKEY *b)
+       const DSA *da = EVP_PKEY_get0((EVP_PKEY *)a);
+       const DSA *db = EVP_PKEY_get0((EVP_PKEY *)b);
+       if (da && db && da->pub_key && db->pub_key
+               && !BN_cmp(da->pub_key,db->pub_key)) {
+                       return 1;
+       }               
+       return 0;
+static int pub_cmp_gost01(const EVP_PKEY *a,const EVP_PKEY *b)
+       const EC_KEY *ea = EVP_PKEY_get0((EVP_PKEY *)a);
+       const EC_KEY *eb = EVP_PKEY_get0((EVP_PKEY *)b);
+       const EC_POINT *ka,*kb;
+       int ret=0;
+       if (!ea || !eb) return 0;
+       ka = EC_KEY_get0_public_key(ea);
+       kb = EC_KEY_get0_public_key(eb);
+       if (!ka || !kb) return 0;
+       ret = (0==EC_POINT_cmp(EC_KEY_get0_group(ea),ka,kb,NULL)) ;
+       return ret;
+static int pub_print_gost94(BIO *out, const EVP_PKEY *pkey, int indent,
+       ASN1_PCTX *pctx)
+       const BIGNUM *key;
+       if (!BIO_indent(out,indent,128)) return 0;
+       key = ((DSA *)EVP_PKEY_get0((EVP_PKEY *)pkey))->pub_key;
+       if (!key) return 0;
+       BN_print(out,key);
+       return 1;
+static int pub_print_gost01(BIO *out, const EVP_PKEY *pkey, int indent,
+       ASN1_PCTX *pctx)
+       return 0;
+static int pkey_size_gost(const EVP_PKEY *pk)
+       return 64;
+static int pkey_bits_gost(const EVP_PKEY *pk)
+       return 256;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+int register_ameth_gost (int nid, EVP_PKEY_ASN1_METHOD **ameth, const char* pemstr, const char* info) {
+       *ameth =        EVP_PKEY_asn1_new(nid, 
+                       ASN1_PKEY_SIGPARAM_NULL, pemstr, info); 
+       if (!*ameth) return 0;
+       switch (nid) {
+               case NID_id_GostR3410_94_cc:
+               case NID_id_GostR3410_94:
+                       EVP_PKEY_asn1_set_free (*ameth, pkey_free_gost94);
+                       EVP_PKEY_asn1_set_private (*ameth, 
+                               priv_decode_gost, priv_encode_gost, 
+                               priv_print_gost);
+                       EVP_PKEY_asn1_set_param (*ameth, 0, 0,
+                               param_missing_gost94, param_copy_gost94, 
+                               param_cmp_gost94,0 );
+                       EVP_PKEY_asn1_set_public (*ameth,
+                               pub_decode_gost94, pub_encode_gost94,
+                               pub_cmp_gost94, pub_print_gost94,
+                               pkey_size_gost, pkey_bits_gost);
+                       EVP_PKEY_asn1_set_ctrl (*ameth, pkey_ctrl_gost);
+                       break;
+               case NID_id_GostR3410_2001_cc:
+               case NID_id_GostR3410_2001:
+                       EVP_PKEY_asn1_set_free (*ameth, pkey_free_gost01);
+                       EVP_PKEY_asn1_set_private (*ameth, 
+                               priv_decode_gost, priv_encode_gost, 
+                               priv_print_gost);
+                       EVP_PKEY_asn1_set_param (*ameth, 0, 0,
+                               param_missing_gost01, param_copy_gost01, 
+                               param_cmp_gost01, 0);
+                       EVP_PKEY_asn1_set_public (*ameth,
+                               pub_decode_gost01, pub_encode_gost01,
+                               pub_cmp_gost01, pub_print_gost01,
+                               pkey_size_gost, pkey_bits_gost);
+                       EVP_PKEY_asn1_set_ctrl (*ameth, pkey_ctrl_gost);
+                       break;
+       }               
+       return 1;
diff --git a/engines/ccgost/crypt.h b/engines/ccgost/crypt.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..bdd3dc0
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ *                        gost_crypt.h                                *
+ *             Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Cryptocom LTD                  *
+ *       This file is distributed under the same license as OpenSSL   *
+ *                                                                    *
+ *          Declarations for GOST 28147-89 encryption algorithm       *
+ *            OpenSSL 0.9.9 libraries required                        *
+ **********************************************************************/            
+#ifndef GOST_CRYPT_H
+#define GOST_CRYPT_H
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <openssl/err.h>
+#include <openssl/evp.h>
+#include "gost89.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+/* Cipher context used for EVP_CIPHER operation */
+struct ossl_gost_cipher_ctx {
+       int paramNID;
+       off_t count;
+       int key_meshing;
+       gost_ctx cctx;
+/* Structure to map parameter NID to S-block */
+struct gost_cipher_info {
+       int nid;
+       gost_subst_block *sblock;
+       int key_meshing;
+#ifdef USE_SSL
+/* Context for MAC */
+struct ossl_gost_imit_ctx {
+       gost_ctx cctx;
+       unsigned char buffer[8];
+       unsigned char partial_block[8];
+       off_t count;
+       int key_meshing;
+       int bytes_left;
+       int key_set;
+/* Table which maps parameter NID to S-blocks */
+extern struct gost_cipher_info gost_cipher_list[];
+/* Find encryption params from ASN1_OBJECT */
+const struct gost_cipher_info *get_encryption_params(ASN1_OBJECT *obj);
+/* Implementation of GOST 28147-89 cipher in CFB and CNT modes */
+extern EVP_CIPHER cipher_gost;
+#ifdef USE_SSL
+#define EVP_MD_FLAG_NEEDS_KEY 0x20
+/* Ciphers and MACs specific for GOST TLS draft */
+extern EVP_CIPHER cipher_gost_vizircfb;
+extern EVP_CIPHER cipher_gost_cpacnt;
+extern EVP_MD imit_gost_vizir;
+extern EVP_MD imit_gost_cpa;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+  };
diff --git a/engines/ccgost/e_gost_err.c b/engines/ccgost/e_gost_err.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5ba09e8
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+/* e_gost_err.c */
+/* ====================================================================
+ * Copyright (c) 1999-2005 The OpenSSL Project.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ *
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 
+ *
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
+ *    the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+ *    distribution.
+ *
+ * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this
+ *    software must display the following acknowledgment:
+ *    "This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project
+ *    for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. (http://www.OpenSSL.org/)"
+ *
+ * 4. The names "OpenSSL Toolkit" and "OpenSSL Project" must not be used to
+ *    endorse or promote products derived from this software without
+ *    prior written permission. For written permission, please contact
+ *    openssl-core@OpenSSL.org.
+ *
+ * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "OpenSSL"
+ *    nor may "OpenSSL" appear in their names without prior written
+ *    permission of the OpenSSL Project.
+ *
+ * 6. Redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following
+ *    acknowledgment:
+ *    "This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project
+ *    for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (http://www.OpenSSL.org/)"
+ *
+ * ====================================================================
+ *
+ * This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young
+ * (eay@cryptsoft.com).  This product includes software written by Tim
+ * Hudson (tjh@cryptsoft.com).
+ *
+ */
+/* NOTE: this file was auto generated by the mkerr.pl script: any changes
+ * made to it will be overwritten when the script next updates this file,
+ * only reason strings will be preserved.
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <openssl/err.h>
+#include "e_gost_err.h"
+#define ERR_FUNC(func) ERR_PACK(0,func,0)
+#define ERR_REASON(reason) ERR_PACK(0,0,reason)
+static ERR_STRING_DATA GOST_str_functs[]=
+       {
+{ERR_FUNC(GOST_F_DECRYPT_CRYPTOCOM_KEY),       "decrypt_cryptocom_key"},
+{ERR_FUNC(GOST_F_GET_ENCRYPTION_PARAMS),       "get_encryption_params"},
+{ERR_FUNC(GOST_F_GOST89_GET_ASN1_PARAMETERS),  "gost89_get_asn1_parameters"},
+{ERR_FUNC(GOST_F_GOST89_SET_ASN1_PARAMETERS),  "gost89_set_asn1_parameters"},
+{ERR_FUNC(GOST_F_GOST_CIPHER_CTL),     "gost_cipher_ctl"},
+{ERR_FUNC(GOST_F_PKEY_GOST01CC_DECRYPT),       "pkey_GOST01cc_decrypt"},
+{ERR_FUNC(GOST_F_PKEY_GOST01CC_ENCRYPT),       "pkey_GOST01cc_encrypt"},
+{ERR_FUNC(GOST_F_PKEY_GOST01CP_ENCRYPT),       "pkey_GOST01cp_encrypt"},
+{ERR_FUNC(GOST_F_PKEY_GOST94CC_DECRYPT),       "pkey_GOST94cc_decrypt"},
+{ERR_FUNC(GOST_F_PKEY_GOST94CC_ENCRYPT),       "pkey_GOST94cc_encrypt"},
+{ERR_FUNC(GOST_F_PKEY_GOST94CP_DECRYPT),       "pkey_GOST94cp_decrypt"},
+{ERR_FUNC(GOST_F_PKEY_GOST94CP_ENCRYPT),       "pkey_GOST94cp_encrypt"},
+       };
+static ERR_STRING_DATA GOST_str_reasons[]=
+       {
+{ERR_REASON(GOST_R_BAD_KEY_PARAMETERS_FORMAT),"bad key parameters format"},
+{ERR_REASON(GOST_R_BAD_PKEY_PARAMETERS_FORMAT),"bad pkey parameters format"},
+{ERR_REASON(GOST_R_CANNOT_PACK_EPHEMERAL_KEY),"cannot pack ephemeral key"},
+{ERR_REASON(GOST_R_CTX_NOT_INITIALIZED_FOR_ENCRYPT),"ctx not initialized for encrypt"},
+{ERR_REASON(GOST_R_ERROR_COMPUTING_MAC)  ,"error computing mac"},
+{ERR_REASON(GOST_R_ERROR_COMPUTING_SHARED_KEY),"error computing shared key"},
+{ERR_REASON(GOST_R_ERROR_PACKING_KEY_TRANSPORT_INFO),"error packing key transport info"},
+{ERR_REASON(GOST_R_ERROR_PARSING_KEY_TRANSPORT_INFO),"error parsing key transport info"},
+{ERR_REASON(GOST_R_ERROR_STORING_ENCRYPTED_KEY),"error storing encrypted key"},
+{ERR_REASON(GOST_R_ERROR_STORING_IV)     ,"error storing iv"},
+{ERR_REASON(GOST_R_ERROR_STORING_MAC)    ,"error storing mac"},
+{ERR_REASON(GOST_R_INCOMPATIBLE_ALGORITHMS),"incompatible algorithms"},
+{ERR_REASON(GOST_R_INVALID_CIPHER_PARAMS),"invalid cipher params"},
+{ERR_REASON(GOST_R_INVALID_CIPHER_PARAM_OID),"invalid cipher param oid"},
+{ERR_REASON(GOST_R_INVALID_DIGEST_TYPE)  ,"invalid digest type"},
+{ERR_REASON(GOST_R_INVALID_ENCRYPTED_KEY_SIZE),"invalid encrypted key size"},
+{ERR_REASON(GOST_R_INVALID_GOST94_PARMSET),"invalid gost94 parmset"},
+{ERR_REASON(GOST_R_INVALID_IV_LENGTH)    ,"invalid iv length"},
+{ERR_REASON(GOST_R_INVALID_PARAMSET)     ,"invalid paramset"},
+{ERR_REASON(GOST_R_KEY_IS_NOT_INITALIZED),"key is not initalized"},
+{ERR_REASON(GOST_R_KEY_IS_NOT_INITIALIZED),"key is not initialized"},
+{ERR_REASON(GOST_R_KEY_PARAMETERS_MISSING),"key parameters missing"},
+{ERR_REASON(GOST_R_MALLOC_FAILURE)       ,"malloc failure"},
+{ERR_REASON(GOST_R_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_FOR_KEY),"not enough space for key"},
+{ERR_REASON(GOST_R_NO_MEMORY)            ,"no memory"},
+{ERR_REASON(GOST_R_NO_PARAMETERS_SET)    ,"no parameters set"},
+{ERR_REASON(GOST_R_PUBLIC_KEY_UNDEFINED) ,"public key undefined"},
+{ERR_REASON(GOST_R_RANDOM_GENERATOR_ERROR),"random generator error"},
+{ERR_REASON(GOST_R_RANDOM_GENERATOR_FAILURE),"random generator failure"},
+{ERR_REASON(GOST_R_RANDOM_NUMBER_GENERATOR_FAILED),"random number generator failed"},
+{ERR_REASON(GOST_R_SESSION_KEY_MAC_DOES_NOT_MATCH),"session key mac does not match"},
+{ERR_REASON(GOST_R_SIGNATURE_MISMATCH)   ,"signature mismatch"},
+{ERR_REASON(GOST_R_SIGNATURE_PARTS_GREATER_THAN_Q),"signature parts greater than q"},
+{ERR_REASON(GOST_R_UNSUPPORTED_CIPHER_CTL_COMMAND),"unsupported cipher ctl command"},
+{ERR_REASON(GOST_R_UNSUPPORTED_PARAMETER_SET),"unsupported parameter set"},
+       };
+static ERR_STRING_DATA GOST_lib_name[]=
+        {
+{0     ,GOST_LIB_NAME},
+       };
+static int GOST_lib_error_code=0;
+static int GOST_error_init=1;
+void ERR_load_GOST_strings(void)
+       {
+       if (GOST_lib_error_code == 0)
+               GOST_lib_error_code=ERR_get_next_error_library();
+       if (GOST_error_init)
+               {
+               GOST_error_init=0;
+               ERR_load_strings(GOST_lib_error_code,GOST_str_functs);
+               ERR_load_strings(GOST_lib_error_code,GOST_str_reasons);
+               GOST_lib_name->error = ERR_PACK(GOST_lib_error_code,0,0);
+               ERR_load_strings(0,GOST_lib_name);
+               }
+       }
+void ERR_unload_GOST_strings(void)
+       {
+       if (GOST_error_init == 0)
+               {
+               ERR_unload_strings(GOST_lib_error_code,GOST_str_functs);
+               ERR_unload_strings(GOST_lib_error_code,GOST_str_reasons);
+               ERR_unload_strings(0,GOST_lib_name);
+               GOST_error_init=1;
+               }
+       }
+void ERR_GOST_error(int function, int reason, char *file, int line)
+       {
+       if (GOST_lib_error_code == 0)
+               GOST_lib_error_code=ERR_get_next_error_library();
+       ERR_PUT_error(GOST_lib_error_code,function,reason,file,line);
+       }
diff --git a/engines/ccgost/e_gost_err.h b/engines/ccgost/e_gost_err.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..49f4cd5
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+/* ====================================================================
+ * Copyright (c) 2001-2005 The OpenSSL Project.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ *
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 
+ *
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
+ *    the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+ *    distribution.
+ *
+ * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this
+ *    software must display the following acknowledgment:
+ *    "This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project
+ *    for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. (http://www.openssl.org/)"
+ *
+ * 4. The names "OpenSSL Toolkit" and "OpenSSL Project" must not be used to
+ *    endorse or promote products derived from this software without
+ *    prior written permission. For written permission, please contact
+ *    openssl-core@openssl.org.
+ *
+ * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "OpenSSL"
+ *    nor may "OpenSSL" appear in their names without prior written
+ *    permission of the OpenSSL Project.
+ *
+ * 6. Redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following
+ *    acknowledgment:
+ *    "This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project
+ *    for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (http://www.openssl.org/)"
+ *
+ * ====================================================================
+ *
+ * This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young
+ * (eay@cryptsoft.com).  This product includes software written by Tim
+ * Hudson (tjh@cryptsoft.com).
+ *
+ */
+/* The following lines are auto generated by the script mkerr.pl. Any changes
+ * made after this point may be overwritten when the script is next run.
+ */
+void ERR_load_GOST_strings(void);
+void ERR_unload_GOST_strings(void);
+void ERR_GOST_error(int function, int reason, char *file, int line);
+#define GOSTerr(f,r) ERR_GOST_error((f),(r),__FILE__,__LINE__)
+/* Error codes for the GOST functions. */
+/* Function codes. */
+#define GOST_F_DECODE_GOST_ALGOR_PARAMS                         131
+#define GOST_F_DECRYPT_CRYPTOCOM_KEY                    120
+#define GOST_F_ENCODE_GOST_ALGOR_PARAMS                         130
+#define GOST_F_FILL_GOST2001_PARAMS                     99
+#define GOST_F_FILL_GOST94_PARAMS                       100
+#define GOST_F_GET_ENCRYPTION_PARAMS                    101
+#define GOST_F_GOST2001_COMPUTE_PUBLIC                  102
+#define GOST_F_GOST2001_DO_SIGN                                 103
+#define GOST_F_GOST2001_DO_VERIFY                       104
+#define GOST_F_GOST89_GET_ASN1_PARAMETERS               105
+#define GOST_F_GOST89_SET_ASN1_PARAMETERS               106
+#define GOST_F_GOST94_COPY_PARAMETERS                   107
+#define GOST_F_GOST_CIPHER_CTL                          108
+#define GOST_F_GOST_COMPUTE_PUBLIC                      109
+#define GOST_F_GOST_DO_SIGN                             110
+#define GOST_F_GOST_DO_VERIFY                           111
+#define GOST_F_MAKE_RFC4490_KEYTRANSPORT_2001           127
+#define GOST_F_PARAM_COPY_GOST01                        132
+#define GOST_F_PARAM_COPY_GOST94                        133
+#define GOST_F_PKEY_GOST01CC_DECRYPT                    128
+#define GOST_F_PKEY_GOST01CC_ENCRYPT                    129
+#define GOST_F_PKEY_GOST01CP_ENCRYPT                    137
+#define GOST_F_PKEY_GOST01_KEYGEN                       112
+#define GOST_F_PKEY_GOST94CC_DECRYPT                    125
+#define GOST_F_PKEY_GOST94CC_ENCRYPT                    123
+#define GOST_F_PKEY_GOST94CP_DECRYPT                    126
+#define GOST_F_PKEY_GOST94CP_ENCRYPT                    124
+#define GOST_F_PKEY_GOST94_KEYGEN                       113
+#define GOST_F_PKEY_GOST_CTRL                           114
+#define GOST_F_PKEY_GOST_CTRL01_STR                     115
+#define GOST_F_PKEY_GOST_CTRL94_STR                     116
+#define GOST_F_PRIV_DECODE_GOST_94                      117
+#define GOST_F_PUB_DECODE_GOST01                        136
+#define GOST_F_PUB_DECODE_GOST94                        134
+#define GOST_F_PUB_ENCODE_GOST01                        135
+#define GOST_F_UNPACK_CC_SIGNATURE                      118
+#define GOST_F_UNPACK_CP_SIGNATURE                      119
+/* Reason codes. */
+#define GOST_R_BAD_KEY_PARAMETERS_FORMAT                128
+#define GOST_R_BAD_PKEY_PARAMETERS_FORMAT               129
+#define GOST_R_CANNOT_PACK_EPHEMERAL_KEY                114
+#define GOST_R_ERROR_COMPUTING_MAC                      116
+#define GOST_R_ERROR_COMPUTING_SHARED_KEY               117
+#define GOST_R_ERROR_PACKING_KEY_TRANSPORT_INFO                 118
+#define GOST_R_ERROR_PARSING_KEY_TRANSPORT_INFO                 119
+#define GOST_R_ERROR_STORING_ENCRYPTED_KEY              120
+#define GOST_R_ERROR_STORING_IV                                 121
+#define GOST_R_ERROR_STORING_MAC                        122
+#define GOST_R_INCOMPATIBLE_ALGORITHMS                  130
+#define GOST_R_INVALID_CIPHER_PARAMS                    99
+#define GOST_R_INVALID_CIPHER_PARAM_OID                         100
+#define GOST_R_INVALID_DIGEST_TYPE                      101
+#define GOST_R_INVALID_ENCRYPTED_KEY_SIZE               123
+#define GOST_R_INVALID_GOST94_PARMSET                   127
+#define GOST_R_INVALID_IV_LENGTH                        102
+#define GOST_R_INVALID_PARAMSET                                 103
+#define GOST_R_KEY_IS_NOT_INITALIZED                    104
+#define GOST_R_KEY_IS_NOT_INITIALIZED                   105
+#define GOST_R_KEY_PARAMETERS_MISSING                   131
+#define GOST_R_MALLOC_FAILURE                           124
+#define GOST_R_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_FOR_KEY                         125
+#define GOST_R_NO_MEMORY                                106
+#define GOST_R_NO_PARAMETERS_SET                        107
+#define GOST_R_PUBLIC_KEY_UNDEFINED                     132
+#define GOST_R_RANDOM_GENERATOR_ERROR                   108
+#define GOST_R_RANDOM_GENERATOR_FAILURE                         133
+#define GOST_R_SESSION_KEY_MAC_DOES_NOT_MATCH           126
+#define GOST_R_SIGNATURE_MISMATCH                       110
+#define GOST_R_UNSUPPORTED_PARAMETER_SET                113
+#ifdef  __cplusplus
diff --git a/engines/ccgost/e_gost_err.proto b/engines/ccgost/e_gost_err.proto
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..c57bd1b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+/* ====================================================================
+ * Copyright (c) 2001-2005 The OpenSSL Project.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ *
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 
+ *
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
+ *    the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+ *    distribution.
+ *
+ * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this
+ *    software must display the following acknowledgment:
+ *    "This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project
+ *    for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. (http://www.openssl.org/)"
+ *
+ * 4. The names "OpenSSL Toolkit" and "OpenSSL Project" must not be used to
+ *    endorse or promote products derived from this software without
+ *    prior written permission. For written permission, please contact
+ *    openssl-core@openssl.org.
+ *
+ * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "OpenSSL"
+ *    nor may "OpenSSL" appear in their names without prior written
+ *    permission of the OpenSSL Project.
+ *
+ * 6. Redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following
+ *    acknowledgment:
+ *    "This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project
+ *    for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (http://www.openssl.org/)"
+ *
+ * ====================================================================
+ *
+ * This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young
+ * (eay@cryptsoft.com).  This product includes software written by Tim
+ * Hudson (tjh@cryptsoft.com).
+ *
+ */
+#define GOST_LIB_NAME "GOST engine"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
diff --git a/engines/ccgost/engine.c b/engines/ccgost/engine.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..757793b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+ *                          engine.c                                 *
+ *             Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Cryptocom LTD                  *
+ *         This file is distributed under the same license as OpenSSL *
+ *                                                                    *
+ *              Main file of GOST engine                              *
+ *       for OpenSSL                                                  *
+ *          Requires OpenSSL 0.9.9 for compilation                    *
+ **********************************************************************/
+#include <string.h>
+#include <openssl/evp.h>
+#include <openssl/engine.h>
+#include <openssl/obj_mac.h>
+#include "e_gost_err.h"
+#include "md.h"
+#include "crypt.h"
+#include "meth.h"
+static const char *engine_gost_id = "gost";
+static const char *engine_gost_name = "Reference implementation of GOST engine";
+/* Symmetric cipher and digest function registrar */
+static int gost_ciphers(ENGINE *e, const EVP_CIPHER **cipher,
+                const int **nids, int nid);
+static int gost_digests(ENGINE *e, const EVP_MD **digest,
+               const int **nids, int ind);
+static int gost_pkey_meths (ENGINE *e, EVP_PKEY_METHOD **pmeth,
+               const int **nids, int nid);
+static int gost_pkey_asn1_meths (ENGINE *e, EVP_PKEY_ASN1_METHOD **ameth,
+               const int **nids, int nid);
+static int gost_cipher_nids[] =
+    {NID_id_Gost28147_89, 0};
+static int gost_digest_nids[] =
+       {NID_id_GostR3411_94, 0};
+static int gost_pkey_meth_nids[] = 
+       {NID_id_GostR3410_94_cc, NID_id_GostR3410_94, NID_id_GostR3410_2001_cc,
+               NID_id_GostR3410_2001, 0};
+static EVP_PKEY_METHOD *pmeth_GostR3410_94_cc = NULL, *pmeth_GostR3410_94 = NULL,
+       *pmeth_GostR3410_2001_cc = NULL, *pmeth_GostR3410_2001 = NULL;
+static EVP_PKEY_ASN1_METHOD *ameth_GostR3410_94_cc = NULL, *ameth_GostR3410_94 = NULL,
+       *ameth_GostR3410_2001_cc = NULL, *ameth_GostR3410_2001 = NULL;
+static int gost_engine_init(ENGINE *e) { 
+       return 1;
+static int gost_engine_finish(ENGINE *e) { 
+       return 1;
+static int gost_engine_destroy(ENGINE *e) { 
+       return 1;
+static int bind_gost (ENGINE *e,const char *id) {
+       int ret = 0;
+       if (id && strcmp(id, engine_gost_id)) return 0;
+       if (!ENGINE_set_id(e, engine_gost_id)) {
+               printf("ENGINE_set_id failed\n"); 
+               goto end;
+       }       
+       if (!ENGINE_set_name(e, engine_gost_name)) {
+               printf("ENGINE_set_name failed\n");
+               goto end;
+       }       
+       if (!ENGINE_set_digests(e, gost_digests)) {
+               printf("ENGINE_set_digests failed\n");
+               goto end;
+       }       
+       if (! ENGINE_set_ciphers(e, gost_ciphers)) {
+               printf("ENGINE_set_ciphers failed\n");
+               goto end;
+       }       
+       if (! ENGINE_set_pkey_meths(e, gost_pkey_meths)) {
+               printf("ENGINE_set_pkey_meths failed\n");
+               goto end;
+       }       
+       if (! ENGINE_set_pkey_asn1_meths(e, gost_pkey_asn1_meths)) {
+               printf("ENGINE_set_pkey_asn1_meths failed\n");
+               goto end;
+       }       
+       if ( ! ENGINE_set_destroy_function(e, gost_engine_destroy)
+               || ! ENGINE_set_init_function(e,gost_engine_init)
+               || ! ENGINE_set_finish_function(e,gost_engine_finish)) goto end;
+       if (!register_ameth_gost(NID_id_GostR3410_94_cc, &ameth_GostR3410_94_cc, "GOST94CC", "GOST R 34.10-94, Cryptocom LTD implementation")) goto end;
+       if (!register_ameth_gost(NID_id_GostR3410_94, &ameth_GostR3410_94, "GOST94", "GOST R 34.10-94")) goto end;
+       if (!register_ameth_gost(NID_id_GostR3410_2001_cc, &ameth_GostR3410_2001_cc, "GOST2001CC", "GOST R 34.10-2001, Cryptocom LTD implementation")) goto end;
+       if (!register_ameth_gost(NID_id_GostR3410_2001, &ameth_GostR3410_2001, "GOST2001", "GOST R 34.10-2001")) goto end;
+       if (!register_pmeth_gost(NID_id_GostR3410_94_cc, &pmeth_GostR3410_94_cc, 0)) goto end;
+       if (!register_pmeth_gost(NID_id_GostR3410_94, &pmeth_GostR3410_94, 0)) goto end;
+       if (!register_pmeth_gost(NID_id_GostR3410_2001_cc, &pmeth_GostR3410_2001_cc, 0)) goto end;
+       if (!register_pmeth_gost(NID_id_GostR3410_2001, &pmeth_GostR3410_2001, 0)) goto end;
+       if ( ! ENGINE_register_ciphers(e)
+               || ! ENGINE_register_digests(e)
+               || ! ENGINE_register_pkey_meths(e)
+               /* These two actually should go in LIST_ADD command */
+               || ! EVP_add_cipher(&cipher_gost)
+               || ! EVP_add_digest(&digest_gost)
+          ) goto end;
+       ERR_load_GOST_strings();
+       ret = 1;
+       return ret;
+#ifdef _WIN32
+extern __declspec( dllexport ) 
+#ifdef _WIN32
+extern __declspec( dllexport ) 
+static ENGINE *engine_gost(void)
+       {
+       ENGINE *ret = ENGINE_new();
+       if(!ret)
+               return NULL;
+       if(!bind_gost(ret, engine_gost_id))
+               {
+               ENGINE_free(ret);
+               return NULL;
+               }
+       return ret;
+       }
+void ENGINE_load_gost(void)
+       {
+       /* Copied from eng_[openssl|dyn].c */
+       ENGINE *toadd = engine_gost();
+       if(!toadd) return;
+       ENGINE_add(toadd);
+       ENGINE_free(toadd);
+       ERR_clear_error();
+       }
+static int gost_digests(ENGINE *e, const EVP_MD **digest,
+        const int **nids, int nid)
+       int ok =1 ;
+       if (!digest) {
+               *nids = gost_digest_nids;
+               return 1; 
+       }
+               //printf("Digest no %d requested\n",nid);
+               if(nid == NID_id_GostR3411_94) {
+                       *digest = &digest_gost;
+               } else {
+                       ok =0;
+                       *digest = NULL;
+               }
+       return ok;
+static int gost_ciphers (ENGINE *e,const EVP_CIPHER **cipher,
+               const int **nids, int nid) {
+       int ok = 1;
+       if (!cipher) {
+               *nids = gost_cipher_nids;
+               return 1; /* Only one cipher supported */
+       }
+       if(nid == NID_id_Gost28147_89) {
+                       *cipher = &cipher_gost;
+       } else {
+               ok = 0;
+               *cipher = NULL;
+       }
+       return ok;
+static int gost_pkey_meths (ENGINE *e, EVP_PKEY_METHOD **pmeth,
+               const int **nids, int nid)
+       if (!pmeth) {
+               *nids = gost_pkey_meth_nids;
+               return 4;
+       }
+       switch (nid) {
+       case NID_id_GostR3410_94_cc: *pmeth = pmeth_GostR3410_94_cc; return 1;
+       case NID_id_GostR3410_94: *pmeth = pmeth_GostR3410_94; return 1;
+       case NID_id_GostR3410_2001_cc: *pmeth = pmeth_GostR3410_2001_cc; return 1;
+       case NID_id_GostR3410_2001: *pmeth = pmeth_GostR3410_2001; return 1;
+       default:;
+       }
+       *pmeth = NULL;
+       return 0;
+static int gost_pkey_asn1_meths (ENGINE *e, EVP_PKEY_ASN1_METHOD **ameth,
+               const int **nids, int nid)
+       if (!ameth) {
+               *nids = gost_pkey_meth_nids;
+               return 4;
+       }
+       switch (nid) {
+       case NID_id_GostR3410_94_cc: *ameth = ameth_GostR3410_94_cc; return 1;
+       case NID_id_GostR3410_94: *ameth = ameth_GostR3410_94; return 1;
+       case NID_id_GostR3410_2001_cc: *ameth = ameth_GostR3410_2001_cc; return 1;
+       case NID_id_GostR3410_2001: *ameth = ameth_GostR3410_2001; return 1;
+       default:;
+       }
+       *ameth = NULL;
+       return 0;
diff --git a/engines/ccgost/gost.ec b/engines/ccgost/gost.ec
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..6c2c85e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+L GOST                         e_gost_err.h                    e_gost_err.c
+L NONE                 asymm.h                         NONE
+L NONE                 md.h                            NONE
+L NONE                 crypt.h                         NONE
+L NONE                 gostkeyx.h                      NONE
diff --git a/engines/ccgost/gost2001.c b/engines/ccgost/gost2001.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..c53bd6c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+ *                          gost2001.c                                *
+ *             Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Cryptocom LTD                  *
+ *         This file is distributed under the same license as OpenSSL *
+ *                                                                    *
+ *          Implementation of GOST R 34.10-2001                                  *
+ *          Requires OpenSSL 0.9.9 for compilation                    *
+ **********************************************************************/
+#include "tools.h"
+#include "sign.h"
+#include "paramset.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <openssl/rand.h>
+#include <openssl/ecdsa.h>
+#include <openssl/err.h>
+#include "e_gost_err.h"
+#ifdef DEBUG_SIGN
+void dump_signature(const char *message,const unsigned char *buffer,size_t len);
+void dump_dsa_sig(const char *message, DSA_SIG *sig);
+#define dump_signature(a,b,c)
+#define dump_dsa_sig(a,b)
+ * Fills EC_KEY structure hidden in the app_data field of DSA structure
+ * with parameter information, extracted from parameter array in
+ * params.c file.
+ *
+ * Also fils DSA->q field with copy of EC_GROUP order field to make
+ * DSA_size function work
+ */ 
+int fill_GOST2001_params(EC_KEY *eckey, int nid) {
+       R3410_2001_params *params = R3410_2001_paramset;
+       EC_GROUP *grp;
+       BIGNUM *p=NULL,*q=NULL,*a=NULL,*b=NULL,*x=NULL,*y=NULL;
+       EC_POINT *P=NULL;
+       BN_CTX *ctx=BN_CTX_new();
+       int ok=0;
+       BN_CTX_start(ctx);
+       p=BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+       a=BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+       b=BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+       x=BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+       y=BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+       q=BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+       while (params->nid!=NID_undef && params->nid != nid) params++;
+       if (params->nid == NID_undef) {
+               goto err;
+       }       
+       BN_hex2bn(&p,params->p);
+       BN_hex2bn(&a,params->a);
+       BN_hex2bn(&b,params->b);
+       grp = EC_GROUP_new_curve_GFp(p,a,b,ctx);
+       P = EC_POINT_new(grp);
+       BN_hex2bn(&x,params->x);
+       BN_hex2bn(&y,params->y);
+       EC_POINT_set_affine_coordinates_GFp(grp,P,x,y,ctx);
+       BN_hex2bn(&q,params->q);
+#ifdef DEBUG_KEYS
+       fprintf(stderr,"Set params index %d oid %s\nq=",
+                       (params-R3410_2001_paramset),OBJ_nid2sn(params->nid));
+       BN_print_fp(stderr,q);
+       fprintf(stderr,"\n");
+       EC_GROUP_set_generator(grp,P,q,NULL);
+       EC_GROUP_set_curve_name(grp,params->nid);
+       EC_KEY_set_group(eckey,grp);
+       ok=1;
+       EC_POINT_free(P);
+       EC_GROUP_free(grp);
+       BN_CTX_end(ctx);
+       BN_CTX_free(ctx);
+       return ok;
+ * Computes gost2001 signature as DSA_SIG structure 
+ *
+ *
+ */ 
+DSA_SIG *gost2001_do_sign(const unsigned char *dgst,int dlen, EC_KEY *eckey) {
+               DSA_SIG *newsig = NULL;
+               BIGNUM *md = hashsum2bn(dgst);
+               BIGNUM *order = NULL;
+               const EC_GROUP *group;
+               const BIGNUM *priv_key;
+               BIGNUM *r=NULL,*s=NULL,*X=NULL,*tmp=NULL,*tmp2=NULL, *k=NULL,*e=NULL;
+               EC_POINT *C=NULL;
+               BN_CTX *ctx = BN_CTX_new();     
+               BN_CTX_start(ctx);
+               OPENSSL_assert(dlen==32);
+               newsig=DSA_SIG_new();
+               if (!newsig) 
+               {
+                       GOSTerr(GOST_F_GOST2001_DO_SIGN,GOST_R_NO_MEMORY);
+                       goto err;
+               }       
+               group = EC_KEY_get0_group(eckey);
+               order=BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+               EC_GROUP_get_order(group,order,ctx);
+               priv_key = EC_KEY_get0_private_key(eckey);
+               e = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+               BN_mod(e,md,order,ctx);
+#ifdef DEBUG_SIGN
+               fprintf(stderr,"digest as bignum=");
+               BN_print_fp(stderr,md);
+               fprintf(stderr,"\ndigest mod q=");
+               BN_print_fp(stderr,e);
+               fprintf(stderr,"\n");
+               if (BN_is_zero(e))
+               {
+                  BN_one(e);
+               }   
+               k =BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+               C=EC_POINT_new(group);
+               do {
+                       do {
+                               if (!BN_rand_range(k,order)) 
+                               {
+                                       GOSTerr(GOST_F_GOST2001_DO_SIGN,GOST_R_RANDOM_NUMBER_GENERATOR_FAILED);
+                                       DSA_SIG_free(newsig);
+                                       goto err;
+                               }       
+                               if (!EC_POINT_mul(group,C,k,NULL,NULL,ctx)) {
+                                       GOSTerr(GOST_F_GOST2001_DO_SIGN,ERR_R_EC_LIB);
+                                       DSA_SIG_free(newsig);
+                                       goto err;
+                               }       
+                               if (!X) X=BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+                               if (!EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates_GFp(group,C,X,NULL,ctx)) {
+                                       GOSTerr(GOST_F_GOST2001_DO_SIGN,ERR_R_EC_LIB);
+                                       DSA_SIG_free(newsig);
+                                       goto err;
+                               }       
+                               if (!r) r=BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+                               BN_nnmod(r,X,order,ctx);
+                       } while (BN_is_zero(r));
+                       /* s =  (r*priv_key+k*e) mod order */
+                       if (!tmp) tmp = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+                       BN_mod_mul(tmp,priv_key,r,order,ctx);
+                       if (!tmp2) tmp2 = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+                       BN_mod_mul(tmp2,k,e,order,ctx);
+                       if (!s) s=BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+                       BN_mod_add(s,tmp,tmp2,order,ctx);
+               } while (BN_is_zero(s));        
+               newsig->s=BN_dup(s);
+               newsig->r=BN_dup(r);
+               BN_CTX_end(ctx);
+               BN_CTX_free(ctx);
+               EC_POINT_free(C);
+               BN_free(md);
+               return newsig;
+ * Verifies gost 2001 signature
+ *
+ */ 
+int gost2001_do_verify(const unsigned char *dgst,int dgst_len,
+                       DSA_SIG *sig, EC_KEY *ec) {
+       BN_CTX *ctx=BN_CTX_new();
+       const EC_GROUP *group = EC_KEY_get0_group(ec);
+       BIGNUM *order;
+       BIGNUM *md = NULL,*e=NULL,*R=NULL,*v=NULL,*z1=NULL,*z2=NULL;
+       BIGNUM *X=NULL,*tmp=NULL;
+       EC_POINT *C = NULL;
+       const EC_POINT *pub_key=NULL;
+       int ok=0;
+       BN_CTX_start(ctx);
+       order = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+       e = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+       z1 = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+       z2 = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+       tmp = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+       X= BN_CTX_get(ctx);     
+       R=BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+       v=BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+       EC_GROUP_get_order(group,order,ctx);
+       pub_key = EC_KEY_get0_public_key(ec);
+       if (BN_is_zero(sig->s) || BN_is_zero(sig->r) ||
+               (BN_cmp(sig->s,order)>=1) || (BN_cmp(sig->r,order)>=1)) 
+       {
+         goto err;
+       }
+       md = hashsum2bn(dgst);
+       BN_mod(e,md,order,ctx);
+#ifdef DEBUG_SIGN
+       fprintf(stderr,"digest as bignum: ");
+       BN_print_fp(stderr,md);
+       fprintf(stderr,"\ndigest mod q: ");
+       BN_print_fp(stderr,e);
+       if (BN_is_zero(e)) BN_one(e);
+       v=BN_mod_inverse(v,e,order,ctx);
+       BN_mod_mul(z1,sig->s,v,order,ctx);
+       BN_sub(tmp,order,sig->r);
+       BN_mod_mul(z2,tmp,v,order,ctx);
+#ifdef DEBUG_SIGN
+       fprintf(stderr,"\nInverted digest value: ");
+       BN_print_fp(stderr,v);
+       fprintf(stderr,"\nz1: ");
+       BN_print_fp(stderr,z1);
+       fprintf(stderr,"\nz2: ");
+       BN_print_fp(stderr,z2);
+       C = EC_POINT_new(group);
+       if (!EC_POINT_mul(group,C,z1,pub_key,z2,ctx)) 
+       {       
+               GOSTerr(GOST_F_GOST2001_DO_VERIFY,ERR_R_EC_LIB);
+               goto err;
+       }       
+       if (!EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates_GFp(group,C,X,NULL,ctx)) 
+       {
+               GOSTerr(GOST_F_GOST2001_DO_VERIFY,ERR_R_EC_LIB);
+               goto err;
+       }
+       BN_mod(R,X,order,ctx);
+#ifdef DEBUG_SIGN
+       fprintf(stderr,"\nX=");
+       BN_print_fp(stderr,X);
+       fprintf(stderr,"\nX mod q=");
+       BN_print_fp(stderr,R);
+       fprintf(stderr,"\n");
+       if (BN_cmp(R,sig->r)!=0) {
+       } else {
+               ok = 1;
+       }
+       EC_POINT_free(C);
+       BN_CTX_end(ctx);
+       BN_CTX_free(ctx);
+       BN_free(md);
+       return ok;
+ * Computes GOST R 34.10-2001 public key
+ *
+ *
+ */ 
+int gost2001_compute_public(EC_KEY *ec) 
+       const EC_GROUP *group = EC_KEY_get0_group(ec);
+       EC_POINT *pub_key=NULL;
+       const BIGNUM *priv_key=NULL;
+       BN_CTX *ctx=NULL;
+       int ok=0;
+       if (!group) {
+               return 0;
+       }       
+       ctx=BN_CTX_new();
+       BN_CTX_start(ctx);
+       if (!(priv_key=EC_KEY_get0_private_key(ec))) 
+       {
+               goto err;
+       }       
+       pub_key = EC_POINT_new(group);
+       if (!EC_POINT_mul(group,pub_key,priv_key,NULL,NULL,ctx)) 
+       {
+               goto err;
+       }       
+       if (!EC_KEY_set_public_key(ec,pub_key)) {
+               goto err;
+       }       
+       ok = 256;
+       BN_CTX_end(ctx);
+       EC_POINT_free(pub_key);
+       BN_CTX_free(ctx);
+       return ok;
+ * 
+ * Generates GOST R 34.10-2001 keypair
+ *
+ *
+ */ 
+int gost2001_keygen(EC_KEY *ec) {
+       BIGNUM *order = BN_new(),*d=BN_new();
+       const EC_GROUP *group = EC_KEY_get0_group(ec);
+       EC_GROUP_get_order(group,order,NULL);
+       do {
+               if (!BN_rand_range(d,order)) 
+               {
+                       BN_free(d);
+                       BN_free(order);
+                       return 0;
+               }       
+       } while (BN_is_zero(d));
+       EC_KEY_set_private_key(ec,d);
+       BN_free(d);
+       BN_free(order);
+       return gost2001_compute_public(ec);
diff --git a/engines/ccgost/gost2001_keyx.c b/engines/ccgost/gost2001_keyx.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..120ec69
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+ *                          gost_keyx.c                               *
+ *             Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Cryptocom LTD                  *
+ *         This file is distributed under the same license as OpenSSL *
+ *                                                                    *
+ *   VK0 34.10-2001 key exchange and GOST R 34.10-2001                *
+ *   based PKCS7/SMIME support                                        *
+ *          Requires OpenSSL 0.9.9 for compilation                    *
+ **********************************************************************/
+#include <openssl/evp.h>
+#include <openssl/rand.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <openssl/objects.h>
+#include "gost89.h"
+#include "gosthash.h"
+#include "gost_asn1.h"
+#include "e_gost_err.h"
+#include "keywrap.h"
+#include "crypt.h"
+#include "sign.h"
+#include "pmeth.h"
+#include "tools.h"
+#include "gostkeyx.h"
+/* Transform ECDH shared key into little endian as required by Cryptocom
+ * key exchange */
+static void *make_key_le(const void *in, size_t inlen, void *out, size_t *outlen) {
+       const char* inbuf= in;
+       char* outbuf= out;
+       int i;
+       if (*outlen < inlen) {
+                       return NULL;
+       }
+       for (i=0;i<inlen;i++) {
+               outbuf[inlen-1-i]=inbuf[i];
+       }
+       *outlen = inlen;
+       return out;
+/* Create gost 2001 ephemeral key with same parameters as peer key */
+static EC_KEY *make_ec_ephemeral_key(EC_KEY *peer_key,BIGNUM *seckey) {
+       EC_KEY *out = EC_KEY_new();
+       EC_KEY_copy(out,peer_key);
+       EC_KEY_set_private_key(out,seckey);
+       gost2001_compute_public(out);
+       return out;
+/* Packs GOST elliptic curve key into EVP_PKEY setting same parameters
+ * as in passed pubkey
+ */
+static EVP_PKEY *ec_ephemeral_key_to_EVP(EVP_PKEY *pubk,int type,EC_KEY *ephemeral) 
+       EVP_PKEY *newkey;
+       newkey = EVP_PKEY_new();
+       EVP_PKEY_assign(newkey,type,ephemeral);
+       return newkey;
+ * EVP_PKEY_METHOD callback encrypt  
+ * Implementation of GOST2001 key transport, cryptocom variation 
+ */
+int pkey_GOST01cc_encrypt (EVP_PKEY_CTX *pctx,unsigned char *out, 
+       size_t *out_len, const unsigned char *key,size_t key_len)
+       EVP_PKEY *pubk = EVP_PKEY_CTX_get0_pkey(pctx);
+       struct gost_pmeth_data *data = EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_data(pctx);     
+       int ret=0;
+       gost_ctx ctx;
+       EC_KEY *ephemeral=NULL;
+       const EC_POINT *pub_key_point=NULL;
+       unsigned char shared_key[32],encrypted_key[32],hmac[4],
+                                 iv[8]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
+       ephemeral = make_ec_ephemeral_key(EVP_PKEY_get0(pubk), gost_get_priv_key(data->eph_seckey));
+       if (!ephemeral) goto err;
+       /* compute shared key */
+       pub_key_point=EC_KEY_get0_public_key(EVP_PKEY_get0(pubk));
+       if (!ECDH_compute_key(shared_key,32,pub_key_point,ephemeral,make_key_le)) 
+       {
+               goto err;
+       }       
+       /* encrypt session key */
+       gost_init(&ctx, &GostR3411_94_CryptoProParamSet);
+       gost_key(&ctx,shared_key);
+       encrypt_cryptocom_key(key,key_len,encrypted_key,&ctx);
+       /* compute hmac of session key */
+       if (!gost_mac(&ctx,32,key,32,hmac)) 
+       {
+               return -1;
+    }
+       gkt = GOST_KEY_TRANSPORT_new();
+       if (!gkt) 
+       {
+               return -1;
+       }       
+       /* Store IV which is always zero in our case */
+       if (!ASN1_OCTET_STRING_set(gkt->key_agreement_info->eph_iv,iv,8))
+       {
+               goto err;
+       }       
+       if (!ASN1_OCTET_STRING_set(gkt->key_info->imit,hmac,4)) 
+       {
+               goto err;
+       }       
+       if (!ASN1_OCTET_STRING_set(gkt->key_info->encrypted_key,encrypted_key,32))
+       {       
+               goto err;
+       }
+       if (!X509_PUBKEY_set(&gkt->key_agreement_info->ephem_key,data->eph_seckey)) {
+               goto err;
+       }       
+       ASN1_OBJECT_free(gkt->key_agreement_info->cipher);
+       gkt->key_agreement_info->cipher = OBJ_nid2obj(NID_id_Gost28147_89_cc);
+       if ((*out_len = i2d_GOST_KEY_TRANSPORT(gkt,&out))>0) ret = 1;
+       ;
+       if (gkt) GOST_KEY_TRANSPORT_free(gkt);
+       return ret;
+ * EVP_PKEY_METHOD callback decrypt  
+ * Implementation of GOST2001 key transport, cryptocom variation 
+ */
+int pkey_GOST01cc_decrypt (EVP_PKEY_CTX *pctx, unsigned char *key, size_t *key_len, const unsigned char *in, size_t in_len) {
+       /* Form DH params from compute shared key */
+       EVP_PKEY *priv=EVP_PKEY_CTX_get0_pkey(pctx);
+       const unsigned char *p=in;
+       unsigned char shared_key[32];
+       unsigned char hmac[4],hmac_comp[4];
+       unsigned char iv[8];
+       int i;
+       gost_ctx ctx;
+       const EC_POINT *pub_key_point;
+       EVP_PKEY *eph_key;
+       if (!key) {
+               *key_len = 32;
+               return 1;
+       }       
+       /* Parse passed octet string and find out public key, iv and HMAC*/
+       gkt = d2i_GOST_KEY_TRANSPORT(NULL,(const unsigned char **)&p,
+                       in_len);
+       if (!gkt) {
+               return 0;
+       }       
+       eph_key = X509_PUBKEY_get(gkt->key_agreement_info->ephem_key);
+       /* Initialization vector is really ignored here */
+       OPENSSL_assert(gkt->key_agreement_info->eph_iv->length==8);
+       memcpy(iv,gkt->key_agreement_info->eph_iv->data,8);
+       /* HMAC should be computed and checked */
+       OPENSSL_assert(gkt->key_info->imit->length==4);
+       memcpy(hmac,gkt->key_info->imit->data,4);       
+       /* Compute shared key */
+       pub_key_point=EC_KEY_get0_public_key(EVP_PKEY_get0(eph_key));
+       i=ECDH_compute_key(shared_key,32,pub_key_point,EVP_PKEY_get0(priv),make_key_le);
+       EVP_PKEY_free(eph_key);
+       if (!i) 
+       {
+               GOST_KEY_TRANSPORT_free(gkt);
+               return 0;
+       }
+       /* Decrypt session key */
+       gost_init(&ctx, &GostR3411_94_CryptoProParamSet);
+       gost_key(&ctx,shared_key);
+       if (!decrypt_cryptocom_key(key,*key_len,gkt->key_info->encrypted_key->data, 
+                       gkt->key_info->encrypted_key->length, &ctx)) 
+       {
+               GOST_KEY_TRANSPORT_free(gkt);
+               return 0;
+       }
+       GOST_KEY_TRANSPORT_free(gkt);
+       /* check HMAC of session key*/
+       if (!gost_mac(&ctx,32,key,32,hmac_comp)) {
+               return 0;
+    }
+               /* HMAC of session key is not correct */
+    if (memcmp(hmac,hmac_comp,4)!=0) {
+               return 0;
+       }       
+       return 1; 
+/* Implementation of CryptoPro VKO 34.10-2001 algorithm */
+static int VKO_compute_key(unsigned char *shared_key,size_t shared_key_size,const EC_POINT *pub_key,EC_KEY *priv_key,const unsigned char *ukm) {
+       unsigned char ukm_be[8],databuf[64],hashbuf[64];
+       const BIGNUM* key=EC_KEY_get0_private_key(priv_key);
+       EC_POINT *pnt=EC_POINT_new(EC_KEY_get0_group(priv_key));
+       int i;
+       gost_hash_ctx hash_ctx;
+       BN_CTX *ctx = BN_CTX_new();
+       for (i=0;i<8;i++) {
+               ukm_be[7-i]=ukm[i];
+       }
+       BN_CTX_start(ctx);
+       UKM=getbnfrombuf(ukm_be,8);
+       p=BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+       order = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+       X=BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+       Y=BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+       EC_GROUP_get_order(EC_KEY_get0_group(priv_key),order,ctx);
+       BN_mod_mul(p,key,UKM,order,ctx);        
+       EC_POINT_mul(EC_KEY_get0_group(priv_key),pnt,NULL,pub_key,p,ctx);
+       EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates_GFp(EC_KEY_get0_group(priv_key),
+                       pnt,X,Y,ctx);
+       /*Serialize elliptic curve point same way as we do it when saving
+        * key */
+       store_bignum(Y,databuf,32);
+       store_bignum(X,databuf+32,32);
+       /* And reverse byte order of whole buffer */
+       for (i=0;i<64;i++) {
+               hashbuf[63-i]=databuf[i];
+       }
+       init_gost_hash_ctx(&hash_ctx,&GostR3411_94_CryptoProParamSet);
+       start_hash(&hash_ctx);
+       hash_block(&hash_ctx,hashbuf,64);
+       finish_hash(&hash_ctx,shared_key);
+       done_gost_hash_ctx(&hash_ctx);
+       BN_free(UKM);
+       BN_CTX_end(ctx);
+       BN_CTX_free(ctx);
+       EC_POINT_free(pnt);
+       return 32;
+/* Generates ephemeral key based on pubk algorithm
+ * computes shared key using VKO and returns filled up
+ * GOST_KEY_TRANSPORT structure
+ */
+/* Public, because it would be needed in SSL implementation */
+GOST_KEY_TRANSPORT *make_rfc4490_keytransport_2001(EVP_PKEY *pubk,BIGNUM *eph_key,
+               const unsigned char *key,size_t keylen, unsigned char *ukm,
+               size_t ukm_len)
+       const struct gost_cipher_info *param=get_encryption_params(NULL);
+       EC_KEY *ephemeral = NULL;
+       const EC_POINT *pub_key_point = EC_KEY_get0_public_key(EVP_PKEY_get0(pubk));
+       unsigned char shared_key[32],crypted_key[44];
+       gost_ctx ctx;
+       EVP_PKEY *newkey=NULL;
+       /* Do not use vizir cipher parameters with cryptopro */
+       if (!getenv("CRYPT_PARAMS") && param ==  gost_cipher_list) {
+               param= gost_cipher_list+1;
+       }       
+       ephemeral = make_ec_ephemeral_key(EVP_PKEY_get0(pubk),eph_key);
+    VKO_compute_key(shared_key,32,pub_key_point,ephemeral,ukm);
+       gost_init(&ctx,param->sblock);  
+       keyWrapCryptoPro(&ctx,shared_key,ukm,key,crypted_key);
+       gkt = GOST_KEY_TRANSPORT_new();
+       if (!gkt) {
+               goto memerr;
+       }       
+       if(!ASN1_OCTET_STRING_set(gkt->key_agreement_info->eph_iv,
+                                               ukm,8)) {
+               goto memerr;
+       }       
+       if (!ASN1_OCTET_STRING_set(gkt->key_info->imit,crypted_key+40,4)) {
+               goto memerr;
+       }
+       if (!ASN1_OCTET_STRING_set(gkt->key_info->encrypted_key,crypted_key+8,32)) {
+               goto memerr;
+       }
+       newkey = ec_ephemeral_key_to_EVP(pubk,NID_id_GostR3410_2001,ephemeral);
+       if (!X509_PUBKEY_set(&gkt->key_agreement_info->ephem_key,newkey)) {
+               goto err;
+       }       
+       ASN1_OBJECT_free(gkt->key_agreement_info->cipher);
+       gkt->key_agreement_info->cipher = OBJ_nid2obj(param->nid);
+       EVP_PKEY_free(newkey);
+       return gkt;
+               GOSTerr(GOST_F_MAKE_RFC4490_KEYTRANSPORT_2001,
+                               GOST_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);
+               GOST_KEY_TRANSPORT_free(gkt);
+               return NULL;
+ * EVP_PKEY_METHOD callback encrypt  
+ * Implementation of GOST2001 key transport, cryptopo variation 
+ */
+int pkey_GOST01cp_encrypt (EVP_PKEY_CTX *pctx, unsigned char *out, size_t *out_len, const unsigned char *key,size_t key_len) 
+       EVP_PKEY *pubk = EVP_PKEY_CTX_get0_pkey(pctx);
+       struct gost_pmeth_data *data = EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_data(pctx);
+       unsigned char ukm[8];
+       int ret=0;
+       if (RAND_bytes(ukm,8)<=0) {
+               GOSTerr(GOST_F_PKEY_GOST01CP_ENCRYPT,
+                       GOST_R_RANDOM_GENERATOR_FAILURE);
+               return 0;
+       }       
+       if (!(gkt=make_rfc4490_keytransport_2001(pubk,gost_get_priv_key(data->eph_seckey),key, key_len,ukm,8))) {
+               goto err;
+       }       
+       if ((*out_len = i2d_GOST_KEY_TRANSPORT(gkt,&out))>0) ret =1;
+       GOST_KEY_TRANSPORT_free(gkt);
+       return ret;     
+               GOST_KEY_TRANSPORT_free(gkt);
+               return -1;
+/* Public, because it would be needed in SSL implementation */
+int decrypt_rfc4490_shared_key_2001(EVP_PKEY *priv,GOST_KEY_TRANSPORT *gkt,
+               unsigned char *key_buf,int key_buf_len) 
+       unsigned char wrappedKey[44];
+       unsigned char sharedKey[32];
+       gost_ctx ctx;
+       const struct gost_cipher_info *param=NULL;
+       EVP_PKEY *eph_key=NULL;
+       eph_key = X509_PUBKEY_get(gkt->key_agreement_info->ephem_key);
+       param = get_encryption_params(gkt->key_agreement_info->cipher);
+       gost_init(&ctx,param->sblock);  
+       OPENSSL_assert(gkt->key_agreement_info->eph_iv->length==8);
+       memcpy(wrappedKey,gkt->key_agreement_info->eph_iv->data,8);
+       OPENSSL_assert(gkt->key_info->encrypted_key->length==32);
+       memcpy(wrappedKey+8,gkt->key_info->encrypted_key->data,32);
+       OPENSSL_assert(gkt->key_info->imit->length==4);
+       memcpy(wrappedKey+40,gkt->key_info->imit->data,4);      
+       VKO_compute_key(sharedKey,32,EC_KEY_get0_public_key(EVP_PKEY_get0(eph_key)),
+                       EVP_PKEY_get0(priv),wrappedKey);
+       if (!keyUnwrapCryptoPro(&ctx,sharedKey,wrappedKey,key_buf)) {
+                               GOST_R_ERROR_COMPUTING_SHARED_KEY);
+               goto err;
+       }       
+       EVP_PKEY_free(eph_key);
+       return 32;
+       EVP_PKEY_free(eph_key);
+       return -1;
+ * EVP_PKEY_METHOD callback decrypt  
+ * Implementation of GOST2001 key transport, cryptopo variation 
+ */
+int pkey_GOST01cp_decrypt (EVP_PKEY_CTX *pctx, unsigned char *key, size_t * key_len, const unsigned char *in, size_t in_len) {
+       const unsigned char *p = in;
+       EVP_PKEY *priv = EVP_PKEY_CTX_get0_pkey(pctx);
+       int ret=0;      
+       if (!key) {
+               *key_len = 32;
+               return 1;
+       }       
+       gkt = d2i_GOST_KEY_TRANSPORT(NULL,(const unsigned char **)&p,
+                       in_len);
+       if (!gkt) {
+               return -1;
+       }       
+       ret =   decrypt_rfc4490_shared_key_2001(priv,gkt,key,*key_len);
+       GOST_KEY_TRANSPORT_free(gkt);
+       return ret;
diff --git a/engines/ccgost/gost89.c b/engines/ccgost/gost89.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..0367572
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+ *                        gost89.c                                    *
+ *             Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Cryptocom LTD                  *
+ *         This file is distributed under the same license as OpenSSL *
+ *                                                                    *
+ *          Implementation of GOST 28147-89 encryption algorithm      *
+ *            No OpenSSL libraries required to compile and use        *
+ *                              this code                             *
+ **********************************************************************/ 
+#include <string.h>
+#include "gost89.h"
+/* Substitution blocks from RFC 4357 
+   Note: our implementation of gost 28147-89 algorithm 
+   uses S-box matrix rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise, relative to 
+   examples given in RFC.
+/* Substitution blocks from test examples for GOST R 34.11-94*/
+gost_subst_block GostR3411_94_TestParamSet = {
+  {0X1,0XF,0XD,0X0,0X5,0X7,0XA,0X4,0X9,0X2,0X3,0XE,0X6,0XB,0X8,0XC},
+  {0XD,0XB,0X4,0X1,0X3,0XF,0X5,0X9,0X0,0XA,0XE,0X7,0X6,0X8,0X2,0XC},
+  {0X4,0XB,0XA,0X0,0X7,0X2,0X1,0XD,0X3,0X6,0X8,0X5,0X9,0XC,0XF,0XE},
+  {0X6,0XC,0X7,0X1,0X5,0XF,0XD,0X8,0X4,0XA,0X9,0XE,0X0,0X3,0XB,0X2},
+  {0X7,0XD,0XA,0X1,0X0,0X8,0X9,0XF,0XE,0X4,0X6,0XC,0XB,0X2,0X5,0X3},
+  {0X5,0X8,0X1,0XD,0XA,0X3,0X4,0X2,0XE,0XF,0XC,0X7,0X6,0X0,0X9,0XB},
+  {0XE,0XB,0X4,0XC,0X6,0XD,0XF,0XA,0X2,0X3,0X8,0X1,0X0,0X7,0X5,0X9},
+  {0X4,0XA,0X9,0X2,0XD,0X8,0X0,0XE,0X6,0XB,0X1,0XC,0X7,0XF,0X5,0X3}
+/* Substitution blocks for hash function 1.2.643.  */
+gost_subst_block GostR3411_94_CryptoProParamSet= {
+  {0x1,0x3,0xA,0x9,0x5,0xB,0x4,0xF,0x8,0x6,0x7,0xE,0xD,0x0,0x2,0xC},
+  {0xD,0xE,0x4,0x1,0x7,0x0,0x5,0xA,0x3,0xC,0x8,0xF,0x6,0x2,0x9,0xB},
+  {0x7,0x6,0x2,0x4,0xD,0x9,0xF,0x0,0xA,0x1,0x5,0xB,0x8,0xE,0xC,0x3},
+  {0x7,0x6,0x4,0xB,0x9,0xC,0x2,0xA,0x1,0x8,0x0,0xE,0xF,0xD,0x3,0x5},
+  {0x4,0xA,0x7,0xC,0x0,0xF,0x2,0x8,0xE,0x1,0x6,0x5,0xD,0xB,0x9,0x3},
+  {0x7,0xF,0xC,0xE,0x9,0x4,0x1,0x0,0x3,0xB,0x5,0x2,0x6,0xA,0x8,0xD},
+  {0x5,0xF,0x4,0x0,0x2,0xD,0xB,0x9,0x1,0x7,0x6,0x3,0xC,0xE,0xA,0x8},
+  {0xA,0x4,0x5,0x6,0x8,0x1,0x3,0x7,0xD,0xC,0xE,0x0,0x9,0x2,0xB,0xF}
+} ;
+/* Test paramset from GOST 28147 */
+gost_subst_block Gost28147_TestParamSet =
+       {0xC,0x6,0x5,0x2,0xB,0x0,0x9,0xD,0x3,0xE,0x7,0xA,0xF,0x4,0x1,0x8},
+       {0x9,0xB,0xC,0x0,0x3,0x6,0x7,0x5,0x4,0x8,0xE,0xF,0x1,0xA,0x2,0xD},
+       {0x8,0xF,0x6,0xB,0x1,0x9,0xC,0x5,0xD,0x3,0x7,0xA,0x0,0xE,0x2,0x4},
+       {0x3,0xE,0x5,0x9,0x6,0x8,0x0,0xD,0xA,0xB,0x7,0xC,0x2,0x1,0xF,0x4},
+       {0xE,0x9,0xB,0x2,0x5,0xF,0x7,0x1,0x0,0xD,0xC,0x6,0xA,0x4,0x3,0x8},
+       {0xD,0x8,0xE,0xC,0x7,0x3,0x9,0xA,0x1,0x5,0x2,0x4,0x6,0xF,0x0,0xB},
+       {0xC,0x9,0xF,0xE,0x8,0x1,0x3,0xA,0x2,0x7,0x4,0xD,0x6,0x0,0xB,0x5},
+       {0x4,0x2,0xF,0x5,0x9,0x1,0x0,0x8,0xE,0x3,0xB,0xC,0xD,0x7,0xA,0x6}
+/* 1.2.643. */
+gost_subst_block Gost28147_CryptoProParamSetA= {
+       {0xB,0xA,0xF,0x5,0x0,0xC,0xE,0x8,0x6,0x2,0x3,0x9,0x1,0x7,0xD,0x4},
+       {0x1,0xD,0x2,0x9,0x7,0xA,0x6,0x0,0x8,0xC,0x4,0x5,0xF,0x3,0xB,0xE},
+       {0x3,0xA,0xD,0xC,0x1,0x2,0x0,0xB,0x7,0x5,0x9,0x4,0x8,0xF,0xE,0x6},
+       {0xB,0x5,0x1,0x9,0x8,0xD,0xF,0x0,0xE,0x4,0x2,0x3,0xC,0x7,0xA,0x6},
+       {0xE,0x7,0xA,0xC,0xD,0x1,0x3,0x9,0x0,0x2,0xB,0x4,0xF,0x8,0x5,0x6},
+       {0xE,0x4,0x6,0x2,0xB,0x3,0xD,0x8,0xC,0xF,0x5,0xA,0x0,0x7,0x1,0x9},
+       {0x3,0x7,0xE,0x9,0x8,0xA,0xF,0x0,0x5,0x2,0x6,0xC,0xB,0x4,0xD,0x1},
+       {0x9,0x6,0x3,0x2,0x8,0xB,0x1,0x7,0xA,0x4,0xE,0xF,0xC,0x0,0xD,0x5}
+/* 1.2.643. */
+gost_subst_block Gost28147_CryptoProParamSetB= 
+       {0x0,0x4,0xB,0xE,0x8,0x3,0x7,0x1,0xA,0x2,0x9,0x6,0xF,0xD,0x5,0xC},
+       {0x5,0x2,0xA,0xB,0x9,0x1,0xC,0x3,0x7,0x4,0xD,0x0,0x6,0xF,0x8,0xE},
+       {0x8,0x3,0x2,0x6,0x4,0xD,0xE,0xB,0xC,0x1,0x7,0xF,0xA,0x0,0x9,0x5},
+       {0x2,0x7,0xC,0xF,0x9,0x5,0xA,0xB,0x1,0x4,0x0,0xD,0x6,0x8,0xE,0x3},
+       {0x7,0x5,0x0,0xD,0xB,0x6,0x1,0x2,0x3,0xA,0xC,0xF,0x4,0xE,0x9,0x8},
+       {0xE,0xC,0x0,0xA,0x9,0x2,0xD,0xB,0x7,0x5,0x8,0xF,0x3,0x6,0x1,0x4},
+       {0x0,0x1,0x2,0xA,0x4,0xD,0x5,0xC,0x9,0x7,0x3,0xF,0xB,0x8,0x6,0xE},
+       {0x8,0x4,0xB,0x1,0x3,0x5,0x0,0x9,0x2,0xE,0xA,0xC,0xD,0x6,0x7,0xF}
+/* 1.2.643. */
+gost_subst_block Gost28147_CryptoProParamSetC= 
+       {0x7,0x4,0x0,0x5,0xA,0x2,0xF,0xE,0xC,0x6,0x1,0xB,0xD,0x9,0x3,0x8},
+       {0xA,0x9,0x6,0x8,0xD,0xE,0x2,0x0,0xF,0x3,0x5,0xB,0x4,0x1,0xC,0x7},
+       {0xC,0x9,0xB,0x1,0x8,0xE,0x2,0x4,0x7,0x3,0x6,0x5,0xA,0x0,0xF,0xD},
+       {0x8,0xD,0xB,0x0,0x4,0x5,0x1,0x2,0x9,0x3,0xC,0xE,0x6,0xF,0xA,0x7},
+       {0x3,0x6,0x0,0x1,0x5,0xD,0xA,0x8,0xB,0x2,0x9,0x7,0xE,0xF,0xC,0x4},
+       {0x8,0x2,0x5,0x0,0x4,0x9,0xF,0xA,0x3,0x7,0xC,0xD,0x6,0xE,0x1,0xB},
+       {0x0,0x1,0x7,0xD,0xB,0x4,0x5,0x2,0x8,0xE,0xF,0xC,0x9,0xA,0x6,0x3},
+       {0x1,0xB,0xC,0x2,0x9,0xD,0x0,0xF,0x4,0x5,0x8,0xE,0xA,0x7,0x6,0x3}
+/* 1.2.643. */ 
+gost_subst_block Gost28147_CryptoProParamSetD=
+       {0x1,0xA,0x6,0x8,0xF,0xB,0x0,0x4,0xC,0x3,0x5,0x9,0x7,0xD,0x2,0xE},
+       {0x3,0x0,0x6,0xF,0x1,0xE,0x9,0x2,0xD,0x8,0xC,0x4,0xB,0xA,0x5,0x7},
+       {0x8,0x0,0xF,0x3,0x2,0x5,0xE,0xB,0x1,0xA,0x4,0x7,0xC,0x9,0xD,0x6},
+       {0x0,0xC,0x8,0x9,0xD,0x2,0xA,0xB,0x7,0x3,0x6,0x5,0x4,0xE,0xF,0x1},
+       {0x1,0x5,0xE,0xC,0xA,0x7,0x0,0xD,0x6,0x2,0xB,0x4,0x9,0x3,0xF,0x8},
+       {0x1,0xC,0xB,0x0,0xF,0xE,0x6,0x5,0xA,0xD,0x4,0x8,0x9,0x3,0x7,0x2},
+       {0xB,0x6,0x3,0x4,0xC,0xF,0xE,0x2,0x7,0xD,0x8,0x0,0x5,0xA,0x9,0x1},
+       {0xF,0xC,0x2,0xA,0x6,0x4,0x5,0x0,0x7,0x9,0xE,0xD,0x1,0xB,0x8,0x3}
+const byte CryptoProKeyMeshingKey[]={
+       0x69, 0x00, 0x72, 0x22,   0x64, 0xC9, 0x04, 0x23,
+    0x8D, 0x3A, 0xDB, 0x96,   0x46, 0xE9, 0x2A, 0xC4,
+    0x18, 0xFE, 0xAC, 0x94,   0x00, 0xED, 0x07, 0x12,
+    0xC0, 0x86, 0xDC, 0xC2,   0xEF, 0x4C, 0xA9, 0x2B
+/* Initialization of gost_ctx subst blocks*/
+void kboxinit(gost_ctx *c, const gost_subst_block *b) { 
+       int i; 
+       for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
+               c->k87[i] = (b->k8[i>>4] <<4 | b->k7 [i &15])<<24;
+               c->k65[i] = (b->k6[i>>4] << 4 | b->k5 [i &15])<<16;
+               c->k43[i] = (b->k4[i>>4] <<4  | b->k3 [i &15])<<8;
+               c->k21[i] = b->k2[i>>4] <<4  | b->k1 [i &15];
+       }
+/* Part of GOST 28147 algorithm moved into separate function */
+static word32 
+f(gost_ctx *c,word32 x) 
+{ x = c->k87[x>>24 & 255] | c->k65[x>>16 & 255]| 
+         c->k43[x>> 8 & 255] | c->k21[x & 255]; 
+         /* Rotate left 11 bits */ 
+         return x<<11 | x>>(32-11);
+/* Low-level encryption routine - encrypts one 64 bit block*/
+void gostcrypt(gost_ctx *c, const byte *in, byte *out)
+  register word32 n1, n2; /* As named in the GOST */ 
+  n1 = in[0]|(in[1]<<8)|(in[2]<<16)|(in[3]<<24); 
+  n2 = in[4]|(in[5]<<8)|(in[6]<<16)|(in[7]<<24); 
+  /* Instead of swapping halves, swap names each round */ 
+  n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[0]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[1]); 
+  n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[2]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[3]); 
+  n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[4]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[5]); 
+  n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[6]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[7]); 
+  n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[0]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[1]);
+  n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[2]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[3]);
+  n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[4]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[5]);
+  n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[6]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[7]);
+  n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[0]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[1]);
+  n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[2]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[3]);
+  n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[4]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[5]);
+  n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[6]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[7]);
+  n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[7]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[6]);
+  n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[5]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[4]);
+  n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[3]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[2]);
+  n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[1]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[0]);
+  out[0] = (n2&0xff);  out[1] = (n2>>8)&0xff; out[2]=(n2>>16)&0xff; out[3]=n2>>24; 
+  out[4] = (n1&0xff);  out[5] = (n1>>8)&0xff; out[6]=(n1>>16)&0xff; out[7]=n1>>24;
+/* Low-level decryption routine. Decrypts one 64-bit block */
+void gostdecrypt(gost_ctx *c, const byte *in,byte *out)
+       register word32 n1, n2; /* As named in the GOST */ 
+       n1 = in[0]|(in[1]<<8)|(in[2]<<16)|(in[3]<<24); 
+       n2 = in[4]|(in[5]<<8)|(in[6]<<16)|(in[7]<<24); 
+       n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[0]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[1]); 
+       n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[2]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[3]); 
+       n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[4]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[5]);
+       n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[6]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[7]); 
+       n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[7]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[6]);
+       n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[5]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[4]);
+       n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[3]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[2]);
+       n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[1]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[0]);
+       n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[7]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[6]);
+       n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[5]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[4]);
+       n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[3]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[2]);
+       n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[1]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[0]);
+       n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[7]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[6]);
+       n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[5]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[4]);
+       n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[3]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[2]);
+       n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[1]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[0]);
+       out[0] = (n2&0xff);  out[1] = (n2>>8)&0xff; out[2]=(n2>>16)&0xff; out[3]=n2>>24;
+       out[4] = (n1&0xff);  out[5] = (n1>>8)&0xff; out[6]=(n1>>16)&0xff; out[7]=n1>>24;
+/* Encrypts several blocks in ECB mode */
+void gost_enc(gost_ctx *c,const byte *clear,byte *cipher, int blocks)
+       int i; 
+       for(i=0;i<blocks;i++){ 
+               gostcrypt(c,clear,cipher); 
+               clear+=8;
+               cipher+=8;
+       }
+/* Decrypts several blocks in ECB mode */
+void gost_dec(gost_ctx *c, const byte *cipher,byte *clear, int blocks)
+       int i; 
+       for(i=0;i<blocks;i++) { 
+               gostdecrypt(c,cipher,clear); 
+               clear+=8; 
+               cipher+=8;
+       }
+/* Encrypts several full blocks in CFB mode using 8byte IV */
+void gost_enc_cfb(gost_ctx *ctx,const byte *iv,const byte *clear,byte *cipher, int blocks) {
+       byte cur_iv[8];
+       byte gamma[8];
+       int i,j;
+       const byte *in;
+       byte *out;
+       memcpy(cur_iv,iv,8);
+       for(i=0,in=clear,out=cipher;i<blocks;i++,in+=8,out+=8) {
+               gostcrypt(ctx,cur_iv,gamma);
+               for (j=0;j<8;j++) {
+                       cur_iv[j]=out[j]=in[j]^gamma[j];
+               }
+       }       
+/* Decrypts several full blocks in CFB mode using 8byte IV */
+void gost_dec_cfb(gost_ctx *ctx,const byte *iv,const byte *cipher,byte *clear,  int blocks) {
+       byte cur_iv[8];
+       byte gamma[8];
+       int i,j;
+       const byte *in;
+       byte *out;
+       memcpy(cur_iv,iv,8);
+       for(i=0,in=cipher,out=clear;i<blocks;i++,in+=8,out+=8) {
+               gostcrypt(ctx,cur_iv,gamma);
+               for (j=0;j<8;j++) {
+                       out[j]=(cur_iv[j]=in[j])^gamma[j];
+               }
+       }       
+/* Encrypts one block using specified key */
+void gost_enc_with_key(gost_ctx *c,byte *key,byte *inblock,byte *outblock) 
+       gost_key(c,key);
+       gostcrypt(c,inblock,outblock);
+/* Set 256 bit  key into context */
+void gost_key(gost_ctx *c, const byte *k) 
+       int i,j; 
+       for(i=0,j=0;i<8;i++,j+=4) {
+               c->k[i]=k[j]|(k[j+1]<<8)|(k[j+2]<<16)|(k[j+3]<<24);
+       }               
+/* Retrieve 256-bit key from context */
+void gost_get_key(gost_ctx *c, byte *k) 
+       int i,j; 
+       for(i=0,j=0;i<8;i++,j+=4) {
+               k[j]=c->k[i]& 0xFF;
+               k[j+1]=(c->k[i]>>8 )&0xFF;
+               k[j+2]=(c->k[i]>>16) &0xFF;
+               k[j+3]=(c->k[i]>>24) &0xFF;
+       }               
+/* Initalize context. Provides default value for subst_block */
+void gost_init(gost_ctx *c, const gost_subst_block *b)
+       if(!b) {
+               b=&GostR3411_94_TestParamSet;
+       }       
+       kboxinit(c,b); 
+/* Cleans up key from context */
+void gost_destroy(gost_ctx *c)
+       int i; for(i=0;i<8;i++) c->k[i]=0; 
+/* Compute GOST 28147 mac block 
+ * 
+ * Parameters
+ *   gost_ctx *c - context initalized with substitution blocks and key
+ *   buffer - 8-byte mac state buffer
+ *   block 8-byte block to process.
+ * */
+void mac_block(gost_ctx *c,byte *buffer,const  byte *block) {
+  register word32 n1, n2; /* As named in the GOST */ 
+  int i;
+  for (i=0; i<8; i++) {
+         buffer[i]^=block[i];
+  }      
+  n1 = buffer[0]|(buffer[1]<<8)|(buffer[2]<<16)|(buffer[3]<<24); 
+  n2 = buffer[4]|(buffer[5]<<8)|(buffer[6]<<16)|(buffer[7]<<24); 
+  /* Instead of swapping halves, swap names each round */ 
+  n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[0]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[1]); 
+  n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[2]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[3]); 
+  n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[4]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[5]); 
+  n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[6]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[7]); 
+  n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[0]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[1]);
+  n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[2]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[3]);
+  n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[4]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[5]);
+  n2 ^= f(c,n1+c->k[6]); n1 ^= f(c,n2+c->k[7]);
+       buffer[0] = (n1&0xff);  buffer[1] = (n1>>8)&0xff; buffer[2]=(n1>>16)&0xff; buffer[3]=n1>>24;
+       buffer[4] = (n2&0xff);  buffer[5] = (n2>>8)&0xff; buffer[6]=(n2>>16)&0xff; buffer[7]=n2>>24;
+/* Get mac with specified number of bits from MAC state buffer */
+void get_mac(byte *buffer,int nbits,byte *out) {
+       int nbytes= nbits >> 3;
+       int rembits = nbits & 7;
+       int mask =rembits?((1<rembits)-1):0;
+       int i;
+       for (i=0;i<nbytes;i++) out[i]=buffer[i];
+       if (rembits) out[i]=buffer[i]&mask;
+/* Compute mac of specified length (in bits) from data. 
+ * Context should be initialized with key and subst blocks */
+int gost_mac(gost_ctx *ctx,int mac_len,const unsigned char *data,
+               unsigned int data_len,unsigned char *mac) 
+       byte buffer[8]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
+       byte buf2[8];
+       int i;
+       for (i=0;i+8<=data_len;i+=8) 
+               mac_block(ctx,buffer,data+i);
+       if (i<data_len) {
+               memset(buf2,0,8);
+               memcpy(buf2,data+i,data_len-i);
+               mac_block(ctx,buffer,buf2);
+       }       
+       get_mac(buffer,mac_len,mac);
+       return 1;
+/* Compute MAC with non-zero IV. Used in some RFC 4357 algorithms */
+int gost_mac_iv(gost_ctx *ctx,int mac_len,const unsigned char *iv,const unsigned char *data,
+               unsigned int data_len,unsigned char *mac) 
+       byte buffer[8];
+       byte buf2[8];
+       int i;
+       memcpy (buffer,iv,8);
+       for (i=0;i+8<=data_len;i+=8) 
+               mac_block(ctx,buffer,data+i);
+       if (i<data_len) {
+               memset(buf2,0,8);
+               memcpy(buf2,data+i,data_len-i);
+               mac_block(ctx,buffer,buf2);
+       }       
+       get_mac(buffer,mac_len,mac);
+       return 1;
+/* Implements key meshing algorithm by modifing ctx and IV in place */
+void cryptopro_key_meshing(gost_ctx *ctx, unsigned char *iv) {
+       unsigned char newkey[32],newiv[8];
+       /* Set static keymeshing key */
+       /* "Decrypt" key with keymeshing key */
+       gost_dec(ctx,CryptoProKeyMeshingKey,newkey,4);
+       /* set new key */
+       gost_key(ctx,newkey);
+       /* Encrypt iv with new key */
+       gostcrypt(ctx,iv,newiv);
+       memcpy(iv,newiv,8);
diff --git a/engines/ccgost/gost89.h b/engines/ccgost/gost89.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..2157852
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+ *                        gost89.h                                    *
+ *             Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Cryptocom LTD                  *
+ *     This file is distributed under the same license as OpenSSL     *
+ *                                                                    *
+ *          Declarations for GOST 28147-89 encryption algorithm       *
+ *            No OpenSSL libraries required to compile and use        *
+ *                       this code                                    *
+ **********************************************************************/            
+#ifndef GOST89_H
+#define GOST89_H
+/* Typedef for unsigned 32-bit integer */
+#if __LONG_MAX__ > 2147483647L 
+typedef unsigned int u4; 
+typedef unsigned long u4; 
+/* Typedef for unsigned 8-bit integer */
+typedef unsigned char byte; 
+/* Internal representation of GOST substitution blocks */
+typedef struct {
+               byte k8[16];
+               byte k7[16];
+               byte k6[16];
+               byte k5[16];
+               byte k4[16];
+               byte k3[16];
+               byte k2[16];
+               byte k1[16];
+} gost_subst_block;            
+/* Cipher context includes key and preprocessed  substitution block */
+typedef struct { 
+               u4 k[8]; 
+               /* Constant s-boxes -- set up in gost_init(). */ 
+               u4 k87[256],k65[256],k43[256],k21[256]; 
+} gost_ctx; 
+/* Note: encrypt and decrypt expect full blocks--padding blocks is 
+         caller's responsibility. All bulk encryption is done in 
+                ECB mode by these calls. Other modes may be added easily 
+                enough.                                            */
+/* Encrypt several full blocks in ECB mode */
+void gost_enc(gost_ctx *ctx, const byte *clear,byte *cipher, int blocks); 
+/* Decrypt several full blocks in ECB mode */
+void gost_dec(gost_ctx *ctx, const byte *cipher,byte *clear, int blocks); 
+/* Encrypts several full blocks in CFB mode using 8byte IV */
+void gost_enc_cfb(gost_ctx *ctx,const byte *iv,const byte *clear,byte *cipher,int  blocks);
+/* Decrypts several full blocks in CFB mode using 8byte IV */
+void gost_dec_cfb(gost_ctx *ctx,const byte *iv,const byte *cipher,byte *clear,int  blocks);
+/* Encrypt one  block */
+void gostcrypt(gost_ctx *c, const byte *in, byte *out);
+/* Decrypt one  block */
+void gostdecrypt(gost_ctx *c, const byte *in,byte *out);
+/* Set key into context */
+void gost_key(gost_ctx *ctx, const byte *key); 
+/* Get key from context */
+void gost_get_key(gost_ctx *ctx, byte *key);
+/* Set S-blocks into context */
+void gost_init(gost_ctx *ctx, const gost_subst_block *subst_block); 
+/* Clean up context */
+void gost_destroy(gost_ctx *ctx);
+/* Intermediate function used for calculate hash */
+void gost_enc_with_key(gost_ctx *,byte *key,byte *inblock,byte *outblock);
+/* Compute MAC of given length in bits from data */
+int gost_mac(gost_ctx *ctx,int hmac_len,const unsigned char *data,
+               unsigned int data_len,unsigned char *hmac) ;
+/* Compute MAC of given length in bits from data, using non-zero 8-byte
+ * IV (non-standard, for use in CryptoPro key transport only */
+int gost_mac_iv(gost_ctx *ctx,int hmac_len,const unsigned char *iv,const unsigned char *data,
+               unsigned int data_len,unsigned char *hmac) ;
+/* Perform one step of MAC calculation like gostcrypt */
+void mac_block(gost_ctx *c,byte *buffer,const  byte *block); 
+/* Extracts MAC value from mac state buffer */
+void get_mac(byte *buffer,int nbits,byte *out);
+/* Implements cryptopro key meshing algorithm. Expect IV to be 8-byte size*/
+void cryptopro_key_meshing(gost_ctx *ctx, unsigned char *iv);
+/* Parameter sets specified in RFC 4357 */
+extern gost_subst_block GostR3411_94_TestParamSet;
+extern gost_subst_block GostR3411_94_CryptoProParamSet;
+extern gost_subst_block Gost28147_TestParamSet;
+extern gost_subst_block Gost28147_CryptoProParamSetA;
+extern gost_subst_block Gost28147_CryptoProParamSetB;
+extern gost_subst_block Gost28147_CryptoProParamSetC;
+extern gost_subst_block Gost28147_CryptoProParamSetD;
+extern const byte CryptoProKeyMeshingKey[]; 
+#if __LONG_MAX__ > 2147483647L 
+typedef unsigned int word32; 
+typedef unsigned long word32; 
diff --git a/engines/ccgost/gost94_keyx.c b/engines/ccgost/gost94_keyx.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..4cf8a0b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+ *                             gost94_keyx.c                          *
+ *             Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Cryptocom LTD                  *
+ *         This file is distributed under the same license as OpenSSL *
+ *                                                                    *
+ *     Implements generation and parsing of GOST_KEY_TRANSPORT for    *
+ *                             GOST R 34.10-94 algorithms                            *
+ *                                                                                                                                       *
+ *          Requires OpenSSL 0.9.9 for compilation                    *
+ **********************************************************************/
+#include <string.h>
+#include <openssl/dh.h>
+#include <openssl/rand.h>
+#include <openssl/evp.h>
+#include <openssl/objects.h>
+#include "gostkeyx.h"
+#include "gost_asn1.h"
+#include "gost89.h"
+#include "gosthash.h"
+#include "crypt.h"
+#include "e_gost_err.h"
+#include "pmeth.h"
+#include "keywrap.h"
+#include "tools.h"
+/* Common functions for both 94 and 2001 key exchange schemes */
+int decrypt_cryptocom_key(unsigned char *sess_key,int max_key_len,
+               const unsigned char *crypted_key,int crypted_key_len, gost_ctx *ctx)
+       int i;
+       int j;
+       int blocks = crypted_key_len >>3;
+       unsigned char gamma[8];
+       if (max_key_len <crypted_key_len) {
+               return 0;
+       }       
+       if ((crypted_key_len & 7) !=0) 
+       {
+               return 0;
+       }       
+       for (i=blocks-1;i>0;i--) 
+       {
+               gostcrypt(ctx,crypted_key+(i-1)*8,gamma);
+               for(j=0;j<8;j++) 
+               {
+                       sess_key[i*8+j]=gamma[j]^crypted_key[i*8+j];
+               }
+       }       
+       gostcrypt(ctx,sess_key+crypted_key_len-8,gamma);        
+       for(j=0;j<8;j++) 
+       {
+               sess_key[j]=gamma[j]^crypted_key[j];
+       }
+       return 1;
+int encrypt_cryptocom_key(const unsigned char *sess_key,int key_len,
+               unsigned char *crypted_key, gost_ctx *ctx)
+       int i;
+       int j;
+       unsigned char gamma[8];
+       memcpy(gamma,sess_key+key_len-8,8);
+       for (i=0;i<key_len;i+=8)
+       {
+               gostcrypt(ctx,gamma,gamma);
+               for (j=0;j<8;j++)
+                       gamma[j]=crypted_key[i+j]=sess_key[i+j]^gamma[j];
+       }
+       return 1;
+/* Implementation of the Diffi-Hellman key agreement scheme based on
+ * GOST-94 keys */
+/* Computes Diffie-Hellman key and stores it into buffer in
+ * little-endian byte order as expected by both versions of GOST 94
+ * algorigthm
+ */
+static int compute_pair_key_le(unsigned char *pair_key,BIGNUM *pub_key,DH *dh) 
+       unsigned char be_key[128];
+       int i,key_size;
+       key_size=DH_compute_key(be_key,pub_key,dh);
+       if (!key_size) return 0;
+       memset(pair_key,0,128);
+       for (i=0;i<key_size;i++) {
+               pair_key[i]=be_key[key_size-1-i];
+       }
+       return key_size;        
+ * Computes 256 bit key exchange key for CryptoCom variation of GOST 94
+ * algorithm
+ */
+static int make_gost_shared_key(DH *dh,EVP_PKEY *pubk,unsigned char *shared_key) 
+       unsigned char dh_key [128];
+       int i;
+       /* Compute key */
+       memset(dh_key,0,128);
+       if (!compute_pair_key_le(dh_key,((DSA *)EVP_PKEY_get0(pubk))->pub_key,dh)) return 0;    
+       /* Fold it down to 256 bit */
+       /* According to GOST  either 2^1020<p<2^1024 or 
+        * 2^509<p<2^512, so DH_size can be exactly 128 or exactly 64 only
+        */
+       if (DH_size(dh)==128) 
+               for (i=0;i<64;i++) {
+                       dh_key[i]^=dh_key[64+i];
+               }       
+       for (i=0;i<32;i++) {
+               shared_key[i]=dh_key[i]^dh_key[32+i];
+       }
+       return 1;
+static DH *make_ephemeral_key(EVP_PKEY *pubk,BIGNUM *ephemeral_key)
+       DH *dh = DH_new();
+       dh->g = BN_dup(pubk->pkey.dsa->g);
+       dh->p = BN_dup(pubk->pkey.dsa->p);
+       dh->priv_key = BN_dup(ephemeral_key);
+       /* Generate ephemeral key pair */
+       if (!DH_generate_key(dh)) {
+               DH_free(dh);
+               return NULL;
+       }       
+       return dh;
+ * Computes 256 bit Key exchange key as specified in RFC 4357 
+ */
+static int make_cp_exchange_key(DH *dh,EVP_PKEY *pubk, unsigned char *shared_key)
+       unsigned char dh_key [128];
+       gost_hash_ctx hash_ctx;
+       memset(dh_key,0,128);
+       if (!compute_pair_key_le(dh_key,((DSA *)(EVP_PKEY_get0(pubk)))->pub_key,dh)) return 0;
+       init_gost_hash_ctx(&hash_ctx,&GostR3411_94_CryptoProParamSet);
+       start_hash(&hash_ctx);
+       hash_block(&hash_ctx,dh_key,128);
+       finish_hash(&hash_ctx,shared_key);
+       done_gost_hash_ctx(&hash_ctx);
+       return 1;
+/* EVP_PKEY_METHOD callback encrypt for
+ * GOST R 34.10-94 cryptopro modification
+ */
+int pkey_GOST94cp_encrypt(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *out, size_t *outlen, const unsigned char* key, size_t key_len ) 
+       DH *dh = NULL;
+       unsigned char shared_key[32], ukm[8],crypted_key[44];
+       const struct gost_cipher_info *param=get_encryption_params(NULL);
+       EVP_PKEY *pubk = EVP_PKEY_CTX_get0_pkey(ctx);
+       struct gost_pmeth_data *data = EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_data(ctx);
+       int size=-1;
+       gost_ctx cctx;
+       if (!(data->eph_seckey)) {
+               GOSTerr(GOST_F_PKEY_GOST94CP_ENCRYPT,
+               return -1;
+       }       
+       dh = make_ephemeral_key(pubk,gost_get_priv_key(data->eph_seckey));
+       gost_init(&cctx,param->sblock); 
+       make_cp_exchange_key(dh,pubk,shared_key);
+       if (RAND_bytes(ukm,8)<=0) {
+               GOSTerr(GOST_F_PKEY_GOST94CP_ENCRYPT,
+               return -1;
+       }       
+       keyWrapCryptoPro(&cctx,shared_key,ukm,key,crypted_key);
+       gkt = GOST_KEY_TRANSPORT_new();
+       if (!gkt) {
+               goto memerr;
+       }       
+       if(!ASN1_OCTET_STRING_set(gkt->key_agreement_info->eph_iv,
+                                               ukm,8)) {
+               goto memerr;
+       }       
+       if (!ASN1_OCTET_STRING_set(gkt->key_info->imit,crypted_key+40,4)) {
+               goto memerr;
+       }
+       if (!ASN1_OCTET_STRING_set(gkt->key_info->encrypted_key,crypted_key+8,32)) {
+               goto memerr;
+       }
+       if (!X509_PUBKEY_set(&gkt->key_agreement_info->ephem_key,data->eph_seckey)) {
+               goto err;
+       }       
+       ASN1_OBJECT_free(gkt->key_agreement_info->cipher);
+       gkt->key_agreement_info->cipher = OBJ_nid2obj(param->nid);
+       *outlen = i2d_GOST_KEY_TRANSPORT(gkt,&out);
+       if (!size) {
+               size=-1;
+       }
+       GOST_KEY_TRANSPORT_free(gkt);
+       DH_free(dh);
+       return 1;       
+               GOSTerr(GOST_F_PKEY_GOST94CP_ENCRYPT,
+                               GOST_R_MALLOC_FAILURE);
+               GOST_KEY_TRANSPORT_free(gkt);
+               DH_free(dh);
+               return -1;
+/* EVP_PKEY_METHOD callback encrypt for
+ * GOST R 34.10-94 cryptocom modification
+ */
+int pkey_GOST94cc_encrypt (EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *out, size_t *outlen,  const unsigned char *   key,size_t key_len) 
+       EVP_PKEY *pubk = EVP_PKEY_CTX_get0_pkey(ctx);
+       struct gost_pmeth_data *data = EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_data(ctx);
+       /* create DH structure filling parameters from passed pub_key */
+       DH *dh = NULL;
+       gost_ctx cctx;
+       EVP_PKEY *newkey=NULL;
+       unsigned char shared_key[32],encrypted_key[32],hmac[4],
+                                 iv[8]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
+       if (! data->eph_seckey) {
+               GOSTerr(GOST_F_PKEY_GOST94CP_ENCRYPT,
+               return -1;
+       }       
+       dh = make_ephemeral_key(pubk,gost_get_priv_key(data->eph_seckey));
+       if (!dh) goto err;
+       /* compute shared key */
+       if (!make_gost_shared_key(dh,pubk,shared_key)) 
+       {
+               goto err;
+       }       
+       /* encrypt session key */
+       gost_init(&cctx, &GostR3411_94_CryptoProParamSet);
+       gost_key(&cctx,shared_key);
+       encrypt_cryptocom_key(key,key_len,encrypted_key,&cctx);
+       /* compute hmac of session key */
+       if (!gost_mac(&cctx,32,key,32,hmac)) 
+       {
+               DH_free(dh);
+               return -1;
+    }
+       gkt = GOST_KEY_TRANSPORT_new();
+       if (!gkt) 
+       {
+               DH_free(dh);
+               return -1;
+       }       
+       /* Store IV which is always zero in our case */
+       if (!ASN1_OCTET_STRING_set(gkt->key_agreement_info->eph_iv,iv,8))
+       {
+               goto err;
+       }       
+       if (!ASN1_OCTET_STRING_set(gkt->key_info->imit,hmac,4)) 
+       {
+               goto err;
+       }       
+       if (!ASN1_OCTET_STRING_set(gkt->key_info->encrypted_key,encrypted_key,32))
+       {       
+               goto err;
+       }
+       if (!X509_PUBKEY_set(&gkt->key_agreement_info->ephem_key,data->eph_seckey)) {
+               goto err;
+       }       
+       ASN1_OBJECT_free(gkt->key_agreement_info->cipher);
+       gkt->key_agreement_info->cipher = OBJ_nid2obj(NID_id_Gost28147_89_cc);
+       *outlen = i2d_GOST_KEY_TRANSPORT(gkt,&out);
+       if (gkt) GOST_KEY_TRANSPORT_free(gkt);
+       if (dh) DH_free(dh);
+       if (newkey) EVP_PKEY_free(newkey);
+       return 1;
+/* EVP_PLEY_METHOD callback decrypt for
+ * GOST R 34.10-94 cryptopro modification
+ */
+int pkey_GOST94cp_decrypt (EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *key, size_t *key_len,const unsigned char *in, size_t in_len) {
+       DH *dh = DH_new();
+       const unsigned char *p = in;
+       unsigned char wrappedKey[44];
+       unsigned char sharedKey[32];
+       gost_ctx cctx;
+       const struct gost_cipher_info *param=NULL;
+       EVP_PKEY *eph_key=NULL;
+       EVP_PKEY *priv= EVP_PKEY_CTX_get0_pkey(ctx); 
+       if (!key) {
+               *key_len = 32;
+               return 1;
+       }       
+       dh->g = BN_dup(priv->pkey.dsa->g);
+       dh->p = BN_dup(priv->pkey.dsa->p);
+       dh->priv_key = BN_dup(priv->pkey.dsa->priv_key);
+       gkt = d2i_GOST_KEY_TRANSPORT(NULL,(const unsigned char **)&p,
+                       in_len);
+       if (!gkt) {
+               DH_free(dh);
+               return 0;
+       }       
+       eph_key = X509_PUBKEY_get(gkt->key_agreement_info->ephem_key);
+       param = get_encryption_params(gkt->key_agreement_info->cipher);
+       gost_init(&cctx,param->sblock); 
+       OPENSSL_assert(gkt->key_agreement_info->eph_iv->length==8);
+       memcpy(wrappedKey,gkt->key_agreement_info->eph_iv->data,8);
+       OPENSSL_assert(gkt->key_info->encrypted_key->length==32);
+       memcpy(wrappedKey+8,gkt->key_info->encrypted_key->data,32);
+       OPENSSL_assert(gkt->key_info->imit->length==4);
+       memcpy(wrappedKey+40,gkt->key_info->imit->data,4);      
+       make_cp_exchange_key(dh,eph_key,sharedKey);
+       if (!keyUnwrapCryptoPro(&cctx,sharedKey,wrappedKey,key)) {
+               GOSTerr(GOST_F_PKEY_GOST94CP_DECRYPT,
+                               GOST_R_ERROR_COMPUTING_SHARED_KEY);
+               goto err;
+       }       
+       EVP_PKEY_free(eph_key);
+       GOST_KEY_TRANSPORT_free(gkt);
+       DH_free(dh);
+       return 1;
+       EVP_PKEY_free(eph_key);
+       GOST_KEY_TRANSPORT_free(gkt);
+       DH_free(dh);
+       return -1;
+/* EVP_PKEY_METHOD callback decrypt for
+ * GOST R 34.10-94 cryptocom modification
+ */
+int pkey_GOST94cc_decrypt (EVP_PKEY_CTX *pctx, unsigned char *key, size_t *key_len, const unsigned char *in, size_t in_len)
+       /* Form DH params from compute shared key */
+       const unsigned char *p=in;
+       unsigned char shared_key[32];
+       unsigned char hmac[4],hmac_comp[4];
+       unsigned char iv[8];
+       int i;
+       gost_ctx ctx;
+       DH *dh = DH_new();
+       EVP_PKEY *eph_key;
+       EVP_PKEY *priv = EVP_PKEY_CTX_get0_pkey(pctx);
+       if (!key) {
+               *key_len = 32;
+               return 1;
+       }
+       /* Construct DH structure from the our GOST private key */
+       dh->g = BN_dup(priv->pkey.dsa->g);
+       dh->p = BN_dup(priv->pkey.dsa->p);
+       dh->priv_key = BN_dup(priv->pkey.dsa->priv_key);
+       /* Parse passed octet string and find out public key, iv and HMAC*/
+       gkt = d2i_GOST_KEY_TRANSPORT(NULL,(const unsigned char **)&p,
+                       in_len);
+       if (!gkt) {
+               DH_free(dh);
+               return 0;
+       }       
+       eph_key = X509_PUBKEY_get(gkt->key_agreement_info->ephem_key);
+       /* Initialization vector is really ignored here */
+       OPENSSL_assert(gkt->key_agreement_info->eph_iv->length==8);
+       memcpy(iv,gkt->key_agreement_info->eph_iv->data,8);
+       /* HMAC should be computed and checked */
+       OPENSSL_assert(gkt->key_info->imit->length==4);
+       memcpy(hmac,gkt->key_info->imit->data,4);       
+       /* Compute shared key */
+       i=make_gost_shared_key(dh,eph_key,shared_key);
+       EVP_PKEY_free(eph_key);
+       DH_free(dh);
+       if (!i) 
+       {
+               GOST_KEY_TRANSPORT_free(gkt);
+               return 0;
+       }
+       /* Decrypt session key */
+       gost_init(&ctx, &GostR3411_94_CryptoProParamSet);
+       gost_key(&ctx,shared_key);
+       if (!decrypt_cryptocom_key(key,*key_len,gkt->key_info->encrypted_key->data, 
+                       gkt->key_info->encrypted_key->length, &ctx)) 
+       {
+               GOST_KEY_TRANSPORT_free(gkt);
+               return 0;
+       }
+       GOST_KEY_TRANSPORT_free(gkt);
+       /* check HMAC of session key*/
+       if (!gost_mac(&ctx,32,key,32,hmac_comp)) {
+               return 0;
+    }
+               /* HMAC of session key is not correct */
+    if (memcmp(hmac,hmac_comp,4)!=0) {
+               return 0;
+       }       
+       return 1; 
diff --git a/engines/ccgost/gost_asn1.c b/engines/ccgost/gost_asn1.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e7303b7
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ *                          gost_keytrans.c                           *
+ *             Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Cryptocom LTD                  *
+ *         This file is distributed under the same license as OpenSSL *
+ *                                                                    *
+ *   ASN1 structure definition for GOST key transport                 *
+ *          Requires OpenSSL 0.9.9 for compilation                    *
+ **********************************************************************/
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <openssl/asn1t.h>
+#include <openssl/x509.h>
+#include "gost_asn1.h"
+       ASN1_IMP(GOST_KEY_TRANSPORT, key_agreement_info, GOST_KEY_AGREEMENT_INFO, 0)
+       ASN1_SIMPLE(GOST_KEY_INFO, encrypted_key, ASN1_OCTET_STRING),
+       ASN1_SIMPLE(GOST_KEY_INFO, imit,          ASN1_OCTET_STRING)
+       ASN1_IMP(GOST_KEY_AGREEMENT_INFO, ephem_key, X509_PUBKEY, 0),
+       ASN1_SIMPLE(GOST_KEY_PARAMS, key_params, ASN1_OBJECT),
+       ASN1_SIMPLE(GOST_KEY_PARAMS, hash_params, ASN1_OBJECT),
+       ASN1_OPT(GOST_KEY_PARAMS, cipher_params, ASN1_OBJECT),
+       ASN1_SIMPLE(GOST_CIPHER_PARAMS, enc_param_set, ASN1_OBJECT),
diff --git a/engines/ccgost/gost_asn1.h b/engines/ccgost/gost_asn1.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..81075e4
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+ *                          gost_keytrans.h                           *
+ *             Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Cryptocom LTD                  *
+ *       This file is distributed under the same license as OpenSSL   *
+ *                                                                    *
+ *   ASN1 structure declaration for GOST key transport                *
+ *          Requires OpenSSL 0.9.9 for compilation                    *
+ **********************************************************************/
+#include <openssl/asn1t.h>
+#include <openssl/x509.h>
+typedef struct {
+       ASN1_OCTET_STRING *encrypted_key;
+       ASN1_OCTET_STRING *imit;
+typedef struct {
+       ASN1_OBJECT *cipher;
+       X509_PUBKEY *ephem_key;
+       ASN1_OCTET_STRING *eph_iv;
+typedef struct {
+       GOST_KEY_INFO *key_info;
+       GOST_KEY_AGREEMENT_INFO *key_agreement_info;
+typedef struct { //FIXME incomplete
+       GOST_KEY_TRANSPORT *gkt;
+typedef struct {
+       ASN1_OBJECT *key_params;
+       ASN1_OBJECT *hash_params;
+       ASN1_OBJECT *cipher_params;
+typedef struct {
+       ASN1_OCTET_STRING *iv;
+       ASN1_OBJECT *enc_param_set;
diff --git a/engines/ccgost/gost_crypt.c b/engines/ccgost/gost_crypt.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..9b3803d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,579 @@
+*                          gost_crypt.c                              *
+*             Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Cryptocom LTD                  *
+*         This file is distributed under the same license as OpenSSL *
+*                                                                    *
+*       OpenSSL interface to GOST 28147-89 cipher functions          *
+*          Requires OpenSSL 0.9.9 for compilation                    *
+#include <string.h>
+#include "crypt.h"
+#include "gost89.h"
+#include <openssl/rand.h>
+#include "e_gost_err.h"
+#include "gost_asn1.h"
+static int gost_cipher_init(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, const unsigned char *key, 
+                       const unsigned char *iv, int enc);
+#ifdef USE_SSL
+/* Specialized init functions which set specific parameters */                 
+static int     gost_cipher_init_vizir(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, const unsigned char *key,
+                       const unsigned char *iv, int enc);
+static int     gost_cipher_init_cpa(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, const unsigned char *key,
+                       const unsigned char *iv, int enc);
+/* Handles block of data in CFB mode */                        
+static int     gost_cipher_do_cfb(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *out,
+                       const unsigned char *in, unsigned int inl);
+/* Handles block of data in CNT mode */                        
+static int     gost_cipher_do_cnt(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *out,
+                       const unsigned char *in, unsigned int inl);
+/* Cleanup function */                 
+static int gost_cipher_cleanup(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *);
+/* set/get cipher parameters */
+static int gost89_set_asn1_parameters(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx,ASN1_TYPE *params);
+static int gost89_get_asn1_parameters(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx,ASN1_TYPE *params);
+/* Control function */
+static int gost_cipher_ctl(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx,int type,int arg,void *ptr);
+EVP_CIPHER cipher_gost = 
+       {
+         NID_id_Gost28147_89,
+         1,/*block_size*/
+         32,/*key_size*/
+         8,/*iv_len - Ã±Ã¨Ã­ÃµÃ°Ã®Ã¯Ã®Ã±Ã»Ã«ÃªÃ */
+         gost_cipher_init,
+         gost_cipher_do_cfb,
+         gost_cipher_cleanup,
+         sizeof(struct ossl_gost_cipher_ctx),/* ctx_size */
+         gost89_set_asn1_parameters,
+         gost89_get_asn1_parameters,
+         gost_cipher_ctl,
+         NULL,
+       };
+#ifdef USE_SSL
+static EVP_CIPHER cipher_gost_vizircfb = 
+       {
+         NID_undef,
+         1,/*block_size*/
+         32,/*key_size*/
+         8,/*iv_len - Ã±Ã¨Ã­ÃµÃ°Ã®Ã¯Ã®Ã±Ã»Ã«ÃªÃ */
+               gost_cipher_init_vizir,
+               gost_cipher_do_cfb,
+               gost_cipher_cleanup,
+               sizeof(struct ossl_gost_cipher_ctx), /* ctx_size */
+           gost89_set_asn1_parameters,
+           gost89_get_asn1_parameters,
+           gost_cipher_ctl,
+         NULL,
+       };
+static EVP_CIPHER cipher_gost_cpacnt = 
+       {
+         NID_undef,
+         1,/*block_size*/
+         32,/*key_size*/
+         8,/*iv_len - Ã±Ã¨Ã­ÃµÃ°Ã®Ã¯Ã®Ã±Ã»Ã«ÃªÃ */
+         gost_cipher_init_cpa,
+         gost_cipher_do_cnt,
+         gost_cipher_cleanup,
+               sizeof(struct ossl_gost_cipher_ctx), /* ctx_size */
+         gost89_set_asn1_parameters,
+         gost89_get_asn1_parameters,
+         gost_cipher_ctl,
+         NULL,
+       };
+/* Implementation of GOST 28147-89 in MAC (imitovstavka) mode */
+/* Init functions which set specific parameters */
+static int gost_imit_init_vizir(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx);
+static int gost_imit_init_cpa(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx);
+/* process block of data */
+static int gost_imit_update(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx, const void *data, size_t count);
+/* Return computed value */
+static int gost_imit_final(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx,unsigned char *md);
+/* Copies context */
+static int gost_imit_copy(EVP_MD_CTX *to,const EVP_MD_CTX *from);
+static int gost_imit_cleanup(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx);
+/* Control function, knows how to set MAC key.*/
+static int gost_imit_ctrl(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx,int type, int arg, void *ptr);
+EVP_MD imit_gost_vizir =
+       {
+       NID_undef,
+       NID_undef,
+       4,
+       gost_imit_init_vizir,
+       gost_imit_update,
+       gost_imit_final,
+       gost_imit_copy,
+       gost_imit_cleanup,
+       gost_imit_ctrl,
+       NULL,
+       NULL,
+       {0,0,0,0,0},
+       8,
+       sizeof(struct ossl_gost_imit_ctx) 
+       };
+EVP_MD imit_gost_cpa =
+       {
+       NID_undef,
+       NID_undef,
+       4,
+       gost_imit_init_cpa,
+       gost_imit_update,
+       gost_imit_final,
+       gost_imit_copy,
+       gost_imit_cleanup,
+       gost_imit_ctrl,
+       NULL,
+       NULL,
+       {0,0,0,0,0},
+       8,
+       sizeof(struct ossl_gost_imit_ctx) 
+       };
+* Correspondence between gost parameter OIDs and substitution blocks
+* NID field is filed by register_gost_NID function in engine.c
+* upon engine initialization
+struct gost_cipher_info gost_cipher_list[]={
+/* NID */  /* Subst block */          /* Key meshing*/
+/*  get encryption parameters from crypto network settings
+FIXME For now we use environment var CRYPT_PARAMS as place to 
+store these settings. Actually, it is better to use engine control   command, read from configuration file to set them */
+const struct gost_cipher_info *get_encryption_params(ASN1_OBJECT *obj) {
+int nid;
+struct gost_cipher_info *param;
+if (!obj) {
+       const char * params = getenv("CRYPT_PARAMS");
+       if (!params || !strlen(params)) 
+               return &gost_cipher_list[0];
+       nid = OBJ_txt2nid(params);
+       if (nid == NID_undef) {
+                               GOST_R_INVALID_CIPHER_PARAM_OID);
+               return NULL;
+       }       
+} else {
+       nid= OBJ_obj2nid(obj);
+for (param=gost_cipher_list;param->sblock!=NULL && param->nid!=nid; 
+               param++);
+if (!param->sblock) {
+       return NULL;
+return param;
+/* Sets cipher param from paramset NID. */
+int gost_cipher_set_param(struct ossl_gost_cipher_ctx *c,int nid) {
+const struct gost_cipher_info *param;
+if (!param) return 0;
+c->paramNID = param->nid;
+gost_init(&(c->cctx), param->sblock);
+return 1;
+/* Initializes EVP_CIPHER_CTX by paramset NID */
+static int gost_cipher_init_param(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, const unsigned char *key,
+       const unsigned char *iv, int enc, int paramNID,int mode) {
+struct ossl_gost_cipher_ctx *c=ctx->cipher_data;
+if (!gost_cipher_set_param(c,paramNID)) return 0;
+if (key) gost_key(&(c->cctx),key);
+if(iv) memcpy(ctx->oiv, iv, EVP_CIPHER_CTX_iv_length(ctx));
+memcpy(ctx->iv, ctx->oiv, EVP_CIPHER_CTX_iv_length(ctx));
+return 1;
+/* Initializes EVP_CIPHER_CTX with fixed cryptopro A paramset */
+int gost_cipher_init_cpa(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, const unsigned char *key,
+               const unsigned char *iv, int enc) {
+struct ossl_gost_cipher_ctx *c=ctx->cipher_data;
+if(iv) memcpy(ctx->oiv, iv, EVP_CIPHER_CTX_iv_length(ctx));
+memcpy(ctx->iv, ctx->oiv, EVP_CIPHER_CTX_iv_length(ctx));
+return 1;
+/* Initializes EVP_CIPHER_CTX with fixed vizir paramset */
+int gost_cipher_init_vizir(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, const unsigned char *key,
+               const unsigned char *iv, int enc) {
+struct ossl_gost_cipher_ctx *c=ctx->cipher_data;
+if(iv) memcpy(ctx->oiv, iv, EVP_CIPHER_CTX_iv_length(ctx));
+memcpy(ctx->iv, ctx->oiv, EVP_CIPHER_CTX_iv_length(ctx));
+return 1;
+/* Initializes EVP_CIPHER_CTX with default values */
+int gost_cipher_init(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, const unsigned char *key,
+               const unsigned char *iv, int enc) {
+return gost_cipher_init_param(ctx,key,iv,enc,NID_undef,EVP_CIPH_CFB_MODE);
+/* Wrapper around gostcrypt function from gost89.c which perform
+* key meshing when nesseccary 
+static void gost_crypt_mesh (void *ctx,unsigned char *iv,unsigned char *buf) {
+       struct ossl_gost_cipher_ctx *c = ctx;
+       if (c->count&&c->key_meshing && c->count%1024==0) {
+               cryptopro_key_meshing(&(c->cctx),iv);
+       }       
+       gostcrypt(&(c->cctx),iv,buf);
+       c->count+=8;
+static void gost_cnt_next (void *ctx, unsigned char *iv, unsigned char *buf) {
+struct ossl_gost_cipher_ctx *c = ctx;
+word32 g,go;
+unsigned char buf1[8];
+if (c->count && c->key_meshing && c->count %1024 ==0) {
+       cryptopro_key_meshing(&(c->cctx),iv);
+if (c->count==0) {
+} else {
+       memcpy(buf1,iv,8);
+       g = buf1[0]|(buf1[1]<<8)|(buf1[2]<<16)|(buf1[3]<<24);
+       g += 0x01010101;
+       buf1[0]=g&0xff; buf1[1]=(g>>8)&0xff; buf1[2]=(g>>16)&0xff; buf1[3]=(g>>24)&0xff;
+       g = buf1[4]|(buf1[5]<<8)|(buf1[6]<<16)|(buf1[7]<<24);
+       go = g;
+       g += 0x01010104;
+       if (go > g)      /*  overflow*/
+               g++;
+       buf1[4]=g&0xff; buf1[5]=(g>>8)&0xff; buf1[6]=(g>>16)&0xff; buf1[7]=(g>>24)&0xff;
+       memcpy(iv,buf1,8);
+       gostcrypt(&(c->cctx),buf1,buf);
+c->count +=8;
+/* GOST encryption in CFB mode */
+int    gost_cipher_do_cfb(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *out,
+               const unsigned char *in, unsigned int inl) {
+const unsigned char *in_ptr=in;
+unsigned char *out_ptr=out;
+int i=0;
+int j;
+/* process partial block if any */
+if (ctx->num) 
+       for (j=ctx->num,i=0;j<8 && i<inl;j++,i++,in_ptr++,out_ptr++) 
+       {
+               if (!ctx->encrypt) ctx->buf[j+8]=*in_ptr;
+               *out_ptr=ctx->buf[j]^(*in_ptr);
+               if (ctx->encrypt) ctx->buf[j+8]=*out_ptr;
+       }       
+       if (j==8) {
+               memcpy(ctx->iv,ctx->buf+8,8);
+               ctx->num=0;
+       } else {
+               ctx->num=j;
+               return 1;
+       }       
+for (;i+8<inl;i+=8,in_ptr+=8,out_ptr+=8) {
+       /*block cipher current iv */
+       gost_crypt_mesh(ctx->cipher_data,ctx->iv,ctx->buf);
+       /*xor next block of input text with it and output it*/
+       /*output this block */
+       if (!ctx->encrypt) memcpy(ctx->iv,in_ptr,8);
+       for (j=0;j<8;j++) {
+                       out_ptr[j]=ctx->buf[j]^in_ptr[j];
+       }       
+       /* Encrypt */
+       /* Next iv is next block of cipher text*/
+       if (ctx->encrypt) memcpy(ctx->iv,out_ptr,8);
+/* Process rest of buffer */
+if (i<inl) {
+       gost_crypt_mesh(ctx->cipher_data,ctx->iv,ctx->buf);
+       if (!ctx->encrypt) memcpy(ctx->buf+8,in_ptr,j);
+       for (j=0;i<inl;j++,i++) {
+                       out_ptr[j]=ctx->buf[j]^in_ptr[j];
+       }                       
+       ctx->num = j;
+       if (ctx->encrypt) memcpy(ctx->buf+8,out_ptr,j);
+} else {
+       ctx->num = 0;
+return 1;
+int    gost_cipher_do_cnt(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *out,
+               const unsigned char *in, unsigned int inl) {
+const unsigned char *in_ptr=in;
+unsigned char *out_ptr=out;
+int i=0;
+int j;
+/* process partial block if any */
+if (ctx->num) 
+       for (j=ctx->num,i=0;j<8 && i<inl;j++,i++,in_ptr++,out_ptr++) 
+       {
+               *out_ptr=ctx->buf[j]^(*in_ptr);
+       }       
+       if (j==8) {
+               ctx->num=0;
+       } else {
+               ctx->num=j;
+               return 1;
+       }       
+for (;i+8<inl;i+=8,in_ptr+=8,out_ptr+=8) {
+       /*block cipher current iv */
+       /* Encrypt */
+       gost_cnt_next(ctx->cipher_data,ctx->iv,ctx->buf);
+       /*xor next block of input text with it and output it*/
+       /*output this block */
+       for (j=0;j<8;j++) {
+                       out_ptr[j]=ctx->buf[j]^in_ptr[j];
+       }       
+/* Process rest of buffer */
+if (i<inl) {
+       gost_cnt_next(ctx->cipher_data,ctx->iv,ctx->buf);
+       for (j=0;i<inl;j++,i++) {
+                       out_ptr[j]=ctx->buf[j]^in_ptr[j];
+       }                       
+       ctx->num = j;
+} else {
+       ctx->num = 0;
+return 1;
+/* Cleaning up of EVP_CIPHER_CTX */
+int gost_cipher_cleanup(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx) 
+gost_destroy((gost_ctx *)ctx->cipher_data);
+return 1;
+/* Control function for gost cipher */
+int gost_cipher_ctl(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx,int type,int arg,void *ptr)
+switch (type)
+       case EVP_CTRL_RAND_KEY:
+               {
+                               if (RAND_bytes((unsigned char *)ptr,ctx->key_len)<=0)
+                               {
+                                       GOSTerr(GOST_F_GOST_CIPHER_CTL,GOST_R_RANDOM_GENERATOR_ERROR);
+                                       return -1;
+                               }
+                               break;
+                       }
+       default:
+                                       GOSTerr(GOST_F_GOST_CIPHER_CTL,GOST_R_UNSUPPORTED_CIPHER_CTL_COMMAND);
+                       return -1;
+return 1;
+/* Set cipher parameters from ASN1 structure */
+int gost89_set_asn1_parameters(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx,ASN1_TYPE *params)
+int len=0;
+unsigned char *buf=NULL;
+unsigned char *p=NULL;
+struct ossl_gost_cipher_ctx *c = ctx->cipher_data;
+if (!gcp) {
+       return 0;
+if (!ASN1_OCTET_STRING_set(gcp->iv, ctx->iv, ctx->cipher->iv_len)) {
+       GOST_CIPHER_PARAMS_free(gcp);
+       return 0;
+gcp->enc_param_set = OBJ_nid2obj(c->paramNID);
+len = i2d_GOST_CIPHER_PARAMS(gcp, NULL);
+p = buf = (unsigned char*)OPENSSL_malloc(len);
+if (!buf) {
+       GOST_CIPHER_PARAMS_free(gcp);
+       return 0;
+i2d_GOST_CIPHER_PARAMS(gcp, &p);
+os = ASN1_OCTET_STRING_new();
+if(!os || !ASN1_OCTET_STRING_set(os, buf, len)) {
+       OPENSSL_free(buf);
+       return 0;
+ASN1_TYPE_set(params, V_ASN1_SEQUENCE, os);
+return 1;
+/* Store parameters into ASN1 structure */
+int  gost89_get_asn1_parameters(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx,ASN1_TYPE *params)
+int ret = -1;
+int len; 
+unsigned char *p = params->value.sequence->data;
+struct ossl_gost_cipher_ctx *c=ctx->cipher_data;
+if (ASN1_TYPE_get(params) != V_ASN1_SEQUENCE) {
+       return ret;
+gcp = d2i_GOST_CIPHER_PARAMS(NULL, (const unsigned char **)&p,
+               params->value.sequence->length);
+len = gcp->iv->length;
+if (len != ctx->cipher->iv_len) {
+       GOST_CIPHER_PARAMS_free(gcp);
+                       GOST_R_INVALID_IV_LENGTH);
+       return -1;
+if (!gost_cipher_set_param(c,OBJ_obj2nid(gcp->enc_param_set))) {
+       GOST_CIPHER_PARAMS_free(gcp);
+       return -1;
+memcpy(ctx->oiv, gcp->iv->data, len);
+return 1;
+#ifdef USE_SSL
+int gost_imit_init_vizir(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx) {
+struct ossl_gost_imit_ctx *c = ctx->md_data;
+memset(c,0,sizeof(struct ossl_gost_imit_ctx));
+return 1;
+int gost_imit_init_cpa(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx) {
+struct ossl_gost_imit_ctx *c = ctx->md_data;
+memset(c,0,sizeof(struct ossl_gost_imit_ctx));
+return 1;
+static void mac_block_mesh(struct ossl_gost_imit_ctx *c,unsigned char *data)
+       char buffer[8];
+       /* We are using local buffer for iv because CryptoPro doesn't 
+        * interpret internal state of MAC algorithm as iv during keymeshing
+        * (but does initialize internal state from iv in key transport
+        */
+       if (c->key_meshing&& c->count && c->count %1024 ==0) {
+               cryptopro_key_meshing(&(c->cctx),buffer);
+       }
+       mac_block(&(c->cctx),c->buffer,data);
+       c->count +=8;
+int gost_imit_update(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx, const void *data, size_t count) {
+       struct ossl_gost_imit_ctx *c = ctx->md_data;
+       const unsigned char *p = data;
+       size_t bytes = count,i;
+       if (!(c->key_set)) return 0;
+       if (c->bytes_left) {
+               for (i=c->bytes_left;i<8&&bytes>0;bytes--,i++,p++) {
+                       c->partial_block[i]=*p;
+               }
+               if (i==8) {
+                       mac_block_mesh(c,c->partial_block);
+               } else {
+                       c->bytes_left = i;
+                       return 1;
+               }               
+       }       
+       while (bytes>8) {
+               mac_block_mesh(c,p);
+               p+=8;
+               bytes-=8;
+       }
+       if (bytes>0) {
+               memcpy(c->partial_block,p,bytes);
+               c->bytes_left=bytes;
+       }       
+       return 1;
+int gost_imit_final(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx,unsigned char *md) {
+       struct ossl_gost_imit_ctx *c = ctx->md_data;
+       if (c->bytes_left) {
+               int i;
+               for (i=c->bytes_left;i<8;i++) {
+                       c->partial_block[i]=0;
+               }
+               mac_block_mesh(c,c->partial_block);
+       }
+       get_mac(c->buffer,32,md);
+       return 1;
+int gost_imit_ctrl(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx,int type, int arg, void *ptr) {
+       switch (type) {
+                      *((unsigned int*)(ptr)) = 32;
+                          return 1;
+           case EVP_MD_CTRL_SET_KEY:
+          {
+                   gost_key(&(((struct ossl_gost_imit_ctx*)(ctx->md_data))->cctx),ptr) ;
+                       ((struct ossl_gost_imit_ctx*)(ctx->md_data))->key_set = 1;
+               }
+               default:
+                       return 0;
+       }               
+int gost_imit_copy(EVP_MD_CTX *to,const EVP_MD_CTX *from) {
+       memcpy(to->md_data,from->md_data,sizeof(struct ossl_gost_imit_ctx));
+       return 1;
+/* Clean up imit ctx */
+int gost_imit_cleanup(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx) {
+       memset(ctx->md_data,0,sizeof(struct ossl_gost_imit_ctx));
+       return 1;
diff --git a/engines/ccgost/gost_sign.c b/engines/ccgost/gost_sign.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d4c9e5d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+ *                          gost_sign.c                               *
+ *             Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Cryptocom LTD                  *
+ *         This file is distributed under the same license as OpenSSL *
+ *                                                                    *
+ *       Implementation of GOST R 34.10-94 signature algoritgthm      *
+ *       for OpenSSL                                                  *
+ *          Requires OpenSSL 0.9.9 for compilation                    *
+ **********************************************************************/
+#include <string.h>
+#include <openssl/rand.h>
+#include <openssl/bn.h>
+#include <openssl/dsa.h>
+#include <openssl/evp.h>
+#include "sign.h"
+#include "paramset.h"
+#include "tools.h"
+#include "e_gost_err.h"
+#ifdef DEBUG_SIGN 
+void dump_signature(const char *message,const unsigned char *buffer,size_t len) {
+               size_t i;
+               fprintf(stderr,"signature %s Length=%d",message,len);
+               for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
+                       if (i% 16 ==0) fputc('\n',stderr);
+                       fprintf (stderr," %02x",buffer[i]);
+               }
+               fprintf(stderr,"\nEnd of signature\n");
+void dump_dsa_sig(const char *message, DSA_SIG *sig) {
+       fprintf(stderr,"%s\nR=",message);
+       BN_print_fp(stderr,sig->r);
+       fprintf(stderr,"\nS=");
+       BN_print_fp(stderr,sig->s);
+       fprintf(stderr,"\n");
+#define dump_signature(a,b,c)
+#define dump_dsa_sig(a,b)
+ * Computes signature and returns it as DSA_SIG structure
+ */
+DSA_SIG *gost_do_sign(const unsigned char *dgst,int dlen, DSA *dsa) 
+       BIGNUM *k=NULL,*tmp=NULL,*tmp2=NULL;
+       DSA_SIG *newsig = DSA_SIG_new();
+       BIGNUM *md = hashsum2bn(dgst);
+       /* check if H(M) mod q is zero */
+       BN_CTX *ctx=BN_CTX_new();
+       BN_CTX_start(ctx);
+       if (!newsig) 
+       {
+               goto err;
+       }       
+       tmp=BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+       k = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+       tmp2 = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+       BN_mod(tmp,md,dsa->q,ctx);
+       if (BN_is_zero(tmp)) 
+       {
+               BN_one(md);
+       }       
+       do {
+               do {
+                       /*Generate random number k less than q*/
+                       BN_rand_range(k,dsa->q);
+                       /* generate r = (a^x mod p) mod q */
+                       BN_mod_exp(tmp,dsa->g, k, dsa->p,ctx);
+                       if (!(newsig->r)) newsig->r=BN_new();
+                       BN_mod(newsig->r,tmp,dsa->q,ctx);
+               } while (BN_is_zero(newsig->r));
+               /* generate s = (xr + k(Hm)) mod q */
+               BN_mod_mul(tmp,dsa->priv_key,newsig->r,dsa->q,ctx);
+               BN_mod_mul(tmp2,k,md,dsa->q,ctx);
+               if (!newsig->s) newsig->s=BN_new();
+               BN_mod_add(newsig->s,tmp,tmp2,dsa->q,ctx);
+    } while (BN_is_zero(newsig->s));           
+       BN_free(md);
+       BN_CTX_end(ctx);
+       BN_CTX_free(ctx);
+       return newsig;
+ * Packs signature according to Cryptocom rules
+ * and frees up DSA_SIG structure
+ */
+int pack_sign_cc(DSA_SIG *s,int order,unsigned char *sig, unsigned int *siglen) 
+       *siglen = 2*order;
+       memset(sig,0,*siglen);
+       store_bignum(s->r, sig,order);
+       store_bignum(s->s, sig + order,order);
+       dump_signature("serialized",sig,*siglen);
+       DSA_SIG_free(s);
+       return 1;
+ * Packs signature according to Cryptopro rules
+ * and frees up DSA_SIG structure
+ */
+int pack_sign_cp(DSA_SIG *s,int order,unsigned char *sig, unsigned int *siglen) 
+       *siglen = 2*order;
+       memset(sig,0,*siglen);
+       store_bignum(s->s, sig, order);
+       store_bignum(s->r, sig+order,order);
+       dump_signature("serialized",sig,*siglen);
+       DSA_SIG_free(s);
+       return 1;
+ * Verifies signature passed as DSA_SIG structure
+ *
+ */ 
+int gost_do_verify(const unsigned char *dgst, int dgst_len,
+               DSA_SIG *sig, DSA *dsa) 
+       BIGNUM *md, *tmp=NULL;
+       BIGNUM *q2=NULL;
+       BIGNUM *u=NULL,*v=NULL,*z1=NULL,*z2=NULL;
+       BIGNUM *tmp2=NULL,*tmp3=NULL;
+       int ok;
+       BN_CTX *ctx = BN_CTX_new();
+       BN_CTX_start(ctx);
+       if (BN_cmp(sig->s,dsa->q)>=1||
+               BN_cmp(sig->r,dsa->q)>=1)    
+       { 
+         return 0;
+       }
+       md=hashsum2bn(dgst);
+       tmp=BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+       v=BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+       q2=BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+       z1=BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+       z2=BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+       tmp2=BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+       tmp3=BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+       u = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+       BN_mod(tmp,md,dsa->q,ctx);
+       if (BN_is_zero(tmp)) {
+               BN_one(md);
+       }
+       BN_copy(q2,dsa->q);
+       BN_sub_word(q2,2);
+       BN_mod_exp(v,md,q2,dsa->q,ctx);
+       BN_mod_mul(z1,sig->s,v,dsa->q,ctx);
+       BN_sub(tmp,dsa->q,sig->r);
+       BN_mod_mul(z2,tmp,v,dsa->p,ctx);
+       BN_mod_exp(tmp,dsa->g,z1,dsa->p,ctx);
+       BN_mod_exp(tmp2,dsa->pub_key,z2,dsa->p,ctx);
+       BN_mod_mul(tmp3,tmp,tmp2,dsa->p,ctx);
+       BN_mod(u,tmp3,dsa->q,ctx);
+       ok= BN_cmp(u,sig->r);
+       BN_free(md);
+       BN_CTX_end(ctx);
+       BN_CTX_free(ctx);
+       if (ok!=0) {
+       }       
+       return (ok==0);
+ * Computes public keys for GOST R 34.10-94 algorithm
+ * 
+ */
+int gost94_compute_public(DSA *dsa)
+       /* Now fill algorithm parameters with correct values */
+       BN_CTX *ctx = BN_CTX_new();
+       if (!dsa->g) {
+               return 0;
+       }       
+       /* Compute public key  y = a^x mod p */
+       dsa->pub_key=BN_new();
+       BN_mod_exp(dsa->pub_key, dsa->g,dsa->priv_key,dsa->p,ctx);
+       BN_CTX_free(ctx);
+       return 1;
+ * Fill GOST 94 params, searching them in R3410_paramset array
+ * by nid of paramset
+ * 
+ */ 
+int fill_GOST94_params(DSA *dsa,int nid) {
+       R3410_params *params=R3410_paramset;
+       while (params->nid!=NID_undef && params->nid !=nid) params++;
+       if (params->nid == NID_undef) 
+       {
+               return 0;
+       }       
+#define dump_signature(a,b,c)
+       if (dsa->p) { BN_free(dsa->p); }
+       dsa->p=NULL;
+       BN_dec2bn(&(dsa->p),params->p);
+       if (dsa->q) { BN_free(dsa->q); }
+       dsa->q=NULL;
+       BN_dec2bn(&(dsa->q),params->q);
+       if (dsa->g) { BN_free(dsa->g); }
+       dsa->g=NULL;
+       BN_dec2bn(&(dsa->g),params->a);
+       return 1;
+ *  Generate GOST R 34.10-94 keypair
+ * 
+ *
+ */ 
+int gost_sign_keygen(DSA *dsa) 
+       dsa->priv_key = BN_new();
+       BN_rand_range(dsa->priv_key,dsa->q);
+       return gost94_compute_public( dsa);
+/* Unpack signature according to cryptocom rules  */
+DSA_SIG *unpack_cc_signature(const unsigned char *sig,size_t siglen) 
+       DSA_SIG *s;
+       s = DSA_SIG_new();
+       if (s == NULL) {
+               return(NULL);
+    }
+       s->r = getbnfrombuf(sig, siglen/2);
+       s->s = getbnfrombuf(sig + siglen/2, siglen/2);
+       return s;
+/* Unpack signature according to cryptopro rules  */
+DSA_SIG *unpack_cp_signature(const unsigned char *sig,size_t siglen) 
+       DSA_SIG *s;
+       s = DSA_SIG_new();
+       if (s == NULL) {
+               return NULL;
+    }
+       s->s = getbnfrombuf(sig , siglen/2);
+       s->r = getbnfrombuf(sig + siglen/2, siglen/2);
+       return s;
+/* Convert little-endian byte array into bignum */
+BIGNUM *hashsum2bn(const unsigned char *dgst) 
+{ unsigned char buf[32];
+  int i;
+  for (i=0;i<32;i++) {
+         buf[31-i]=dgst[i];
+  }
+  return getbnfrombuf(buf,32);
+/* Convert byte buffer to bignum, skipping leading zeros*/
+BIGNUM *getbnfrombuf(const unsigned char *buf,size_t len) {
+       while (*buf==0&&len>0) {
+               buf++; len--;
+       }
+       if (len) {
+               return BN_bin2bn(buf,len,NULL);
+       } else {
+               BIGNUM *b=BN_new();
+               BN_zero(b);
+               return b;
+       }
+/* Pack bignum into byte buffer of given size, filling all leading bytes
+ * by zeros */
+int store_bignum(BIGNUM *bn, unsigned char *buf,int len) {
+       int bytes = BN_num_bytes(bn);
+       if (bytes>len) return 0;
+       memset(buf,0,len);
+       BN_bn2bin(bn,buf+len-bytes);
+       return 1;
diff --git a/engines/ccgost/gosthash.c b/engines/ccgost/gosthash.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5978dba
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+ *                          gosthash.c                                *
+ *             Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Cryptocom LTD                  *
+ *         This file is distributed under the same license as OpenSSL *
+ *                                                                    *
+ *    Implementation of GOST R 34.11-94 hash function                 *
+ *       uses on gost89.c and gost89.h Doesn't need OpenSSL           *
+ **********************************************************************/
+#include <string.h>
+#include "gost89.h"
+#include "gosthash.h"
+/* Use OPENSSL_malloc for memory allocation if compiled with 
+ * -DOPENSSL_BUILD, and libc malloc otherwise
+ */
+#ifndef MYALLOC
+#  include <openssl/crypto.h>
+#  define MYALLOC(size) OPENSSL_malloc(size)
+#  define MYFREE(ptr) OPENSSL_free(ptr)
+# else
+#  define MYALLOC(size) malloc(size)
+#  define MYFREE(ptr) free(ptr)
+# endif
+/* Following functions are various bit meshing routines used in
+ * GOST R 34.11-94 algorithms */
+static void swap_bytes (byte *w, byte *k) 
+       int i,j;
+       for (i=0;i<4;i++)       
+               for (j=0;j<8;j++) 
+                       k[i+4*j]=w[8*i+j];
+/* was A_A */
+static void circle_xor8 (const byte *w, byte *k) 
+       byte buf[8];
+       int i;
+       memcpy(buf,w,8);
+       memcpy(k,w+8,24);
+       for(i=0;i<8;i++) 
+               k[i+24]=buf[i]^k[i];
+/* was R_R */
+static void transform_3 (byte *data) 
+       unsigned short int acc;
+       acc=(data[0]^data[2]^data[4]^data[6]^data[24]^data[30])|
+               ((data[1]^data[3]^data[5]^data[7]^data[25]^data[31])<<8);
+       memmove(data,data+2,30);
+       data[30]=acc&0xff;
+       data[31]=acc>>8;
+/* Adds blocks of N bytes modulo 2**(8*n). Returns carry*/
+static int add_blocks(int n,byte *left, const byte *right) 
+   int i;
+   int carry=0;
+   int sum;
+   for (i=0;i<n;i++) 
+   {
+               sum=(int)left[i]+(int)right[i]+carry;
+               left[i]=sum & 0xff;
+               carry=sum>>8;
+   }
+   return carry;
+/* Xor two sequences of bytes */
+static void xor_blocks (byte *result,const byte *a,const byte *b,size_t len) {
+       size_t i;
+       for (i=0;i<len;i++) result[i]=a[i]^b[i];
+ *     Calculate H(i+1) = Hash(Hi,Mi) 
+ *     Where H and M are 32 bytes long
+ */
+static int hash_step(gost_ctx *c,byte *H,const byte *M) 
+       static byte U[32],W[32],V[32],S[32],Key[32];
+       int i;
+       /* Compute first key */
+       xor_blocks(W,H,M,32);
+       swap_bytes(W,Key);
+       /* Encrypt first 8 bytes of H with first key*/
+       gost_enc_with_key(c,Key,H,S);
+       /* Compute second key*/
+       circle_xor8(H,U);
+       circle_xor8(M,V);
+       circle_xor8(V,V);
+       xor_blocks(W,U,V,32);
+       swap_bytes(W,Key);
+       /* encrypt second 8 bytes of H with second key*/
+       gost_enc_with_key(c,Key,H+8,S+8);
+       /* compute third key */
+       circle_xor8(U,U);
+       U[31]=~U[31]; U[29]=~U[29]; U[28]=~U[28]; U[24]=~U[24];
+       U[23]=~U[23]; U[20]=~U[20]; U[18]=~U[18]; U[17]=~U[17];
+       U[14]=~U[14]; U[12]=~U[12]; U[10]=~U[10]; U[ 8]=~U[ 8];
+       U[ 7]=~U[ 7]; U[ 5]=~U[ 5]; U[ 3]=~U[ 3]; U[ 1]=~U[ 1];
+       circle_xor8(V,V);
+       circle_xor8(V,V);
+       xor_blocks(W,U,V,32);
+       swap_bytes(W,Key);
+       /* encrypt third 8 bytes of H with third key*/
+       gost_enc_with_key(c,Key,H+16,S+16);
+       /* Compute fourth key */
+       circle_xor8(U,U);
+       circle_xor8(V,V);
+       circle_xor8(V,V);
+       xor_blocks(W,U,V,32);
+       swap_bytes(W,Key);
+       /* Encrypt last 8 bytes with fourth key */
+       gost_enc_with_key(c,Key,H+24,S+24);
+       for (i=0;i<12;i++) 
+               transform_3(S);
+       xor_blocks(S,S,M,32);
+       transform_3(S);
+       xor_blocks(S,S,H,32);
+       for (i=0;i<61;i++) 
+               transform_3(S);
+       memcpy(H,S,32);
+       return 1;
+/* Initialize gost_hash ctx - cleans up temporary structures and
+ * set up substitution blocks
+ */
+int init_gost_hash_ctx(gost_hash_ctx *ctx, const gost_subst_block *subst_block) {      
+       memset(ctx,0,sizeof(gost_hash_ctx));
+       ctx->cipher_ctx = (gost_ctx *)MYALLOC(sizeof(gost_ctx));
+       if (!ctx->cipher_ctx) {
+                       return 0;
+       }               
+       gost_init(ctx->cipher_ctx,subst_block);
+       return 1;
+ * Free cipher CTX if it is dynamically allocated. Do not use
+ * if cipher ctx is statically allocated as in OpenSSL implementation of
+ * GOST hash algroritm
+ *
+ */ 
+void done_gost_hash_ctx(gost_hash_ctx *ctx) 
+       /* No need to use gost_destroy, because cipher keys are not really
+        * secret when hashing */
+       MYFREE(ctx->cipher_ctx);
+ * reset state of hash context to begin hashing new message
+ */
+int start_hash(gost_hash_ctx *ctx) {
+       if (!ctx->cipher_ctx) return 0;
+       memset(&(ctx->H),0,32);
+       memset(&(ctx->S),0,32);
+       ctx->len = 0L;
+       ctx->left=0;
+       return 1;
+ * Hash block of arbitrary length
+ *
+ *
+ */
+int hash_block(gost_hash_ctx *ctx,const byte *block, size_t length) {
+       const byte *curptr=block;
+       const byte *barrier=block+(length-32);/* Last byte we can safely hash*/
+       gost_ctx *save_c = ctx->cipher_ctx;
+       if (ctx->left) {
+               /*There are some bytes from previous step*/
+               int add_bytes = 32-ctx->left;
+               if (add_bytes>length) {
+                       add_bytes = length;
+               }       
+               memcpy(&(ctx->remainder[ctx->left]),block,add_bytes);
+               ctx->left+=add_bytes;
+               if (ctx->left<32) {
+                       return 1;
+               }       
+               if (ctx->left>32) {
+                       abort();
+               }       
+               curptr=block+add_bytes;
+               hash_step(ctx->cipher_ctx,ctx->H,ctx->remainder);
+               if (save_c!=ctx->cipher_ctx) {
+                       abort();
+               }       
+               add_blocks(32,ctx->S,ctx->remainder);
+               if (save_c!=ctx->cipher_ctx) {
+                       abort();
+               }       
+               ctx->len+=32;
+               ctx->left=0;
+       }       
+       while (curptr<=barrier)
+       {       
+               hash_step(ctx->cipher_ctx,ctx->H,curptr);
+               if (save_c!=ctx->cipher_ctx) {
+                       abort();
+               }       
+               add_blocks(32,ctx->S,curptr);
+               if (save_c!=ctx->cipher_ctx) {
+                       abort();
+               }       
+               ctx->len+=32;
+               curptr+=32;
+       }       
+       if (curptr!=block+length) {
+               ctx->left=block+length-curptr;
+               if (ctx->left>32) {
+                       abort();
+               }       
+               memcpy(ctx->remainder,curptr,ctx->left);
+       }       
+       return 1;       
+ * Compute hash value from current state of ctx
+ * state of hash ctx becomes invalid and cannot be used for further
+ * hashing.
+ */ 
+int finish_hash(gost_hash_ctx *ctx,byte *hashval) {
+       byte buf[32];
+       byte H[32];
+       byte S[32];
+       long long fin_len=ctx->len;
+       byte *bptr;
+       memcpy(H,ctx->H,32);
+       memcpy(S,ctx->S,32);
+       if (ctx->left) {
+               memset(buf,0,32);
+               memcpy(buf,ctx->remainder,ctx->left);
+               hash_step(ctx->cipher_ctx,H,buf);
+               add_blocks(32,S,buf);
+               fin_len+=ctx->left;
+       }
+       memset(buf,0,32);
+       bptr=buf;
+       fin_len<<=3; /* Hash length in BITS!!*/
+       while(fin_len>0) {
+               *(bptr++)=fin_len&0xFF;
+               fin_len>>=8;
+       };
+       hash_step(ctx->cipher_ctx,H,buf);
+       hash_step(ctx->cipher_ctx,H,S);
+       memcpy(hashval,H,32);
+       return 1;
diff --git a/engines/ccgost/gosthash.h b/engines/ccgost/gosthash.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d9889ca
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ *                          gosthash.c                                *
+ *             Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Cryptocom LTD                  *
+ *       This file is distributed under the same license as OpenSSL   *
+ *                                                                    *
+ *    Declaration of GOST R 34.11-94 hash functions                   *
+ *       uses  and gost89.h Doesn't need OpenSSL                      *
+ **********************************************************************/
+#ifndef GOSTHASH_H
+#define GOSTHASH_H
+#include "gost89.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+typedef struct gost_hash_ctx {
+               long long len;
+               gost_ctx *cipher_ctx;
+               int left;
+               byte H[32];
+               byte S[32];
+               byte remainder[32];
+} gost_hash_ctx;               
+/* Initalizes gost hash ctx, including creation of gost cipher ctx */
+int init_gost_hash_ctx(gost_hash_ctx *ctx, const gost_subst_block *subst_block);
+void done_gost_hash_ctx(gost_hash_ctx *ctx);
+/* Cleans up all fields, except cipher ctx preparing ctx for computing
+ * of new hash value */
+int start_hash(gost_hash_ctx *ctx);
+/* Hashes block of data */
+int hash_block(gost_hash_ctx *ctx, const byte *block, size_t length);
+/* Finalizes computation of hash  and fills buffer (which should be at
+ * least 32 bytes long) with value of computed hash. */
+int finish_hash(gost_hash_ctx *ctx, byte *hashval);
diff --git a/engines/ccgost/gostkeyx.h b/engines/ccgost/gostkeyx.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..56fc6a2
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+#ifndef GOSTKEYX_H
+#define GOSTKEYX_H
+ *                             gostkeyx.h                            *
+ *             Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Cryptocom LTD                  *
+ *       This file is distributed under the same license as OpenSSL   *
+ *                                                                    *
+ *     Declaration of the key transport functions for GOST pkey methods  *
+ *                                                                                                                                       *
+ *          Requires OpenSSL 0.9.9 for compilation                    *
+ **********************************************************************/
+#include <openssl/evp.h>
+#include "gost89.h"
+/* EVP_PKEY_METHOD callbacks */
+/* From gost94_keyx.c */
+int pkey_GOST94cp_encrypt(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *out, size_t *outlen, const unsigned char* key, size_t key_len );
+int pkey_GOST94cc_encrypt (EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *out, size_t *outlen,  const unsigned char *   key,size_t key_len);
+int pkey_GOST94cp_decrypt(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *out, size_t *outlen, const unsigned char* in, size_t in_len );
+int pkey_GOST94cc_decrypt (EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *out, size_t *outlen,  const unsigned char *   in,size_t in_len);
+/* From gost2001_keyx.c */
+int pkey_GOST01cp_encrypt(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *out, size_t *outlen, const unsigned char* key, size_t key_len );
+int pkey_GOST01cc_encrypt (EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *out, size_t *outlen,  const unsigned char *   key,size_t key_len);
+int pkey_GOST01cp_decrypt(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *out, size_t *outlen, const unsigned char* in, size_t in_len );
+int pkey_GOST01cc_decrypt (EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *out, size_t *outlen, const unsigned char *   in,size_t in_len);
+/* Internal functions to make error processing happy */
+int decrypt_cryptocom_key(unsigned char *sess_key,int max_key_len,
+               const unsigned char *crypted_key,int crypted_key_len, gost_ctx *ctx);
+int encrypt_cryptocom_key(const unsigned char *sess_key,int key_len,
+               unsigned char *crypted_key, gost_ctx *ctx);
+/*int compute_pair_key_le(unsigned char *pair_key,BIGNUM *pub_key,DH *dh) ;*/
+ * Computes 256 bit key exchange key for CryptoCom variation of GOST 94
+ * algorithm
+ *//*
+int make_gost_shared_key(DH *dh,EVP_PKEY *pubk,unsigned char *shared_key) ;
+DH *make_ephemeral_key(EVP_PKEY *pubk,BIGNUM *ephemeral_key);
+int make_cp_exchange_key(DH *dh,EVP_PKEY *pubk, unsigned char *shared_key);
diff --git a/engines/ccgost/gostsum.1 b/engines/ccgost/gostsum.1
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..3dfd7e4
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+.\" Hey, Emacs!  This is an -*- nroff -*- source file.
+.TH MD5SUM 1 "29th November 1995" "Lankester et al." "Debian GNU/Linux"
+gostsum \- generates or checks GOST R34.11-94 message digests
+.B gostsum
+[\-bv] [\-c [file]] | [file...]
+.B gostsum
+generates or checks GOST hash sums. The algorithm to generate the
+is reasonably fast and strong enough for most cases. Exact
+specification of the algorithm is in
+.I GOST R34.11-94.
+.B gostsum
+generates checksums of all files given to it as a parameter and prints
+the checksums followed by the filenames. If, however,
+.B \-c
+is specified, only one filename parameter is allowed. This file should
+contain checksums and filenames to which these checksums refer to, and
+the files listed in that file are checked against the checksums listed
+there. See option
+.B \-c
+for more information.
+.B \-b
+Use binary mode. In unix environment, only difference between this and
+the normal mode is an asterisk preceding the filename in the output.
+.B \-c
+Check md5sum of all files listed in
+.I file
+against the checksum listed in the same file. The actual format of that
+file is the same as output of
+.B md5sum.
+That is, each line in the file describes a file. A line looks like:
+.B <hashsum>  <filename>
+So, for example, if a file was created and its message digest calculated
+like so:
+.B echo foo > hash\-test\-file; gost5sum hash\-test\-file
+.B gost5sum
+would report:
+.B d3b07384d113edec49eaa6238ad5ff00\  md5\-test\-file
+.B \-v
+Be more verbose. Print filenames when checking (with \-c).
+.B -t 
+Use test parameter set. 
+.B gostsum supports two sets of parameters (which are really parameters
+of GOST 28147-89 block cipher) specified in the IETF draft 
+.B draft-popov-cryptopro-cpalgs-02.txt
+By default, cryptopro paramset is used. This option enables use of test
+paramset as specified in appendices to the GOST.
+This manpage is not quite accurate and has formatting inconsistent
+with other manpages.
+.B gostsum
+does not accept standard options like
+.BR \-\-help .
diff --git a/engines/ccgost/gostsum.c b/engines/ccgost/gostsum.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..92bd5f9
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+ *                        gostsum.c                                   *
+ *             Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Cryptocom LTD                  *
+ *         This file is distributed under the same license as OpenSSL *
+ *                                                                    *
+ *        Almost drop-in replacement for md5sum and sha1sum           *
+ *          which computes GOST R 34.11-94 hashsum instead            *
+ *                                                                    * 
+ **********************************************************************/ 
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "gosthash.h"
+#define BUF_SIZE 262144
+int hash_file(gost_hash_ctx *ctx,char *filename,char *sum,int mode);
+int hash_stream(gost_hash_ctx *ctx,int fd, char *sum);
+int get_line(FILE *f,char *hash,char *filename);
+void help() 
+       fprintf(stderr,"gostsum [-bvt] [-c [file]]| [files]\n"
+       "\t-c check message digests (default is generate)\n"
+       "\t-v verbose, print file names when checking\n"
+       "\t-b read files in binary mode\n"
+       "\t-t use test GOST paramset (default is CryptoPro paramset)\n"
+"The input for -c should be the list of message digests and file names\n"
+"that is printed on stdout by this program when it generates digests.\n");
+#ifndef O_BINARY
+#define O_BINARY 0
+int main(int argc,char **argv) 
+       int c,i;
+       int verbose=0;
+       int errors=0;
+       int open_mode = O_RDONLY;
+       gost_subst_block *b=  &GostR3411_94_CryptoProParamSet;
+       FILE *check_file = NULL;
+       gost_hash_ctx ctx;
+       while( (c=getopt(argc,argv,"bc::tv"))!=-1) 
+       {
+               switch (c) 
+               {
+               case 'v': verbose=1; break;
+               case 't': b= &GostR3411_94_TestParamSet; break;
+               case 'b': open_mode |= O_BINARY; break;
+               case 'c': if (optarg) {
+                                       check_file = fopen(optarg,"r");
+                                       if (!check_file) {
+                                               perror(optarg);
+                                               exit(2);
+                                       }
+                                 } else {
+                                       check_file= stdin;
+                                 }
+                                 break;
+               default:
+                               fprintf(stderr,"invalid option %c",optopt);
+                               help();
+               }
+       }       
+       init_gost_hash_ctx(&ctx,b);
+       if (check_file) 
+       {
+               char inhash[65],calcsum[65],filename[PATH_MAX];
+               int failcount=0,count=0;;
+               if (check_file==stdin && optind<argc) 
+               {
+                       check_file=fopen(argv[optind],"r");
+                       if (!check_file) 
+                       {       
+                               perror(argv[optind]);
+                               exit(2);
+                       }
+           }   
+               while (get_line(check_file,inhash,filename)) 
+               {
+                       if (!hash_file(&ctx,filename,calcsum,open_mode)) {
+                               exit (2);
+                       }       
+                       count++;
+                       if (!strncmp(calcsum,inhash,65)) 
+                       {
+                               if (verbose) {
+                                       fprintf(stderr,"%s\tOK\n",filename);
+                               }
+                       } else {
+                               if (verbose) {
+                                       fprintf(stderr,"%s\tFAILED\n",filename);
+                               } else {
+                                       fprintf(stderr,"%s: GOST hash sum check failed for '%s'\n",
+                                                       argv[0],filename);
+                               }
+                               failcount++;
+                       }       
+               }       
+               if (verbose && failcount) {
+                       fprintf(stderr,"%s: %d of %d file(f) failed GOST hash sum check\n",
+                                       argv[0],failcount,count);
+               }
+               exit (failcount?1:0);
+       }
+       if (optind==argc) {
+               char sum[65];
+               if (!hash_stream(&ctx,fileno(stdin),sum)) {
+                       perror("stdin");
+                       exit(1);
+               }       
+               printf("%s -\n",sum);
+               exit(0);
+       }       
+       for (i=optind;i<argc;i++) {
+               char sum[65];
+               if (!hash_file(&ctx,argv[i],sum,open_mode)) {
+                       errors++;
+               } else {        
+                       printf("%s %s\n",sum,argv[i]);
+               }
+       }       
+       exit(errors?1:0);       
+int hash_file(gost_hash_ctx *ctx,char *filename,char *sum,int mode) 
+       int fd;
+       if ((fd=open(filename,mode))<0) {
+               perror(filename);
+               return 0;
+       }
+       if (!hash_stream(ctx,fd,sum)) {
+               perror(filename);
+               return 0;
+       }       
+       close(fd);
+       return 1;
+int hash_stream(gost_hash_ctx *ctx,int fd, char *sum) 
+       unsigned char buffer[BUF_SIZE];
+       ssize_t bytes;
+       int i;
+       start_hash(ctx);
+       while ((bytes=read(fd,buffer,BUF_SIZE))>0) {
+               hash_block(ctx,buffer,bytes);
+       }
+       if (bytes<0) {
+               return 0;
+       }       
+       finish_hash(ctx,buffer);
+       for (i=0;i<32;i++) {
+         sprintf(sum+2*i,"%02x",buffer[31-i]);
+       }
+       return 1;
+int get_line(FILE *f,char *hash,char *filename) {
+       int i;
+       if (fread(hash,1,64,f)<64) return 0;
+       hash[64]=0;
+       for (i=0;i<64;i++) 
+       {
+               if (hash[i]<'0' || (hash[i]>'9' && hash[i]<'A') || (hash[i]>'F'
+                   && hash[i]<'a')||hash[i]>'f') 
+               { 
+                       fprintf(stderr,"Not a hash value '%s'\n",hash);
+                       return 0;
+               }
+       }       
+       if (fgetc(f)!=' ') {
+               fprintf(stderr,"Malformed input line\n");
+               return 0;
+       }
+       i=strlen(fgets(filename,PATH_MAX,f));
+       while (filename[--i]=='\n'||filename[i]=='\r') filename[i]=0;
+       return 1;
diff --git a/engines/ccgost/keywrap.c b/engines/ccgost/keywrap.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..4e7d675
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+ *                          keywrap.c                                 *
+ *             Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Cryptocom LTD                  *
+ *         This file is distributed under the same license as OpenSSL *
+ *                                                                    *
+ * Implementation of CryptoPro key wrap algorithm, as defined in      *
+ *               RFC 4357 p 6.3 and 6.4                               *
+ *                  Doesn't need OpenSSL                              *
+ **********************************************************************/
+#include <string.h>
+#include "gost89.h"
+#include "keywrap.h"
+/* Diversifies key using random UserKey Material
+ * Implements RFC 4357 p 6.5 key diversification algorithm 
+ * 
+ * inputKey - 32byte key to be diversified
+ * ukm - 8byte user key material
+ * outputKey - 32byte buffer to store diversified key 
+ *
+ */
+void keyDiversifyCryptoPro(gost_ctx *ctx,const unsigned char *inputKey, const unsigned char *ukm, unsigned char *outputKey)
+       u4 k,s1,s2;
+       int i,j,mask;
+       unsigned char S[8];
+       memcpy(outputKey,inputKey,32);
+       for (i=0;i<8;i++) {
+               /* Make array of integers from key */
+               /* Compute IV S*/
+               s1=0,s2=0;
+               for (j=0,mask=1;j<8;j++,mask<<=1) {
+                       k=((u4)outputKey[4*j])|(outputKey[4*j+1]<<8)|
+                               (outputKey[4*j+2]<<16)|(outputKey[4*j+3]<<24);
+                       if (mask & ukm[i]) {
+                               s1+=k;
+                       } else {
+                               s2+=k;
+                       }
+               }
+               S[0]=s1&0xff; S[1]=(s1>>8)&0xff; S[2]=(s1>>16)&0xff; S[3]=(s1>>24)&0xff; 
+               S[4]=s2&0xff; S[5]=(s2>>8)&0xff; S[6]=(s2>>16)&0xff; S[7]=(s2>>24)&0xff; 
+               gost_key(ctx,outputKey);
+               gost_enc_cfb(ctx,S,outputKey,outputKey,4);
+       }
+ * Wraps key using RFC 4357 6.3
+ * ctx - gost encryption context, initialized with some S-boxes 
+ * keyExchangeKey (KEK) 32-byte (256-bit) shared key
+ * ukm - 8 byte (64 bit) user key material, 
+ * sessionKey - 32-byte (256-bit) key to be wrapped
+ * wrappedKey - 44-byte buffer to store wrapped key
+ */ 
+int keyWrapCryptoPro(gost_ctx *ctx,const unsigned char *keyExchangeKey, const unsigned char *ukm,
+       const   unsigned char *sessionKey, unsigned char *wrappedKey) 
+       unsigned char kek_ukm[32];
+       keyDiversifyCryptoPro(ctx,keyExchangeKey,ukm,kek_ukm);
+       gost_key(ctx,kek_ukm);
+       memcpy(wrappedKey,ukm,8);
+       gost_enc(ctx,sessionKey,wrappedKey+8,4);
+       gost_mac_iv(ctx,32,ukm,sessionKey,32,wrappedKey+40);
+       return 1;
+ * Unwraps key using RFC 4357 6.4
+ * ctx - gost encryption context, initialized with some S-boxes 
+ * keyExchangeKey 32-byte shared key
+ * wrappedKey  44 byte key to be unwrapped (concatenation of 8-byte UKM,
+ * 32 byte  encrypted key and 4 byte MAC  
+ * 
+ * sessionKEy - 32byte buffer to store sessionKey in
+ * Returns 1 if key is decrypted successfully, and 0 if MAC doesn't match
+ */ 
+int keyUnwrapCryptoPro(gost_ctx *ctx,const unsigned char *keyExchangeKey,
+               const unsigned char *wrappedKey, unsigned char *sessionKey) 
+       unsigned char kek_ukm[32],cek_mac[4];
+       keyDiversifyCryptoPro(ctx,keyExchangeKey,wrappedKey 
+                       /* First 8 bytes of wrapped Key is ukm */
+                       ,kek_ukm);
+       gost_key(ctx,kek_ukm);
+       gost_dec(ctx,wrappedKey+8,sessionKey,4);
+       gost_mac_iv(ctx,32,wrappedKey,sessionKey,32,cek_mac);
+       if (memcmp(cek_mac,wrappedKey+40,4)) {
+                       return 0;
+       }               
+       return 1;               
diff --git a/engines/ccgost/keywrap.h b/engines/ccgost/keywrap.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5553c92
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ *                          keywrap.c                                 *
+ *             Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Cryptocom LTD                  *
+ *       This file is distributed under the same license as OpenSSL   *
+ *                                                                    *
+ * Implementation of CryptoPro key wrap algorithm, as defined in      *
+ * RFC 4357 p 6.3 and 6.4                                             *
+ * Doesn't need OpenSSL                                               *
+ **********************************************************************/
+#include <string.h>
+#include "gost89.h"
+/* Diversifies key using random UserKey Material
+ * Implements RFC 4357 p 6.5 key diversification algorithm 
+ * 
+ * inputKey - 32byte key to be diversified
+ * ukm - 8byte user key material
+ * outputKey - 32byte buffer to store diversified key 
+ *
+ */
+void keyDiversifyCryptoPro(gost_ctx *ctx,
+       const unsigned char *inputKey, 
+       const unsigned char *ukm, 
+       unsigned char *outputKey);
+ * Wraps key using RFC 4357 6.3
+ * ctx - gost encryption context, initialized with some S-boxes 
+ * keyExchangeKey (KEK) 32-byte (256-bit) shared key
+ * ukm - 8 byte (64 bit) user key material, 
+ * sessionKey - 32-byte (256-bit) key to be wrapped
+ * wrappedKey - 44-byte buffer to store wrapped key
+ */ 
+int keyWrapCryptoPro(gost_ctx *ctx,
+       const unsigned char *keyExchangeKey, 
+       const unsigned char *ukm,
+       const   unsigned char *sessionKey, 
+       unsigned char *wrappedKey) ;
+ * Unwraps key using RFC 4357 6.4
+ * ctx - gost encryption context, initialized with some S-boxes 
+ * keyExchangeKey 32-byte shared key
+ * wrappedKey  44 byte key to be unwrapped (concatenation of 8-byte UKM,
+ * 32 byte  encrypted key and 4 byte MAC  
+ * 
+ * sessionKEy - 32byte buffer to store sessionKey in
+ * Returns 1 if key is decrypted successfully, and 0 if MAC doesn't match
+ */ 
+int keyUnwrapCryptoPro(gost_ctx *ctx,
+       const unsigned char *keyExchangeKey,
+       const unsigned char *wrappedKey, 
+       unsigned char *sessionKey) ;
diff --git a/engines/ccgost/md.h b/engines/ccgost/md.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7cf0af2
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#ifndef GOST_MD_H
+#define GOST_MD_H
+ *                             md.h                                   *
+ *             Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Cryptocom LTD                  *
+ *       This file is distributed under the same license as OpenSSL   *
+ *                                                                    *
+ *     Declaration of GOST R 34.11 bindings to OpenSSL                   *
+ *                                                                                                                                       *
+ *          Requires OpenSSL 0.9.9 for compilation                    *
+ **********************************************************************/
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <openssl/err.h>
+#include <openssl/evp.h>
+#include "gost89.h"
+#include "gosthash.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+        /* Structure used as EVP_MD_CTX-md_data. 
+         * It allows to avoid storing in the md-data pointers to
+         * dynamically allocated memory.
+         *
+         * I cannot invent better way to avoid memory leaks, because
+         * openssl insist on invoking Init on Final-ed digests, and there
+         * is no reliable way to find out whether pointer in the passed
+         * md_data is valid or not.
+         * */
+struct ossl_gost_digest_ctx {
+       gost_hash_ctx dctx;
+       gost_ctx cctx;
+extern EVP_MD digest_gost;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+  };
diff --git a/engines/ccgost/md_gost.c b/engines/ccgost/md_gost.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b0fede6
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+ *                          md_gost.c                                 *
+ *             Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Cryptocom LTD                  *
+ *         This file is distributed under the same license as OpenSSL *
+ *                                                                    *
+ *       OpenSSL interface to GOST R 34.11-94 hash functions          *
+ *          Requires OpenSSL 0.9.9 for compilation                    *
+ **********************************************************************/
+#include <string.h>
+#include "md.h"
+#include "gosthash.h"
+#include "e_gost_err.h"
+/* implementation of GOST 34.11 hash function See gost_md.c*/
+static int gost_digest_init(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx);
+static int gost_digest_update(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx, const void *data, size_t count);
+static int gost_digest_final(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx,unsigned char *md);
+static int gost_digest_copy(EVP_MD_CTX *to,const EVP_MD_CTX *from);
+static int gost_digest_cleanup(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx);
+EVP_MD digest_gost=  
+               NID_id_GostR3411_94,
+               NID_undef,
+               32,
+               gost_digest_init,
+               gost_digest_update,
+               gost_digest_final,
+               gost_digest_copy,
+               gost_digest_cleanup,
+               NULL,
+               NULL,
+               {NID_undef,NID_undef,0,0,0},
+               32,
+               sizeof(struct ossl_gost_digest_ctx ),
+               NULL
+int gost_digest_init(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx) 
+       struct ossl_gost_digest_ctx *c = ctx->md_data;
+       memset(&(c->dctx),0,sizeof(gost_hash_ctx));
+       gost_init(&(c->cctx),&GostR3411_94_CryptoProParamSet);
+       c->dctx.cipher_ctx= &(c->cctx);
+       return 1;
+int gost_digest_update(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx,const void *data,size_t count) 
+       return hash_block((gost_hash_ctx *)ctx->md_data,data,count);    
+int gost_digest_final(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx,unsigned char *md)
+       return finish_hash((gost_hash_ctx *)ctx->md_data,md);
+int gost_digest_copy(EVP_MD_CTX *to,const EVP_MD_CTX *from) 
+               memcpy(to->md_data,from->md_data,sizeof(struct ossl_gost_digest_ctx));
+               return 1;
+int gost_digest_cleanup(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx) {
+       memset(ctx->md_data,0,sizeof(struct ossl_gost_digest_ctx));
+       return 1;
diff --git a/engines/ccgost/meth.h b/engines/ccgost/meth.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..8630466
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#ifndef CCE_METH_H
+#define CCE_METH_H
+ *                             meth.h                                 *
+ *             Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Cryptocom LTD                  *
+ *       This file is distributed under the same license as OpenSSL   *
+ *                                                                    *
+ *     Declaration of method registration functions                      *
+ *                                                                                                                                       *
+ *          Requires OpenSSL 0.9.9 for compilation                    *
+ **********************************************************************/
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+       int register_ameth_gost (int nid, EVP_PKEY_ASN1_METHOD **ameth, const char* pemstr, const char* info);
+       int register_pmeth_gost (int id, EVP_PKEY_METHOD **pmeth, int flags);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+         };
diff --git a/engines/ccgost/params.c b/engines/ccgost/params.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..37aa23d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+ *                        params.c                                    *
+ *             Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Cryptocom LTD                  *
+ *         This file is distributed under the same license as OpenSSL *
+ *                                                                    *
+ * Definitions of GOST R 34.10 parameter sets, defined in RFC 4357    *
+ *         OpenSSL 0.9.9 libraries required to compile and use        *
+ *                              this code                             *
+ **********************************************************************/ 
+#include "paramset.h"
+#include <openssl/objects.h>
+/* Parameters of GOST 34.10 */
+R3410_params R3410_paramset[]={
+/* Paramset A */
+R3410_2001_params R3410_2001_paramset[]={
+       /* default_cc_sign01_param 1.2.643. */
+       {NID_id_GostR3410_2001_ParamSet_cc,
+       /* A */ 
+       "C0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003c4",
+       /* B */
+       "2d06B4265ebc749ff7d0f1f1f88232e81632e9088fd44b7787d5e407e955080c",
+       /* P */
+       "C0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003C7",
+       /* Q */
+       "5fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff606117a2f4bde428b7458a54b6e87b85",
+       /* X */
+       "2",
+       /* Y */
+       "a20e034bf8813ef5c18d01105e726a17eb248b264ae9706f440bedc8ccb6b22c"
+       },
+       /* 1.2.643. */
+       {NID_id_GostR3410_2001_TestParamSet,
+       "7",
+       "5FBFF498AA938CE739B8E022FBAFEF40563F6E6A3472FC2A514C0CE9DAE23B7E",
+       "8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000431",
+       "8000000000000000000000000000000150FE8A1892976154C59CFC193ACCF5B3",
+       "2",
+       "08E2A8A0E65147D4BD6316030E16D19C85C97F0A9CA267122B96ABBCEA7E8FC8"
+       },
+       /*1.2.643.*/
+       {NID_id_GostR3410_2001_CryptoPro_A_ParamSet,
+       "a6",
+       "1",
+       "8D91E471E0989CDA27DF505A453F2B7635294F2DDF23E3B122ACC99C9E9F1E14"
+       },
+       /*1.2.643.*/
+       {NID_id_GostR3410_2001_CryptoPro_B_ParamSet,    
+       "8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000C96",
+       "3E1AF419A269A5F866A7D3C25C3DF80AE979259373FF2B182F49D4CE7E1BBC8B",
+       "8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000C99",
+       "800000000000000000000000000000015F700CFFF1A624E5E497161BCC8A198F",
+       "1",    
+       "3FA8124359F96680B83D1C3EB2C070E5C545C9858D03ECFB744BF8D717717EFC"
+       },
+       /*1.2.643.*/
+       {NID_id_GostR3410_2001_CryptoPro_C_ParamSet,
+       "9B9F605F5A858107AB1EC85E6B41C8AACF846E86789051D37998F7B9022D7598",
+       "805a",
+       "9B9F605F5A858107AB1EC85E6B41C8AACF846E86789051D37998F7B9022D759B",
+       "9B9F605F5A858107AB1EC85E6B41C8AA582CA3511EDDFB74F02F3A6598980BB9",
+       "0",
+       "41ECE55743711A8C3CBF3783CD08C0EE4D4DC440D4641A8F366E550DFDB3BB67"
+       },
+       /*1.2.643.*/
+       {NID_id_GostR3410_2001_CryptoPro_XchA_ParamSet,
+       "a6",
+       "1",
+       "8D91E471E0989CDA27DF505A453F2B7635294F2DDF23E3B122ACC99C9E9F1E14"
+       },
+       /*1.2.643.*/
+       {NID_id_GostR3410_2001_CryptoPro_XchB_ParamSet,
+       "9B9F605F5A858107AB1EC85E6B41C8AACF846E86789051D37998F7B9022D7598",
+       "805a",
+       "9B9F605F5A858107AB1EC85E6B41C8AACF846E86789051D37998F7B9022D759B",
+       "9B9F605F5A858107AB1EC85E6B41C8AA582CA3511EDDFB74F02F3A6598980BB9",
+       "0",
+       "41ECE55743711A8C3CBF3783CD08C0EE4D4DC440D4641A8F366E550DFDB3BB67"
+       },
+       }
diff --git a/engines/ccgost/paramset.h b/engines/ccgost/paramset.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..002ac78
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ *                        paramset.h                                  *
+ *             Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Cryptocom LTD                  *
+ *       This file is distributed under the same license as OpenSSL   *
+ *                                                                    *
+ *       Declaration of structures used to represent  GOST R 34.10    *
+ *                    parameter sets, defined in RFC 4357                *
+ *         OpenSSL 0.9.9 libraries required to compile and use        *
+ *                              this code                             *
+ **********************************************************************/ 
+typedef struct R3410 {
+               int nid;
+               char *a;
+               char *p;
+               char *q;
+} R3410_params;
+extern R3410_params R3410_paramset[];
+typedef struct R3410_2001 {
+               int nid;
+               char *a;
+               char *b;
+               char *p;
+               char *q;
+               char *x;
+               char *y;
+} R3410_2001_params;
+extern R3410_2001_params R3410_2001_paramset[];
diff --git a/engines/ccgost/pmeth.c b/engines/ccgost/pmeth.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..2698e4f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,514 @@
+ *                          pmeth.c                                   *
+ *             Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Cryptocom LTD                  *
+ *         This file is distributed under the same license as OpenSSL *
+ *                                                                    *
+ *   Implementation of RFC 4357 (GOST R 34.10) Publick key method     *
+ *       for OpenSSL                                                  *
+ *          Requires OpenSSL 0.9.9 for compilation                    *
+ **********************************************************************/
+#include <openssl/evp.h>
+#include <openssl/objects.h>
+#include <openssl/ec.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "meth.h"
+#include "pmeth.h"
+#include "sign.h"
+#include "gostkeyx.h"
+#include "paramset.h"
+#include "tools.h"
+#include "e_gost_err.h"
+/*-------init, cleanup, copy - uniform for all algs  ---------------*/
+/* Allocates new gost_pmeth_data structure and assigns it as data */
+static int pkey_gost_init(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx) {
+       struct gost_pmeth_data *data;
+       data = OPENSSL_malloc(sizeof(struct gost_pmeth_data));
+       if (!data) return 0;
+       memset(data,0,sizeof(struct gost_pmeth_data));
+       EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_data(ctx,data);
+       return 1;
+/* Copies contents of gost_pmeth_data structure */
+static int pkey_gost_copy(EVP_PKEY_CTX *dst, EVP_PKEY_CTX *src)
+       struct gost_pmeth_data *dst_data,*src_data;
+       if (!pkey_gost_init(dst)) {
+               return 0;
+       }
+       src_data = EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_data(src);
+       dst_data = EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_data(dst);
+       *dst_data = *src_data;
+       if (src_data -> eph_seckey) {
+               dst_data ->eph_seckey = NULL;
+       }       
+       return 1;
+/* Frees up gost_pmeth_data structure */
+static void pkey_gost_cleanup (EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx) {
+       struct gost_pmeth_data *data = EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_data(ctx);
+       if (data->eph_seckey) EVP_PKEY_free(data->eph_seckey);
+       OPENSSL_free(data);
+/* --------------------- control functions  ------------------------------*/
+static int pkey_gost_ctrl (EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, int type, int p1, void *p2)
+       struct gost_pmeth_data *pctx = (struct gost_pmeth_data*)EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_data(ctx);
+       switch (type)
+       {
+               case EVP_PKEY_CTRL_MD:
+                       {
+                               if (EVP_MD_type((const EVP_MD *)p2) != NID_id_GostR3411_94) {
+                                       GOSTerr(GOST_F_PKEY_GOST_CTRL, GOST_R_INVALID_DIGEST_TYPE);
+                                       return 0;
+                               }
+                               pctx->md = (EVP_MD *)p2;
+                               return 1;
+                       }
+                       break;
+               case EVP_PKEY_CTRL_PKCS7_ENCRYPT:
+               case EVP_PKEY_CTRL_PKCS7_DECRYPT:
+               case EVP_PKEY_CTRL_PKCS7_SIGN:
+               return 1; 
+               case EVP_PKEY_CTRL_GOST_PARAMSET:
+                       pctx->sign_param_nid = (int)p1;
+                       pctx->crypt_param_nid= (int)p2;
+                       return 1;
+       }
+       return -2;
+static int pkey_gost_ctrl94cc_str(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, 
+               const char *type, const char *value)
+       if(!strcmp(type, param_ctrl_string)) {
+               return pkey_gost_ctrl(ctx, EVP_PKEY_CTRL_GOST_PARAMSET,
+                       NID_id_GostR3410_94_CryptoPro_A_ParamSet, 
+                       (void *)NID_id_Gost28147_89_cc);
+       }
+       return -2;
+static int pkey_gost_ctrl01cc_str(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, 
+               const char *type, const char *value)
+       if(!strcmp(type, param_ctrl_string)) {
+               return pkey_gost_ctrl(ctx, EVP_PKEY_CTRL_GOST_PARAMSET,
+                       NID_id_GostR3410_2001_ParamSet_cc, 
+                       (void *)
+                       NID_id_Gost28147_89_cc);
+       }
+       return -2;
+static int pkey_gost_ctrl94_str(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, 
+               const char *type, const char *value)
+       int param_nid=0;
+       if(!strcmp(type, param_ctrl_string)) {
+               if (!value) {
+                       return 0;
+               }
+               if (strlen(value) == 1) {
+                       switch(toupper(value[0])) {
+                               case 'A':
+                                       param_nid = NID_id_GostR3410_94_CryptoPro_A_ParamSet;
+                                       break;
+                               case 'B':
+                                       param_nid = NID_id_GostR3410_94_CryptoPro_B_ParamSet;
+                                       break;
+                               case 'C':
+                                       param_nid = NID_id_GostR3410_94_CryptoPro_C_ParamSet;
+                                       break;
+                               case 'D':
+                                       param_nid = NID_id_GostR3410_94_CryptoPro_D_ParamSet;
+                                       break;
+                               default:
+                                       return 0;
+                                       break;
+                       }
+               } else if ((strlen(value) == 2) && (toupper(value[0]) == 'X')) {
+                       switch (toupper(value[1])) {
+                               case 'A':
+                                       param_nid = NID_id_GostR3410_94_CryptoPro_XchA_ParamSet;
+                                       break;
+                               case 'B':
+                                       param_nid = NID_id_GostR3410_94_CryptoPro_XchB_ParamSet;
+                                       break;
+                               case 'C':
+                                       param_nid = NID_id_GostR3410_94_CryptoPro_XchC_ParamSet;
+                                       break;
+                               default:
+                                       return 0;
+                                       break;
+                       }
+               } else {
+                       R3410_params *p = R3410_paramset;
+                       param_nid = OBJ_txt2nid(value);
+                       if (param_nid == NID_undef) {
+                               return 0;
+                       }
+                       for (;p->nid != NID_undef;p++) {
+                               if (p->nid == param_nid) break;
+                       }
+                       if (p->nid == NID_undef) {
+                               GOSTerr(GOST_F_PKEY_GOST_CTRL94_STR,
+                               GOST_R_INVALID_PARAMSET);
+                               return 0;
+                       }
+               }
+               return pkey_gost_ctrl(ctx, EVP_PKEY_CTRL_GOST_PARAMSET, 
+                               param_nid, (void *)NID_id_Gost28147_89_CryptoPro_A_ParamSet);
+       }
+       return -2;
+static int pkey_gost_ctrl01_str(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, 
+               const char *type, const char *value)
+       int param_nid=0;
+       if(!strcmp(type, param_ctrl_string)) {
+               if (!value) {
+                       return 0;
+               }
+               if (strlen(value) == 1) {
+                       switch(toupper(value[0])) {
+                               case 'A':
+                                       param_nid = NID_id_GostR3410_2001_CryptoPro_A_ParamSet;
+                                       break;  
+                               case 'B':
+                                       param_nid = NID_id_GostR3410_2001_CryptoPro_B_ParamSet;
+                                       break;
+                               case 'C':
+                                       param_nid = NID_id_GostR3410_2001_CryptoPro_C_ParamSet;
+                                       break;
+                               case '0':
+                                       param_nid = NID_id_GostR3410_2001_TestParamSet;
+                                       break;
+                               default:
+                                       return 0;
+                                       break;
+                       }
+               } else if ((strlen(value) == 2) && (toupper(value[0]) == 'X')) {
+                       switch (toupper(value[1])) {
+                               case 'A':
+                                       param_nid = NID_id_GostR3410_2001_CryptoPro_XchA_ParamSet;
+                                       break;
+                               case 'B':
+                                       param_nid = NID_id_GostR3410_2001_CryptoPro_XchB_ParamSet;
+                                       break;
+                               default:
+                                       return 0;
+                                       break;
+                       }
+               } else {
+                       R3410_2001_params *p = R3410_2001_paramset;
+                       param_nid = OBJ_txt2nid(value);
+                       if (param_nid == NID_undef) {
+                               return 0;
+                       }
+                       for (;p->nid != NID_undef;p++) {
+                               if (p->nid == param_nid) break;
+                       }
+                       if (p->nid == NID_undef) {
+                               GOSTerr(GOST_F_PKEY_GOST_CTRL01_STR,
+                               GOST_R_INVALID_PARAMSET);
+                               return 0;
+                       }
+               }
+               return pkey_gost_ctrl(ctx, EVP_PKEY_CTRL_GOST_PARAMSET, 
+                               param_nid, (void *)NID_id_Gost28147_89_CryptoPro_A_ParamSet);
+       }
+       return -2;
+/* --------------------- key generation  --------------------------------*/
+/* Generates GOST 94 key and assigns it setting specified type */
+static int pkey_gost94_keygen(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, EVP_PKEY *pkey,int type)
+       struct gost_pmeth_data *data = EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_data(ctx);
+       DSA *dsa=NULL;
+       if (data->sign_param_nid == NID_undef) {
+               if (type== NID_id_GostR3410_94_cc) {
+                       data->sign_param_nid = NID_id_GostR3410_94_CryptoPro_A_ParamSet;
+               } else {
+                       GOSTerr(GOST_F_PKEY_GOST94_KEYGEN,
+                       GOST_R_NO_PARAMETERS_SET);
+                       return 0;
+               }       
+       }
+       dsa = DSA_new();
+       if (!fill_GOST94_params(dsa,data->sign_param_nid)) {
+               DSA_free(dsa);
+               return 0;
+       }
+       gost_sign_keygen(dsa);
+       EVP_PKEY_assign(pkey,type,dsa);
+       return 1;
+/* Generates Gost_R3410_94_cc key */
+static int pkey_gost94cc_keygen (EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, EVP_PKEY *pkey) {
+       return pkey_gost94_keygen(ctx,pkey,NID_id_GostR3410_94_cc);
+/* Generates Gost_R3410_94_cp key */
+static int pkey_gost94cp_keygen (EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, EVP_PKEY *pkey) {
+       return pkey_gost94_keygen(ctx,pkey,NID_id_GostR3410_94);
+/* Generates GOST_R3410 2001 key and assigns it using specified type */
+static int pkey_gost01_keygen(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, EVP_PKEY *pkey,int type)
+       struct gost_pmeth_data *data = EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_data(ctx);
+       EC_KEY *ec=NULL;
+       if (data->sign_param_nid == NID_undef) {
+               if (type == NID_id_GostR3410_2001_cc) {
+                       data->sign_param_nid = NID_id_GostR3410_2001_ParamSet_cc;
+               } else {        
+                       GOSTerr(GOST_F_PKEY_GOST01_KEYGEN,
+                       GOST_R_NO_PARAMETERS_SET);
+                       return 0;
+               }
+       }
+       ec = EC_KEY_new();
+       if (!fill_GOST2001_params(ec,data->sign_param_nid)) {
+               EC_KEY_free(ec);
+               return 0;
+       }
+       gost2001_keygen(ec);
+       EVP_PKEY_assign(pkey,type,ec);
+       return 1;
+/* Generates GOST R3410 2001_cc key */
+static int pkey_gost01cc_keygen (EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, EVP_PKEY *pkey) {
+       return pkey_gost01_keygen(ctx,pkey,NID_id_GostR3410_2001_cc);
+/* Generates GOST R3410 2001_cp key */
+static int pkey_gost01cp_keygen (EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, EVP_PKEY *pkey) {
+       return pkey_gost01_keygen(ctx,pkey,NID_id_GostR3410_2001);
+/* ----------- sign callbacks --------------------------------------*/
+static int pkey_gost94_cc_sign(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *sig, size_t *siglen,
+       const unsigned char *tbs, size_t tbs_len)
+       DSA_SIG *unpacked_sig=NULL;
+       EVP_PKEY *pkey = EVP_PKEY_CTX_get0_pkey(ctx);
+       if (!siglen) return 0;
+       if (!sig) 
+       {
+               *siglen= 64; /* better to check size of pkey->pkey.dsa-q */
+               return 1;
+       }       
+       unpacked_sig = gost_do_sign(tbs,tbs_len,EVP_PKEY_get0(pkey));
+       if (!unpacked_sig) {
+               return 0;
+       }
+       return pack_sign_cc(unpacked_sig,32,sig,siglen);
+static int pkey_gost94_cp_sign(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *sig, size_t *siglen,
+       const unsigned char *tbs, size_t tbs_len)
+       DSA_SIG *unpacked_sig=NULL;
+       EVP_PKEY *pkey = EVP_PKEY_CTX_get0_pkey(ctx);
+       if (!siglen) return 0;
+       if (!sig) 
+       {
+               *siglen= 64; /* better to check size of pkey->pkey.dsa-q */
+               return 1;
+       }       
+       unpacked_sig = gost_do_sign(tbs,tbs_len,EVP_PKEY_get0(pkey));
+       if (!unpacked_sig) {
+               return 0;
+       }
+       return pack_sign_cp(unpacked_sig,32,sig,siglen);
+static int pkey_gost01_cc_sign(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *sig, size_t *siglen,
+       const unsigned char *tbs, size_t tbs_len)
+       DSA_SIG *unpacked_sig=NULL;
+       EVP_PKEY *pkey = EVP_PKEY_CTX_get0_pkey(ctx);
+       if (!siglen) return 0;
+       if (!sig) 
+       {
+               *siglen= 64; /* better to check size of curve order*/
+               return 1;
+       }       
+       unpacked_sig = gost2001_do_sign(tbs,tbs_len,EVP_PKEY_get0(pkey));
+       if (!unpacked_sig) {
+               return 0;
+       }
+       return pack_sign_cc(unpacked_sig,32,sig,siglen);
+static int pkey_gost01_cp_sign(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *sig, size_t *siglen,
+       const unsigned char *tbs, size_t tbs_len)
+       DSA_SIG *unpacked_sig=NULL;
+       EVP_PKEY *pkey = EVP_PKEY_CTX_get0_pkey(ctx);
+       if (!siglen) return 0;
+       if (!sig) 
+       {
+               *siglen= 64; /* better to check size of curve order*/
+               return 1;
+       }       
+       unpacked_sig = gost2001_do_sign(tbs,tbs_len,EVP_PKEY_get0(pkey));
+       if (!unpacked_sig) {
+               return 0;
+       }
+       return pack_sign_cp(unpacked_sig,32,sig,siglen);
+/* ------------------- verify callbacks ---------------------------*/
+static int pkey_gost94_cc_verify(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, const unsigned char *sig,
+       size_t siglen, const unsigned char *tbs, size_t tbs_len)
+       int ok = 0;
+       EVP_PKEY* pub_key = EVP_PKEY_CTX_get0_pkey(ctx);
+       DSA_SIG *s=unpack_cc_signature(sig,siglen);
+       if (!s) return 0;
+       if (pub_key) ok = gost_do_verify(tbs,tbs_len,s,EVP_PKEY_get0(pub_key));
+       DSA_SIG_free(s);
+       return ok;
+static int pkey_gost94_cp_verify(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, const unsigned char *sig,
+       size_t siglen, const unsigned char *tbs, size_t tbs_len)
+       int ok = 0;
+       EVP_PKEY* pub_key = EVP_PKEY_CTX_get0_pkey(ctx);
+       DSA_SIG *s=unpack_cp_signature(sig,siglen);
+       if (!s) return 0;
+       if (pub_key) ok = gost_do_verify(tbs,tbs_len,s,EVP_PKEY_get0(pub_key));
+       DSA_SIG_free(s);
+       return ok;
+static int pkey_gost01_cc_verify(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, const unsigned char *sig,
+       size_t siglen, const unsigned char *tbs, size_t tbs_len)
+       int ok = 0;
+       EVP_PKEY* pub_key = EVP_PKEY_CTX_get0_pkey(ctx);
+       DSA_SIG *s=unpack_cc_signature(sig,siglen);
+       fprintf(stderr,"R=");
+       BN_print_fp(stderr,s->r);
+       fprintf(stderr,"\nS=");
+       BN_print_fp(stderr,s->s);
+       fprintf(stderr,"\n");
+       if (!s) return 0;
+       if (pub_key) ok = gost2001_do_verify(tbs,tbs_len,s,EVP_PKEY_get0(pub_key));
+       DSA_SIG_free(s);
+       return ok;
+static int pkey_gost01_cp_verify(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, const unsigned char *sig,
+       size_t siglen, const unsigned char *tbs, size_t tbs_len)
+       int ok = 0;
+       EVP_PKEY* pub_key = EVP_PKEY_CTX_get0_pkey(ctx);
+       DSA_SIG *s=unpack_cp_signature(sig,siglen);
+       if (!s) return 0;
+       fprintf(stderr,"R=");
+       BN_print_fp(stderr,s->r);
+       fprintf(stderr,"\nS=");
+       BN_print_fp(stderr,s->s);
+       fprintf(stderr,"\n");
+       if (pub_key) ok = gost2001_do_verify(tbs,tbs_len,s,EVP_PKEY_get0(pub_key));
+       DSA_SIG_free(s);
+       return ok;
+/* ------------- encrypt init -------------------------------------*/
+/* Generates ephermeral key */
+static int pkey_gost_encrypt_init(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx) 
+       struct gost_pmeth_data *data = EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_data(ctx);
+       EVP_PKEY *eph_key = EVP_PKEY_new();
+       EVP_PKEY *old_key =EVP_PKEY_CTX_get0_pkey(ctx);
+       if (data->eph_seckey) EVP_PKEY_free(data->eph_seckey);
+       EVP_PKEY_assign(eph_key,EVP_PKEY_base_id(old_key),NULL);
+       if (!EVP_PKEY_copy_parameters(eph_key,old_key)) return 0;
+       switch (EVP_PKEY_base_id(old_key)) {
+       case NID_id_GostR3410_2001:
+       case NID_id_GostR3410_2001_cc:
+               gost2001_keygen(EVP_PKEY_get0(eph_key));
+               break;
+       case NID_id_GostR3410_94:
+       case NID_id_GostR3410_94_cc:
+               gost_sign_keygen(EVP_PKEY_get0(eph_key));
+               break;
+       }
+       data->eph_seckey=eph_key;
+       return 1;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+int register_pmeth_gost(int id, EVP_PKEY_METHOD **pmeth,int flags) {
+       *pmeth = EVP_PKEY_meth_new(id, flags);
+       if (!*pmeth) return 0;
+       switch (id) {
+               case NID_id_GostR3410_94_cc:
+                       EVP_PKEY_meth_set_ctrl(*pmeth,pkey_gost_ctrl, pkey_gost_ctrl94cc_str); 
+                       EVP_PKEY_meth_set_keygen(*pmeth,NULL,pkey_gost94cc_keygen);
+                       EVP_PKEY_meth_set_sign(*pmeth, NULL, pkey_gost94_cc_sign);
+                       EVP_PKEY_meth_set_verify(*pmeth, NULL, pkey_gost94_cc_verify);
+                       EVP_PKEY_meth_set_encrypt(*pmeth, 
+                               pkey_gost_encrypt_init, pkey_GOST94cc_encrypt);
+                       EVP_PKEY_meth_set_decrypt(*pmeth, NULL, pkey_GOST94cc_decrypt); 
+                       break;
+               case NID_id_GostR3410_94:
+                       EVP_PKEY_meth_set_ctrl(*pmeth,pkey_gost_ctrl, pkey_gost_ctrl94_str);
+                       EVP_PKEY_meth_set_keygen(*pmeth,NULL,pkey_gost94cp_keygen);
+                       EVP_PKEY_meth_set_sign(*pmeth, NULL, pkey_gost94_cp_sign);
+                       EVP_PKEY_meth_set_verify(*pmeth, NULL, pkey_gost94_cp_verify);
+                       EVP_PKEY_meth_set_encrypt(*pmeth, 
+                               pkey_gost_encrypt_init, pkey_GOST94cp_encrypt);
+                       EVP_PKEY_meth_set_decrypt(*pmeth, NULL, pkey_GOST94cp_decrypt); 
+                       break;
+               case NID_id_GostR3410_2001_cc:
+                       EVP_PKEY_meth_set_ctrl(*pmeth,pkey_gost_ctrl, pkey_gost_ctrl01cc_str);
+                       EVP_PKEY_meth_set_sign(*pmeth, NULL, pkey_gost01_cc_sign);
+                       EVP_PKEY_meth_set_verify(*pmeth, NULL, pkey_gost01_cc_verify);
+                       EVP_PKEY_meth_set_keygen(*pmeth, NULL, pkey_gost01cc_keygen);
+                       EVP_PKEY_meth_set_encrypt(*pmeth, 
+                               pkey_gost_encrypt_init, pkey_GOST01cc_encrypt);
+                       EVP_PKEY_meth_set_decrypt(*pmeth, NULL, pkey_GOST01cc_decrypt); 
+                       break;
+                       /* There is intentionally no break here */
+               case NID_id_GostR3410_2001:
+                       EVP_PKEY_meth_set_ctrl(*pmeth,pkey_gost_ctrl, pkey_gost_ctrl01_str);
+                       EVP_PKEY_meth_set_sign(*pmeth, NULL, pkey_gost01_cp_sign);
+                       EVP_PKEY_meth_set_verify(*pmeth, NULL, pkey_gost01_cp_verify);
+                       EVP_PKEY_meth_set_keygen(*pmeth, NULL, pkey_gost01cp_keygen);
+                       EVP_PKEY_meth_set_encrypt(*pmeth, 
+                               pkey_gost_encrypt_init, pkey_GOST01cp_encrypt);
+                       EVP_PKEY_meth_set_decrypt(*pmeth, NULL, pkey_GOST01cp_decrypt); 
+                       break;
+               default: //Unsupported method
+                       return 0;
+       }
+       EVP_PKEY_meth_set_init(*pmeth, pkey_gost_init);
+       EVP_PKEY_meth_set_cleanup(*pmeth, pkey_gost_cleanup);
+       EVP_PKEY_meth_set_copy(*pmeth, pkey_gost_copy);
+       //FIXME derive etc...
+       return 1;
diff --git a/engines/ccgost/pmeth.h b/engines/ccgost/pmeth.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a94f778
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#ifndef GOST_PMETH_H
+#define GOST_PMETH_H
+ *                             pmeth.h                                *
+ *             Copyright (c) 2006 Cryptocom LTD                       *
+ *       This file is distributed under the same license as OpenSSL   *
+ *                                                                    *
+ *     Declaration of GOST PKEY context internal data                    *
+ *                                                                                                                                       *
+ *          Requires OpenSSL 0.9.9 for compilation                    *
+ **********************************************************************/
+#include <openssl/bn.h>
+#include <openssl/evp.h>
+/* Gost-specific control-function parameters */
+#define param_ctrl_string "paramset"
+       struct gost_pmeth_data {
+           int sign_param_nid; /* Should be set whenever parameters are filled */
+               int crypt_param_nid;
+               EVP_PKEY *eph_seckey;
+               EVP_MD *md;
+       };
diff --git a/engines/ccgost/sign.h b/engines/ccgost/sign.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..c697c4f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+#ifndef GOST_SIGN_H
+#define GOST_SIGN_H
+ *                        sign.h                                      *
+ *             Copyright (c) 2006 Cryptocom LTD                       *
+ *       This file is distributed under the same license as OpenSSL   *
+ *                                                                    *
+ *       Declaration of internal funtions implementing  GOST R 34.10  *
+ *                    signature and key generation                       *
+ *         OpenSSL 0.9.9 libraries required to compile and use        *
+ *                              this code                             *
+ **********************************************************************/ 
+#include <openssl/evp.h>
+#include <openssl/dsa.h>
+#include <openssl/ec.h>
+int fill_GOST94_params(DSA *dsa,int nid);
+int fill_GOST2001_params(EC_KEY *eckey, int nid);
+int gost_sign_keygen(DSA *dsa) ;
+int gost2001_keygen(EC_KEY *ec) ;
+DSA_SIG *gost_do_sign(const unsigned char *dgst,int dlen, DSA *dsa) ;
+DSA_SIG *gost2001_do_sign(const unsigned char *dgst,int dlen, EC_KEY *eckey);
+int gost_do_verify(const unsigned char *dgst, int dgst_len,
+               DSA_SIG *sig, DSA *dsa) ;
+int gost2001_do_verify(const unsigned char *dgst,int dgst_len,
+                       DSA_SIG *sig, EC_KEY *ec);
+int gost2001_compute_public(EC_KEY *ec) ;
+int gost94_compute_public(DSA *dsa) ;
diff --git a/engines/ccgost/tools.h b/engines/ccgost/tools.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..db3d608
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+#ifndef GOST_TOOLS_H
+#define GOST_TOOLS_H
+ *                        sign.h                                      *
+ *             Copyright (c) 2006 Cryptocom LTD                       *
+ *       This file is distributed under the same license as OpenSSL   *
+ *                                                                    *
+ *         Miscellaneous functions used in GOST engine                *
+ *         OpenSSL 0.9.9 libraries required to compile and use        *
+ *                              this code                             *
+ **********************************************************************/ 
+#include <openssl/evp.h>
+#include <openssl/dsa.h>
+/* from gost_sign.c */
+/* Convert GOST R 34.11 hash sum to bignum according to standard */
+BIGNUM *hashsum2bn(const unsigned char *dgst) ;
+/* Store bignum in byte array of given length, prepending by zeros
+ * if nesseccary */
+int store_bignum(BIGNUM *bn, unsigned char *buf,int len);
+/* Read bignum, which can have few MSB all-zeros    from buffer*/ 
+BIGNUM *getbnfrombuf(const unsigned char *buf,size_t len);
+/* Pack GOST R 34.10 signature according to CryptoCom rules */
+int pack_sign_cc(DSA_SIG *s,int order,unsigned char *sig, unsigned int *siglen);
+/* Pack GOST R 34.10 signature according to CryptoPro rules */
+int pack_sign_cp(DSA_SIG *s,int order,unsigned char *sig, unsigned int *siglen); 
+/* Unpack GOST R 34.10 signature according to CryptoCom rules */
+DSA_SIG *unpack_cc_signature(const unsigned char *sig,size_t siglen) ;
+/* Unpack GOST R 34.10 signature according to CryptoPro rules */
+DSA_SIG *unpack_cp_signature(const unsigned char *sig,size_t siglen) ;
+/* from ameth.c */
+/* Get private key as BIGNUM from both R 34.10-94 and R 34.10-2001  keys*/
+BIGNUM* gost_get_priv_key(const EVP_PKEY *pkey) ;
+/* Find NID by GOST 94 parameters */
+int gost94_nid_by_params(DSA *p) ;