.. versionchanged:: 3.4
Raises :exc:`ImportError` instead of :exc:`NotImplementedError`.
+ .. method:: source_to_code(data, path='<string>')
+ Create a code object from Python source.
+ The *data* argument can be whatever the :func:`compile` function
+ supports (i.e. string or bytes). The *path* argument should be
+ the "path" to where the source code originated from, which can be an
+ abstract concept (e.g. location in a zip file).
+ .. versionadded:: 3.4
.. class:: ExecutionLoader
.. versionchanged:: 3.4
No longer raises :exc:`NotImplementedError` when called.
- .. method:: source_to_code(data, path)
- Create a code object from Python source.
- The *data* argument can be whatever the :func:`compile` function
- supports (i.e. string or bytes). The *path* argument should be
- the "path" to where the source code originated from, which can be an
- abstract concept (e.g. location in a zip file).
- .. versionadded:: 3.4
.. method:: get_code(fullname)
Concrete implementation of :meth:`InspectLoader.get_code`.
raise ImportError
+ def source_to_code(self, data, path='<string>'):
+ """Compile 'data' into a code object.
+ The 'data' argument can be anything that compile() can handle. The'path'
+ argument should be where the data was retrieved (when applicable)."""
+ return compile(data, path, 'exec', dont_inherit=True)
_register(InspectLoader, machinery.BuiltinImporter, machinery.FrozenImporter,
from . import util
-##### Inheritance
+##### Inheritance ##############################################################
class InheritanceTests:
"""Test that the specified class is a subclass/superclass of the expected
subclasses = [machinery.SourceFileLoader]
-##### Default semantics
+##### Default return values ####################################################
class MetaPathFinderSubclass(abc.MetaPathFinder):
def find_module(self, fullname, path):
-##### SourceLoader
+##### InspectLoader concrete methods ###########################################
+class InspectLoaderConcreteMethodTests(unittest.TestCase):
+ def source_to_module(self, data, path=None):
+ """Help with source_to_code() tests."""
+ module = imp.new_module('blah')
+ loader = InspectLoaderSubclass()
+ if path is None:
+ code = loader.source_to_code(data)
+ else:
+ code = loader.source_to_code(data, path)
+ exec(code, module.__dict__)
+ return module
+ def test_source_to_code_source(self):
+ # Since compile() can handle strings, so should source_to_code().
+ source = 'attr = 42'
+ module = self.source_to_module(source)
+ self.assertTrue(hasattr(module, 'attr'))
+ self.assertEqual(module.attr, 42)
+ def test_source_to_code_bytes(self):
+ # Since compile() can handle bytes, so should source_to_code().
+ source = b'attr = 42'
+ module = self.source_to_module(source)
+ self.assertTrue(hasattr(module, 'attr'))
+ self.assertEqual(module.attr, 42)
+ def test_source_to_code_path(self):
+ # Specifying a path should set it for the code object.
+ path = 'path/to/somewhere'
+ loader = InspectLoaderSubclass()
+ code = loader.source_to_code('', path)
+ self.assertEqual(code.co_filename, path)
+ def test_source_to_code_no_path(self):
+ # Not setting a path should still work and be set to <string> since that
+ # is a pre-existing practice as a default to compile().
+ loader = InspectLoaderSubclass()
+ code = loader.source_to_code('')
+ self.assertEqual(code.co_filename, '<string>')
+##### SourceLoader concrete methods ############################################
class SourceOnlyLoaderMock(abc.SourceLoader):
# Globals that should be defined for all modules.
self.assertEqual(mock.get_source(name), expect)
if __name__ == '__main__':