Parameter checking stylesheet + py file
authorDave Pawson <>
Thu, 26 Jul 2007 08:21:53 +0000 (08:21 +0000)
committerDave Pawson <>
Thu, 26 Jul 2007 08:21:53 +0000 (08:21 +0000)
contrib/tools/pawson/checkparams.xsl [new file with mode: 0644]
contrib/tools/pawson/ [new file with mode: 0755]
contrib/tools/pawson/params.xml [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/contrib/tools/pawson/checkparams.xsl b/contrib/tools/pawson/checkparams.xsl
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..77a45df
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+  xmlns:xsl=""
+  xmlns:dp=""
+  xmlns:xs=""
+  xmlns:db=""
+          xmlns:xlink=""
+          xmlns:xi=""
+          xmlns:src=""
+  version="2.0">
+<d:doc xmlns:d="">
+ <revhistory>
+   <purpose><para>Validate the contents of a parameter files, via list of files which is the input instance.</para></purpose>
+   <revision>
+    <revnumber>1.0</revnumber>
+    <date>2007-07-17T11:19:47Z</date>
+    <authorinitials>DaveP</authorinitials>
+    <revdescription>
+     <para></para>
+    </revdescription>
+    <revremark></revremark>
+   </revision>
+   <revision>
+    <revnumber>1.1</revnumber>
+    <date>2007-07-26T08:16:12Z</date>
+    <authorinitials>DaveP</authorinitials>
+    <revdescription>
+     <para>Amended to work with directory listing from</para>
+    </revdescription>
+    <revremark></revremark>
+   </revision>
+  </revhistory>
+  </d:doc>
+  <xsl:output method="text" indent="yes" encoding="utf-8"/>
+  <xsl:template match="/">
+    <xsl:variable name="path" select="concat(directory/@name,'/')"/>
+    <xsl:for-each select="directory/file/@name">
+      <!--     <xsl:message>
+        <xsl:value-of select="concat($path,.)"/>
+      </xsl:message>
+      <xsl:apply-templates select="document(concat($path,.))/db:refentry"/>
+    </xsl:for-each>
+  </xsl:template>
+  <xsl:template match="db:refentry">
+    <xsl:apply-templates/>
+  </xsl:template>
+  <xsl:template match="db:refnamediv">
+    <xsl:choose>
+      <xsl:when test="db:refname =/db:refentry/@xml:id" />
+      <xsl:otherwise>
+        refnamediv id = <xsl:value-of select="db:refname"/>
+        refentry/@xml:id = <xsl:value-of select="/db:refentry/@xml:id"/>
+      </xsl:otherwise>
+    </xsl:choose>
+  </xsl:template>
+  <xsl:template match="src:fragment">
+     <xsl:choose>
+      <xsl:when test="contains(@xml:id, /db:refentry/@xml:id)"/>
+      <xsl:otherwise>
+        <xsl:message>
+<xsl:text>File </xsl:text>  <xsl:value-of select="base-uri()"/>       
+refentry id, </xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="/db:refentry/@xml:id"/>
+        <xsl:if test="string(@xml:id)">
+src:fragment/@xml:id <xsl:value-of select="@xml:id"/>   
+        </xsl:if>
+        </xsl:message>
+      </xsl:otherwise>
+    </xsl:choose>
+    <xsl:if test="not(contains(@xml:id, '.frag')) ">
+      <xsl:message>
+        <xsl:text>
+          refentry id, </xsl:text>'<xsl:value-of select="/db:refentry/@xml:id"/>'
+        <xsl:if test="string(@xml:id)">
+          <xsl:text>  src:fragment/@xml:id '</xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="@xml:id"/>'  
+          Missing .frag extension
+        </xsl:if>
+      </xsl:message>
+    </xsl:if>
+    <xsl:apply-templates/>
+  </xsl:template>
+  <xsl:template match="xsl:param">
+    <xsl:choose>
+      <xsl:when test="@select= '1' or 
+                      @select='0' or 
+                      (not(@select)) or 
+                      contains(@select, 'concat') or
+                      contains(@select, '$') or
+                      contains(@select, ';')"/>
+      <xsl:otherwise>
+        <xsl:message>
+<xsl:text>File </xsl:text>  <xsl:value-of select="base-uri()"/>    
+        xsl:param, </xsl:text> [<xsl:value-of select="@select"/>]
+        </xsl:message>      
+      </xsl:otherwise>
+    </xsl:choose>
+  </xsl:template>
+  <!--
+  <xsl:template match="*">
+  <xsl:message>
+    *****<xsl:value-of select="name(..)"/>/{<xsl:value-of select="namespace-uri()"/>}<xsl:value-of select="name()"/>******
+    </xsl:message>
diff --git a/contrib/tools/pawson/ b/contrib/tools/pawson/
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..6fd62ed
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@,  Dave Pawson; Help from Uche Ogbuji\r
+#Write a disk directory out in XML format.\r
+# Update:9 May 05. 1.1  Re-worked for Linux using 4Suite.\r
+#       : Added datetime and size\r
+# Update: 17 May 05 1.2\r
+#         Rev 1.1\r
+#       : Corrected getops processing\r
+#       : Todo. work out what to do with messages for pipelining.\r
+#       : A clean solution would omit this.\r
+# Update:22 May 05\r
+# Cleaned up size conversion, added /? for win32 users.\r
+# \r
+# Update: 23 May 05\r
+#       : Uche mentioned PEP 8! Duly updated. Is that a pep talk?\r
+# Update: 15 June 05\r
+#       : Directory names, on win32 showing up as C:\dir\dir\r
+#       : Changed to work as url's\r
+#       : C:/dir/dir  (OK with file:/)\r
+#       : Additional parameter, -n  to stop recursion beyond\r
+#                            top directory\r
+#       : Files filtered by global string constant... Should it be a param?\r
+#       : defaults to all nnn.xml files, where n is an integer\r
+# Update: 25 June 05\r
+#       : Removed bug. Filtering on pattern did not wrap enough code.\r
+# Copyright Dave Pawson, Uche Ogbuji 2005\r
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\r
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\r
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or\r
+# (at your option) any later version.\r
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\r
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\r
+# GNU General Public License for more details.\r
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\r
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software\r
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA\r
+from  shutil import copy2\r
+import sys\r
+import getopt\r
+import os.path\r
+import re\r
+import time\r
+from xml.dom.ext.reader import Sax2\r
+from xml import xpath\r
+from stat import *\r
+import md5\r
+from Ft.Xml import MarkupWriter # Download from\r
+version = "1.4"\r
+date = "2005-06-26T14:19:16Z"\r
+prog = "dirlist"\r
+filePattern ="[a-z.]+\.xml$"\r
+#recurse through the path, writing directory and filenames\r
+#if date=true, add date attribute\r
+#if size=true, add size attribute\r
+def recurse_dir(path, writer, date, size, md5op,recurs):\r
+    for cdir, subdirs, files in os.walk(path):\r
+        writer.startElement(u'directory',\r
+                            attributes={u'name': unicode(cdir)})\r
+        patt=re.compile(filePattern) # only look for requisite files\r
+        for f in files:\r
+            if (patt.match(f)):\r
+                accessedTime = formatTime(os.stat(os.path.join(cdir,f))[ST_MTIME])\r
+                sz = formatSize(os.stat(os.path.join(cdir,f))[ST_SIZE])\r
+                md5 = md5sum(os.path.join(cdir,f))\r
+                writer.startElement(u'file',attributes={u'name': unicode(f)})\r
+                \r
+                if (date):\r
+                    writer.attribute(u'date', unicode(accessedTime))\r
+                if (size):\r
+                    writer.attribute(u'sz', unicode(sz))\r
+                if (md5op):\r
+                    writer.attribute(u'md5',unicode(md5))\r
+                writer.endElement(u'file')\r
+        if (recurs):\r
+            for subdir in subdirs: recurse_dir(os.path.join(cdir, subdir),\r
+                                           writer,date,size,md5op,recurs)\r
+        writer.endElement(u'directory')\r
+        break\r
+#Convert Time to local time\r
+#print datetime.datetime(2004,5,5).strftime('%x')\r
+def formatTime(tics):\r
+    import datetime\r
+    # Converting Epoch Seconds to DMYHMS\r
+    t = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(tics)\r
+    # print t.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')\r
+    return t.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')\r
+# Convert size to kB or Mb.\r
+# Omit the L from the size, for readability.\r
+def formatSize(b):\r
+    if (b < 1024):\r
+        return repr(b)[:-1]+"b"\r
+    if (b < (1024 * 1024)):\r
+        return repr(b / 1024)[:-1]+"Kb"\r
+    else:\r
+        return repr(b / (1024*1024))+"Mb"\r
+#Calculate the md5sum for given file\r
+def md5sum(fname):\r
+    myfile = open(fname)\r
+    m =\r
+    md5sums = 0\r
+    for aline in myfile.readlines():\r
+        m.update(aline)\r
+        myfile.close()\r
+    return m.hexdigest()\r
+#Return the id value from a given xml file, or null string if not found\r
+def getID(fname):\r
+    print fname\r
+    # create Reader object\r
+    reader = Sax2.Reader()\r
+    # parse the document\r
+    doc = reader.fromStream(fname)\r
+    nodes = xpath.Evaluate('//*[local-name()="id"]',doc.documentElement)\r
+    return nodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue\r
+    \r
+        \r
+    \r
+#Obtain a list of files in a given directory\r
+#returns a possibly empty dictionary of NNN:dir/noteNNN.txt\r
+def genXML(directory, out, addDate,addSize, md5op,recurs):\r
+    writer = MarkupWriter(out, indent=u"yes")\r
+    writer.startDocument()\r
+    recurse_dir(directory, writer, addDate, addSize, md5op,recurs)\r
+# Print usage instructions\r
+def usage():\r
+    usg = """\r
+ Version %s" \r
+    Usage: \n python  [options] -p path -o outputXMLFile \r
+    \t\t Produces an XML file,\r
+    \t\t\t listing the directory (path) provided \r
+    \t\t Options:\r
+    \t\t -d --date  Add date attribute\r
+    \t\t -s --size  Add size attribute\r
+    \t\t -m --mdsum Add md5sum attribute\r
+    \t\t -n --norecurse Do not recurse into directories\r
+    \t\t\t -p[--path] Path to directory to process\r
+    \t\t\t -o output file.\r
+    \t\t\t Omit the output option to generate output to stdout\r
+    """ \\r
+    % (prog, version, prog)\r
+    print usg\r
+# Main program entry\r
+def main():\r
+    if len(sys.argv) < 2:\r
+        usage()\r
+        sys.exit(2)\r
+    outfile = sys.stdout\r
+    outfile = ""\r
+    directory = None\r
+    addDate = False\r
+    md5op = False\r
+    addSize = False\r
+    recurs = True\r
+    try:\r
+        opts, args = \\r
+              getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],\r
+                            "hsdmnp:o:",\r
+                            ["help","size","date","md5sum","norecurse","path=","output="])\r
+    except getopt.GetoptError:\r
+        print "\t\tInvalid arguments"\r
+        usage()  # print help information and exit:\r
+        sys.exit(2)\r
+    if (len(opts) < 1):\r
+        print "Insufficient arguments", len(args)\r
+        usage()\r
+        sys.exit(2)\r
+    for o, a in opts:\r
+        if o in ("?", "//?"):\r
+            usage()\r
+            sys.exit()\r
+        if o in ("-p","--path"):\r
+            directory = os.path.realpath(a)\r
+        if o in ("-d", "--date"):\r
+            addDate = True\r
+        if o in ("-m", "--md5sum"):\r
+            md5op=True\r
+        if o in ("-s", "--size"):\r
+            addSize = True\r
+        if o in ("-h", "--help"):\r
+            usage()\r
+            sys.exit()\r
+        if o in ("-n", "--norecurse"):\r
+            recurs = False\r
+        if o in ("-o","--output"):\r
+            outfile = a\r
+    if not( os.path.isdir(directory)):\r
+        sys.stderr.write ("\t\t Error, '%s' is not a directory\n" % directory) \r
+        sys.exit(2)\r
+    try:\r
+        if (outfile <> ""):\r
+            out = open(outfile,'w')\r
+        else:\r
+            out = sys.stdout\r
+    except EnvironmentError:\r
+        sys.stderr.write("%s not writable, Quitting" %outfile)\r
+        sys.exit(2)\r
+# Call the main method.\r
+    genXML(directory, out, addDate, addSize, md5op,recurs)\r
+    if (outfile != ""):\r
+        out.close()\r
+if __name__ == '__main__':\r
+    main()\r
diff --git a/contrib/tools/pawson/params.xml b/contrib/tools/pawson/params.xml
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a978e10
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,591 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<directory name="/sgml/docbook/db4/params">
+  <file date="2007-07-16" name=""/>
+  <file date="2007-07-13" name="man.indent.lists.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-13" name="make.graphic.viewport.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-13" name=""/>
+  <file date="2007-07-17" name="olink.base.uri.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-17" name=""/>
+  <file date="2007-07-13" name="man.break.after.slash.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-13" name="toc.spacer.graphic.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-13" name="man.indent.blurbs.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-13" name="double.sided.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-17" name=""/>
+  <file date="2007-07-13" name="generate.manifest.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-13" name=""/>
+  <file date="2007-07-13" name="refentry.source.fallback.profile.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-13" name="footers.on.blank.pages.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-24" name="generate.meta.abstract.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-13" name="list.item.spacing.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-13" name="column.count.titlepage.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-13" name=""/>
+  <file date="2007-07-16" name=""/>
+  <file date="2007-07-16" name="blurb.on.titlepage.enabled.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-17" name="olink.resolver.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-13" name="annotate.toc.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-16" name="htmlhelp.hhc.folders.instead.books.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-13" name="column.count.lot.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-13" name="chunk.tocs.and.lots.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-24" name="chunker.output.indent.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-13" name="chunk.section.depth.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-17" name="table.footnote.number.format.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-24" name="chunker.output.method.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-13" name="olink.debug.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-13" name=""/>
+  <file date="2007-07-13" name="title.margin.left.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-17" name="spacing.paras.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-16" name="olink.outline.ext.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-13" name="man.indent.refsect.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-13" name=""/>
+  <file date="2007-07-13" name="navtocwidth.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-16" name="suppress.header.navigation.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-17" name="table.cell.border.color.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-17" name=""/>
+  <file date="2007-07-13" name="shade.verbatim.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-16" name="htmlhelp.hhk.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-16" name="refentry.generate.title.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-13" name="man.links.are.underlined.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-13" name=""/>
+  <file date="2007-07-24" name="htmlhelp.button.zoom.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-13" name=""/>
+  <file date="2007-07-24" name="use.embed.for.svg.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-16" name="suppress.navigation.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-17" name="ua.js.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-17" name="htmlhelp.hhp.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-13" name="toc.blank.graphic.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-13" name="man.indent.verbatims.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-17" name="draft.watermark.image.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-13" name=""/>
+  <file date="2007-07-16" name="section.label.includes.component.label.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-16" name="index.prefer.titleabbrev.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-16" name=""/>
+  <file date="2007-07-13" name="generate.index.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-24" name=""/>
+  <file date="2007-07-16" name="id.warnings.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-13" name="man.justify.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-16" name="olink.pubid.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-16" name="profile.conformance.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-17" name="use.extensions.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-13" name=""/>
+  <file date="2007-07-13" name="html.stylesheet.type.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-16" name=""/>
+  <file date="2007-07-13" name=""/>
+  <file date="2007-07-13" name=""/>
+  <file date="2007-07-17" name="graphics.dir.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-24" name="htmlhelp.button.options.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-17" name="no.home.image.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-16" name="olink.sysid.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-13" name=""/>
+  <file date="2007-07-13" name="ignore.image.scaling.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-13" name=""/>
+  <file date="2007-07-13" name="column.count.body.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-16" name="refentry.xref.manvolnum.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-13" name=""/>
+  <file date="2007-07-13" name=""/>
+  <file date="2007-07-13" name=""/>
+  <file date="2007-07-17" name="sidebar.float.width.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-13" name="body.start.indent.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-17" name="pages.template.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-17" name="callout.defaultcolumn.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-24" name=""/>
+  <file date="2007-07-17" name=""/>
+  <file date="2007-07-13" name="dynamic.toc.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-13" name="man.output.subdirs.enabled.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-17" name="htmlhelp.title.xml"/>
+  <file date="2007-07-16" name=""/>
+  <file date="2007-07-13" name=""/>
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