%%% Author : Alexey Shchepin <alexey@sevcom.net>
%%% Purpose : S2S connections manager
%%% Created : 7 Dec 2002 by Alexey Shchepin <alexey@sevcom.net>
-%%% Id : $Id$
+%%% Id : $Id: ejabberd_s2s.erl 820 2007-07-19 21:17:13Z mremond $
--vsn('$Revision$ ').
+-vsn('$Revision: 820 $ ').
- get_key/1,
+ has_key/2,
- remove_connection/1,
-remove_connection(FromTo) ->
- F = fun() ->
- mnesia:delete({s2s, FromTo})
- end,
- mnesia:transaction(F).
remove_connection(FromTo, Pid, Key) ->
- case catch mnesia:dirty_read(s2s, FromTo) of
+ ?ERROR_MSG("XXXXXXXXXXX ~p~n", [{FromTo, Pid, Key}]),
+ case catch mnesia:dirty_match_object(s2s, {s2s, FromTo, Pid, '_'}) of
[#s2s{pid = Pid, key = Key}] ->
F = fun() ->
mnesia:delete_object(#s2s{fromto = FromTo,
-get_key(FromTo) ->
- case catch mnesia:dirty_read(s2s, FromTo) of
- [E] ->
- E#s2s.key;
+has_key(FromTo, Key) ->
+ case mnesia:dirty_select(s2s,
+ [{#s2s{fromto = FromTo, key = Key, _ = '_'},
+ [],
+ ['$_']}]) of
+ [] ->
+ false;
_ ->
- error
+ true
try_register(FromTo) ->
Key = randoms:get_string(),
+ Max_S2S_Connexions_Number = 3,
F = fun() ->
case mnesia:read({s2s, FromTo}) of
- [] ->
- mnesia:write(#s2s{fromto = FromTo,
- pid = self(),
- key = Key}),
- {key, Key};
+ L when length(L) < Max_S2S_Connexions_Number ->
+ mnesia:write(#s2s{fromto = FromTo,
+ pid = self(),
+ key = Key}),
+ {key, Key};
_ ->
init([]) ->
- mnesia:create_table(s2s, [{ram_copies, [node()]},
+ mnesia:create_table(s2s, [{ram_copies, [node()]}, {type, bag},
{attributes, record_info(fields, s2s)}]),
mnesia:add_table_copy(s2s, node(), ram_copies),
+ mnesia:add_table_index(s2s, key),
[{"incoming-s2s-number", "print number of incoming s2s connections on the node"},
send_element(Pid, {xmlelement, Name, NewAttrs, Els}),
- {aborted, Reason} ->
+ {aborted, _Reason} ->
case xml:get_tag_attr_s("type", Packet) of
"error" -> ok;
"result" -> ok;
#jid{lserver = MyServer} = From,
#jid{lserver = Server} = To,
FromTo = {MyServer, Server},
+ Max_S2S_Connexions_Number = 3,
+ ?ERROR_MSG("XXX Finding connection for ~p~n", [FromTo]),
case catch mnesia:dirty_read(s2s, FromTo) of
{'EXIT', Reason} ->
{aborted, Reason};
case {is_service(From, To),
allow_host(MyServer, Server)} of
{false, true} ->
- ?DEBUG("starting new s2s connection~n", []),
- Key = randoms:get_string(),
- {ok, Pid} = ejabberd_s2s_out:start(
- MyServer, Server, {new, Key}),
- F = fun() ->
- case mnesia:read({s2s, FromTo}) of
- [El] ->
- El#s2s.pid;
- [] ->
- mnesia:write(#s2s{fromto = FromTo,
- pid = Pid,
- key = Key}),
- Pid
- end
- end,
- TRes = mnesia:transaction(F),
- case TRes of
- {atomic, Pid} ->
- ejabberd_s2s_out:start_connection(Pid);
- _ ->
- ejabberd_s2s_out:stop_connection(Pid)
- end,
- TRes;
+ new_connection(MyServer, Server, From, FromTo, Max_S2S_Connexions_Number);
_ ->
{aborted, error}
- [El] ->
- {atomic, El#s2s.pid}
+ L when is_list(L) , length(L) < Max_S2S_Connexions_Number ->
+ %% We establish another connection for this pair.
+ new_connection(MyServer, Server, From, FromTo, Max_S2S_Connexions_Number);
+ L when is_list(L) ->
+ %% We choose a connexion from the pool of opened ones.
+ {atomic, choose_connection(From, L)}
+choose_connection(From, Connections) ->
+ El = lists:nth(erlang:phash(From, length(Connections)), Connections),
+ %El = lists:nth(random:uniform(length(Connections)), Connections),
+ ?ERROR_MSG("XXX using ejabberd_s2s_out ~p~n", [El#s2s.pid]),
+ El#s2s.pid.
+new_connection(MyServer, Server, From, FromTo, Max_S2S_Connexions_Number) ->
+ Key = randoms:get_string(),
+ {ok, Pid} = ejabberd_s2s_out:start(
+ MyServer, Server, {new, Key}),
+ F = fun() ->
+ case mnesia:read({s2s, FromTo}) of
+ L when length(L) < Max_S2S_Connexions_Number ->
+ mnesia:write(#s2s{fromto = FromTo,
+ pid = Pid,
+ key = Key}),
+ ?ERROR_MSG("XXX new s2s connection started ~p~n", [Pid]),
+ Pid;
+ L ->
+ choose_connection(From, L)
+ end
+ end,
+ TRes = mnesia:transaction(F),
+ case TRes of
+ {atomic, Pid} ->
+ ejabberd_s2s_out:start_connection(Pid);
+ _ ->
+ ejabberd_s2s_out:stop_connection(Pid)
+ end,
+ TRes.
%% Function: is_service(From, To) -> true | false
update_tables() ->
+ case catch mnesia:table_info(s2s, type) of
+ bag ->
+ ok;
+ {'EXIT', _} ->
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ % XXX TODO convert it ?
+ mnesia:delete_table(s2s)
+ end,
case catch mnesia:table_info(s2s, attributes) of
[fromto, node, key] ->
mnesia:transform_table(s2s, ignore, [fromto, pid, key]),
_ -> true %% The default s2s policy is allow
%%% Author : Alexey Shchepin <alexey@sevcom.net>
%%% Purpose : Serve incoming s2s connection
%%% Created : 6 Dec 2002 by Alexey Shchepin <alexey@sevcom.net>
-%%% Id : $Id$
+%%% Id : $Id: ejabberd_s2s_in.erl 820 2007-07-19 21:17:13Z mremond $
%% Returns: {ok, StateName, StateData} |
%% {ok, StateName, StateData, Timeout} |
%% ignore |
-%% {stop, StopReason}
+%% {stop, StopReason}
init([{SockMod, Socket}, Opts]) ->
?INFO_MSG("started: ~p", [Socket]),
%% Func: StateName/2
%% Returns: {next_state, NextStateName, NextStateData} |
%% {next_state, NextStateName, NextStateData, Timeout} |
-%% {stop, Reason, NewStateData}
+%% {stop, Reason, NewStateData}
wait_for_stream({xmlstreamstart, _Name, Attrs}, StateData) ->
?INFO_MSG("GET KEY: ~p", [{To, From, Id, Key}]),
LTo = jlib:nameprep(To),
LFrom = jlib:nameprep(From),
- %% Checks if the from domain is allowed and if the to
- %% domain is handled by this server:
+ %% Checks if the from domain is allowed and if the to
+ %% domain is handled by this server:
case {ejabberd_s2s:allow_host(To, From),
lists:member(LTo, ejabberd_router:dirty_get_all_domains())} of
{true, true} ->
?INFO_MSG("VERIFY KEY: ~p", [{To, From, Id, Key}]),
LTo = jlib:nameprep(To),
LFrom = jlib:nameprep(From),
- Key1 = ejabberd_s2s:get_key({LTo, LFrom}),
- Type = if Key == Key1 -> "valid";
- true -> "invalid"
+ Type = case ejabberd_s2s:has_key({LTo, LFrom}, Key) of
+ true -> "valid";
+ _ -> "invalid"
+ %Type = if Key == Key1 -> "valid";
+ % true -> "invalid"
+ % end,
%% {reply, Reply, NextStateName, NextStateData} |
%% {reply, Reply, NextStateName, NextStateData, Timeout} |
%% {stop, Reason, NewStateData} |
-%% {stop, Reason, Reply, NewStateData}
+%% {stop, Reason, Reply, NewStateData}
%state_name(Event, From, StateData) ->
% Reply = ok,
%% Func: handle_event/3
%% Returns: {next_state, NextStateName, NextStateData} |
%% {next_state, NextStateName, NextStateData, Timeout} |
-%% {stop, Reason, NewStateData}
+%% {stop, Reason, NewStateData}
handle_event(_Event, StateName, StateData) ->
{next_state, StateName, StateData}.
%% {reply, Reply, NextStateName, NextStateData} |
%% {reply, Reply, NextStateName, NextStateData, Timeout} |
%% {stop, Reason, NewStateData} |
-%% {stop, Reason, Reply, NewStateData}
+%% {stop, Reason, Reply, NewStateData}
handle_sync_event(_Event, _From, StateName, StateData) ->
Reply = ok,
%% Func: handle_info/3
%% Returns: {next_state, NextStateName, NextStateData} |
%% {next_state, NextStateName, NextStateData, Timeout} |
-%% {stop, Reason, NewStateData}
+%% {stop, Reason, NewStateData}
handle_info({send_text, Text}, StateName, StateData) ->
send_text(StateData, Text),
false ->
%% Returns: {ok, StateName, StateData} |
%% {ok, StateName, StateData, Timeout} |
%% ignore |
-%% {stop, StopReason}
+%% {stop, StopReason}
init([From, Server, Type]) ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
%% Func: StateName/2
%% Returns: {next_state, NextStateName, NextStateData} |
%% {next_state, NextStateName, NextStateData, Timeout} |
-%% {stop, Reason, NewStateData}
+%% {stop, Reason, NewStateData}
open_socket(init, StateData) ->
?INFO_MSG("open_socket: ~p", [{StateData#state.myname,
%% {reply, Reply, NextStateName, NextStateData} |
%% {reply, Reply, NextStateName, NextStateData, Timeout} |
%% {stop, Reason, NewStateData} |
-%% {stop, Reason, Reply, NewStateData}
+%% {stop, Reason, Reply, NewStateData}
%state_name(Event, From, StateData) ->
% Reply = ok,
%% Func: handle_event/3
%% Returns: {next_state, NextStateName, NextStateData} |
%% {next_state, NextStateName, NextStateData, Timeout} |
-%% {stop, Reason, NewStateData}
+%% {stop, Reason, NewStateData}
handle_event(Event, StateName, StateData) ->
{next_state, StateName, StateData}.
%% {reply, Reply, NextStateName, NextStateData} |
%% {reply, Reply, NextStateName, NextStateData, Timeout} |
%% {stop, Reason, NewStateData} |
-%% {stop, Reason, Reply, NewStateData}
+%% {stop, Reason, Reply, NewStateData}
handle_sync_event(Event, From, StateName, StateData) ->
Reply = ok,
%% Func: handle_info/3
%% Returns: {next_state, NextStateName, NextStateData} |
%% {next_state, NextStateName, NextStateData, Timeout} |
-%% {stop, Reason, NewStateData}
+%% {stop, Reason, NewStateData}
handle_info({send_text, Text}, StateName, StateData) ->
send_text(StateData, Text),
lists:keyreplace(HostPort, 1, Acc, {HostPort, Num + 1})
end, [], lists:seq(1, 100000)).