-<description>Base directory for the server run-time files</description>
-<syntax>DefaultRuntimeDir <var>directory-path</var></syntax>
-<default>DefaultRuntimeDir DEFAULT_REL_RUNTIMEDIR (logs/)</default>
-<contextlist><context>server config</context></contextlist>
- <p>The <directive>DefaultRuntimeDir</directive> directive sets the
- directory in which the server will create various run-time files
- (shared memory, locks, etc.). If set as a relative path, the full path
- will be relative to <directive>ServerRoot</directive></p>
- <example><title>Example</title>
- DefaultRuntimeDir scratch/
- </example>
- <p>The default location of <directive>DefaultRuntimeDir</directive> may be
- modified by changing the <code>DEFAULT_REL_RUNTIMEDIR</code> #define
- at build time.</p>
- <p>Note: <directive>ServerRoot</directive> should be specified before this
- directive is used, otherwise the default value of <directive>ServerRoot</directive>
- would be used to set the base directory.</p>
-<seealso><a href="../misc/security_tips.html#serverroot">the
- security tips</a> for information on how to properly set
- permissions on the <directive>ServerRoot</directive></seealso>
<description>This directive has no effect other than to emit warnings