-#! /usr/bin/env python
+#! /usr/bin/env python1.5
"""Print the long name of an Internet domain.
The latest known change to this information was:
- Thu Feb 10 10:20:28 MET 1994
+ Thu Aug 7 17:59:51 MET DST 1997
This script also knows about non-geographic top-level domains.
-Usage: %s [-d] [-h] addr [addr ...]
+Usage: %s [-d] [-p|-P file] [-h] addr [addr ...]
- -d (--dump) -- print mapping of all known top-level domains
- -h (--help) -- print this help message
+ --dump
+ -d
+ Print mapping of all top-level domains.
+ --parse file
+ --p file
+ --P file
+ --Parse file
+ Parse an iso3166-countrycodes file (given as the argument).
+ This first the two letter country code (it ignores the three
+ letter code), followed by the country name. With -P option,
+ output is in the form of a Python dictionary, and country
+ names are normalized w.r.t. capitalization. This makes it
+ appropriate for cutting and pasting back into this file.
+ -h
+ --help
+ Print this message.
-__version__ = '1.0'
+__version__ = '2.0'
__author__ = 'Barry Warsaw <bwarsaw@python.org>'
__source__ = '<url:http://www.python.org/~bwarsaw/pyware/>'
import sys
import string
import getopt
+ import re
+except ImportError:
+ print 'Python 1.5 is required!'
+ sys.exit(1)
print __doc__ % sys.argv[0]
def resolve(rawaddr):
parts = string.splitfields(rawaddr, '.')
if not len(parts):
print 'Where in the world is %s?' % rawaddr
+def parse(file, normalize):
+ try:
+ fp = open(file)
+ except IOError, (err, msg):
+ print msg, ':', file
+ cre = re.compile('(.*?)[ \t]+([A-Z]{2})[ \t]+[A-Z]{3}[ \t]+[0-9]{3}')
+ scanning = 0
+ if normalize:
+ print 'country = {'
+ while 1:
+ line = fp.readline()
+ if line == '':
+ break # EOF
+ if scanning:
+ mo = cre.match(line)
+ if not mo:
+ line = string.strip(line)
+ if not line:
+ continue
+ elif line[0] == '-':
+ break
+ else:
+ print 'Could not parse line:', line
+ continue
+ country, code = mo.group(1, 2)
+ if normalize:
+ words = string.split(country)
+ for i in range(len(words)):
+ w = words[i]
+ # XXX special cases
+ if w in ('AND', 'OF', 'OF)', 'name:', 'METROPOLITAN'):
+ words[i] = string.lower(w)
+ elif w == 'THE' and i <> 1:
+ words[i] = string.lower(w)
+ elif len(w) > 3 and w[1] == "'":
+ words[i] = string.upper(w[0:3]) + \
+ string.lower(w[3:])
+ elif w == '(U.S.)':
+ pass
+ elif w[0] == '(' and w <> '(local':
+ words[i] = '(' + string.capitalize(w[1:])
+ elif string.find(w, '-'):
+ words[i] = string.join(
+ map(string.capitalize, string.split(w, '-')),
+ '-')
+ else:
+ words[i] = string.capitalize(w)
+ code = string.lower(code)
+ country = string.join(words)
+ print ' "%s": "%s",' % (code, country)
+ else:
+ print code, country
+ elif line[0] == '-':
+ scanning = 1
+ if normalize:
+ print ' }'
def main():
help = 0
status = 0
dump = 0
+ parsefile = None
+ normalize = 0
- opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'hd', ['help', 'dump'])
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],
+ 'p:P:hd',
+ ['parse', 'Parse', 'PARSE', 'help', 'dump'])
for arg, val in opts:
if arg in ('-h', '--help'):
help = 1
elif arg in ('-d', '--dump'):
dump = 1
+ elif arg in ('-p', '--parse'):
+ parsefile = val
+ elif arg in ('-P', '--Parse', '--PARSE'):
+ parsefile = val
+ normalize = 1
if help:
for code in codes:
print ' %2s:' % code, country[code]
+ elif parsefile:
+ parse(parsefile, normalize)
map(resolve, args)
# The mappings
nameorg = {