Problem: Popup window callback not implemented yet.
Solution: Implement the callback.
- Code is in popupwin.c
+- Fix positioning with border and padding.
- Why does 'nrformats' leak from the popup window buffer???
- Make redrawing more efficient and avoid flicker.
Store popup info in a mask, use the mask in screen_line()
< In case of failure zero is returned.
-popup_close({id}) *popup_close()*
+popup_close({id} [, {result}]) *popup_close()*
Close popup {id}. The window and the associated buffer will
be deleted.
+ If the popup has a callback it will be called just before the
+ popup window is deleted. If the optional {result} is present
+ it will be passed as the second argument of the callback.
+ Otherwise zero is passed to the callback.
popup_dialog({text}, {options}) *popup_dialog()*
{not implemented yet}
\ 'pos': 'center',
\ 'zindex': 200,
\ 'border': [],
+ \ 'padding': [],
< Use {options} to change the properties.
popup_atcursor({text}, {options}) *popup_atcursor()*
+ {not implemented yet: close when cursor moves}
Show the {text} above the cursor, and close it when the cursor
moves. This works like: >
call popup_create({text}, {
callback a callback to be used when the popup closes, e.g. when
using |popup_filter_menu()|, see |popup-callback|.
- {not implemented yet}
Depending on the "zindex" the popup goes under or above other popups. The
completion menu (|popup-menu|) has zindex 100. For messages that occur for a
POPUP CALLBACK *popup-callback*
-{not implemented yet}
A callback that is invoked when the popup closes. Used by
-|popup_filter_menu()|. Invoked with two arguments: the ID of the popup and
-the result, which would usually be an index in the popup lines, or whatever
-the filter wants to pass.
+The callback is invoked with two arguments: the ID of the popup window and the
+result, which could be an index in the popup lines, or whatever was passed as
+the second argument of `popup_close()`.
3. Examples *popup-examples*
{"popup_atcursor", 2, 2, f_popup_atcursor},
- {"popup_close", 1, 1, f_popup_close},
+ {"popup_close", 1, 2, f_popup_close},
{"popup_create", 2, 2, f_popup_create},
{"popup_getoptions", 1, 1, f_popup_getoptions},
{"popup_getpos", 1, 1, f_popup_getpos},
wp->w_p_wrap = nr != 0;
+ di = dict_find(dict, (char_u *)"callback", -1);
+ if (di != NULL)
+ {
+ callback_T callback = get_callback(&di->di_tv);
+ if (callback.cb_name != NULL)
+ set_callback(&wp->w_close_cb, &callback);
+ }
di = dict_find(dict, (char_u *)"filter", -1);
if (di != NULL)
return FALSE;
+ * Invoke the close callback for window "wp" with value "result".
+ * Careful: The callback may make "wp" invalid!
+ */
+ static void
+invoke_popup_callback(win_T *wp, typval_T *result)
+ typval_T rettv;
+ int dummy;
+ typval_T argv[3];
+ argv[0].v_type = VAR_NUMBER;
+ argv[0].vval.v_number = (varnumber_T)wp->w_id;
+ if (result != NULL && result->v_type != VAR_UNKNOWN)
+ copy_tv(result, &argv[1]);
+ else
+ {
+ argv[1].v_type = VAR_NUMBER;
+ argv[1].vval.v_number = 0;
+ }
+ argv[2].v_type = VAR_UNKNOWN;
+ call_callback(&wp->w_close_cb, -1,
+ &rettv, 2, argv, NULL, 0L, 0L, &dummy, TRUE, NULL);
+ if (result != NULL)
+ clear_tv(&argv[1]);
+ clear_tv(&rettv);
* popup_close({id})
f_popup_close(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv UNUSED)
int id = (int)tv_get_number(argvars);
+ win_T *wp = find_popup_win(id);
+ if (wp != NULL)
+ {
+ if (wp->w_close_cb.cb_name != NULL)
+ // Careful: This may make "wp" invalid.
+ invoke_popup_callback(wp, &argvars[1]);
- popup_close(id);
+ popup_close(id);
+ }
* Close a popup window by Window-id.
+ * Does not invoke the callback.
popup_close(int id)
int w_border_char[8]; // popup border characters
varnumber_T w_popup_last_changedtick; // b:changedtick when position was
// computed
+ callback_T w_close_cb; // popup close callback
callback_T w_filter_cb; // popup filter callback
# if defined(FEAT_TIMERS)
timer_T *w_popup_timer; // timer for closing popup window
delfunc MyPopupFilter
+func Test_popup_close_callback()
+ func PopupDone(id, result)
+ let g:result = a:result
+ endfunc
+ let winid = popup_create('something', {'callback': 'PopupDone'})
+ redraw
+ call popup_close(winid, 'done')
+ call assert_equal('done', g:result)
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 1446,
+ free_callback(&wp->w_close_cb);
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i)