+++ /dev/null
-"""New import scheme with package support.
-Quick Reference
-- To enable package support, execute "import ni" before importing any
- packages. Importing this module automatically installs the relevant
- import hooks.
-- To create a package named spam containing sub-modules ham, bacon and
- eggs, create a directory spam somewhere on Python's module search
- path (i.e. spam's parent directory must be one of the directories in
- sys.path or $PYTHONPATH); then create files ham.py, bacon.py and
- eggs.py inside spam.
-- To import module ham from package spam and use function hamneggs()
- from that module, you can either do
- import spam.ham # *not* "import spam" !!!
- spam.ham.hamneggs()
- or
- from spam import ham
- ham.hamneggs()
- or
- from spam.ham import hamneggs
- hamneggs()
-- Importing just "spam" does not do what you expect: it creates an
- empty package named spam if one does not already exist, but it does
- not import spam's submodules. The only submodule that is guaranteed
- to be imported is spam.__init__, if it exists. Note that
- spam.__init__ is a submodule of package spam. It can reference to
- spam's namespace via the '__.' prefix, for instance
- __.spam_inited = 1 # Set a package-level variable
-Theory of Operation
-A Package is a module that can contain other modules. Packages can be
-nested. Package introduce dotted names for modules, like P.Q.M, which
-could correspond to a file P/Q/M.py found somewhere on sys.path. It
-is possible to import a package itself, though this makes little sense
-unless the package contains a module called __init__.
-A package has two variables that control the namespace used for
-packages and modules, both initialized to sensible defaults the first
-time the package is referenced.
-(1) A package's *module search path*, contained in the per-package
-variable __path__, defines a list of *directories* where submodules or
-subpackages of the package are searched. It is initialized to the
-directory containing the package. Setting this variable to None makes
-the module search path default to sys.path (this is not quite the same
-as setting it to sys.path, since the latter won't track later
-assignments to sys.path).
-(2) A package's *import domain*, contained in the per-package variable
-__domain__, defines a list of *packages* that are searched (using
-their respective module search paths) to satisfy imports. It is
-initialized to the list cosisting of the package itself, its parent
-package, its parent's parent, and so on, ending with the root package
-(the nameless package containing all top-level packages and modules,
-whose module search path is None, implying sys.path).
-The default domain implements a search algorithm called "expanding
-search". An alternative search algorithm called "explicit search"
-fixes the import search path to contain only the root package,
-requiring the modules in the package to name all imported modules by
-their full name. The convention of using '__' to refer to the current
-package (both as a per-module variable and in module names) can be
-used by packages using explicit search to refer to modules in the same
-package; this combination is known as "explicit-relative search".
-The PackageImporter and PackageLoader classes together implement the
-following policies:
-- There is a root package, whose name is ''. It cannot be imported
- directly but may be referenced, e.g. by using '__' from a top-level
- module.
-- In each module or package, the variable '__' contains a reference to
- the parent package; in the root package, '__' points to itself.
-- In the name for imported modules (e.g. M in "import M" or "from M
- import ..."), a leading '__' refers to the current package (i.e.
- the package containing the current module); leading '__.__' and so
- on refer to the current package's parent, and so on. The use of
- '__' elsewhere in the module name is not supported.
-- Modules are searched using the "expanding search" algorithm by
- virtue of the default value for __domain__.
-- If A.B.C is imported, A is searched using __domain__; then
- subpackage B is searched in A using its __path__, and so on.
-- Built-in modules have priority: even if a file sys.py exists in a
- package, "import sys" imports the built-in sys module.
-- The same holds for frozen modules, for better or for worse.
-- Submodules and subpackages are not automatically loaded when their
- parent packages is loaded.
-- The construct "from package import *" is illegal. (It can still be
- used to import names from a module.)
-- When "from package import module1, module2, ..." is used, those
- modules are explicitly loaded.
-- When a package is loaded, if it has a submodule __init__, that
- module is loaded. This is the place where required submodules can
- be loaded, the __path__ variable extended, etc. The __init__ module
- is loaded even if the package was loaded only in order to create a
- stub for a sub-package: if "import P.Q.R" is the first reference to
- P, and P has a submodule __init__, P.__init__ is loaded before P.Q
- is even searched.
-- It is possible to import a package that has no __init__ submodule;
- this is not particularly useful but there may be useful applications
- for it (e.g. to manipulate its search paths from the outside!).
-- There are no special provisions for os.chdir(). If you plan to use
- os.chdir() before you have imported all your modules, it is better
- not to have relative pathnames in sys.path. (This could actually be
- fixed by changing the implementation of path_join() in the hook to
- absolutize paths.)
-- Packages and modules are introduced in sys.modules as soon as their
- loading is started. When the loading is terminated by an exception,
- the sys.modules entries remain around.
-- There are no special measures to support mutually recursive modules,
- but it will work under the same conditions where it works in the
- flat module space system.
-- Sometimes dummy entries (whose value is None) are entered in
- sys.modules, to indicate that a particular module does not exist --
- this is done to speed up the expanding search algorithm when a
- module residing at a higher level is repeatedly imported (Python
- promises that importing a previously imported module is cheap!)
-- Although dynamically loaded extensions are allowed inside packages,
- the current implementation (hardcoded in the interpreter) of their
- initialization may cause problems if an extension invokes the
- interpreter during its initialization.
-- reload() may find another version of the module only if it occurs on
- the package search path. Thus, it keeps the connection to the
- package to which the module belongs, but may find a different file.
-XXX Need to have an explicit name for '', e.g. '__root__'.
-import imp
-import string
-import sys
-import __builtin__
-import ihooks
-from ihooks import ModuleLoader, ModuleImporter
-class PackageLoader(ModuleLoader):
- """A subclass of ModuleLoader with package support.
- find_module_in_dir() will succeed if there's a subdirectory with
- the given name; load_module() will create a stub for a package and
- load its __init__ module if it exists.
- """
- def find_module_in_dir(self, name, dir):
- if dir is not None:
- dirname = self.hooks.path_join(dir, name)
- if self.hooks.path_isdir(dirname):
- return None, dirname, ('', '', 'PACKAGE')
- return ModuleLoader.find_module_in_dir(self, name, dir)
- def load_module(self, name, stuff):
- file, filename, info = stuff
- suff, mode, type = info
- if type == 'PACKAGE':
- return self.load_package(name, stuff)
- if sys.modules.has_key(name):
- m = sys.modules[name]
- else:
- sys.modules[name] = m = imp.new_module(name)
- self.set_parent(m)
- if type == imp.C_EXTENSION and '.' in name:
- return self.load_dynamic(name, stuff)
- else:
- return ModuleLoader.load_module(self, name, stuff)
- def load_dynamic(self, name, stuff):
- file, filename, (suff, mode, type) = stuff
- # Hack around restriction in imp.load_dynamic()
- i = string.rfind(name, '.')
- tail = name[i+1:]
- if sys.modules.has_key(tail):
- save = sys.modules[tail]
- else:
- save = None
- sys.modules[tail] = imp.new_module(name)
- try:
- m = imp.load_dynamic(tail, filename, file)
- finally:
- if save:
- sys.modules[tail] = save
- else:
- del sys.modules[tail]
- sys.modules[name] = m
- return m
- def load_package(self, name, stuff):
- file, filename, info = stuff
- if sys.modules.has_key(name):
- package = sys.modules[name]
- else:
- sys.modules[name] = package = imp.new_module(name)
- package.__path__ = [filename]
- self.init_package(package)
- return package
- def init_package(self, package):
- self.set_parent(package)
- self.set_domain(package)
- self.call_init_module(package)
- def set_parent(self, m):
- name = m.__name__
- if '.' in name:
- name = name[:string.rfind(name, '.')]
- else:
- name = ''
- m.__ = sys.modules[name]
- def set_domain(self, package):
- name = package.__name__
- package.__domain__ = domain = [name]
- while '.' in name:
- name = name[:string.rfind(name, '.')]
- domain.append(name)
- if name:
- domain.append('')
- def call_init_module(self, package):
- stuff = self.find_module('__init__', package.__path__)
- if stuff:
- m = self.load_module(package.__name__ + '.__init__', stuff)
- package.__init__ = m
-class PackageImporter(ModuleImporter):
- """Importer that understands packages and '__'."""
- def __init__(self, loader = None, verbose = 0):
- ModuleImporter.__init__(self,
- loader or PackageLoader(None, verbose), verbose)
- def import_module(self, name, globals={}, locals={}, fromlist=[]):
- if globals.has_key('__'):
- package = globals['__']
- else:
- # No calling context, assume in root package
- package = sys.modules['']
- if name[:3] in ('__.', '__'):
- p = package
- name = name[3:]
- while name[:3] in ('__.', '__'):
- p = p.__
- name = name[3:]
- if not name:
- return self.finish(package, p, '', fromlist)
- if '.' in name:
- i = string.find(name, '.')
- name, tail = name[:i], name[i:]
- else:
- tail = ''
- mname = p.__name__ and p.__name__+'.'+name or name
- m = self.get1(mname)
- return self.finish(package, m, tail, fromlist)
- if '.' in name:
- i = string.find(name, '.')
- name, tail = name[:i], name[i:]
- else:
- tail = ''
- for pname in package.__domain__:
- mname = pname and pname+'.'+name or name
- m = self.get0(mname)
- if m: break
- else:
- raise ImportError, "No such module %s" % name
- return self.finish(m, m, tail, fromlist)
- def finish(self, module, m, tail, fromlist):
- # Got ....A; now get ....A.B.C.D
- yname = m.__name__
- if tail and sys.modules.has_key(yname + tail): # Fast path
- yname, tail = yname + tail, ''
- m = self.get1(yname)
- while tail:
- i = string.find(tail, '.', 1)
- if i > 0:
- head, tail = tail[:i], tail[i:]
- else:
- head, tail = tail, ''
- yname = yname + head
- m = self.get1(yname)
- # Got ....A.B.C.D; now finalize things depending on fromlist
- if not fromlist:
- return module
- if '__' in fromlist:
- raise ImportError, "Can't import __ from anywhere"
- if not hasattr(m, '__path__'): return m
- if '*' in fromlist:
- raise ImportError, "Can't import * from a package"
- for f in fromlist:
- if hasattr(m, f): continue
- fname = yname + '.' + f
- self.get1(fname)
- return m
- def get1(self, name):
- m = self.get(name)
- if not m:
- raise ImportError, "No module named %s" % name
- return m
- def get0(self, name):
- m = self.get(name)
- if not m:
- sys.modules[name] = None
- return m
- def get(self, name):
- # Internal routine to get or load a module when its parent exists
- if sys.modules.has_key(name):
- return sys.modules[name]
- if '.' in name:
- i = string.rfind(name, '.')
- head, tail = name[:i], name[i+1:]
- else:
- head, tail = '', name
- path = sys.modules[head].__path__
- stuff = self.loader.find_module(tail, path)
- if not stuff:
- return None
- sys.modules[name] = m = self.loader.load_module(name, stuff)
- if head:
- setattr(sys.modules[head], tail, m)
- return m
- def reload(self, module):
- name = module.__name__
- if '.' in name:
- i = string.rfind(name, '.')
- head, tail = name[:i], name[i+1:]
- path = sys.modules[head].__path__
- else:
- tail = name
- path = sys.modules[''].__path__
- stuff = self.loader.find_module(tail, path)
- if not stuff:
- raise ImportError, "No module named %s" % name
- return self.loader.load_module(name, stuff)
- def unload(self, module):
- if hasattr(module, '__path__'):
- raise ImportError, "don't know how to unload packages yet"
- PackageImporter.unload(self, module)
- def install(self):
- if not sys.modules.has_key(''):
- sys.modules[''] = package = imp.new_module('')
- package.__path__ = None
- self.loader.init_package(package)
- for m in sys.modules.values():
- if not m: continue
- if not hasattr(m, '__'):
- self.loader.set_parent(m)
- ModuleImporter.install(self)
-def install(v = 0):
- ihooks.install(PackageImporter(None, v))
-def uninstall():
- ihooks.uninstall()
-def ni(v = 0):
- install(v)
-def no():
- uninstall()
-def test():
- import pdb
- try:
- testproper()
- except:
- sys.last_type, sys.last_value, sys.last_traceback = sys.exc_info()
- print
- print sys.last_type, ':', sys.last_value
- print
- pdb.pm()
-def testproper():
- install(1)
- try:
- import mactest
- print dir(mactest)
- raw_input('OK?')
- finally:
- uninstall()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- test()
- install()
+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- mode: python -*-
-# $Id$
-import string
-import reop
-# reop.error and re.error should be the same, since exceptions can be
-# raised from either module.
-error = reop.error # 're error'
-# compilation flags
-IGNORECASE = I = 0x01
-MULTILINE = M = 0x02
-DOTALL = S = 0x04
-VERBOSE = X = 0x08
-repetition_operators = ['*', '*?', '+', '+?', '?', '??', '{n}', '{n}?',
- '{n,}', '{n,}?', '{n,m}', '{n,m}?']
-def valid_identifier(id):
- if len(id) == 0:
- return 0
- if (not reop.syntax_table[id[0]] & reop.word) or \
- (reop.syntax_table[id[0]] & reop.digit):
- return 0
- for char in id[1:]:
- if not reop.syntax_table[char] & reop.word:
- return 0
- return 1
-_cache = {}
-def _cachecompile(pattern, flags=0):
- key = (pattern, flags)
- try:
- return _cache[key]
- except KeyError:
- pass
- value = compile(pattern, flags)
- if len(_cache) >= _MAXCACHE:
- _cache.clear()
- _cache[key] = value
- return value
-def match(pattern, string, flags=0):
- return _cachecompile(pattern, flags).match(string)
-def search(pattern, string, flags=0):
- return _cachecompile(pattern, flags).search(string)
-def sub(pattern, repl, string, count=0):
- if type(pattern) == type(''):
- pattern = _cachecompile(pattern)
- return pattern.sub(repl, string, count)
-def subn(pattern, repl, string, count=0):
- if type(pattern) == type(''):
- pattern = _cachecompile(pattern)
- return pattern.subn(repl, string, count)
-def split(pattern, string, maxsplit=0):
- if type(pattern) == type(''):
- pattern = _cachecompile(pattern)
- return pattern.split(string, maxsplit)
-def _expand(m, repl):
- results = []
- index = 0
- size = len(repl)
- while index < size:
- found = string.find(repl, '\\', index)
- if found < 0:
- results.append(repl[index:])
- break
- if found > index:
- results.append(repl[index:found])
- escape_type, value, index = expand_escape(repl, found+1, REPLACEMENT)
- if escape_type == CHAR:
- results.append(value)
- elif escape_type == MEMORY_REFERENCE:
- r = m.group(value)
- if r is None:
- raise error, ('group "' + str(value) + '" did not contribute '
- 'to the match')
- results.append(m.group(value))
- else:
- raise error, "bad escape in replacement"
- return string.join(results, '')
-class RegexObject:
- def __init__(self, pattern, flags, code, num_regs, groupindex):
- self.code = code
- self.num_regs = num_regs
- self.flags = flags
- self.pattern = pattern
- self.groupindex = groupindex
- self.fastmap = build_fastmap(code)
- if code[0].name == 'bol':
- self.anchor = 1
- elif code[0].name == 'begbuf':
- self.anchor = 2
- else:
- self.anchor = 0
- self.buffer = assemble(code)
- def search(self, string, pos=0):
- regs = reop.search(self.buffer,
- self.num_regs,
- self.flags,
- self.fastmap.can_be_null,
- self.fastmap.fastmap(),
- self.anchor,
- string,
- pos)
- if regs is None:
- return None
- return MatchObject(self,
- string,
- pos,
- regs)
- def match(self, string, pos=0):
- regs = reop.match(self.buffer,
- self.num_regs,
- self.flags,
- self.fastmap.can_be_null,
- self.fastmap.fastmap(),
- self.anchor,
- string,
- pos)
- if regs is None:
- return None
- return MatchObject(self,
- string,
- pos,
- regs)
- def sub(self, repl, string, count=0):
- return self.subn(repl, string, count)[0]
- def subn(self, repl, source, count=0):
- if count < 0:
- raise ValueError, "negative substibution count"
- if count == 0:
- import sys
- count = sys.maxint
- if type(repl) == type(''):
- if '\\' in repl:
- repl = lambda m, r=repl: _expand(m, r)
- else:
- repl = lambda m, r=repl: r
- n = 0 # Number of matches
- pos = 0 # Where to start searching
- lastmatch = -1 # End of last match
- results = [] # Substrings making up the result
- end = len(source)
- while n < count and pos <= end:
- m = self.search(source, pos)
- if not m:
- break
- i, j = m.span(0)
- if i == j == lastmatch:
- # Empty match adjacent to previous match
- pos = pos + 1
- results.append(source[lastmatch:pos])
- continue
- if pos < i:
- results.append(source[pos:i])
- results.append(repl(m))
- pos = lastmatch = j
- if i == j:
- # Last match was empty; don't try here again
- pos = pos + 1
- results.append(source[lastmatch:pos])
- n = n + 1
- results.append(source[pos:])
- return (string.join(results, ''), n)
- def split(self, source, maxsplit=0):
- if maxsplit < 0:
- raise error, "negative split count"
- if maxsplit == 0:
- import sys
- maxsplit = sys.maxint
- n = 0
- pos = 0
- lastmatch = 0
- results = []
- end = len(source)
- while n < maxsplit:
- m = self.search(source, pos)
- if not m:
- break
- i, j = m.span(0)
- if i == j:
- # Empty match
- if pos >= end:
- break
- pos = pos+1
- continue
- results.append(source[lastmatch:i])
- g = m.group()
- if g:
- results[len(results):] = list(g)
- pos = lastmatch = j
- results.append(source[lastmatch:])
- return results
-class MatchObject:
- def __init__(self, re, string, pos, regs):
- self.re = re
- self.string = string
- self.pos = pos
- self.regs = regs
- def start(self, g):
- if type(g) == type(''):
- try:
- g = self.re.groupindex[g]
- except (KeyError, TypeError):
- raise IndexError, ('group "' + g + '" is undefined')
- return self.regs[g][0]
- def end(self, g):
- if type(g) == type(''):
- try:
- g = self.re.groupindex[g]
- except (KeyError, TypeError):
- raise IndexError, ('group "' + g + '" is undefined')
- return self.regs[g][1]
- def span(self, g):
- if type(g) == type(''):
- try:
- g = self.re.groupindex[g]
- except (KeyError, TypeError):
- raise IndexError, ('group "' + g + '" is undefined')
- return self.regs[g]
- def group(self, *groups):
- if len(groups) == 0:
- groups = range(1, self.re.num_regs)
- use_all = 1
- else:
- use_all = 0
- result = []
- for g in groups:
- if type(g) == type(''):
- try:
- g = self.re.groupindex[g]
- except (KeyError, TypeError):
- raise IndexError, ('group "' + g + '" is undefined')
- if (self.regs[g][0] == -1) or (self.regs[g][1] == -1):
- result.append(None)
- else:
- result.append(self.string[self.regs[g][0]:self.regs[g][1]])
- if use_all or len(result) > 1:
- return tuple(result)
- elif len(result) == 1:
- return result[0]
- else:
- return ()
-# A set of classes to make assembly a bit easier, if a bit verbose.
-class Instruction:
- def __init__(self, opcode, size=1):
- self.opcode = opcode
- self.size = size
- def assemble(self, position, labels):
- return self.opcode
- def __repr__(self):
- return '%-15s' % (self.name)
-class End(Instruction):
- name = 'end'
- def __init__(self):
- Instruction.__init__(self, chr(0))
-class Bol(Instruction):
- name = 'bol'
- def __init__(self):
- self.name = 'bol'
- Instruction.__init__(self, chr(1))
-class Eol(Instruction):
- name = 'eol'
- def __init__(self):
- Instruction.__init__(self, chr(2))
-class Set(Instruction):
- name = 'set'
- def __init__(self, set, flags=0):
- self.set = set
- if flags & IGNORECASE: self.set=map(string.lower, self.set)
- if len(set)==1:
- # If only one element, use the "exact" opcode (it'll be faster)
- Instruction.__init__(self, chr(4), 2)
- else:
- # Use the "set" opcode
- Instruction.__init__(self, chr(3), 33)
- def assemble(self, position, labels):
- if len(self.set)==1:
- # If only one character in set, generate an "exact" opcode
- return self.opcode + self.set[0]
- result = self.opcode
- temp = 0
- for i, c in map(lambda x: (x, chr(x)), range(256)):
- if c in self.set:
- temp = temp | (1 << (i & 7))
- if (i % 8) == 7:
- result = result + chr(temp)
- temp = 0
- return result
- def __repr__(self):
- result = '%-15s' % (self.name)
- self.set.sort()
- # XXX this should print more intelligently
- for char in self.set:
- result = result + char
- return result
-class Exact(Instruction):
- name = 'exact'
- def __init__(self, char, flags):
- self.char = char
- if flags & IGNORECASE: self.char=string.lower(self.char)
- Instruction.__init__(self, chr(4), 2)
- def assemble(self, position, labels):
- return self.opcode + self.char
- def __repr__(self):
- return '%-15s %s' % (self.name, `self.char`)
-class AnyChar(Instruction):
- name = 'anychar'
- def __init__(self):
- Instruction.__init__(self, chr(5))
- def assemble(self, position, labels):
- return self.opcode
-class MemoryInstruction(Instruction):
- def __init__(self, opcode, register):
- self.register = register
- Instruction.__init__(self, opcode, 2)
- def assemble(self, position, labels):
- return self.opcode + chr(self.register)
- def __repr__(self):
- return '%-15s %i' % (self.name, self.register)
-class StartMemory(MemoryInstruction):
- name = 'start_memory'
- def __init__(self, register):
- MemoryInstruction.__init__(self, chr(6), register)
-class EndMemory(MemoryInstruction):
- name = 'end_memory'
- def __init__(self, register):
- MemoryInstruction.__init__(self, chr(7), register)
-class MatchMemory(MemoryInstruction):
- name = 'match_memory'
- def __init__(self, register):
- MemoryInstruction.__init__(self, chr(8), register)
-class JumpInstruction(Instruction):
- def __init__(self, opcode, label):
- self.label = label
- Instruction.__init__(self, opcode, 3)
- def compute_offset(self, start, dest):
- return dest - (start + 3)
- def pack_offset(self, offset):
- if offset > 32767:
- raise error, 'offset out of range (pos)'
- elif offset < -32768:
- raise error, 'offset out of range (neg)'
- elif offset < 0:
- offset = offset + 65536
- return chr(offset & 0xff) + chr((offset >> 8) & 0xff)
- def assemble(self, position, labels):
- return self.opcode + \
- self.pack_offset(self.compute_offset(position,
- labels[self.label]))
- def __repr__(self):
- return '%-15s %i' % (self.name, self.label)
-class Jump(JumpInstruction):
- name = 'jump'
- def __init__(self, label):
- JumpInstruction.__init__(self, chr(9), label)
-class StarJump(JumpInstruction):
- name = 'star_jump'
- def __init__(self, label):
- JumpInstruction.__init__(self, chr(10), label)
-class FailureJump(JumpInstruction):
- name = 'failure_jump'
- def __init__(self, label):
- JumpInstruction.__init__(self, chr(11), label)
-class UpdateFailureJump(JumpInstruction):
- name = 'update_failure_jump'
- def __init__(self, label):
- JumpInstruction.__init__(self, chr(12), label)
-class DummyFailureJump(JumpInstruction):
- name = 'dummy_failure_jump'
- def __init__(self, label):
- JumpInstruction.__init__(self, chr(13), label)
-class BegBuf(Instruction):
- name = 'begbuf'
- def __init__(self):
- Instruction.__init__(self, chr(14))
-class EndBuf(Instruction):
- name = 'endbuf'
- def __init__(self):
- Instruction.__init__(self, chr(15))
-class WordBeg(Instruction):
- name = 'wordbeg'
- def __init__(self):
- Instruction.__init__(self, chr(16))
-class WordEnd(Instruction):
- name = 'wordend'
- def __init__(self):
- Instruction.__init__(self, chr(17))
-class WordBound(Instruction):
- name = 'wordbound'
- def __init__(self):
- Instruction.__init__(self, chr(18))
-class NotWordBound(Instruction):
- name = 'notwordbound'
- def __init__(self):
- Instruction.__init__(self, chr(19))
-class SyntaxSpec(Instruction):
- name = 'syntaxspec'
- def __init__(self, syntax):
- self.syntax = syntax
- Instruction.__init__(self, chr(20), 2)
- def assemble(self, postition, labels):
- return self.opcode + chr(self.syntax)
-class NotSyntaxSpec(Instruction):
- name = 'notsyntaxspec'
- def __init__(self, syntax):
- self.syntax = syntax
- Instruction.__init__(self, chr(21), 2)
- def assemble(self, postition, labels):
- return self.opcode + chr(self.syntax)
-class Label(Instruction):
- name = 'label'
- def __init__(self, label):
- self.label = label
- Instruction.__init__(self, '', 0)
- def __repr__(self):
- return '%-15s %i' % (self.name, self.label)
-class OpenParen(Instruction):
- name = '('
- def __init__(self, register):
- self.register = register
- Instruction.__init__(self, '', 0)
- def assemble(self, position, labels):
- raise error, 'unmatched open parenthesis'
-class Alternation(Instruction):
- name = '|'
- def __init__(self):
- Instruction.__init__(self, '', 0)
- def assemble(self, position, labels):
- raise error, 'an alternation was not taken care of'
-def assemble(instructions):
- labels = {}
- position = 0
- pass1 = []
- for instruction in instructions:
- if instruction.name == 'label':
- labels[instruction.label] = position
- else:
- pass1.append((position, instruction))
- position = position + instruction.size
- pass2 = ''
- for position, instruction in pass1:
- pass2 = pass2 + instruction.assemble(position, labels)
- return pass2
-def escape(pattern):
- result = []
- for char in pattern:
- if not reop.syntax_table[char] & reop.word:
- result.append('\\')
- result.append(char)
- return string.join(result, '')
-def registers_used(instructions):
- result = []
- for instruction in instructions:
- if (instruction.name in ['set_memory', 'end_memory']) and \
- (instruction.register not in result):
- result.append(instruction.register)
- return result
-class Fastmap:
- def __init__(self):
- self.map = ['\000']*256
- self.can_be_null = 0
- def add(self, char):
- self.map[ord(char)] = '\001'
- def fastmap(self):
- return string.join(self.map, '')
- def __getitem__(self, char):
- return ord(self.map[ord(char)])
- def __repr__(self):
- self.map.sort()
- return 'Fastmap(' + `self.can_be_null` + ', ' + `self.map` + ')'
-def find_label(code, label):
- line = 0
- for instruction in code:
- if (instruction.name == 'label') and (instruction.label == label):
- return line + 1
- line = line + 1
-def build_fastmap_aux(code, pos, visited, fastmap):
- if visited[pos]:
- return
- while 1:
- instruction = code[pos]
- visited[pos] = 1
- pos = pos + 1
- if instruction.name == 'end':
- fastmap.can_be_null = 1
- return
- elif instruction.name == 'syntaxspec':
- for char in map(chr, range(256)):
- if reop.syntax_table[char] & instruction.syntax:
- fastmap.add(char)
- return
- elif instruction.name == 'notsyntaxspec':
- for char in map(chr, range(256)):
- if not reop.syntax_table[char] & instruction.syntax:
- fastmap.add(char)
- return
- elif instruction.name == 'eol':
- fastmap.add('\n')
- if fastmap.can_be_null == 0:
- fastmap.can_be_null = 2
- return
- elif instruction.name == 'set':
- for char in instruction.set:
- fastmap.add(char)
- return
- elif instruction.name == 'exact':
- fastmap.add(instruction.char)
- elif instruction.name == 'anychar':
- for char in map(chr, range(256)):
- if char != '\n':
- fastmap.add(char)
- return
- elif instruction.name == 'match_memory':
- for char in map(chr, range(256)):
- fastmap.add(char)
- fastmap.can_be_null = 1
- return
- elif instruction.name in ['jump', 'dummy_failure_jump', \
- 'update_failure_jump', 'star_jump']:
- pos = find_label(code, instruction.label)
- if visited[pos]:
- return
- visited[pos] = 1
- elif instruction.name == 'failure_jump':
- build_fastmap_aux(code,
- find_label(code, instruction.label),
- visited,
- fastmap)
-def build_fastmap(code, pos=0):
- visited = [0] * len(code)
- fastmap = Fastmap()
- build_fastmap_aux(code, pos, visited, fastmap)
- return fastmap
-def expand_escape(pattern, index, context=NORMAL):
- if index >= len(pattern):
- raise error, 'escape ends too soon'
- elif pattern[index] == 't':
- return CHAR, chr(9), index + 1
- elif pattern[index] == 'n':
- return CHAR, chr(10), index + 1
- elif pattern[index] == 'v':
- return CHAR, chr(11), index + 1
- elif pattern[index] == 'r':
- return CHAR, chr(13), index + 1
- elif pattern[index] == 'f':
- return CHAR, chr(12), index + 1
- elif pattern[index] == 'a':
- return CHAR, chr(7), index + 1
- elif pattern[index] == 'x':
- # CAUTION: this is the Python rule, not the Perl rule!
- end = index + 1 # Skip over the 'x' character
- while (end < len(pattern)) and (pattern[end] in string.hexdigits):
- end = end + 1
- if end == index:
- raise error, "\\x must be followed by hex digit(s)"
- # let Python evaluate it, so we don't incorrectly 2nd-guess
- # what it's doing (and Python in turn passes it on to sscanf,
- # so that *it* doesn't incorrectly 2nd-guess what C does!)
- char = eval ('"' + pattern[index-1:end] + '"')
- assert len(char) == 1
- return CHAR, char, end
- elif pattern[index] == 'b':
- if context != NORMAL:
- return CHAR, chr(8), index + 1
- else:
- return WORD_BOUNDARY, '', index + 1
- elif pattern[index] == 'B':
- if context != NORMAL:
- return CHAR, 'B', index + 1
- else:
- return NOT_WORD_BOUNDARY, '', index + 1
- elif pattern[index] == 'A':
- if context != NORMAL:
- return CHAR, 'A', index + 1
- else:
- return BEGINNING_OF_BUFFER, '', index + 1
- elif pattern[index] == 'Z':
- if context != NORMAL:
- return CHAR, 'Z', index + 1
- else:
- return END_OF_BUFFER, '', index + 1
- elif pattern[index] in 'GluLUQE':
- raise error, ('\\' + pattern[index] + ' is not allowed')
- elif pattern[index] == 'w':
- if context == NORMAL:
- return SYNTAX, reop.word, index + 1
- elif context == CHARCLASS:
- set = []
- for char in reop.syntax_table.keys():
- if reop.syntax_table[char] & reop.word:
- set.append(char)
- return SET, set, index + 1
- else:
- return CHAR, 'w', index + 1
- elif pattern[index] == 'W':
- if context == NORMAL:
- return NOT_SYNTAX, reop.word, index + 1
- elif context == CHARCLASS:
- set = []
- for char in reop.syntax_table.keys():
- if not reop.syntax_table[char] & reop.word:
- set.append(char)
- return SET, set, index + 1
- else:
- return CHAR, 'W', index + 1
- elif pattern[index] == 's':
- if context == NORMAL:
- return SYNTAX, reop.whitespace, index + 1
- elif context == CHARCLASS:
- set = []
- for char in reop.syntax_table.keys():
- if reop.syntax_table[char] & reop.whitespace:
- set.append(char)
- return SET, set, index + 1
- else:
- return CHAR, 's', index + 1
- elif pattern[index] == 'S':
- if context == NORMAL:
- return NOT_SYNTAX, reop.whitespace, index + 1
- elif context == CHARCLASS:
- set = []
- for char in reop.syntax_table.keys():
- if not reop.syntax_table[char] & reop.whitespace:
- set.append(char)
- return SET, set, index + 1
- else:
- return CHAR, 'S', index + 1
- elif pattern[index] == 'd':
- if context == NORMAL:
- return SYNTAX, reop.digit, index + 1
- elif context == CHARCLASS:
- set = []
- for char in reop.syntax_table.keys():
- if reop.syntax_table[char] & reop.digit:
- set.append(char)
- return SET, set, index + 1
- else:
- return CHAR, 'd', index + 1
- elif pattern[index] == 'D':
- if context == NORMAL:
- return NOT_SYNTAX, reop.digit, index + 1
- elif context == CHARCLASS:
- set = []
- for char in reop.syntax_table.keys():
- if not reop.syntax_table[char] & reop.digit:
- set.append(char)
- return SET, set, index + 1
- else:
- return CHAR, 'D', index + 1
- elif pattern[index] in '0123456789':
- if pattern[index] == '0':
- if (index + 1 < len(pattern)) and \
- (pattern[index + 1] in string.octdigits):
- if (index + 2 < len(pattern)) and \
- (pattern[index + 2] in string.octdigits):
- value = string.atoi(pattern[index:index + 3], 8)
- index = index + 3
- else:
- value = string.atoi(pattern[index:index + 2], 8)
- index = index + 2
- else:
- value = 0
- index = index + 1
- if value > 255:
- raise error, 'octal value out of range'
- return CHAR, chr(value), index
- else:
- if (index + 1 < len(pattern)) and \
- (pattern[index + 1] in string.digits):
- if (index + 2 < len(pattern)) and \
- (pattern[index + 2] in string.octdigits) and \
- (pattern[index + 1] in string.octdigits) and \
- (pattern[index] in string.octdigits):
- value = string.atoi(pattern[index:index + 3], 8)
- if value > 255:
- raise error, 'octal value out of range'
- return CHAR, chr(value), index + 3
- else:
- value = string.atoi(pattern[index:index + 2])
- if (value < 1) or (value > 99):
- raise error, 'memory reference out of range'
- if context == CHARCLASS:
- raise error, ('cannot reference a register from '
- 'inside a character class')
- return MEMORY_REFERENCE, value, index + 2
- else:
- if context == CHARCLASS:
- raise error, ('cannot reference a register from '
- 'inside a character class')
- value = string.atoi(pattern[index])
- return MEMORY_REFERENCE, value, index + 1
- elif pattern[index] == 'g':
- if context != REPLACEMENT:
- return CHAR, 'g', index + 1
- index = index + 1
- if index >= len(pattern):
- raise error, 'unfinished symbolic reference'
- if pattern[index] != '<':
- raise error, 'missing < in symbolic reference'
- index = index + 1
- end = string.find(pattern, '>', index)
- if end == -1:
- raise error, 'unfinished symbolic reference'
- value = pattern[index:end]
- if not valid_identifier(value):
- raise error, 'illegal symbolic reference'
- return MEMORY_REFERENCE, value, end + 1
- else:
- return CHAR, pattern[index], index + 1
-def compile(pattern, flags=0):
- stack = []
- label = 0
- register = 1
- groupindex = {}
- lastop = ''
- # look for embedded pattern modifiers at the beginning of the pattern
- index = 0
- if len(pattern) >= 3 and \
- (pattern[:2] == '(?') and \
- (pattern[2] in 'iImMsSxX'):
- index = 2
- while (index < len(pattern)) and (pattern[index] != ')'):
- if pattern[index] in 'iI':
- flags = flags | IGNORECASE
- elif pattern[index] in 'mM':
- flags = flags | MULTILINE
- elif pattern[index] in 'sS':
- flags = flags | DOTALL
- elif pattern[index] in 'xX':
- flags = flags | VERBOSE
- else:
- raise error, 'unknown modifier'
- index = index + 1
- index = index + 1
- # compile the rest of the pattern
- while (index < len(pattern)):
- char = pattern[index]
- index = index + 1
- if char == '\\':
- escape_type, value, index = expand_escape(pattern, index)
- if escape_type == CHAR:
- stack.append([Exact(value, flags)])
- lastop = '\\' + value
- elif escape_type == MEMORY_REFERENCE:
- if value >= register:
- raise error, ('cannot reference a register '
- 'not yet used')
- stack.append([MatchMemory(value)])
- lastop = '\\1'
- elif escape_type == BEGINNING_OF_BUFFER:
- stack.append([BegBuf()])
- lastop = '\\A'
- elif escape_type == END_OF_BUFFER:
- stack.append([EndBuf()])
- lastop = '\\Z'
- elif escape_type == WORD_BOUNDARY:
- stack.append([WordBound()])
- lastop = '\\b'
- elif escape_type == NOT_WORD_BOUNDARY:
- stack.append([NotWordBound()])
- lastop = '\\B'
- elif escape_type == SYNTAX:
- stack.append([SyntaxSpec(value)])
- if value == reop.word:
- lastop = '\\w'
- elif value == reop.whitespace:
- lastop = '\\s'
- elif value == reop.digit:
- lastop = '\\d'
- else:
- lastop = '\\?'
- elif escape_type == NOT_SYNTAX:
- stack.append([NotSyntaxSpec(value)])
- if value == reop.word:
- lastop = '\\W'
- elif value == reop.whitespace:
- lastop = '\\S'
- elif value == reop.digit:
- lastop = '\\D'
- else:
- lastop = '\\?'
- elif escape_type == SET:
- raise error, 'cannot use set escape type here'
- else:
- raise error, 'unknown escape type'
- elif char == '|':
- expr = []
- while (len(stack) != 0) and \
- (stack[-1][0].name != '(') and \
- (stack[-1][0].name != '|'):
- expr = stack[-1] + expr
- del stack[-1]
- stack.append([FailureJump(label)] + \
- expr + \
- [Jump(-1),
- Label(label)])
- stack.append([Alternation()])
- label = label + 1
- lastop = '|'
- elif char == '(':
- if index >= len(pattern):
- raise error, 'no matching close paren'
- elif pattern[index] == '?':
- # Perl style (?...) extensions
- index = index + 1
- if index >= len(pattern):
- raise error, 'extension ends prematurely'
- elif pattern[index] == 'P':
- # Python extensions
- index = index + 1
- if index >= len(pattern):
- raise error, 'extension ends prematurely'
- elif pattern[index] == '<':
- # Handle Python symbolic group names (?P<...>...)
- index = index + 1
- end = string.find(pattern, '>', index)
- if end == -1:
- raise error, 'no end to symbolic group name'
- name = pattern[index:end]
- if not valid_identifier(name):
- raise error, ('symbolic group name must be a '
- 'valid identifier')
- index = end + 1
- groupindex[name] = register
- stack.append([OpenParen(register)])
- register = register + 1
- lastop = '('
- elif pattern[index] == '=':
- # backreference to symbolic group name
- if index >= len(pattern):
- raise error, '(?P= at the end of the pattern'
- start = index + 1
- end = string.find(pattern, ')', start)
- if end == -1:
- raise error, 'no ) to end symbolic group name'
- name = pattern[start:end]
- if name not in groupindex.keys():
- raise error, ('symbolic group name ' + name + \
- ' has not been used yet')
- stack.append([MatchMemory(groupindex[name])])
- index = end + 1
- lastop = '(?P=)'
- else:
- raise error, ('unknown Python extension: ' + \
- pattern[index])
- elif pattern[index] == ':':
- # grouping, but no registers
- index = index + 1
- stack.append([OpenParen(-1)])
- lastop = '('
- elif pattern[index] == '#':
- # comment
- index = index + 1
- end = string.find(pattern, ')', index)
- if end == -1:
- raise error, 'no end to comment'
- index = end + 1
- # do not change lastop
- elif pattern[index] == '=':
- raise error, ('zero-width positive lookahead '
- 'assertion is unsupported')
- elif pattern[index] == '!':
- raise error, ('zero-width negative lookahead '
- 'assertion is unsupported')
- elif pattern[index] in 'iImMsSxX':
- raise error, ('embedded pattern modifiers are only '
- 'allowed at the beginning of the pattern')
- else:
- raise error, 'unknown extension'
- else:
- stack.append([OpenParen(register)])
- register = register + 1
- lastop = '('
- elif char == ')':
- # make one expression out of everything on the stack up to
- # the marker left by the last parenthesis
- expr = []
- while (len(stack) > 0) and (stack[-1][0].name != '('):
- expr = stack[-1] + expr
- del stack[-1]
- if len(stack) == 0:
- raise error, 'too many close parens'
- # remove markers left by alternation
- expr = filter(lambda x: x.name != '|', expr)
- # clean up jumps inserted by alternation
- need_label = 0
- for i in range(len(expr)):
- if (expr[i].name == 'jump') and (expr[i].label == -1):
- expr[i] = Jump(label)
- need_label = 1
- if need_label:
- expr.append(Label(label))
- label = label + 1
- if stack[-1][0].register > 0:
- expr = [StartMemory(stack[-1][0].register)] + \
- expr + \
- [EndMemory(stack[-1][0].register)]
- del stack[-1]
- stack.append(expr)
- lastop = ')'
- elif char == '{':
- if len(stack) == 0:
- raise error, 'no expression to repeat'
- end = string.find(pattern, '}', index)
- if end == -1:
- raise error, ('no close curly bracket to match'
- ' open curly bracket')
- fields = map(string.strip,
- string.split(pattern[index:end], ','))
- index = end + 1
- minimal = 0
- if (index < len(pattern)) and (pattern[index] == '?'):
- minimal = 1
- index = index + 1
- if len(fields) == 1:
- # {n} or {n}? (there's really no difference)
- try:
- count = string.atoi(fields[0])
- except ValueError:
- raise error, ('count must be an integer '
- 'inside curly braces')
- if count > 65535:
- raise error, 'repeat count out of range'
- expr = []
- while count > 0:
- expr = expr + stack[-1]
- count = count - 1
- del stack[-1]
- stack.append(expr)
- if minimal:
- lastop = '{n}?'
- else:
- lastop = '{n}'
- elif len(fields) == 2:
- # {n,} or {n,m}
- if fields[1] == '':
- # {n,}
- try:
- min = string.atoi(fields[0])
- except ValueError:
- raise error, ('minimum must be an integer '
- 'inside curly braces')
- if min > 65535:
- raise error, 'minimum repeat count out of range'
- expr = []
- while min > 0:
- expr = expr + stack[-1]
- min = min - 1
- if minimal:
- expr = expr + \
- ([Jump(label + 1),
- Label(label)] + \
- stack[-1] + \
- [Label(label + 1),
- FailureJump(label)])
- lastop = '{n,}?'
- else:
- expr = expr + \
- ([Label(label),
- FailureJump(label + 1)] +
- stack[-1] +
- [StarJump(label),
- Label(label + 1)])
- lastop = '{n,}'
- del stack[-1]
- stack.append(expr)
- label = label + 2
- else:
- # {n,m}
- try:
- min = string.atoi(fields[0])
- except ValueError:
- raise error, ('minimum must be an integer '
- 'inside curly braces')
- try:
- max = string.atoi(fields[1])
- except ValueError:
- raise error, ('maximum must be an integer '
- 'inside curly braces')
- if min > 65535:
- raise error, ('minumim repeat count out '
- 'of range')
- if max > 65535:
- raise error, ('maximum repeat count out '
- 'of range')
- if min > max:
- raise error, ('minimum repeat count must be '
- 'less than the maximum '
- 'repeat count')
- expr = []
- while min > 0:
- expr = expr + stack[-1]
- min = min - 1
- max = max - 1
- if minimal:
- while max > 0:
- expr = expr + \
- [FailureJump(label),
- Jump(label + 1),
- Label(label)] + \
- stack[-1] + \
- [Label(label + 1)]
- max = max - 1
- label = label + 2
- del stack[-1]
- stack.append(expr)
- lastop = '{n,m}?'
- else:
- while max > 0:
- expr = expr + \
- [FailureJump(label)] + \
- stack[-1]
- max = max - 1
- del stack[-1]
- stack.append(expr + [Label(label)])
- label = label + 1
- lastop = '{n,m}'
- else:
- raise error, ('there need to be one or two fields '
- 'in a {} expression')
- elif char == '}':
- raise error, 'unbalanced close curly brace'
- elif char == '*':
- # Kleene closure
- if len(stack) == 0:
- raise error, '* needs something to repeat'
- if lastop in ['(', '|']:
- raise error, '* needs something to repeat'
- if lastop in repetition_operators:
- raise error, 'nested repetition operators'
- if (index < len(pattern)) and (pattern[index] == '?'):
- # non-greedy matching
- expr = [Jump(label + 1),
- Label(label)] + \
- stack[-1] + \
- [Label(label + 1),
- FailureJump(label)]
- index = index + 1
- lastop = '*?'
- else:
- # greedy matching
- expr = [Label(label),
- FailureJump(label + 1)] + \
- stack[-1] + \
- [StarJump(label),
- Label(label + 1)]
- lastop = '*'
- del stack[-1]
- stack.append(expr)
- label = label + 2
- elif char == '+':
- # positive closure
- if len(stack) == 0:
- raise error, '+ needs something to repeat'
- if lastop in ['(', '|']:
- raise error, '+ needs something to repeat'
- if lastop in repetition_operators:
- raise error, 'nested repetition operators'
- if (index < len(pattern)) and (pattern[index] == '?'):
- # non-greedy
- expr = [Label(label)] + \
- stack[-1] + \
- [FailureJump(label)]
- label = label + 1
- index = index + 1
- lastop = '+?'
- else:
- # greedy
- expr = [DummyFailureJump(label + 1),
- Label(label),
- FailureJump(label + 2),
- Label(label + 1)] + \
- stack[-1] + \
- [StarJump(label),
- Label(label + 2)]
- label = label + 3
- lastop = '+'
- del stack[-1]
- stack.append(expr)
- elif char == '?':
- if len(stack) == 0:
- raise error, 'need something to be optional'
- if len(stack) == 0:
- raise error, '? needs something to repeat'
- if lastop in ['(', '|']:
- raise error, '? needs something to repeat'
- if lastop in repetition_operators:
- raise error, 'nested repetition operators'
- if (index < len(pattern)) and (pattern[index] == '?'):
- # non-greedy matching
- expr = [FailureJump(label),
- Jump(label + 1),
- Label(label)] + \
- stack[-1] + \
- [Label(label + 1)]
- label = label + 2
- index = index + 1
- lastop = '??'
- else:
- # greedy matching
- expr = [FailureJump(label)] + \
- stack[-1] + \
- [Label(label)]
- label = label + 1
- lastop = '?'
- del stack[-1]
- stack.append(expr)
- elif char == '.':
- if flags & DOTALL:
- stack.append([Set(map(chr, range(256)), flags)])
- else:
- stack.append([AnyChar()])
- lastop = '.'
- elif char == '^':
- if flags & MULTILINE:
- stack.append([Bol()])
- else:
- stack.append([BegBuf()])
- lastop = '^'
- elif char == '$':
- if flags & MULTILINE:
- stack.append([Eol()])
- else:
- stack.append([EndBuf()])
- lastop = '$'
- elif char == '#':
- if flags & VERBOSE:
- # comment
- index = index + 1
- end = string.find(pattern, '\n', index)
- if end == -1:
- index = len(pattern)
- else:
- index = end + 1
- # do not change lastop
- else:
- stack.append([Exact(char, flags)])
- lastop = '#'
- elif char in string.whitespace:
- if not (flags & VERBOSE):
- stack.append([Exact(char, flags)])
- lastop = char
- elif char == '[':
- # compile character class
- if index >= len(pattern):
- raise error, 'unclosed character class'
- negate = 0
- last = ''
- set = []
- if pattern[index] == '^':
- negate = 1
- index = index + 1
- if index >= len(pattern):
- raise error, 'unclosed character class'
- if pattern[index] == ']':
- set.append(']')
- index = index + 1
- if index >= len(pattern):
- raise error, 'unclosed character class'
- elif pattern[index] == '-':
- set.append('-')
- index = index + 1
- if index >= len(pattern):
- raise error, 'unclosed character class'
- while (index < len(pattern)) and (pattern[index] != ']'):
- next = pattern[index]
- index = index + 1
- if next == '-':
- if index >= len(pattern):
- raise error, 'incomplete range in character class'
- elif pattern[index] == ']':
- set.append('-')
- else:
- if last == '':
- raise error, ('improper use of range in '
- 'character class')
- start = last
- if pattern[index] == '\\':
- escape_type,
- value,
- index = expand_escape(pattern,
- index + 1,
- if escape_type == CHAR:
- end = value
- else:
- raise error, ('illegal escape in character '
- 'class range')
- else:
- end = pattern[index]
- index = index + 1
- if start > end:
- raise error, ('range arguments out of order '
- 'in character class')
- for char in map(chr, range(ord(start), ord(end) + 1)):
- if char not in set:
- set.append(char)
- last = ''
- elif next == '\\':
- # expand syntax meta-characters and add to set
- if index >= len(pattern):
- raise error, 'incomplete set'
- escape_type, value, index = expand_escape(pattern,
- index,
- if escape_type == CHAR:
- set.append(value)
- last = value
- elif escape_type == SET:
- for char in value:
- if char not in set:
- set.append(char)
- last = ''
- else:
- raise error, 'illegal escape type in character class'
- else:
- if next not in set:
- set.append(next)
- last = next
- if (index >= len(pattern)) or ( pattern[index] != ']'):
- raise error, 'incomplete set'
- index = index + 1
- if negate:
- # If case is being ignored, then both upper- and lowercase
- # versions of the letters must be excluded.
- if flags & IGNORECASE: set=set+map(string.upper, set)
- notset = []
- for char in map(chr, range(256)):
- if char not in set:
- notset.append(char)
- if len(notset) == 0:
- raise error, 'empty negated set'
- stack.append([Set(notset, flags)])
- else:
- if len(set) == 0:
- raise error, 'empty set'
- stack.append([Set(set, flags)])
- lastop = '[]'
- else:
- stack.append([Exact(char, flags)])
- lastop = char
- code = []
- while len(stack) > 0:
- if stack[-1][0].name == '(':
- raise error, 'too many open parens'
- code = stack[-1] + code
- del stack[-1]
- if len(code) == 0:
- raise error, 'no code generated'
- code = filter(lambda x: x.name != '|', code)
- need_label = 0
- for i in range(len(code)):
- if (code[i].name == 'jump') and (code[i].label == -1):
- code[i] = Jump(label)
- need_label = 1
- if need_label:
- code.append(Label(label))
- label = label + 1
- code.append(End())
-# print code
- return RegexObject(pattern, flags, code, register, groupindex)
-# Replace expand_escape and _expand functions with their C equivalents.
-# If you suspect bugs in the C versions, comment out the next two lines
-expand_escape = reop.expand_escape
-_expand = reop._expand