SYSSTAT.TEST;31;2019-04-18 13:20:19 UTC;host0;0.00;0.00;0.00;0.00
SYSSTAT.TEST;31;2019-04-18 13:20:29 UTC;host0;0.00;0.00;0.00;0.00
SYSSTAT.TEST;39;2019-04-18 13:20:39 UTC;host0;0.00;0.00;0.00;0.00
+SYSSTAT.TEST;39;2019-04-18 13:20:39 UTC;host1;0.42;0.13;0.10;0.05
SYSSTAT.TEST;22;2019-04-18 13:20:49 UTC;host0;0.00;0.00;0.00;0.00
+SYSSTAT.TEST;22;2019-04-18 13:20:49 UTC;host1;0.00;0.00;0.00;0.00
# hostname;interval;timestamp;CPU;total/s;dropd/s;squeezd/s;rx_rps/s;flw_lim/s
SYSSTAT.TEST;31;2019-04-18 13:20:19 UTC;-1;0.00;0.00;0.00;0.00;0.00
SYSSTAT.TEST;31;2019-04-18 13:20:19 UTC;0;0.00;0.00;0.00;0.00;0.00
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<rect x="0" y="0" height="300" width="1050" fill="#000000"/>
<text x="0" y="20" style="fill: #ffff00; stroke: none">CPU clock frequency [4]
<tspan x="795" y="25" style="fill: #ffff00; stroke: none; font-size: 12px">(Min, Max values)</tspan>
<path d=" M0,3505.84 L10,3505.84 L20,3505.84 L30,3505.84 L40,3505.84 M2035,3505.84 L2066,3505.84" style="vector-effect: non-scaling-stroke; stroke: #00cc00; stroke-width: 1; fill-opacity: 0" transform="scale(0.348500,-0.057048)"/>
-<g id="g30-6" transform="translate(0,84070)">
+<g id="g30-6" transform="translate(0,84690)">
<rect x="0" y="0" height="300" width="1050" fill="#000000"/>
<text x="0" y="20" style="fill: #ffff00; stroke: none">CPU clock frequency [5]
<tspan x="795" y="25" style="fill: #ffff00; stroke: none; font-size: 12px">(Min, Max values)</tspan>
<path d=" M0,3493.55 L10,3493.55 L20,3493.55 L30,3493.55 L40,3493.55 M2035,3493.55 L2066,3493.55" style="vector-effect: non-scaling-stroke; stroke: #00cc00; stroke-width: 1; fill-opacity: 0" transform="scale(0.348500,-0.057248)"/>
-<g id="g30-7" transform="translate(0,84380)">
+<g id="g30-7" transform="translate(0,85000)">
<rect x="0" y="0" height="300" width="1050" fill="#000000"/>
<text x="0" y="20" style="fill: #ffff00; stroke: none">CPU clock frequency [6]
<tspan x="795" y="25" style="fill: #ffff00; stroke: none; font-size: 12px">(Min, Max values)</tspan>
<path d=" M0,3492.22 L10,3492.22 L20,3492.22 L30,3492.22 L40,3492.22 M2035,3492.22 L2066,3492.22" style="vector-effect: non-scaling-stroke; stroke: #00cc00; stroke-width: 1; fill-opacity: 0" transform="scale(0.348500,-0.057270)"/>
-<g id="g30-8" transform="translate(0,84690)">
+<g id="g30-8" transform="translate(0,85310)">
<rect x="0" y="0" height="300" width="1050" fill="#000000"/>
<text x="0" y="20" style="fill: #ffff00; stroke: none">CPU clock frequency [7]
<tspan x="795" y="25" style="fill: #ffff00; stroke: none; font-size: 12px">(Min, Max values)</tspan>
<path d=" M0,3497.56 L10,3497.56 L20,3497.56 L30,3497.56 L40,3497.56 M2035,3497.56 L2066,3497.56" style="vector-effect: non-scaling-stroke; stroke: #00cc00; stroke-width: 1; fill-opacity: 0" transform="scale(0.348500,-0.057183)"/>
-<g id="g30-9" transform="translate(0,85000)">
+<g id="g30-9" transform="translate(0,85620)">
<rect x="0" y="0" height="300" width="1050" fill="#000000"/>
<text x="0" y="20" style="fill: #ffff00; stroke: none">CPU clock frequency [8]
<tspan x="795" y="25" style="fill: #ffff00; stroke: none; font-size: 12px">(Min, Max values)</tspan>
<path d=" M2035,3497.56 L2066,3497.56" style="vector-effect: non-scaling-stroke; stroke: #00cc00; stroke-width: 1; fill-opacity: 0" transform="scale(0.348500,-0.057183)"/>
-<g id="g30-10" transform="translate(0,85310)">
+<g id="g30-10" transform="translate(0,85930)">
<rect x="0" y="0" height="300" width="1050" fill="#000000"/>
<text x="0" y="20" style="fill: #ffff00; stroke: none">CPU clock frequency [9]
<tspan x="795" y="25" style="fill: #ffff00; stroke: none; font-size: 12px">(Min, Max values)</tspan>
<path d=" M2035,3497.56 L2066,3497.56" style="vector-effect: non-scaling-stroke; stroke: #00cc00; stroke-width: 1; fill-opacity: 0" transform="scale(0.348500,-0.057183)"/>
-<g id="g37-0" transform="translate(0,85620)">
+<g id="g37-0" transform="translate(0,86240)">
<rect x="0" y="0" height="300" width="1050" fill="#000000"/>
<text x="0" y="20" style="fill: #ffff00; stroke: none">Filesystems statistics (1) [/dev/sda9]
<tspan x="795" y="25" style="fill: #ffff00; stroke: none; font-size: 12px">(Min, Max values)</tspan>
-<g id="g37-1" transform="translate(0,86860)">
+<g id="g37-1" transform="translate(0,87480)">
<rect x="0" y="0" height="300" width="1050" fill="#000000"/>
<text x="0" y="20" style="fill: #ffff00; stroke: none">Filesystems statistics (1) [/dev/sda7]
<tspan x="795" y="25" style="fill: #ffff00; stroke: none; font-size: 12px">(Min, Max values)</tspan>
-<g id="g37-2" transform="translate(0,88100)">
+<g id="g37-2" transform="translate(0,88720)">
<rect x="0" y="0" height="300" width="1050" fill="#000000"/>
<text x="0" y="20" style="fill: #ffff00; stroke: none">Filesystems statistics (1) [/dev/sda12]
<tspan x="795" y="25" style="fill: #ffff00; stroke: none; font-size: 12px">(Min, Max values)</tspan>
-<g id="g37-3" transform="translate(0,89340)">
+<g id="g37-3" transform="translate(0,89960)">
<rect x="0" y="0" height="300" width="1050" fill="#000000"/>
<text x="0" y="20" style="fill: #ffff00; stroke: none">Filesystems statistics (1) [/dev/sda6]
<tspan x="795" y="25" style="fill: #ffff00; stroke: none; font-size: 12px">(Min, Max values)</tspan>
-<g id="g37-4" transform="translate(0,90580)">
+<g id="g37-4" transform="translate(0,91200)">
<rect x="0" y="0" height="300" width="1050" fill="#000000"/>
<text x="0" y="20" style="fill: #ffff00; stroke: none">Filesystems statistics (1) [/dev/sdf]
<tspan x="795" y="25" style="fill: #ffff00; stroke: none; font-size: 12px">(Min, Max values)</tspan>
-<g id="g37-5" transform="translate(0,91820)">
+<g id="g37-5" transform="translate(0,92440)">
<rect x="0" y="0" height="300" width="1050" fill="#000000"/>
<text x="0" y="20" style="fill: #ffff00; stroke: none">Filesystems statistics (1) [/dev/sdg]
<tspan x="795" y="25" style="fill: #ffff00; stroke: none; font-size: 12px">(Min, Max values)</tspan>
-<!-- Actual canvas height: 93060 -->
+<!-- Actual canvas height: 93680 -->
"net-eicmp6": {"ierr6": 0.00, "idtunr6": 0.00, "odtunr6": 0.00, "itmex6": 0.00, "otmex6": 0.00, "iprmpb6": 0.00, "oprmpb6": 0.00, "iredir6": 0.00, "oredir6": 0.00, "ipck2b6": 0.00, "opck2b6": 0.00},
"net-udp6": {"idgm6": 0.00, "odgm6": 0.00, "noport6": 0.00, "idgmer6": 0.00},
"fchosts": [
- {"fchost": "host0", "fch_rxf": 0.00, "fch_txf": 0.00, "fch_rxw": 0.00, "fch_txw": 0.00}
+ {"fchost": "host0", "fch_rxf": 0.00, "fch_txf": 0.00, "fch_rxw": 0.00, "fch_txw": 0.00},
+ {"fchost": "host1", "fch_rxf": 0.42, "fch_txf": 0.13, "fch_rxw": 0.10, "fch_txw": 0.05}
"softnet": [
{"cpu": "all", "total": 0.00, "dropd": 0.00, "squeezd": 0.00, "rx_rps": 0.00, "flw_lim": 0.00},
"net-eicmp6": {"ierr6": 0.00, "idtunr6": 0.00, "odtunr6": 0.00, "itmex6": 0.00, "otmex6": 0.00, "iprmpb6": 0.00, "oprmpb6": 0.00, "iredir6": 0.00, "oredir6": 0.00, "ipck2b6": 0.00, "opck2b6": 0.00},
"net-udp6": {"idgm6": 0.00, "odgm6": 0.00, "noport6": 0.00, "idgmer6": 0.00},
"fchosts": [
- {"fchost": "host0", "fch_rxf": 0.00, "fch_txf": 0.00, "fch_rxw": 0.00, "fch_txw": 0.00}
+ {"fchost": "host0", "fch_rxf": 0.00, "fch_txf": 0.00, "fch_rxw": 0.00, "fch_txw": 0.00},
+ {"fchost": "host1", "fch_rxf": 0.00, "fch_txf": 0.00, "fch_rxw": 0.00, "fch_txw": 0.00}
"softnet": [
{"cpu": "all", "total": 0.00, "dropd": 0.00, "squeezd": 0.00, "rx_rps": 0.00, "flw_lim": 0.00},
SYSSTAT.TEST 39 2019-04-18 13:20:39 UTC host0 fch_txf/s 0.00
SYSSTAT.TEST 39 2019-04-18 13:20:39 UTC host0 fch_rxw/s 0.00
SYSSTAT.TEST 39 2019-04-18 13:20:39 UTC host0 fch_txw/s 0.00
+SYSSTAT.TEST 39 2019-04-18 13:20:39 UTC host1 fch_rxf/s 0.42
+SYSSTAT.TEST 39 2019-04-18 13:20:39 UTC host1 fch_txf/s 0.13
+SYSSTAT.TEST 39 2019-04-18 13:20:39 UTC host1 fch_rxw/s 0.10
+SYSSTAT.TEST 39 2019-04-18 13:20:39 UTC host1 fch_txw/s 0.05
SYSSTAT.TEST 22 2019-04-18 13:20:49 UTC host0 fch_rxf/s 0.00
SYSSTAT.TEST 22 2019-04-18 13:20:49 UTC host0 fch_txf/s 0.00
SYSSTAT.TEST 22 2019-04-18 13:20:49 UTC host0 fch_rxw/s 0.00
SYSSTAT.TEST 22 2019-04-18 13:20:49 UTC host0 fch_txw/s 0.00
+SYSSTAT.TEST 22 2019-04-18 13:20:49 UTC host1 fch_rxf/s 0.00
+SYSSTAT.TEST 22 2019-04-18 13:20:49 UTC host1 fch_txf/s 0.00
+SYSSTAT.TEST 22 2019-04-18 13:20:49 UTC host1 fch_rxw/s 0.00
+SYSSTAT.TEST 22 2019-04-18 13:20:49 UTC host1 fch_txw/s 0.00
SYSSTAT.TEST 31 2019-04-18 13:20:19 UTC all total/s 0.00
SYSSTAT.TEST 31 2019-04-18 13:20:19 UTC all dropd/s 0.00
SYSSTAT.TEST 31 2019-04-18 13:20:19 UTC all squeezd/s 0.00
13:20:39 UTC; idgm6/s; 671; 671; odgm6/s; 36; 36; noport6/s; 0; 0; idgmer6/s; 0; 0;
# A_NET_UDP6: 1/1 (1)
13:20:49 UTC; idgm6/s; 671; 671; odgm6/s; 36; 36; noport6/s; 0; 0; idgmer6/s; 0; 0;
-# A_NET_FC: 1/1 (1)
+# A_NET_FC: 1/2 (1)
13:20:19 UTC; FCHOST; host0; fch_rxf/s; 16; 16; fch_txf/s; 5; 5; fch_rxw/s; 4; 4; fch_txw/s; 2; 2;
-# A_NET_FC: 1/1 (1)
+# A_NET_FC: 1/2 (1)
13:20:29 UTC; FCHOST; host0; fch_rxf/s; 16; 16; fch_txf/s; 5; 5; fch_rxw/s; 4; 4; fch_txw/s; 2; 2;
-# A_NET_FC: 1/1 (1)
+# A_NET_FC: 2/2 (1)
13:20:39 UTC; FCHOST; host0; fch_rxf/s; 16; 16; fch_txf/s; 5; 5; fch_rxw/s; 4; 4; fch_txw/s; 2; 2;
-# A_NET_FC: 1/1 (1)
+13:20:39 UTC; FCHOST [NEW]; host1; fch_rxf/s; 0; 16; fch_txf/s; 0; 5; fch_rxw/s; 0; 4; fch_txw/s; 0; 2;
+# A_NET_FC: 2/2 (1)
13:20:49 UTC; FCHOST; host0; fch_rxf/s; 16; 16; fch_txf/s; 5; 5; fch_rxw/s; 4; 4; fch_txw/s; 2; 2;
+13:20:49 UTC; FCHOST; host1; fch_rxf/s; 16; 16; fch_txf/s; 5; 5; fch_rxw/s; 4; 4; fch_txw/s; 2; 2;
# A_NET_SOFT: 9/9 (9)
13:20:19 UTC; CPU; 0; total/s; 11976; 11976; dropd/s; 0; 0; squeezd/s; 0; 0; rx_rps/s; 0; 0; flw_lim/s; 0; 0;
13:20:19 UTC; CPU; 1; total/s; 10608; 10608; dropd/s; 0; 0; squeezd/s; 0; 0; rx_rps/s; 0; 0; flw_lim/s; 0; 0;
13:54:35 UTC; ierr6/s; 0; 0; idtunr6/s; 0; 0; odtunr6/s; 0; 0; itmex6/s; 0; 0; otmex6/s; 0; 0; iprmpb6/s; 0; 0; oprmpb6/s; 0; 0; iredir6/s; 0; 0; oredir6/s; 0; 0; ipck2b6/s; 0; 0; opck2b6/s; 0; 0;
# A_NET_UDP6: 1/1 (1)
13:54:35 UTC; idgm6/s; 671; 671; odgm6/s; 36; 36; noport6/s; 0; 0; idgmer6/s; 0; 0;
-# A_NET_FC: 1/1 (1)
+# A_NET_FC: 1/2 (1)
13:54:35 UTC; FCHOST; host0; fch_rxf/s; 16; 16; fch_txf/s; 5; 5; fch_rxw/s; 4; 4; fch_txw/s; 2; 2;
# A_NET_SOFT: 11/18 (11)
13:54:35 UTC; CPU; 0; total/s; 11976; 11976; dropd/s; 0; 0; squeezd/s; 0; 0; rx_rps/s; 0; 0; flw_lim/s; 0; 0;
<net-icmp6 imsg6="0.00" omsg6="0.00" iech6="0.00" iechr6="0.00" oechr6="0.00" igmbq6="0.00" igmbr6="0.00" ogmbr6="0.00" igmbrd6="0.00" ogmbrd6="0.00" irtsol6="0.00" ortsol6="0.00" irtad6="0.00" inbsol6="0.00" onbsol6="0.00" inbad6="0.00" onbad6="0.00"/>
<net-eicmp6 ierr6="0.00" idtunr6="0.00" odtunr6="0.00" itmex6="0.00" otmex6="0.00" iprmpb6="0.00" oprmpb6="0.00" iredir6="0.00" oredir6="0.00" ipck2b6="0.00" opck2b6="0.00"/>
<net-udp6 idgm6="0.00" odgm6="0.00" noport6="0.00" idgmer6="0.00"/>
- <fchost name="host0" fch_rxf="0.00" fch_txf="0.00" fch_rxw="0.00" fch_txw="0.06"/>
+ <fchost name="host0" fch_rxf="0.00" fch_txf="0.00" fch_rxw="0.00" fch_txw="0.00"/>
<softnet cpu="all" total="0.00" dropd="0.00" squeezd="0.00" rx_rps="0.00" flw_lim="0.00"/>
<softnet cpu="0" total="0.00" dropd="0.00" squeezd="0.00" rx_rps="0.00" flw_lim="0.00"/>
<softnet cpu="1" total="0.00" dropd="0.00" squeezd="0.00" rx_rps="0.00" flw_lim="0.00"/>
<net-icmp6 imsg6="0.00" omsg6="0.00" iech6="0.00" iechr6="0.00" oechr6="0.00" igmbq6="0.00" igmbr6="0.00" ogmbr6="0.00" igmbrd6="0.00" ogmbrd6="0.00" irtsol6="0.00" ortsol6="0.00" irtad6="0.00" inbsol6="0.00" onbsol6="0.00" inbad6="0.00" onbad6="0.00"/>
<net-eicmp6 ierr6="0.00" idtunr6="0.00" odtunr6="0.00" itmex6="0.00" otmex6="0.00" iprmpb6="0.00" oprmpb6="0.00" iredir6="0.00" oredir6="0.00" ipck2b6="0.00" opck2b6="0.00"/>
<net-udp6 idgm6="0.00" odgm6="0.00" noport6="0.00" idgmer6="0.00"/>
- <fchost name="host0" fch_rxf="0.00" fch_txf="0.00" fch_rxw="0.00" fch_txw="0.06"/>
+ <fchost name="host0" fch_rxf="0.00" fch_txf="0.00" fch_rxw="0.00" fch_txw="0.00"/>
<softnet cpu="all" total="0.00" dropd="0.00" squeezd="0.00" rx_rps="0.00" flw_lim="0.00"/>
<softnet cpu="0" total="0.00" dropd="0.00" squeezd="0.00" rx_rps="0.00" flw_lim="0.00"/>
<softnet cpu="1" total="0.00" dropd="0.00" squeezd="0.00" rx_rps="0.00" flw_lim="0.00"/>
<net-icmp6 imsg6="0.00" omsg6="0.00" iech6="0.00" iechr6="0.00" oechr6="0.00" igmbq6="0.00" igmbr6="0.00" ogmbr6="0.00" igmbrd6="0.00" ogmbrd6="0.00" irtsol6="0.00" ortsol6="0.00" irtad6="0.00" inbsol6="0.00" onbsol6="0.00" inbad6="0.00" onbad6="0.00"/>
<net-eicmp6 ierr6="0.00" idtunr6="0.00" odtunr6="0.00" itmex6="0.00" otmex6="0.00" iprmpb6="0.00" oprmpb6="0.00" iredir6="0.00" oredir6="0.00" ipck2b6="0.00" opck2b6="0.00"/>
<net-udp6 idgm6="0.00" odgm6="0.00" noport6="0.00" idgmer6="0.00"/>
- <fchost name="host0" fch_rxf="0.00" fch_txf="0.00" fch_rxw="0.00" fch_txw="0.05"/>
+ <fchost name="host0" fch_rxf="0.00" fch_txf="0.00" fch_rxw="0.00" fch_txw="0.00"/>
+ <fchost name="host1" fch_rxf="0.42" fch_txf="0.13" fch_rxw="0.10" fch_txw="0.05"/>
<softnet cpu="all" total="0.00" dropd="0.00" squeezd="0.00" rx_rps="0.00" flw_lim="0.00"/>
<softnet cpu="0" total="0.00" dropd="0.00" squeezd="0.00" rx_rps="0.00" flw_lim="0.00"/>
<softnet cpu="1" total="0.00" dropd="0.00" squeezd="0.00" rx_rps="0.00" flw_lim="0.00"/>
<net-icmp6 imsg6="0.00" omsg6="0.00" iech6="0.00" iechr6="0.00" oechr6="0.00" igmbq6="0.00" igmbr6="0.00" ogmbr6="0.00" igmbrd6="0.00" ogmbrd6="0.00" irtsol6="0.00" ortsol6="0.00" irtad6="0.00" inbsol6="0.00" onbsol6="0.00" inbad6="0.00" onbad6="0.00"/>
<net-eicmp6 ierr6="0.00" idtunr6="0.00" odtunr6="0.00" itmex6="0.00" otmex6="0.00" iprmpb6="0.00" oprmpb6="0.00" iredir6="0.00" oredir6="0.00" ipck2b6="0.00" opck2b6="0.00"/>
<net-udp6 idgm6="0.00" odgm6="0.00" noport6="0.00" idgmer6="0.00"/>
- <fchost name="host0" fch_rxf="0.00" fch_txf="0.00" fch_rxw="0.00" fch_txw="0.09"/>
+ <fchost name="host0" fch_rxf="0.00" fch_txf="0.00" fch_rxw="0.00" fch_txw="0.00"/>
+ <fchost name="host1" fch_rxf="0.00" fch_txf="0.00" fch_rxw="0.00" fch_txw="0.00"/>
<softnet cpu="all" total="0.00" dropd="0.00" squeezd="0.00" rx_rps="0.00" flw_lim="0.00"/>
<softnet cpu="0" total="0.00" dropd="0.00" squeezd="0.00" rx_rps="0.00" flw_lim="0.00"/>
<softnet cpu="1" total="0.00" dropd="0.00" squeezd="0.00" rx_rps="0.00" flw_lim="0.00"/>
<net-icmp6 imsg6="0.00" omsg6="0.00" iech6="0.00" iechr6="0.00" oechr6="0.00" igmbq6="0.00" igmbr6="0.00" ogmbr6="0.00" igmbrd6="0.00" ogmbrd6="0.00" irtsol6="0.00" ortsol6="0.00" irtad6="0.00" inbsol6="0.00" onbsol6="0.00" inbad6="0.00" onbad6="0.00"/>
<net-eicmp6 ierr6="0.00" idtunr6="0.00" odtunr6="0.00" itmex6="0.00" otmex6="0.00" iprmpb6="0.00" oprmpb6="0.00" iredir6="0.00" oredir6="0.00" ipck2b6="0.00" opck2b6="0.00"/>
<net-udp6 idgm6="0.00" odgm6="0.00" noport6="0.00" idgmer6="0.00"/>
- <fchost name="host0" fch_rxf="0.00" fch_txf="0.00" fch_rxw="0.00" fch_txw="0.06"/>
+ <fchost name="host0" fch_rxf="0.00" fch_txf="0.00" fch_rxw="0.00" fch_txw="0.00"/>
<softnet cpu="all" total="0.00" dropd="0.00" squeezd="0.00" rx_rps="0.00" flw_lim="0.00"/>
<softnet cpu="0" total="0.00" dropd="0.00" squeezd="0.00" rx_rps="0.00" flw_lim="0.00"/>
<softnet cpu="1" total="0.00" dropd="0.00" squeezd="0.00" rx_rps="0.00" flw_lim="0.00"/>
13:20:19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 host0
13:20:29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 host0
13:20:39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 host0
+13:20:39 0.42 0.13 0.10 0.05 host1
13:20:49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 host0
+13:20:49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 host1
Average: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 host0
+Average: 0.13 0.04 0.03 0.02 host1
13:20:09 CPU total/s dropd/s squeezd/s rx_rps/s flw_lim/s
13:20:19 all 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
13:20:19 0 0 0 0 host0
13:20:29 0 0 0 0 host0
13:20:39 0 0 0 0 host0
+13:20:39 0 0 0 0 host1
13:20:49 0 0 0 0 host0
+13:20:49 0 0 0 0 host1
Average: 0 0 0 0 host0
+Average: 0 0 0 0 host1
13:20:09 CPU total/s dropd/s squeezd/s rx_rps/s flw_lim/s
13:20:19 all 0 0 0 0 0
13:20:19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 host0
13:20:29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 host0
13:20:39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 host0
+13:20:39 0.42 0.13 0.10 0.05 host1
13:20:49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 host0
+13:20:49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 host1
Average: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 host0
+Average: 0.13 0.04 0.03 0.02 host1
13:20:09 CPU total/s dropd/s squeezd/s rx_rps/s flw_lim/s
13:20:19 all 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
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+<tspan x="2105" y="264" style="fill: #000000; text-anchor: end; stroke: none; font-size: 14px">04/18/2019</tspan>
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<text x="0" y="20" style="fill: #000000; stroke: none">CPU clock frequency [7]
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<path d=" M50044,3497.56 L50075,3497.56" style="vector-effect: non-scaling-stroke; stroke: #696969; stroke-width: 1; fill-opacity: 0" transform="scale(0.008333,-0.057183)"/>
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<tspan x="795" y="25" style="fill: #000000; stroke: none; font-size: 12px">(Min, Max values)</tspan>
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<tspan x="795" y="25" style="fill: #000000; stroke: none; font-size: 12px">(Min, Max values)</tspan>
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13:20:19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 host0
13:20:29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 host0
13:20:39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 host0
+13:20:39 0.42 0.13 0.10 0.05 host1
13:20:49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 host0
+13:20:49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 host1
Average: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 host0
+Average: 0.13 0.04 0.03 0.02 host1
13:20:09 CPU total/s dropd/s squeezd/s rx_rps/s flw_lim/s
13:20:19 all 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
13:20:19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 host0
13:20:29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 host0
13:20:39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 host0
+13:20:39 0.42 0.13 0.10 0.05 host1
13:20:49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 host0
+13:20:49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 host1
Average: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 host0
+Average: 0.13 0.04 0.03 0.02 host1
13:20:09 CPU total/s dropd/s squeezd/s rx_rps/s flw_lim/s
13:20:19 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
enp6s1, wlp5s1: registered
-[Don't register any new hosts as the order in which filenames will be read depends on the filesystem implementation: See readdir(3).
+host2: registered
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null