" - both windows should have the same height
" - window height (+ 2 for the statusline and Ex command) should be equal
" to the number of lines
- " - buffer of both windowns should have no name
+ " - buffer of both windows should have no name
let [wn, wh1, wh2, ln, ww1, ww2, cn, bn1, bn2] = readfile('Xtestout')
call assert_equal('2', wn)
call assert_inrange(0, 1, ww1 - ww2)
call delete('Xtestout')
+" Test the -p[N] argument to open N tabpages.
+func Test_p_arg()
+ let after = [
+ \ 'call writefile(split(execute("tabs"), "\n"), "Xtestout")',
+ \ 'qall',
+ \ ]
+ if RunVim([], after, '-p2')
+ let lines = readfile('Xtestout')
+ call assert_equal(4, len(lines))
+ call assert_equal('Tab page 1', lines[0])
+ call assert_equal('> [No Name]', lines[1])
+ call assert_equal('Tab page 2', lines[2])
+ call assert_equal(' [No Name]', lines[3])
+ endif
+ if RunVim([], after, '-p foo bar')
+ let lines = readfile('Xtestout')
+ call assert_equal(4, len(lines))
+ call assert_equal('Tab page 1', lines[0])
+ call assert_equal('> foo', lines[1])
+ call assert_equal('Tab page 2', lines[2])
+ call assert_equal(' bar', lines[3])
+ endif
+ call delete('Xtestout')
+" Test the -V[N] argument to set the 'version' option to [N]
+func Test_V_arg()
+ let out = system(GetVimCommand() . ' --clean -es -X -V0 -c "set verbose?" -cq')
+ call assert_equal(" verbose=0\n", out)
+ let out = system(GetVimCommand() . ' --clean -es -X -V2 -c "set verbose?" -cq')
+ call assert_match("^sourcing \"$VIMRUNTIME/defaults\.vim\"\r\nSearching for \"filetype\.vim\".*\n verbose=2\n$", out)
+ let out = system(GetVimCommand() . ' --clean -es -X -V15 -c "set verbose?" -cq')
+ call assert_match("\+*\nsourcing \"$VIMRUNTIME/defaults\.vim\"\r\nline 1: \" The default vimrc file\..*\n verbose=15\n\+*", out)
+" Test the -A, -F and -H arguments (Arabic, Farsi and Hebrew modes).
+func Test_A_F_H_arg()
+ let after = [
+ \ 'call writefile([&rightleft, &arabic, &fkmap, &hkmap], "Xtestout")',
+ \ 'qall',
+ \ ]
+ if has('arabic') && RunVim([], after, '-A')
+ let lines = readfile('Xtestout')
+ call assert_equal(['1', '1', '0', '0'], lines)
+ endif
+ if has('farsi') && RunVim([], after, '-F')
+ let lines = readfile('Xtestout')
+ call assert_equal(['1', '0', '1', '0'], lines)
+ endif
+ if has('rightleft') && RunVim([], after, '-H')
+ let lines = readfile('Xtestout')
+ call assert_equal(['1', '0', '0', '1'], lines)
+ endif
+ call delete('Xtestout')
func Test_file_args()
let after = [
\ 'call writefile(argv(), "Xtestout")',