between the implementations for prime fields and binary fields;
the above ..._GF2m functions (except for EX_GROUP_new_curve_GF2m)
are essentially identical to their ..._GFp counterparts.
- (For simplicity, '..._GFp' prefix has been dropped from various
- internal method names.)
+ (For simplicity, the '..._GFp' prefix has been dropped from
+ various internal method names.)
An internal 'field_div' method (similar to 'field_mul' and
'field_sqr') has been added; this is used only for binary fields.
[Sheueling Chang Shantz and Douglas Stebila
(Sun Microsystems Laboratories)]
- *) Optionally dispatch EC_PONT_mul(), EC_POINT_precompute_mult()
+ *) Optionally dispatch EC_POINT_mul(), EC_POINT_precompute_mult()
through methods ('mul', 'precompute_mult').
The generic implementations (now internally called 'ec_wNAF_mul'