+2002-12-14 Ilia Alshanetsky <ilia@prohost.org>
+ * zend_language_scanner.l:
+2002-12-10 Zeev Suraski <zeev@zend.com>
+ * zend_compile.c:
+ Fix check to allow for static+access level modifiers
+ * zend_compile.c
+ zend_compile.h
+ zend_language_parser.y:
+ - Allow variables to have both 'static' modifier and an access level.
+ NOTE: This only works at the syntax level right now (parser). It
+ doesn't actually work as of yet - all statics are considered
+ public for now
+ - Prevent users from putting more restrictions on methods in derived
+ classes
+ (i.e., you cannot make a public method private in a derived class, etc.)
+2002-12-09 Andi Gutmans <andi@zend.com>
+ * zend_mm.c:
+ - Fix a bug which I just introduced.
+ * zend_mm.c:
+ - Fix typo
+ * zend_mm.c:
+ - Improvements
+ * zend_mm.c
+ zend_mm.h:
+ - First attempt to improve memory manager during realloc()'s
+2002-12-08 Zeev Suraski <zeev@zend.com>
+ * zend_compile.c:
+ Remove comment
+ * zend_compile.c
+ zend_compile.h
+ zend_language_parser.y:
+ Treat the absence of an access type just as if 'public' was supplied
+ * zend_compile.c:
+ Simplify/fix inheritance checks
+ * zend_execute.c:
+ Support private/protected constructors
+2002-12-07 Sebastian Bergmann <sb@sebastian-bergmann.de>
+ Update.
+2002-12-07 Zeev Suraski <zeev@zend.com>
+ * zend_execute.c:
+ Fix error messages
+ * zend_language_parser.y
+ zend_language_scanner.l:
+ Remove unintentional code
+2002-12-07 Andi Gutmans <andi@zend.com>
+ * zend_compile.c:
+ - Dissallow using parent, self and main as class names
+2002-12-06 Zeev Suraski <zeev@zend.com>
+ * zend.c
+ zend.h
+ zend_API.c
+ zend_compile.c
+ zend_compile.h
+ zend_execute.c
+ zend_globals.h
+ zend_hash.h
+ zend_language_parser.y
+ zend_language_scanner.l:
+ - Implement public/protected/private methods.
+ - Prevent instantiation of classes with abstract methods.
+ Based in part on Marcus's patch.
+2002-12-01 Andi Gutmans <andi@zend.com>
+ * zend_alloc.c:
+ - Allow enabling of memory cache with zend_mm
+ * zend.c
+ zend.c
+ zend.h
+ zend.h
+ zend_builtin_functions.c
+ zend_builtin_functions.c:
+ - MFZE1
+ * zend.c
+ zend.h
+ zend_builtin_functions.c:
+ - Revert as the patch doesn't compile
+ * zend.c
+ zend_API.c
+ zend_builtin_functions.c
+ zend_compile.c
+ zend_execute.c
+ zend_execute_API.c
+ zend_indent.c
+ zend_object_handlers.c
+ zend_opcode.c
+ zend_operators.c
+ zend_operators.h
+ zend_variables.c:
+ h WHitespace
+ * zend.c:
+ - Initialize constants_updated (by Marcus)
+ * zend_builtin_functions.c:
+ - Nuke use of deprecated macro
+ * zend_compile.c
+ zend_compile.h
+ zend_execute.c
+ zend_language_parser.y:
+ * zend.c:
+ - Fix crash
+ * zend_compile.c
+ zend_compile.h:
+ - My personal cleanups
+ * zend_API.c
+ zend_API.h
+ zend_builtin_functions.c
+ zend_compile.c
+ zend_compile.h
+ zend_execute.c
+ zend_execute.h
+ zend_language_parser.y
+ zend_object_handlers.c:
+ - Commit Marcus' cleanup of abstract and static inheritance and improve
+ - error messages
+2002-11-22 Derick Rethans <d.rethans@jdimedia.nl>
+ * zend_API.c:
+ - Initialize all functions to non-static (patch by Marcus Börger
+ <marcus.boerger@t-online.de>.
+2002-11-22 Sebastian Bergmann <sb@sebastian-bergmann.de>
+ * zend_execute.c:
+ Show class name as well. Patch by Marcus Börger.
+ * zend_execute.c:
+ Show the name of the abstract method in the error.
+ * zend_compile.h:
+ Fix prototype.
+2002-11-20 Derick Rethans <d.rethans@jdimedia.nl>
+ * zend_builtin_functions.c:
+ - MFZE1: Disable leak() and crash() when not using debug mode
+2002-11-20 Andi Gutmans <andi@zend.com>
+ - Add abstract methods
+ * zend_compile.c
+ zend_compile.h
+ zend_execute.c
+ zend_language_parser.y
+ zend_language_scanner.l:
+ - Fix build (thanks Marcus)
+ - Implement abstract methods, syntax:
+ - abstract function foo($vars);
+ - I don't see any reason why modifiers such as static/public need to be
+ - used with abstract. PHP is weakly typed and there would be no meaning to
+ - this anyway. People who want a strictly typed compiled language are
+ - looking in the wrong place.
+2002-11-19 Zeev Suraski <zeev@zend.com>
+ * zend.c
+ zend.h
+ zend_builtin_functions.c
+ zend_execute.c
+ zend_execute_API.c:
+ MFZE1 - error_reporting fix
+2002-11-18 Andi Gutmans <andi@zend.com>
+ * zend_language_scanner.l:
+ - MFZE1
+2002-11-17 Stanislav Malyshev <stas@zend.com>
+ * zend_execute.c:
+ fix the leak
+2002-11-16 Andi Gutmans <andi@zend.com>
+ * zend_language_scanner.l
+ zend_language_scanner.l:
+ - MFZE1
+ * Zend.m4
+ configure.in:
+ - MFZE1
+ * zend_hash.c:
+ - Commit fix for bug #19566 (I think it's by Marcus :)
+2002-11-14 Andrei Zmievski <andrei@gravitonic.com>
+ * zend_llist.h:
+2002-11-13 Stanislav Malyshev <stas@zend.com>
+ * zend_execute.c:
+ semi-fix string offsets crash - now it doesn't crash, but still leaks
+ * zend_object_handlers.c:
+ fix static
+2002-11-11 Andi Gutmans <andi@zend.com>
+ - Update with statics
+2002-11-11 Sebastian Bergmann <sb@sebastian-bergmann.de>
+ * zend_execute.c:
+ Fugbix typo.
+2002-11-11 Ilia Alshanetsky <ilia@prohost.org>
+ * zend.h:
+2002-11-10 Andi Gutmans <andi@zend.com>
+ * zend_compile.c:
+ - MFZE1
+2002-11-10 Stanislav Malyshev <stas@zend.com>
+ * zend_compile.c
+ zend_compile.h
+ zend_language_parser.y:
+ fix statics - make it behave like $this (fetch type "static")
+ Side effect: indirect references to statics won't work.
+2002-11-06 Sebastian Bergmann <sb@sebastian-bergmann.de>
+ * zend_execute.c:
+ Fix ZTS build.
+2002-11-06 Stanislav Malyshev <stas@zend.com>
+ * zend_execute.c:
+ fix zend_assign_to_object_op
+2002-11-05 Ilia Alshanetsky <ilia@prohost.org>
+ * zend_language_scanner.l:
+2002-11-05 Andi Gutmans <andi@zend.com>
+ * zend_compile.h:
+ - Shift around zend_op members
+ - A couple of updates
+ * zend_compile.c
+ zend_compile.h
+ zend_execute.c
+ zend_language_parser.y:
+ - Add support for static methods. Basically methods which are defined as
+ - static don't have $this. That's the whole difference.
+ * tests/zend2.php:
+ - $clone -> $that
+ * zend_execute_API.c:
+ - Fix bug introduced with type change of free_op1/2
+ * zend_language_parser.y
+ zend_language_scanner.l:
+ - ATTENTION: Finally nuke old_function and cfunction. I think it is time
+ - to get rid of these BC notations. This is from the days of the move from
+ - PHP/FI 2 -> PHP 3
+2002-11-05 Ilia Alshanetsky <ilia@prohost.org>
+ * zend_hash.c:
+ Revert of previous patch.
+2002-11-05 Andi Gutmans <andi@zend.com>
+ * zend_compile.c
+ zend_objects.c:
+ - Change the automatically created variable $clone in __clone() to
+ - $that as discussed at the PHP Conference. If there are any objections
+ - alternative names please let me know. The reason for changing it from
+ - $clone is because $clone sounds as if it's the newly cloned object and
+ - not the old one.
+2002-11-05 Stanislav Malyshev <stas@zend.com>
+ * zend_compile.c
+ zend_compile.h:
+ avoid using 'class' in exported functions - it annoys c++
+2002-11-05 Stig Bakken <ssb@fast.no>
+ * zend.c:
+ Fixed some special cases that were crashing for the exception default
+ handler.
+2002-11-04 Ilia Alshanetsky <ilia@prohost.org>
+ * zend_compile.c:
+ Silence compiler warnings.
+ * zend_hash.c:
+ If ordered is not set a random compiler assigned value of *p2 would be
+ used,
+ this patch fixes the problem by initializing *p2 to NULL.
+ * zend_operators.c:
+ Silence compile warning, ctype.h is needed for tolower() function.
+ * zend_language_scanner.l:
+2002-11-02 Derick Rethans <d.rethans@jdimedia.nl>
+ * zend_language_scanner.l:
+ - Fix segfault when __CLASS__ was used outside a class definition
+ * zend.c:
+ - MFZE1
+2002-11-02 Ilia Alshanetsky <ilia@prohost.org>
+ * zend_language_scanner.l:
+ MFZE1 (20214).
2002-11-01 Andi Gutmans <andi@zend.com>
* zend_execute.c: - Fix unset($this->foo)