/* User Preset variables here */
HBPresetsManager * presetManager;
HBPresetsViewController * fPresetsView;
- IBOutlet NSMenu * presetsMenu;
+ IBOutlet NSMenu * presetsMenu;
IBOutlet NSDrawer * fPresetDrawer;
- IBOutlet NSTextField * fPresetNewName;
- IBOutlet NSTextField * fPresetNewDesc;
- IBOutlet NSPopUpButton * fPresetNewPicSettingsPopUp;
- IBOutlet NSTextField * fPresetNewPicWidth;
- IBOutlet NSTextField * fPresetNewPicHeight;
- IBOutlet NSBox * fPresetNewPicWidthHeightBox;
- IBOutlet NSButton * fPresetNewPicFiltersCheck;
- IBOutlet NSTextField * fPresetSelectedDisplay;
- IBOutlet NSPanel * fAddPresetPanel;
+ IBOutlet NSTextField * fPresetSelectedDisplay;
hb_handle_t * fHandle;
of encode 0==idle, 1==encoding, 2==cancelled*/
int fEncodeState;
BOOL SuccessfulScan;
+ BOOL titleLoaded;
BOOL applyQueueToScan;
NSString * currentSource;
NSString * browsedSourceDisplayName;
/* Manage User presets */
- (IBAction) customSettingUsed: (id) sender;
- (IBAction) showAddPresetPanel: (id) sender;
-- (IBAction) addPresetPicDropdownChanged: (id) sender;
-- (IBAction) closeAddPresetPanel: (id) sender;
-- (NSDictionary *)createPreset;
- (IBAction)selectDefaultPreset:(id)sender;
- (IBAction)addFactoryPresets:(id)sender;
-- (IBAction)addUserPreset:(id)sender;
-(void)sendToMetaX:(NSString *) filePath;
// Growl methods
#import "HBUtilities.h"
#import "HBPresetsViewController.h"
+#import "HBAddPresetController.h"
#import "HBAudioDefaults.h"
#import "HBSubtitlesDefaults.h"
NSString *path = scanPath;
HBDVDDetector *detector = [HBDVDDetector detectorForPath:path];
+ // Save the current settings
+ if (titleLoaded) {
+ self.selectedPreset = [self createPresetFromCurrentSettings];
+ titleLoaded = NO;
+ }
[fPictureController setTitle:NULL];
// Notify anyone interested (audio/subtitles/chapters controller) that there's no title
SuccessfulScan = YES;
[self titlePopUpChanged:nil];
+ titleLoaded = YES;
[self encodeStartStopPopUpChanged:nil];
[self enableUI: YES];
hb_title_t * title = (hb_title_t*)
hb_list_item( list, (int)[fSrcTitlePopUp indexOfSelectedItem] );
+ // If there is already a title load, save the current settings to a preset
+ if (titleLoaded)
+ {
+ self.selectedPreset = [self createPresetFromCurrentSettings];
+ }
/* If we are a stream type and a batch scan, grok the output file name from title->name upon title change */
if ((title->type == HB_STREAM_TYPE || title->type == HB_FF_STREAM_TYPE) &&
hb_list_count( list ) > 1 )
[self updateFileName];
- /* lets call tableViewSelected to make sure that any preset we have selected is enforced after a title change */
+ /* apply the current preset */
[self applyPreset:self.selectedPreset];
-- (IBAction) addPresetPicDropdownChanged: (id) sender
+- (IBAction)showAddPresetPanel:(id)sender
- if ([[fPresetNewPicSettingsPopUp selectedItem] tag] == 1)
- {
- [fPresetNewPicWidthHeightBox setHidden:NO];
- }
- else
- {
- [fPresetNewPicWidthHeightBox setHidden:YES];
- }
+ /* Show the add panel */
+ HBAddPresetController *addPresetController = [[HBAddPresetController alloc] initWithPreset:[self createPresetFromCurrentSettings]
+ videoSize:NSMakeSize(fTitle->job->width, fTitle->job->height)];
-- (IBAction) showAddPresetPanel: (id) sender
- /*
- * Populate the preset picture settings popup.
- *
- * Custom is not applicable when the anamorphic mode is Strict.
- *
- * Use [NSMenuItem tag] to store preset values for each option.
- */
- [fPresetNewPicSettingsPopUp removeAllItems];
- [fPresetNewPicSettingsPopUp addItemWithTitle:@"None"];
- [[fPresetNewPicSettingsPopUp lastItem] setTag: 0];
- if (fTitle->job->anamorphic.mode != HB_ANAMORPHIC_STRICT)
- {
- // not Strict, Custom is applicable
- [fPresetNewPicSettingsPopUp addItemWithTitle:@"Custom"];
- [[fPresetNewPicSettingsPopUp lastItem] setTag: 1];
- }
- [fPresetNewPicSettingsPopUp addItemWithTitle:@"Source Maximum (post source scan)"];
- [[fPresetNewPicSettingsPopUp lastItem] setTag: 2];
- /*
- * Default to Source Maximum for anamorphic Strict
- * Default to Custom for all other anamorphic modes
- */
- [fPresetNewPicSettingsPopUp selectItemWithTag: (1 + (fTitle->job->anamorphic.mode == HB_ANAMORPHIC_STRICT))];
- /* Save the current filters in the preset by default */
- [fPresetNewPicFiltersCheck setState:NSOnState];
- /* Erase info from the input fields*/
- [fPresetNewName setStringValue: @""];
- [fPresetNewDesc setStringValue: @""];
- /* Initialize custom height and width settings to current values */
- [fPresetNewPicWidth setStringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",fTitle->job->width]];
- [fPresetNewPicHeight setStringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",fTitle->job->height]];
- [self addPresetPicDropdownChanged:nil];
- /* Show the panel */
- [NSApp beginSheet:fAddPresetPanel modalForWindow:fWindow modalDelegate:nil didEndSelector:NULL contextInfo:NULL];
+ [NSApp beginSheet:addPresetController.window modalForWindow:fWindow modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:@selector(sheetDidEnd:returnCode:contextInfo:) contextInfo:addPresetController];
-- (IBAction) closeAddPresetPanel: (id) sender
+- (void)sheetDidEnd:(NSWindow *)sheet returnCode:(NSInteger)returnCode contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo
- [NSApp endSheet: fAddPresetPanel];
- [fAddPresetPanel orderOut: self];
+ HBAddPresetController *addPresetController = (HBAddPresetController *)contextInfo;
-- (IBAction)addUserPreset:(id)sender
- if (![[fPresetNewName stringValue] length])
+ if (returnCode == NSModalResponseContinue)
- NSAlert *alert = [[NSAlert alloc] init];
- [alert setMessageText:@"Warning!"];
- [alert setInformativeText:@"You need to insert a name for the preset."];
- [alert runModal];
- [alert release];
+ [presetManager addPreset:addPresetController.preset];
- else
- {
- /* Here we create a custom user preset */
- [presetManager addPreset:[self createPreset]];
- [self closeAddPresetPanel:nil];
- }
+ [addPresetController release];
-- (NSDictionary *)createPreset
+- (HBPreset *)createPresetFromCurrentSettings
- NSMutableDictionary *preset = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
- /* Preset build number */
- [preset setObject:[NSString stringWithFormat: @"%d", [[[[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary] objectForKey:@"CFBundleVersion"] intValue]] forKey:@"PresetBuildNumber"];
- [preset setObject:[fPresetNewName stringValue] forKey:@"PresetName"];
- /* Get the New Preset Name from the field in the AddPresetPanel */
- [preset setObject:[fPresetNewName stringValue] forKey:@"PresetName"];
- /* Set whether or not this is to be a folder fPresetNewFolderCheck*/
- [preset setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO] forKey:@"Folder"];
- /*Set whether or not this is a user preset or factory 0 is factory, 1 is user*/
- [preset setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:1] forKey:@"Type"];
- /*Set whether or not this is default, at creation set to 0*/
- [preset setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0] forKey:@"Default"];
- /*Get the whether or not to apply pic Size and Cropping (includes Anamorphic)*/
- [preset setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[[fPresetNewPicSettingsPopUp selectedItem] tag]] forKey:@"UsesPictureSettings"];
- /* Get whether or not to use the current Picture Filter settings for the preset */
- [preset setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[fPresetNewPicFiltersCheck state]] forKey:@"UsesPictureFilters"];
- /* Get New Preset Description from the field in the AddPresetPanel*/
- [preset setObject:[fPresetNewDesc stringValue] forKey:@"PresetDescription"];
- /* File Format */
- [preset setObject:[fDstFormatPopUp titleOfSelectedItem] forKey:@"FileFormat"];
- /* Chapter Markers fCreateChapterMarkers*/
- [preset setObject:@(fChapterTitlesController.createChapterMarkers) forKey:@"ChapterMarkers"];
- /* Mux mp4 with http optimization */
- [preset setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[fDstMp4HttpOptFileCheck state]] forKey:@"Mp4HttpOptimize"];
- /* Add iPod uuid atom */
- [preset setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[fDstMp4iPodFileCheck state]] forKey:@"Mp4iPodCompatible"];
- /* Codecs */
- /* Video encoder */
+ NSMutableDictionary *preset = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
+ NSDictionary *currentPreset = self.selectedPreset.content;
+ preset[@"PresetBuildNumber"] = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%d", [[[[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary] objectForKey:@"CFBundleVersion"] intValue]];
+ preset[@"PresetName"] = fPresetSelectedDisplay.stringValue;
+ preset[@"Folder"] = @NO;
+ // Set whether or not this is a user preset or factory 0 is factory, 1 is user
+ preset[@"Type"] = @1;
+ preset[@"Default"] = @0;
+ // Get the whether or not to apply pic Size and Cropping (includes Anamorphic)
+ preset[@"UsesPictureSettings"] = currentPreset[@"UsesPictureSettings"];
+ // Get whether or not to use the current Picture Filter settings for the preset
+ preset[@"UsesPictureFilters"] = currentPreset[@"UsesPictureFilters"];
+ preset[@"PresetDescription"] = currentPreset[@"PresetDescription"];
+ preset[@"FileFormat"] = fDstFormatPopUp.titleOfSelectedItem;
+ preset[@"ChapterMarkers"] = @(fChapterTitlesController.createChapterMarkers);
+ // Mux mp4 with http optimization
+ preset[@"Mp4HttpOptimize"] = @(fDstMp4HttpOptFileCheck.state);
+ // Add iPod uuid atom
+ preset[@"Mp4iPodCompatible"] = @(fDstMp4iPodFileCheck.state);
+ // Video encoder
[fVideoController prepareVideoForPreset:preset];
- /*Picture Settings*/
- hb_job_t * job = fTitle->job;
- /* Picture Sizing */
- [preset setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0] forKey:@"UsesMaxPictureSettings"];
- [preset setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[fPresetNewPicWidth intValue]] forKey:@"PictureWidth"];
- [preset setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[fPresetNewPicHeight intValue]] forKey:@"PictureHeight"];
- [preset setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:fTitle->job->anamorphic.keep_display_aspect] forKey:@"PictureKeepRatio"];
- [preset setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:fTitle->job->anamorphic.mode] forKey:@"PicturePAR"];
- [preset setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:fTitle->job->modulus] forKey:@"PictureModulus"];
+ // Picture Sizing
+ preset[@"PictureWidth"] = currentPreset[@"PictureWidth"];
+ preset[@"PictureHeight"] = currentPreset[@"PictureHeight"];
- /* Set crop settings here */
- [preset setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[fPictureController autoCrop]] forKey:@"PictureAutoCrop"];
- [preset setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:job->crop[0]] forKey:@"PictureTopCrop"];
- [preset setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:job->crop[1]] forKey:@"PictureBottomCrop"];
- [preset setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:job->crop[2]] forKey:@"PictureLeftCrop"];
- [preset setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:job->crop[3]] forKey:@"PictureRightCrop"];
- /* Picture Filters */
+ hb_job_t *job = fTitle->job;
+ preset[@"PictureKeepRatio"] = @(job->anamorphic.keep_display_aspect);
+ preset[@"PicturePAR"] = @(job->anamorphic.mode);
+ preset[@"PictureModulus"] = @(job->modulus);
+ // Set crop settings
+ preset[@"PictureAutoCrop"] = @(fPictureController.autoCrop);
+ preset[@"PictureTopCrop"] = @(job->crop[0]);
+ preset[@"PictureBottomCrop"] = @(job->crop[1]);
+ preset[@"PictureLeftCrop"] = @(job->crop[2]);
+ preset[@"PictureRightCrop"] = @(job->crop[3]);
+ // Picture Filters
[fPictureController.filters prepareFiltersForPreset:preset];
- /* Audio */
+ // Audio
[fAudioController.settings prepareAudioDefaultsForPreset:preset];
- /* Subtitles */
+ // Subtitles
[fSubtitlesViewController.settings prepareSubtitlesDefaultsForPreset:preset];
- [preset autorelease];
- return preset;
+ return [[[HBPreset alloc] initWithName:preset[@"PresetName"] content:preset builtIn:NO] autorelease];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setURL:importPresetsDirectory forKey:@"LastPresetImportDirectoryURL"];
/* NOTE: here we need to do some sanity checking to verify we do not hose up our presets file */
- NSMutableArray * presetsToImport = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:importPresetsFile];
+ NSMutableArray *presetsToImport = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:importPresetsFile];
/* iterate though the new array of presets to import and add them to our presets array */
- for (id tempObject in presetsToImport)
+ for (NSMutableDictionary *tempObject in presetsToImport)
/* make any changes to the incoming preset we see fit */
/* make sure the incoming preset is not tagged as default */
[tempObject setObject:prependedName forKey:@"PresetName"];
/* actually add the new preset to our presets array */
- [presetManager addPreset:tempObject];
+ [presetManager addPresetFromDictionary:tempObject];
[presetsToImport autorelease];
--- /dev/null
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- <outlet property="fAddPresetPanel" destination="1867" id="1869"/>
<outlet property="fAdvancedTab" destination="2015" id="4eO-Lg-7cH"/>
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<outlet property="fQueueStatus" destination="2006" id="2007"/>
<outlet property="fRipIndicator" destination="1373" id="1374"/>
--- /dev/null
+// HBAddPresetController.h
+// HandBrake
+// Created by Damiano Galassi on 23/11/14.
+#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
+#include "hb.h"
+@class HBPreset;
+@interface HBAddPresetController : NSWindowController
+- (instancetype)initWithPreset:(HBPreset *)preset videoSize:(NSSize)size;
+@property (readonly) HBPreset *preset;
--- /dev/null
+// HBAddPresetController.m
+// HandBrake
+// Created by Damiano Galassi on 23/11/14.
+#import "HBAddPresetController.h"
+#import "HBPreset.h"
+@interface HBAddPresetController ()
+@property (assign) IBOutlet NSTextField *name;
+@property (assign) IBOutlet NSTextField *desc;
+@property (assign) IBOutlet NSPopUpButton *picSettingsPopUp;
+@property (assign) IBOutlet NSTextField *picWidth;
+@property (assign) IBOutlet NSTextField *picHeight;
+@property (assign) IBOutlet NSBox *picWidthHeightBox;
+@property (assign) IBOutlet NSButton *picFilters;
+@property (retain) HBPreset *preset;
+@property NSSize size;
+@implementation HBAddPresetController
+- (instancetype)initWithPreset:(HBPreset *)preset videoSize:(NSSize)size;
+ self = [super initWithWindowNibName:@"AddPreset"];
+ if (self)
+ {
+ NSParameterAssert(preset);
+ _preset = [preset retain];
+ _size = size;
+ }
+ return self;
+- (void)dealloc
+ self.preset = nil;;
+ [super dealloc];
+- (void)windowDidLoad {
+ [super windowDidLoad];
+ /*
+ * Populate the preset picture settings popup.
+ *
+ * Custom is not applicable when the anamorphic mode is Strict.
+ *
+ * Use [NSMenuItem tag] to store preset values for each option.
+ */
+ [self.picSettingsPopUp addItemWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"None", @"")];
+ [[self.picSettingsPopUp lastItem] setTag: 0];
+ if ([self.preset.content[@"PicturePAR"] integerValue] != HB_ANAMORPHIC_STRICT)
+ {
+ // not Strict, Custom is applicable
+ [self.picSettingsPopUp addItemWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Custom", @"")];
+ [[self.picSettingsPopUp lastItem] setTag: 1];
+ }
+ [self.picSettingsPopUp addItemWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Source Maximum (post source scan)", @"")];
+ [[self.picSettingsPopUp lastItem] setTag: 2];
+ /*
+ * Default to Source Maximum for anamorphic Strict
+ * Default to Custom for all other anamorphic modes
+ */
+ [self.picSettingsPopUp selectItemWithTag: (1 + ([self.preset.content[@"PicturePAR"] integerValue] == HB_ANAMORPHIC_STRICT))];
+ /* Save the current filters in the preset by default */
+ [self.picFilters setState:NSOnState];
+ /* Initialize custom height and width settings to current values */
+ [self.picWidth setStringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", (int)self.size.width]];
+ [self.picHeight setStringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",(int)self.size.height]];
+ [self addPresetPicDropdownChanged:nil];
+- (IBAction)addPresetPicDropdownChanged:(id)sender
+ if (self.picSettingsPopUp.selectedItem.tag == 1)
+ {
+ self.picWidthHeightBox.hidden = NO;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ self.picWidthHeightBox.hidden = YES;
+ }
+- (IBAction)add:(id)sender
+ if (self.name.stringValue.length == 0)
+ {
+ NSAlert *alert = [[NSAlert alloc] init];
+ [alert setMessageText:NSLocalizedString(@"Warning!", @"")];
+ [alert setInformativeText:NSLocalizedString(@"You need to insert a name for the preset.", @"")];
+ [alert runModal];
+ [alert release];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ self.preset.name = self.name.stringValue;
+ self.preset.presetDescription = self.name.stringValue;
+ NSMutableDictionary *dict = [[self.preset.content mutableCopy] autorelease];
+ // Get the picture size
+ dict[@"PictureWidth"] = @(self.picWidth.integerValue);
+ dict[@"PictureHeight"] = @(self.picHeight.integerValue);
+ //Get the whether or not to apply pic Size and Cropping (includes Anamorphic)
+ dict[@"UsesPictureSettings"] = @(self.picSettingsPopUp.selectedItem.tag);
+ // Get whether or not to use the current Picture Filter settings for the preset
+ dict[@"UsesPictureFilters"] = @(self.picFilters.state);
+ self.preset.content = [[dict copy] autorelease];
+ [[self window] orderOut:nil];
+ [NSApp endSheet:[self window] returnCode:NSModalResponseContinue];
+ }
+- (IBAction)cancel:(id)sender
+ [[self window] orderOut:nil];
+ [NSApp endSheet:[self window] returnCode:NSModalResponseAbort];
- (instancetype)initWithFolderName:(NSString *)title builtIn:(BOOL)builtIn;
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *name;
-@property (nonatomic, readwrite, retain) NSString *presetDescription;
+@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *presetDescription;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSDictionary *content;
-@property (nonatomic, readwrite) BOOL isDefault;
+@property (nonatomic) BOOL isDefault;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL isBuiltIn;
* @param preset the preset dict.
-- (void)addPreset:(NSDictionary *)preset;
+- (void)addPresetFromDictionary:(NSDictionary *)preset;
+ * Adds a given preset to the manager.
+ *
+ * @param preset the preset dict.
+ */
+- (void)addPreset:(HBPreset *)preset;
* Deletes the presets at the specified index path.
return retValue;
-- (void)addPreset:(NSDictionary *)preset
+- (void)addPresetFromDictionary:(NSDictionary *)preset
HBPreset *presetNode = [[HBPreset alloc] initWithName:preset[@"PresetName"]
[self savePresets];
+- (void)addPreset:(HBPreset *)preset
+ [self.root insertObject:preset inChildrenAtIndex:[self.root countOfChildren]];
+ [self savePresets];
- (void)deletePresetAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)idx
HBPreset *parentNode = self.root;
--- /dev/null
+// HBQueueOutlineView.h
+// HandBrake
+// Created by Damiano Galassi on 23/11/14.
+#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
+// As usual, we need to subclass NSOutlineView to handle a few special cases:
+// (1) variable row heights during live resizes
+// HBQueueOutlineView exists solely to get around a bug in variable row height outline
+// views in which row heights get messed up during live resizes. See this discussion:
+// http://lists.apple.com/archives/cocoa-dev/2005/Oct/msg00871.html
+// However, the recommeneded fix (override drawRect:) does not work. Instead, this
+// subclass implements viewDidEndLiveResize in order to recalculate all row heights.
+// (2) prevent expanding of items during drags
+// During dragging operations, we don't want outline items to expand, since a queue
+// doesn't really have children items.
+// (3) generate a drag image that incorporates more than just the first column
+// By default, NSTableView only drags an image of the first column. Change this to
+// drag an image of the queue's icon and desc columns.
+@protocol HBQueueOutlineViewDelegate
+- (void)HB_deleteSelectionFromTableView:(NSTableView *)tableView;
+@interface HBQueueOutlineView : NSOutlineView
+@property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL isDragging;
+ * An index set containing the indexes of the targeted rows.
+ * If the selected row indexes contain the clicked row index, it returns every selected row,
+ * otherwise it returns only the clicked row index.
+ */
+- (NSIndexSet *)targetedRowIndexes;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+// HBQueueOutlineView.m
+// HandBrake
+// Created by Damiano Galassi on 23/11/14.
+#import "HBQueueOutlineView.h"
+@implementation HBQueueOutlineView
+- (void)viewDidEndLiveResize
+ // Since we disabled calculating row heights during a live resize, force them to
+ // recalculate now.
+ [self noteHeightOfRowsWithIndexesChanged:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndexesInRange:NSMakeRange(0, [self numberOfRows])]];
+ [super viewDidEndLiveResize];
+/* This should be for dragging, we take this info from the presets right now */
+- (NSImage *)dragImageForRowsWithIndexes:(NSIndexSet *)dragRows
+ tableColumns:(NSArray *)tableColumns
+ event:(NSEvent *)dragEvent
+ offset:(NSPointPointer)dragImageOffset
+ _isDragging = YES;
+ // By default, NSTableView only drags an image of the first column. Change this to
+ // drag an image of the queue's icon and desc and action columns.
+ NSArray *cols = @[[self tableColumnWithIdentifier:@"desc"],
+ [self tableColumnWithIdentifier:@"icon"],
+ [self tableColumnWithIdentifier:@"action"]];
+ return [super dragImageForRowsWithIndexes:dragRows tableColumns:cols event:dragEvent offset:dragImageOffset];
+- (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent
+ [super mouseDown:theEvent];
+ _isDragging = NO;
+- (void)keyDown:(NSEvent *)event
+ id delegate = [self delegate];
+ unichar key = [[event charactersIgnoringModifiers] characterAtIndex:0];
+ if ((key == NSDeleteCharacter || key == NSDeleteFunctionKey) &&
+ [delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(HB_deleteSelectionFromTableView:)])
+ {
+ if ([self selectedRow] == -1)
+ {
+ NSBeep();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [delegate HB_deleteSelectionFromTableView:self];
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [super keyDown:event];
+ }
+ * An index set containing the indexes of the targeted rows.
+ * If the selected row indexes contain the clicked row index, it returns every selected row,
+ * otherwise it returns only the clicked row index.
+ */
+- (NSIndexSet *)targetedRowIndexes
+ NSMutableIndexSet *rowIndexes = [NSMutableIndexSet indexSet];
+ NSIndexSet *selectedRowIndexes = [self selectedRowIndexes];
+ NSInteger clickedRow = [self clickedRow];
+ if (clickedRow != -1)
+ {
+ [rowIndexes addIndex:clickedRow];
+ // If we clicked on a selected row, then we want to consider all rows in the selection. Otherwise, we only consider the clicked on row.
+ if ([selectedRowIndexes containsIndex:clickedRow])
+ {
+ [rowIndexes addIndexes:selectedRowIndexes];
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [rowIndexes addIndexes:selectedRowIndexes];
+ }
+ return [[rowIndexes copy] autorelease];
A9E1468116BC2AD800C307BC /* pause-p.pdf in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9E1467D16BC2AD800C307BC /* pause-p.pdf */; };
A9E1468216BC2AD800C307BC /* play-p.pdf in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9E1467E16BC2AD800C307BC /* play-p.pdf */; };
A9E1468316BC2AD800C307BC /* prev-p.pdf in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9E1467F16BC2AD800C307BC /* prev-p.pdf */; };
+ A9E2FD271A21BC4A000E8D3F /* HBAddPresetController.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9E2FD251A21BC4A000E8D3F /* HBAddPresetController.m */; };
+ A9E2FD2B1A21BC6F000E8D3F /* AddPreset.xib in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9E2FD291A21BC6F000E8D3F /* AddPreset.xib */; };
A9F2EB6F196F12C800066546 /* Audio.xib in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9F2EB6D196F12C800066546 /* Audio.xib */; };
A9F472891976B7F30009EC65 /* HBSubtitlesDefaultsController.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9F472871976B7F30009EC65 /* HBSubtitlesDefaultsController.m */; };
A9F4728D1976BAA70009EC65 /* HBSubtitlesDefaults.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9F4728C1976BAA70009EC65 /* HBSubtitlesDefaults.m */; };
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A9E1467E16BC2AD800C307BC /* play-p.pdf */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.pdf; path = "play-p.pdf"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
A9E1467F16BC2AD800C307BC /* prev-p.pdf */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.pdf; path = "prev-p.pdf"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ A9E2FD241A21BC4A000E8D3F /* HBAddPresetController.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = HBAddPresetController.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ A9E2FD251A21BC4A000E8D3F /* HBAddPresetController.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = HBAddPresetController.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ A9E2FD2A1A21BC6F000E8D3F /* English */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file.xib; name = English; path = AddPreset.xib; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
A9F2EB6E196F12C800066546 /* English */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file.xib; name = English; path = Audio.xib; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
A9F472861976B7F30009EC65 /* HBSubtitlesDefaultsController.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = HBSubtitlesDefaultsController.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
A9F472871976B7F30009EC65 /* HBSubtitlesDefaultsController.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = HBSubtitlesDefaultsController.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
273F217C14ADDDA10021BE6D /* InfoPlist.strings */,
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A9F2EB6D196F12C800066546 /* Audio.xib */,
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273F20AA14ADBE670021BE6D /* PictureController.m */,
273F20A314ADBE670021BE6D /* HBPreviewController.h */,
273F20A414ADBE670021BE6D /* HBPreviewController.m */,
+ A9E2FD241A21BC4A000E8D3F /* HBAddPresetController.h */,
+ A9E2FD251A21BC4A000E8D3F /* HBAddPresetController.m */,
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273F216814ADCBF80021BE6D /* RevealHighlight.png in Resources */,
A91C02521A165EA200DEA6F3 /* EncodeComplete.png in Resources */,
273F216914ADCBF80021BE6D /* RevealHighlightPressed.png in Resources */,
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273F216A14ADCBF80021BE6D /* RevealPressed.png in Resources */,
273F218A14ADDDA10021BE6D /* AdvancedView.xib in Resources */,
273F218B14ADDDA10021BE6D /* InfoPlist.strings in Resources */,
A9C9F88919A733FE00DC8923 /* HBHUDView.m in Sources */,
A932E26F198833920047D13E /* HBAudioDefaultsController.m in Sources */,
46AB433515F98A2B009C0961 /* DockTextField.m in Sources */,
+ A9E2FD271A21BC4A000E8D3F /* HBAddPresetController.m in Sources */,
A9D488A51996270300E9B1BA /* HBTreeNode.m in Sources */,
runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
name = Subtitles.xib;
sourceTree = "<group>";
+ A9E2FD291A21BC6F000E8D3F /* AddPreset.xib */ = {
+ isa = PBXVariantGroup;
+ children = (
+ A9E2FD2A1A21BC6F000E8D3F /* English */,
+ );
+ name = AddPreset.xib;
+ sourceTree = "<group>";
+ };
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isa = PBXVariantGroup;
children = (