<div class="example"><h3>Single application instance, connection reuse (2.4.11 and later)</h3><pre class="prettyprint lang-config">ProxyPass "/myapp/" "fcgi://localhost:4000/" enablereuse=on</pre>
+ <div class="note"><h3>Enable connection reuse to a FCGI backend like PHP-FPM</h3>
+ <p>Please keep in mind that PHP-FPM (at the time of writing, February 2018)
+ uses a prefork model, namely each of its worker processes can handle one
+ connection at the time.<br />
+ By default mod_proxy (configured with <code>enablereuse=on</code>)
+ allows a connection pool of
+ <code class="directive"><a href="../mod/mpm_common.html#threadsperchild">ThreadsPerChild</a></code> connections to the
+ backend for each httpd process, so the following use cases should be taken
+ into account:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Under HTTP/1.1 load it will likely cause the creation of up to
+ <code class="directive"><a href="../mod/mpm_common.html#maxrequestworkers">MaxRequestWorkers</a></code>
+ connections to the FCGI backend.</li>
+ <li>Under HTTP/2 load, due to how <code class="module"><a href="../mod/mod_http2.html">mod_http2</a></code> is implemented,
+ there are additional h2 worker threads that may force the creation of other
+ backend connections. The overall count of connections in the pools may raise
+ to more than <code class="directive"><a href="../mod/mpm_common.html#maxrequestworkers">MaxRequestWorkers</a></code>.</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>The maximum number of PHP-FPM worker processes needs to be configured wisely,
+ since there is the chance that they will all end up "busy" handling idle
+ persistent connections, without any room for new ones to be established,
+ and the end user experience will be a pile of HTTP request timeouts.</p>
+ </div>
<p> The following example passes the request URI as a filesystem
path for the PHP-FPM daemon to run. The request URL is implicitly added
to the 2nd parameter. The hostname and port following fcgi:// are where