old README file, Bruno Wolff did the bulk of the work, but for some
reason only Hal Snyder was credited here.
by Sergey Karpov <karpov@sao.ru>
earthdistance -
- Operator for computing earth distance between two points
- by Hal Snyder <hal@vailsys.com>
+ Functions for computing distances between two points on Earth
+ by Bruno Wolff III <bruno@wolff.to> and Hal Snyder <hal@vailsys.com>
fuzzystrmatch -
Levenshtein, metaphone, and soundex fuzzy string matching
- by Joe Conway <mail@joeconway.com>, Joel Burton <jburton@scw.org>
+ by Joe Conway <mail@joeconway.com> and Joel Burton <jburton@scw.org>
hstore -
Module for storing (key, value) pairs