+ static dict_T *
+luaV_get_var_scope(lua_State *L)
+ const char *scope = luaL_checkstring(L, 1);
+ dict_T *dict = NULL;
+ if (STRICMP((char *)scope, "g") == 0)
+ dict = get_globvar_dict();
+ else if (STRICMP((char *)scope, "v") == 0)
+ dict = get_vimvar_dict();
+ else if (STRICMP((char *)scope, "b") == 0)
+ dict = curbuf->b_vars;
+ else if (STRICMP((char *)scope, "w") == 0)
+ dict = curwin->w_vars;
+ else if (STRICMP((char *)scope, "t") == 0)
+ dict = curtab->tp_vars;
+ else
+ {
+ luaL_error(L, "invalid scope %s", scope);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return dict;
+ static int
+luaV_setvar(lua_State *L)
+ dict_T *dict;
+ dictitem_T *di;
+ size_t len;
+ char *name;
+ int del;
+ char *error = NULL;
+ name = (char *)luaL_checklstring(L, 3, &len);
+ del = (lua_gettop(L) < 4) || lua_isnil(L, 4);
+ dict = luaV_get_var_scope(L);
+ if (dict == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ di = dict_find(dict, (char_u *)name, len);
+ if (di != NULL)
+ {
+ if (di->di_flags & DI_FLAGS_RO)
+ error = "variable is read-only";
+ else if (di->di_flags & DI_FLAGS_LOCK)
+ error = "variable is locked";
+ else if (del && di->di_flags & DI_FLAGS_FIX)
+ error = "variable is fixed";
+ if (error != NULL)
+ return luaL_error(L, error);
+ }
+ else if (dict->dv_lock)
+ return luaL_error(L, "Dictionary is locked");
+ if (del)
+ {
+ // Delete the key
+ if (di == NULL)
+ // Doesn't exist, nothing to do
+ return 0;
+ else
+ // Delete the entry
+ dictitem_remove(dict, di);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Update the key
+ typval_T tv;
+ // Convert the lua value to a vimscript type in the temporary variable
+ lua_pushvalue(L, 4);
+ if (luaV_totypval(L, -1, &tv) == FAIL)
+ return luaL_error(L, "Couldn't convert lua value");
+ if (di == NULL)
+ {
+ // Need to create an entry
+ di = dictitem_alloc((char_u *)name);
+ if (di == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ // Update the value
+ copy_tv(&tv, &di->di_tv);
+ dict_add(dict, di);
+ } else
+ {
+ // Clear the old value
+ clear_tv(&di->di_tv);
+ // Update the value
+ copy_tv(&tv, &di->di_tv);
+ }
+ // Clear the temporary variable
+ clear_tv(&tv);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ static int
+luaV_getvar(lua_State *L)
+ dict_T *dict = luaV_get_var_scope(L);
+ size_t len;
+ const char *name = luaL_checklstring(L, 3, &len);
+ dictitem_T *di = dict_find(dict, (char_u *)name, len);
+ if (di == NULL)
+ return 0; // nil
+ luaV_pushtypval(L, &di->di_tv);
+ return 1;
static int
luaV_command(lua_State *L)
{"open", luaV_open},
{"type", luaV_type},
{"call", luaV_call},
+ {"_getvar", luaV_getvar},
+ {"_setvar", luaV_setvar},
{"lua_version", NULL},
" last_vim_paths = cur_vim_paths\n"\
+ "do\n"\
+ " local function make_dict_accessor(scope)\n"\
+ " local mt = {}\n"\
+ " function mt:__newindex(k, v)\n"\
+ " return vim._setvar(scope, 0, k, v)\n"\
+ " end\n"\
+ " function mt:__index(k)\n"\
+ " return vim._getvar(scope, 0, k)\n"\
+ " end\n"\
+ " return setmetatable({}, mt)\n"\
+ " end\n"\
+ " vim.g = make_dict_accessor('g')\n"\
+ " vim.v = make_dict_accessor('v')\n"\
+ " vim.b = make_dict_accessor('b')\n"\
+ " vim.w = make_dict_accessor('w')\n"\
+ " vim.t = make_dict_accessor('t')\n"\
+ "end"
static int
luaopen_vim(lua_State *L)
// custom code
(void)luaL_dostring(L, LUA_VIM_FN_CODE);
(void)luaL_dostring(L, LUA_VIM_UPDATE_PACKAGE_PATHS);
+ (void)luaL_dostring(L, LUA_VIM_SETUP_VARIABLE_DICTS);
lua_getglobal(L, "vim");
lua_getfield(L, -1, "_update_package_paths");
call assert_equal('ABCDE', s)
+" Test for adding, accessing and removing global variables using the vim.g
+" Lua table
+func Test_lua_global_var_table()
+ " Access global variables with different types of values
+ let g:Var1 = 10
+ let g:Var2 = 'Hello'
+ let g:Var3 = ['a', 'b']
+ let g:Var4 = #{x: 'edit', y: 'run'}
+ let g:Var5 = function('min')
+ call assert_equal(10, luaeval('vim.g.Var1'))
+ call assert_equal('Hello', luaeval('vim.g.Var2'))
+ call assert_equal(['a', 'b'], luaeval('vim.g.Var3'))
+ call assert_equal(#{x: 'edit', y: 'run'}, luaeval('vim.g.Var4'))
+ call assert_equal(2, luaeval('vim.g.Var5')([5, 9, 2]))
+ " Access list of dictionaries and dictionary of lists
+ let g:Var1 = [#{a: 10}, #{b: 20}]
+ let g:Var2 = #{p: [5, 6], q: [1.1, 2.2]}
+ call assert_equal([#{a: 10}, #{b: 20}], luaeval('vim.g.Var1'))
+ call assert_equal(#{p: [5, 6], q: [1.1, 2.2]}, luaeval('vim.g.Var2'))
+ " Create new global variables with different types of values
+ unlet g:Var1 g:Var2 g:Var3 g:Var4 g:Var5
+ lua << trim END
+ vim.g.Var1 = 34
+ vim.g.Var2 = 'World'
+ vim.g.Var3 = vim.list({'#', '$'})
+ vim.g.Var4 = vim.dict({model='honda', year=2020})
+ vim.g.Var5 = vim.funcref('max')
+ call assert_equal(34, g:Var1)
+ call assert_equal('World', g:Var2)
+ call assert_equal(['#', '$'], g:Var3)
+ call assert_equal(#{model: 'honda', year: 2020}, g:Var4)
+ call assert_equal(10, g:Var5([5, 10, 9]))
+ " Create list of dictionaries and dictionary of lists
+ unlet g:Var1 g:Var2
+ lua << trim END
+ vim.g.Var1 = vim.list({vim.dict({a=10}), vim.dict({b=20})})
+ vim.g.Var2 = vim.dict({p=vim.list({5, 6}), q=vim.list({1.1, 2.2})})
+ call assert_equal([#{a: 10}, #{b: 20}], luaeval('vim.g.Var1'))
+ call assert_equal(#{p: [5, 6], q: [1.1, 2.2]}, luaeval('vim.g.Var2'))
+ " Modify a global variable with a list value or a dictionary value
+ let g:Var1 = [10, 20]
+ let g:Var2 = #{one: 'mercury', two: 'mars'}
+ lua << trim END
+ vim.g.Var1[2] = Nil
+ vim.g.Var1[3] = 15
+ vim.g.Var2['two'] = Nil
+ vim.g.Var2['three'] = 'earth'
+ call assert_equal([10, 15], g:Var1)
+ call assert_equal(#{one: 'mercury', three: 'earth'}, g:Var2)
+ " Remove global variables with different types of values
+ let g:Var1 = 10
+ let g:Var2 = 'Hello'
+ let g:Var3 = ['a', 'b']
+ let g:Var4 = #{x: 'edit', y: 'run'}
+ let g:Var5 = function('min')
+ lua << trim END
+ vim.g.Var1 = Nil
+ vim.g.Var2 = Nil
+ vim.g.Var3 = Nil
+ vim.g.Var4 = Nil
+ vim.g.Var5 = Nil
+ call assert_false(exists('g:Var1'))
+ call assert_false(exists('g:Var2'))
+ call assert_false(exists('g:Var3'))
+ call assert_false(exists('g:Var4'))
+ call assert_false(exists('g:Var5'))
+ " Try to modify and remove a locked global variable
+ let g:Var1 = 10
+ lockvar g:Var1
+ call assert_fails('lua vim.g.Var1 = 20', 'variable is locked')
+ call assert_fails('lua vim.g.Var1 = Nil', 'variable is locked')
+ unlockvar g:Var1
+ let g:Var2 = [7, 14]
+ lockvar 0 g:Var2
+ lua vim.g.Var2[2] = Nil
+ lua vim.g.Var2[3] = 21
+ call assert_fails('lua vim.g.Var2 = Nil', 'variable is locked')
+ call assert_equal([7, 21], g:Var2)
+ lockvar 1 g:Var2
+ call assert_fails('lua vim.g.Var2[2] = Nil', 'list is locked')
+ call assert_fails('lua vim.g.Var2[3] = 21', 'list is locked')
+ unlockvar g:Var2
+ " Attempt to access a non-existing global variable
+ call assert_equal(v:null, luaeval('vim.g.NonExistingVar'))
+ lua vim.g.NonExisting = Nil
+ unlet! g:Var1 g:Var2 g:Var3 g:Var4 g:Var5
+" Test for accessing and modifying predefined vim variables using the vim.v
+" Lua table
+func Test_lua_predefined_var_table()
+ call assert_equal(v:progpath, luaeval('vim.v.progpath'))
+ let v:errmsg = 'SomeError'
+ call assert_equal('SomeError', luaeval('vim.v.errmsg'))
+ lua vim.v.errmsg = 'OtherError'
+ call assert_equal('OtherError', v:errmsg)
+ call assert_fails('lua vim.v.errmsg = Nil', 'variable is fixed')
+ let v:oldfiles = ['one', 'two']
+ call assert_equal(['one', 'two'], luaeval('vim.v.oldfiles'))
+ lua vim.v.oldfiles = vim.list({})
+ call assert_equal([], v:oldfiles)
+ call assert_equal(v:null, luaeval('vim.v.null'))
+ call assert_fails('lua vim.v.argv[1] = Nil', 'list is locked')
+ call assert_fails('lua vim.v.newvar = 1', 'Dictionary is locked')
+" Test for adding, accessing and modifying window-local variables using the
+" vim.w Lua table
+func Test_lua_window_var_table()
+ " Access window variables with different types of values
+ new
+ let w:wvar1 = 10
+ let w:wvar2 = 'edit'
+ let w:wvar3 = 3.14
+ let w:wvar4 = 0zdeadbeef
+ let w:wvar5 = ['a', 'b']
+ let w:wvar6 = #{action: 'run'}
+ call assert_equal(10, luaeval('vim.w.wvar1'))
+ call assert_equal('edit', luaeval('vim.w.wvar2'))
+ call assert_equal(3.14, luaeval('vim.w.wvar3'))
+ call assert_equal(0zdeadbeef, luaeval('vim.w.wvar4'))
+ call assert_equal(['a', 'b'], luaeval('vim.w.wvar5'))
+ call assert_equal(#{action: 'run'}, luaeval('vim.w.wvar6'))
+ call assert_equal(v:null, luaeval('vim.w.NonExisting'))
+ " modify a window variable
+ lua vim.w.wvar2 = 'paste'
+ call assert_equal('paste', w:wvar2)
+ " change the type stored in a variable
+ let w:wvar2 = [1, 2]
+ lua vim.w.wvar2 = vim.dict({a=10, b=20})
+ call assert_equal(#{a: 10, b: 20}, w:wvar2)
+ " create a new window variable
+ lua vim.w.wvar7 = vim.dict({a=vim.list({1, 2}), b=20})
+ call assert_equal(#{a: [1, 2], b: 20}, w:wvar7)
+ " delete a window variable
+ lua vim.w.wvar2 = Nil
+ call assert_false(exists('w:wvar2'))
+ new
+ call assert_equal(v:null, luaeval('vim.w.wvar1'))
+ call assert_equal(v:null, luaeval('vim.w.wvar2'))
+ %bw!
+" Test for adding, accessing and modifying buffer-local variables using the
+" vim.b Lua table
+func Test_lua_buffer_var_table()
+ " Access buffer variables with different types of values
+ let b:bvar1 = 10
+ let b:bvar2 = 'edit'
+ let b:bvar3 = 3.14
+ let b:bvar4 = 0zdeadbeef
+ let b:bvar5 = ['a', 'b']
+ let b:bvar6 = #{action: 'run'}
+ call assert_equal(10, luaeval('vim.b.bvar1'))
+ call assert_equal('edit', luaeval('vim.b.bvar2'))
+ call assert_equal(3.14, luaeval('vim.b.bvar3'))
+ call assert_equal(0zdeadbeef, luaeval('vim.b.bvar4'))
+ call assert_equal(['a', 'b'], luaeval('vim.b.bvar5'))
+ call assert_equal(#{action: 'run'}, luaeval('vim.b.bvar6'))
+ call assert_equal(v:null, luaeval('vim.b.NonExisting'))
+ " modify a buffer variable
+ lua vim.b.bvar2 = 'paste'
+ call assert_equal('paste', b:bvar2)
+ " change the type stored in a variable
+ let b:bvar2 = [1, 2]
+ lua vim.b.bvar2 = vim.dict({a=10, b=20})
+ call assert_equal(#{a: 10, b: 20}, b:bvar2)
+ " create a new buffer variable
+ lua vim.b.bvar7 = vim.dict({a=vim.list({1, 2}), b=20})
+ call assert_equal(#{a: [1, 2], b: 20}, b:bvar7)
+ " delete a buffer variable
+ lua vim.b.bvar2 = Nil
+ call assert_false(exists('b:bvar2'))
+ new
+ call assert_equal(v:null, luaeval('vim.b.bvar1'))
+ call assert_equal(v:null, luaeval('vim.b.bvar2'))
+ %bw!
+" Test for adding, accessing and modifying tabpage-local variables using the
+" vim.t Lua table
+func Test_lua_tabpage_var_table()
+ " Access tabpage variables with different types of values
+ let t:tvar1 = 10
+ let t:tvar2 = 'edit'
+ let t:tvar3 = 3.14
+ let t:tvar4 = 0zdeadbeef
+ let t:tvar5 = ['a', 'b']
+ let t:tvar6 = #{action: 'run'}
+ call assert_equal(10, luaeval('vim.t.tvar1'))
+ call assert_equal('edit', luaeval('vim.t.tvar2'))
+ call assert_equal(3.14, luaeval('vim.t.tvar3'))
+ call assert_equal(0zdeadbeef, luaeval('vim.t.tvar4'))
+ call assert_equal(['a', 'b'], luaeval('vim.t.tvar5'))
+ call assert_equal(#{action: 'run'}, luaeval('vim.t.tvar6'))
+ call assert_equal(v:null, luaeval('vim.t.NonExisting'))
+ " modify a tabpage variable
+ lua vim.t.tvar2 = 'paste'
+ call assert_equal('paste', t:tvar2)
+ " change the type stored in a variable
+ let t:tvar2 = [1, 2]
+ lua vim.t.tvar2 = vim.dict({a=10, b=20})
+ call assert_equal(#{a: 10, b: 20}, t:tvar2)
+ " create a new tabpage variable
+ lua vim.t.tvar7 = vim.dict({a=vim.list({1, 2}), b=20})
+ call assert_equal(#{a: [1, 2], b: 20}, t:tvar7)
+ " delete a tabpage variable
+ lua vim.t.tvar2 = Nil
+ call assert_false(exists('t:tvar2'))
+ tabnew
+ call assert_equal(v:null, luaeval('vim.t.tvar1'))
+ call assert_equal(v:null, luaeval('vim.t.tvar2'))
+ %bw!
" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab