removes the normal limited protection against URL-based attacks
provided by the proxy.</p>
- <p>The optional <var>interpolate</var> keyword (available in
- httpd 2.2.9 and later), in combination with
- <directive>ProxyPassInterpolateEnv</directive> causes the ProxyPass
- to interpolate environment variables, using the syntax
- <var>${VARNAME}</var>. Note that many of the standard CGI-derived
- environment variables will not exist when this interpolation happens,
- so you may still have to resort to <module>mod_rewrite</module>
- for complex rules.</p>
<p>Normally, mod_proxy will include the query string when
generating the <var>SCRIPT_FILENAME</var> environment variable.
The optional <var>noquery</var> keyword (available in
<directive module="mod_rewrite">RewriteRule</directive> directive with the
<code>[P]</code> flag.</p>
+ <p>The optional <var>interpolate</var> keyword (available in
+ httpd 2.2.9 and later), in combination with
+ <directive>ProxyPassInterpolateEnv</directive> causes the ProxyPass
+ to interpolate environment variables, using the syntax
+ <var>${VARNAME}</var>. Note that many of the standard CGI-derived
+ environment variables will not exist when this interpolation happens,
+ so you may still have to resort to <module>mod_rewrite</module>
+ for complex rules. Also note that interpolation is not supported
+ within the scheme portion of a URL. Dynamic determination of the
+ scheme can be accomplished with <module>mod_rewrite</module> as in the
+ following example.</p>
+ <highlight language="config">
+RewriteEngine On
+RewriteCond %{HTTPS} =off
+RewriteRule . - [E=protocol:http]
+RewriteCond %{HTTPS} =on
+RewriteRule . - [E=protocol:https]
+RewriteRule ^/mirror/foo/(.*) %{ENV:protocol}://$1 [P]
+ProxyPassReverse /mirror/foo/
+ProxyPassReverse /mirror/foo/
+ </highlight>
httpd 2.2.9 and later), used together with
<directive>ProxyPassInterpolateEnv</directive>, enables interpolation
of environment variables specified using the format <var>${VARNAME}</var>.
- </p>
+ Note that interpolation is not supported within the scheme portion of a
+ URL.</p>
<p>When used inside a <directive type="section" module="core"
>Location</directive> section, the first argument is omitted and the local