--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Command line tool to convert simple ESP-IDF Makefile & component.mk files to
+# CMakeLists.txt files
+import argparse
+import subprocess
+import re
+import os.path
+import glob
+import sys
+debug = False
+def get_make_variables(path, makefile="Makefile", expected_failure=False, variables={}):
+ """
+ Given the path to a Makefile of some kind, return a dictionary of all variables defined in this Makefile
+ Uses 'make' to parse the Makefile syntax, so we don't have to!
+ Overrides IDF_PATH= to avoid recursively evaluating the entire project Makefile structure.
+ """
+ variable_setters = [ ("%s=%s" % (k,v)) for (k,v) in variables.items() ]
+ cmdline = ["make", "-rpn", "-C", path, "-f", makefile ] + variable_setters
+ if debug:
+ print("Running %s..." % (" ".join(cmdline)))
+ p = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ (output, stderr) = p.communicate("\n")
+ if (not expected_failure) and p.returncode != 0:
+ raise RuntimeError("Unexpected make failure, result %d" % p.returncode)
+ if debug:
+ print("Make stdout:")
+ print(output)
+ print("Make stderr:")
+ print(stderr)
+ next_is_makefile = False # is the next line a makefile variable?
+ result = {}
+ for line in output.decode().split("\n"):
+ if line.startswith("# makefile"): # this line appears before any variable defined in the makefile itself
+ next_is_makefile = True
+ elif next_is_makefile:
+ next_is_makefile = False
+ m = re.match(r"(?P<var>[^ ]+) :?= (?P<val>.+)", line)
+ if m is not None:
+ if not m.group("var") in BUILT_IN_VARS:
+ result[m.group("var")] = m.group("val").strip()
+ return result
+def get_component_variables(project_path, component_path):
+ make_vars = get_make_variables(component_path,
+ os.path.join(os.environ["IDF_PATH"],
+ "make",
+ "component_wrapper.mk"),
+ expected_failure=True,
+ variables = {
+ "COMPONENT_MAKEFILE" : os.path.join(component_path, "component.mk"),
+ "COMPONENT_NAME" : os.path.basename(component_path),
+ "PROJECT_PATH": project_path,
+ })
+ if "COMPONENT_OBJS" in make_vars: # component.mk specifies list of object files
+ # Convert to sources
+ def find_src(obj):
+ obj = os.path.splitext(obj)[0]
+ for ext in [ "c", "cpp", "S" ]:
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(component_path, obj) + "." + ext):
+ return obj + "." + ext
+ print("WARNING: Can't find source file for component %s COMPONENT_OBJS %s" % (component_path, obj))
+ return None
+ srcs = []
+ for obj in make_vars["COMPONENT_OBJS"].split(" "):
+ src = find_src(obj)
+ if src is not None:
+ srcs.append(src)
+ make_vars["COMPONENT_SRCS"] = " ".join(srcs)
+ make_vars["COMPONENT_SRCDIRS"] = make_vars.get("COMPONENT_SRCDIRS", ".")
+ make_vars["COMPONENT_ADD_INCLUDEDIRS"] = make_vars.get("COMPONENT_ADD_INCLUDEDIRS", "include")
+ return make_vars
+def convert_project(project_path):
+ if not os.path.exists(project_path):
+ raise RuntimeError("Project directory '%s' not found" % project_path)
+ if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(project_path, "Makefile")):
+ raise RuntimeError("Directory '%s' doesn't contain a project Makefile" % project_path)
+ project_cmakelists = os.path.join(project_path, "CMakeLists.txt")
+ if os.path.exists(project_cmakelists):
+ raise RuntimeError("This project already has a CMakeLists.txt file")
+ project_vars = get_make_variables(project_path, expected_failure=True)
+ if not "PROJECT_NAME" in project_vars:
+ raise RuntimeError("PROJECT_NAME does not appear to be defined in IDF project Makefile at %s" % project_path)
+ component_paths = project_vars["COMPONENT_PATHS"].split(" ")
+ # "main" component is made special in cmake, so extract it from the component_paths list
+ try:
+ main_component_path = [ p for p in component_paths if os.path.basename(p) == "main" ][0]
+ if debug:
+ print("Found main component %s" % main_component_path)
+ main_vars = get_component_variables(project_path, main_component_path)
+ except IndexError:
+ print("WARNING: Project has no 'main' component, but CMake-based system requires at least one file in MAIN_SRCS...")
+ main_vars = { "COMPONENT_SRCS" : ""} # dummy for MAIN_SRCS
+ # Remove main component from list of components we're converting to cmake
+ component_paths = [ p for p in component_paths if os.path.basename(p) != "main" ]
+ # Convert components as needed
+ for p in component_paths:
+ convert_component(project_path, p)
+ # Look up project variables before we start writing the file, so nothing
+ # is created if there is an error
+ main_srcs = main_vars["COMPONENT_SRCS"].split(" ")
+ # convert from component-relative to absolute paths
+ main_srcs = [ os.path.normpath(os.path.join(main_component_path, m)) for m in main_srcs ]
+ # convert to make relative to the project directory
+ main_srcs = [ os.path.relpath(m, project_path) for m in main_srcs ]
+ project_name = project_vars["PROJECT_NAME"]
+ # Generate the project CMakeLists.txt file
+ with open(project_cmakelists, "w") as f:
+ f.write("""
+# (Automatically converted from project Makefile by convert_to_cmake.py.)
+# The following four lines of boilerplate have to be in your project's CMakeLists
+# in this exact order for cmake to work correctly
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5)
+ f.write("set(MAIN_SRCS %s)\n" % " ".join(main_srcs))
+ f.write("""
+ f.write("project(%s)\n" % project_name)
+ print("Converted project %s" % project_cmakelists)
+def convert_component(project_path, component_path):
+ if debug:
+ print("Converting %s..." % (component_path))
+ cmakelists_path = os.path.join(component_path, "CMakeLists.txt")
+ if os.path.exists(cmakelists_path):
+ print("Skipping already-converted component %s..." % cmakelists_path)
+ return
+ v = get_component_variables(project_path, component_path)
+ # Look up all the variables before we start writing the file, so it's not
+ # created if there's an erro
+ component_srcs = v.get("COMPONENT_SRCS", None)
+ component_srcdirs = None
+ if component_srcs is not None:
+ # see if we should be using COMPONENT_SRCS or COMPONENT_SRCDIRS, if COMPONENT_SRCS is everything in SRCDIRS
+ component_allsrcs = []
+ for d in v.get("COMPONENT_SRCDIRS", "").split(" "):
+ component_allsrcs += glob.glob(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(component_path, d, "*.[cS]")))
+ component_allsrcs += glob.glob(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(component_path, d, "*.cpp")))
+ abs_component_srcs = [os.path.normpath(os.path.join(component_path, p)) for p in component_srcs.split(" ")]
+ if set(component_allsrcs) == set(abs_component_srcs):
+ component_srcdirs = v.get("COMPONENT_SRCDIRS")
+ component_add_includedirs = v["COMPONENT_ADD_INCLUDEDIRS"]
+ cflags = v.get("CFLAGS", None)
+ with open(cmakelists_path, "w") as f:
+ f.write("set(COMPONENT_ADD_INCLUDEDIRS %s)\n\n" % component_add_includedirs)
+ if component_srcdirs is not None:
+ f.write("set(COMPONENT_SRCDIRS %s)\n\n" % component_srcdirs)
+ f.write("register_component()\n")
+ elif component_srcs is not None:
+ f.write("set(COMPONENT_SRCS %s)\n\n" % component_srcs)
+ f.write("register_component()\n")
+ else:
+ f.write("register_config_only_component()\n")
+ if cflags is not None:
+ f.write("component_compile_options(%s)\n" % cflags)
+ print("Converted %s" % cmakelists_path)
+def main():
+ global debug
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='convert_to_cmake.py - ESP-IDF Project Makefile to CMakeLists.txt converter', prog='convert_to_cmake')
+ parser.add_argument('--debug', help='Display debugging output',
+ action='store_true')
+ parser.add_argument('project', help='Path to project to convert (defaults to CWD)', default=os.getcwd(), metavar='project path', nargs='?')
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ debug = args.debug
+ print("Converting %s..." % args.project)
+ convert_project(args.project)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()