if (level.flags.is_maze_lev) {
lev->typ = ROOM;
- } else if (level.flags.is_cavernous_lev) {
+ } else if (level.flags.is_cavernous_lev &&
+ !in_town(dpx, dpy)) {
lev->typ = CORR;
} else {
lev->typ = DOOR;
add_damage(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my, 0L);
if (level.flags.is_maze_lev) {
here->typ = ROOM;
- } else if (level.flags.is_cavernous_lev) {
+ } else if (level.flags.is_cavernous_lev &&
+ !in_town(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my)) {
here->typ = CORR;
} else {
here->typ = DOOR;
} else if (!Blind)
pline_The("rock glows then fades.");
+ } else if (IS_TREE(room->typ)) {
+ if (!(room->wall_info & W_NONDIGGABLE)) {
+ room->typ = ROOM;
+ unblock_point(zx,zy); /* vision */
+ } else if (!Blind)
+ pline_The("tree glows then fades.");
+ break;
} else if (IS_ROCK(room->typ)) {
if (!may_dig(zx,zy)) break;
shopwall = TRUE;
watch_dig((struct monst *)0, zx, zy, TRUE);
- if (level.flags.is_cavernous_lev) {
+ if (level.flags.is_cavernous_lev && !in_town(zx, zy)) {
room->typ = CORR;
} else {
room->typ = DOOR;
room->doormask = D_NODOOR;
digdepth -= 2;
+ } else if (IS_TREE(room->typ)) {
+ room->typ = ROOM;
+ digdepth -= 2;
} else { /* IS_ROCK but not IS_WALL or SDOOR */
room->typ = CORR;
digtxt = "chew a hole in the wall.";
if (level.flags.is_maze_lev) {
lev->typ = ROOM;
- } else if (level.flags.is_cavernous_lev) {
+ } else if (level.flags.is_cavernous_lev && !in_town(x, y)) {
lev->typ = CORR;
} else {
lev->typ = DOOR;
lev->doormask = D_NODOOR;
+ } else if (IS_TREE(lev->typ)) {
+ digtxt = "chew through the tree.";
+ lev->typ = ROOM;
} else if (lev->typ == SDOOR) {
if (lev->doormask & D_TRAPPED) {
lev->doormask = D_NODOOR;