my @top_slowest = ();
my %normalyzed_info = ();
my %error_info = ();
+my %logs_type = ();
my %per_hour_info = ();
my %per_minute_info = ();
my %lock_info = ();
+ if (scalar keys %logs_type > 0) {
+ print $fh "\n- Logs per type ---------------------------------------------\n\n";
+ my $total_logs = 0;
+ foreach my $d (keys %logs_type) {
+ $total_logs += $logs_type{$d};
+ }
+ print $fh "Logs type Count Percentage\n";
+ foreach my $d (sort keys %logs_type) {
+ print $fh "$d\t\t", &comma_numbers($logs_type{$d}), "\t", sprintf("%0.2f", ($logs_type{$d}*100)/$total_logs), "%\n";
+ }
+ }
-moz-box-shadow:3px 3px 6px 2px #A9A9A9;
-webkit-box-shadow:3px 3px 6px #A9A9A9;
-#queriesbytype_graph, #lockbytype_graph, #databasesessions_graph, #usersessions_graph, #hostsessions_graph, #databaseconnections_graph, #userconnections_graph, #hostconnections_graph {
+#queriesbytype_graph, #lockbytype_graph, #databasesessions_graph, #usersessions_graph, #hostsessions_graph, #databaseconnections_graph, #userconnections_graph, #hostconnections_graph, #logstype_graph {
width : 500px;
height: 250px;
<h1 id="top">PgBadger</h1>
- if (!$error_only) {
- print $fh qq{
+ print $fh qq{
<div class="menu">
<a href="#OverallStatsReport">Overall statistics</a> |
+ if (!$error_only) {
if (!$disable_hourly) {
print $fh qq{<a href="#HourlyStatsReport">Hourly statistics</a> | };
<a href="#NormalizedQueriesSlowestAverageReport">Slowest queries (N)</a><br />
- if (!$disable_error) {
- print $fh qq{<a href="#NormalizedErrorsMostFrequentReport">Most frequent errors (N)</a> | };
- }
if (!$disable_lock && scalar keys %lock_info > 0) {
print $fh qq{<a href="#LocksByTypeReport">Locks by type</a> |};
print $fh qq{<a href="#ConnectionsUserReport">Connections per user</a> |};
if (exists $connection_info{host}) {
- print $fh qq{<a href="#ConnectionsHostReport">Connections per host</a> |};
+ print $fh qq{<a href="#ConnectionsHostReport">Connections per host</a><br>};
- print $fh "</div>\n";
+ if (!$disable_error) {
+ print $fh qq{<a href="#NormalizedErrorsMostFrequentReport">Most frequent errors (N)</a> | };
+ print $fh qq{<a href="#LogsTypeReport">Logs per type</a>};
+ }
+ print $fh "</div>\n";
print $fh "<p>Normalized reports are marked with a \"(N)\".</p>\n";
- if (!$error_only) {
- print $fh qq{
+ print $fh qq{
<div id="littleToc">
<div id="littleTocContent">
<li><a href="#top">^ Back to top</a></li><li><a href="#OverallStatsReport">Overall statistics</a></li>
+ if (!$error_only) {
if (!$disable_hourly) {
print $fh qq{<li><a href="#HourlyStatsReport">Hourly statistics</a></li>};
if (!$disable_query) {
print $fh qq{<a href="#SlowestQueriesReport">Slowest queries</a></li><li><a href="#NormalizedQueriesMostTimeReport">Queries that took up the most time (N)</a></li><li><a href="#NormalizedQueriesMostFrequentReport">Most frequent queries (N)</a></li><li><a href="#NormalizedQueriesSlowestAverageReport">Slowest queries (N)</a></li>};
- if (!$disable_error) {
- print $fh "<li><a href=\"#NormalizedErrorsMostFrequentReport\">Most frequent errors (N)</a></li>\n";
- }
- print $fh qq{</ul>
+ }
+ if (!$disable_error) {
+ print $fh "<li><a href=\"#NormalizedErrorsMostFrequentReport\">Most frequent errors (N)</a></li>\n";
+ print $fh qq{<li><a href="#LogsTypeReport">Logs per type</a></li>\n};
+ }
+ print $fh qq{</ul>
<div id="littleTocTitle">Table of contents</div>
- }
print $fh qq{
print $fh "</table>\n";
+ if (scalar keys %logs_type > 0) {
+ # Show log' types
+ print $fh qq{
+ <h2 id="LogsTypeReport">Logs per type <a href="#top" title="Back to top">^</a></h2>
+ <table>
+ <tr><td width="500" align="left" valign="top">
+ <table class="SmallTableList">
+ <tr>
+ <th>Type</th>
+ <th>Count</th>
+ <th>Percentage</th>
+ </tr>
+ };
+ my $total_logs = 0;
+ foreach my $d (sort keys %logs_type) {
+ $total_logs += $logs_type{$d};
+ }
+ my $c = 0;
+ foreach my $d (sort keys %logs_type) {
+ my $colb = $c % 2;
+ print $fh "<tr class=\"row$colb\"><td>$d</td><td class=\"right\">", &comma_numbers($logs_type{$d}), "</td><td class=\"right\">", sprintf("%0.2f", ($logs_type{$d}*100)/$total_logs), "%</td></tr>\n";
+ $c++;
+ }
+ print $fh "</table></td><td width=\"500\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">\n";
+ if ($graph && $total_logs) {
+ my %infos = ();
+ my @small = ();
+ foreach my $d (sort keys %logs_type) {
+ if ((($logs_type{$d}*100)/$total_logs) > $pie_percentage_limit) {
+ $infos{$d} = $logs_type{$d} || 0;
+ } else {
+ $infos{"Sum log types < $pie_percentage_limit%"} += $logs_type{$d} || 0;
+ push(@small, $d);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($#small == 0) {
+ $infos{$small[0]} = $infos{"Sum log types < $pie_percentage_limit%"};
+ delete $infos{"Sum log types < $pie_percentage_limit%"};
+ }
+ &flotr2_piegraph(17, 'logstype_graph','Logs per type', %infos);
+ }
+ print $fh "</td></tr></table>\n";
+ }
$first_log_date = "$t_year-$t_month-$t_day $t_hour:$t_min:$t_sec" if (!$first_log_date);
$last_log_date = "$t_year-$t_month-$t_day $t_hour:$t_min:$t_sec";
+ # Store a counter of logs type
+ $logs_type{$t_loglevel}++;
# Replace syslog tablulation rewrite
$t_query =~ s/#011/\t/g if ($format eq 'syslog');
# Remove line from session number