<h2><a name="introduction" id="introduction">Introduction</a></h2>
- <p>As of Apache HTTP server version 2.2 <code class="module"><a href="./mod/mod_cache.html">mod_cache</a></code> and
- <code class="module"><a href="./mod/mod_file_cache.html">mod_file_cache</a></code> are no longer marked experimental and are
- considered suitable for production use. These caching architectures provide
- a powerful means to accelerate HTTP handling, both as a webserver and as a
- proxy.</p>
+ <p>As of Apache HTTP server version 2.2 <code class="module"><a href="./mod/mod_cache.html">mod_cache</a></code>
+ and <code class="module"><a href="./mod/mod_file_cache.html">mod_file_cache</a></code> are no longer marked
+ experimental and are considered suitable for production use. These
+ caching architectures provide a powerful means to accelerate HTTP
+ handling, both as an origin webserver and as a proxy.</p>
<p><code class="module"><a href="./mod/mod_cache.html">mod_cache</a></code> and its provider modules
<code class="module"><a href="./mod/mod_mem_cache.html">mod_mem_cache</a></code> and <code class="module"><a href="./mod/mod_disk_cache.html">mod_disk_cache</a></code>
the complexity of actively ensuring the cachability of URLs,
<code class="module"><a href="./mod/mod_file_cache.html">mod_file_cache</a></code> offers file-handle and memory-mapping
tricks to keep a cache of files as they were when Apache was last
- started. As such <code class="module"><a href="./mod/mod_file_cache.html">mod_file_cache</a></code> is aimed at improving
+ started. As such, <code class="module"><a href="./mod/mod_file_cache.html">mod_file_cache</a></code> is aimed at improving
the access time to local static files which do not change very
<table class="related"><tr><th>Related Modules</th><th>Related Directives</th></tr><tr><td><ul><li><code class="module"><a href="./mod/mod_cache.html">mod_cache</a></code></li><li><code class="module"><a href="./mod/mod_mem_cache.html">mod_mem_cache</a></code></li><li><code class="module"><a href="./mod/mod_disk_cache.html">mod_disk_cache</a></code></li><li><code class="module"><a href="./mod/mod_file_cache.html">mod_file_cache</a></code></li></ul></td><td><ul><li><code class="directive"><a href="./mod/mod_cache.html#cacheenable">CacheEnable</a></code></li><li><code class="directive"><a href="./mod/mod_cache.html#cachedisable">CacheDisable</a></code></li><li><code class="directive"><a href="./mod/mod_file_cache.html#mmapstatic">MMapStatic</a></code></li><li><code class="directive"><a href="./mod/mod_file_cache.html#cachefile">CacheFile</a></code></li><li><code class="directive"><a href="./mod/mod_file_cache.html#cachefile">CacheFile</a></code></li><li><code class="directive"><a href="./mod/core.html#usecanonicalname">UseCanonicalName</a></code></li><li><code class="directive"><a href="./mod/mod_negotiation.html#cachenegotiateddocs">CacheNegotiatedDocs</a></code></li></ul></td></tr></table>
- <p>There are two main stages in <code class="module"><a href="./mod/mod_cache.html">mod_cache</a></code> which can
+ <p>There are two main stages in <code class="module"><a href="./mod/mod_cache.html">mod_cache</a></code> that can
occur in the lifetime of a request. First, <code class="module"><a href="./mod/mod_cache.html">mod_cache</a></code>
is a URL mapping module, which means that if a URL has been cached,
and the cached version of that URL has not expired, the request will
be served directly by <code class="module"><a href="./mod/mod_cache.html">mod_cache</a></code>.</p>
- <p>This means that any other stages with might ordinarily happen in the
- process of serving a request, for example being handled by
- <code class="module"><a href="./mod/mod_proxy.html">mod_proxy</a></code>, or <code class="module"><a href="./mod/mod_rewrite.html">mod_rewrite</a></code> won't happen.
- But then this is the point of caching content in the first place.</p>
+ <p>This means that any other stages that might ordinarily happen
+ in the process of serving a request -- for example being handled
+ by <code class="module"><a href="./mod/mod_proxy.html">mod_proxy</a></code>, or <code class="module"><a href="./mod/mod_rewrite.html">mod_rewrite</a></code> --
+ won't happen. But then this is the point of caching content in
+ the first place.</p>
<p>If the URL is not found within the cache, <code class="module"><a href="./mod/mod_cache.html">mod_cache</a></code>
will add a <a href="filter.html">filter</a> to the request handling. After
<dt><a name="algorithm" id="algorithm">Algorithmus</a></dt>
<dd>Eine eindeutige Formel oder ein Satz von Regeln zur Lösung eines
Problems in einer endlichen Anzahl von Schritten. Algorithmen zur
- Verschlüsselung werden üblicherweise <span title="siehe Glossar">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#cipher"><dfn>Chiffre</dfn></a> genannt.
+ Verschlüsselung werden üblicherweise <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#cipher" title="siehe Glossar"><dfn>Chiffre</dfn></a> genannt.
<dt><a name="apacheextensiontool" id="apacheextensiontool">APache
eXtension Tool</a> <a name="apxs" id="apxs">(apxs)</a></dt>
<dd>Ein Perl-Skript zur Kompilierung von <a href="#module">Modul</a>-Quelltexten zu Dynamic-Shared-Objects
- (<span title="siehe Glossar">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#dso">DSOs</a>) und zur Installation dieser zum
+ (<a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#dso" title="siehe Glossar">DSOs</a>) und zur Installation dieser zum
Apache-Webserver.<br />
Siehe: <code class="program"><a href="./programs/apxs.html">apxs</a></code>-Dokumentation
<span class="phonetic">[səˈtifikit sainiŋ
riˈkwest]</span> <a name="csr" id="csr">(CSR)</a></dt>
<dd><span class="transnote">(<em>Anm.d.Ü.:</em> Zertifikats-Signierungsanfrage)</span> Ein unsigniertes
- <span title="siehe Glossar">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#certificate">Zertifikat</a> zur Einreichung bei
- einer <span title="siehe Glossar">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#certificationauthority">Zertifizierungsstelle</a>, welche
- es mit dem <span title="siehe Glossar">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#privatekey">privaten Schlüssel</a>
+ <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#certificate" title="siehe Glossar">Zertifikat</a> zur Einreichung bei
+ einer <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#certificationauthority" title="siehe Glossar">Zertifizierungsstelle</a>, welche
+ es mit dem <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#privatekey" title="siehe Glossar">privaten Schlüssel</a>
ihres CA-<em>Zertifikats</em> signiert. Durch die Signatur wird ein CSR
zum echten Zertifikat.<br />
Siehe: <a href="ssl/">SSL/TLS-Verschlüsselung</a>
<dt><a name="ciphertext" id="ciphertext">Chiffretext</a></dt>
- <dd>Das Ergebnis, nachdem ein <span title="siehe Glossar">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#plaintext">Klartext</a>
- eine <span title="siehe Glossar">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#cipher">Chiffre</a> durchlaufen hat.<br />
+ <dd>Das Ergebnis, nachdem ein <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#plaintext" title="siehe Glossar">Klartext</a>
+ eine <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#cipher" title="siehe Glossar">Chiffre</a> durchlaufen hat.<br />
Siehe: <a href="ssl/">SSL/TLS-Verschlüsselung</a>
<dt><a name="connect" id="connect">CONNECT</a>
<span class="phonetic">[kənekt]</span></dt>
- <dd>Eine <span title="siehe Glossar">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#method">HTTP-Methode</a> zur Weiterleitung
+ <dd>Eine <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#method" title="siehe Glossar">HTTP-Methode</a> zur Weiterleitung
von Rohdaten über HTTP. Sie kann dazu verwendet werden, andere
Protokolle wie zum Beispiel das SSL-Protokoll zu kapseln.
<dt><a name="digitalsignature" id="digitalsignature">Digitale
<dd>Ein chiffrierter Textblock, der die Gültigkeit eines Zertifikats
- oder einer anderen Datei bestätigt. Eine <span title="siehe Glossar">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#certificationauthority">Zertifizierungsstelle</a> erstellt
- eine digitale Signatur durch Generierung eines <span title="siehe Glossar">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#hash">Hashs</a> aus dem in einem <em>Zertifikat</em>
+ oder einer anderen Datei bestätigt. Eine <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#certificationauthority" title="siehe Glossar">Zertifizierungsstelle</a> erstellt
+ eine digitale Signatur durch Generierung eines <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#hash" title="siehe Glossar">Hashs</a> aus dem in einem <em>Zertifikat</em>
enthaltenen <em>öffentlichen Schlüssel</em> und
anschließender Codierung des Hashs mit dem <em>privaten
Schlüssel</em> des Zertifikats. Nur der öffentliche
<dt><a name="directive" id="directive">Direktive</a></dt>
<dd>Eine Konfigurationsanweisung, die das Verhalten des Apache in einem
- oder mehreren Punkten steuert. Direktiven werden in den <span title="siehe Glossar">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#configurationfile">Konfigurationsdateien</a> gesetzt.<br />
+ oder mehreren Punkten steuert. Direktiven werden in den <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#configurationfile" title="siehe Glossar">Konfigurationsdateien</a> gesetzt.<br />
Siehe: <a href="mod/directives.html">Verzeichnis der Direktiven</a>
<span class="phonetic">[daiˈnæmik ʃɛəd
ˈɔbdʒikt]</span> <a name="dso" id="dso">(DSO)</a></dt>
<dd>Separat von der Apache-Binärdatei <code class="program"><a href="./programs/httpd.html">httpd</a></code>
- kompilierte <span title="siehe Glossar">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#module">Module</a>, die bei Bedarf
+ kompilierte <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#module" title="siehe Glossar">Module</a>, die bei Bedarf
geladen werden können.<br />
Siehe: <a href="dso.html">Unterstützung für
angewendet wird. Eingabefilter verarbeiten vom Client an den Server
gesendetet Daten, während Ausgabefilter vom Server an den Client zu
sendende Daten verarbeiten. Der Ausgabefilter <code>INCLUDES</code>
- beispielsweise untersucht Dokumente nach <span title="siehe Glossar">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#ssi">Server-Side-Includes</a> und führt sie aus.<br />
+ beispielsweise untersucht Dokumente nach <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#ssi" title="siehe Glossar">Server-Side-Includes</a> und führt sie aus.<br />
Siehe: <a href="filter.html">Filter</a>
vom Server bedient, einige Dateitypen werden jedoch separat "behandelt"
<span class="transnote">(<em>Anm.d.Ü.:</em> besitzen einen separaten Handler)</span>. Der
<code>cgi-script</code>-Handler beispielsweise kennzeichnet Dateien, die
- als <span title="siehe Glossar">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#cgi">CGI-Programme</a> ausgeführt werden
+ als <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#cgi" title="siehe Glossar">CGI-Programme</a> ausgeführt werden
sollen.<br />
Siehe: <a href="handler.html">Verwendung von Apache-Handlern</a>
<dt><a name="header" id="header">Header</a>
<span class="phonetic">[hedə]</span></dt>
- <dd>Der Teil der <span title="siehe Glossar">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#http">HTTP</a>-Anfrage und -Antwort,
+ <dd>Der Teil der <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#http" title="siehe Glossar">HTTP</a>-Anfrage und -Antwort,
der vor den eigentlichen Daten übermittelt wird und den Inhalt
beschreibende Meta-Informationen enthält.
<dt><a name="htaccess" id="htaccess">.htaccess</a></dt>
- <dd>Eine <span title="siehe Glossar">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#configurationfile">Konfigurationsdatei</a>,
+ <dd>Eine <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#configurationfile" title="siehe Glossar">Konfigurationsdatei</a>,
die innerhalb des Web-Verzeichnisbaums abgelegt wird und zu dem
Verzeichnis, in dem sie abgelegt ist, sowie allen Unterverzeichnissen
- <span title="siehe Glossar">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#directive">Konfigurationsdirektiven</a>
+ <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#directive" title="siehe Glossar">Konfigurationsdirektiven</a>
enthält. Trotz ihres Namens kann diese Datei nahezu alle Arten von
Direktiven enthalten, nicht nur Direktiven zur Zugriffskontrolle.<br />
Siehe: <a href="configuring.html">Konfigurationsdateien</a>
<dt><a name="httpd.conf" id="httpd.conf">httpd.conf</a></dt>
- <dd>Die <span title="siehe Glossar">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#configurationfile">Haupt-Konfigurationsdatei</a> ist
+ <dd>Die <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#configurationfile" title="siehe Glossar">Haupt-Konfigurationsdatei</a> ist
<code>/usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf</code>. Dies kann aber zur
Laufzeit oder zur Kompilierungszeit anders konfiguriert werden.<br />
Siehe: <a href="configuring.html">Konfigurationsdateien</a>
<dt><a name="https" id="https">HTTPS</a></dt>
<dd>Das HyperText-Transfer-Protokoll (Secure), der
Standard-Verschlüsselungsmechanismus im World Wide Web.
- Tatsächlich handelt es sich hierbei um HTTP über <span title="siehe Glossar">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#ssl">SSL</a>.<br />
+ Tatsächlich handelt es sich hierbei um HTTP über <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#ssl" title="siehe Glossar">SSL</a>.<br />
Siehe: <a href="ssl/">SSL/TLS-Verschlüsselung</a>
<dd>Der unverschlüsselte Text.</dd>
<dt><a name="configurationdirective" id="configurationdirective">Konfigurationsanweisung</a></dt>
- <dd>Siehe: <span title="siehe Glossar">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#directive">Direktive</a></dd>
+ <dd>Siehe: <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#directive" title="siehe Glossar">Direktive</a></dd>
<dt><a name="configurationfile" id="configurationfile">Konfigurationsdatei</a></dt>
- <dd>Eine Textdatei mit <span title="siehe Glossar">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#directive">Direktiven</a>,
+ <dd>Eine Textdatei mit <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#directive" title="siehe Glossar">Direktiven</a>,
welche die Konfiguration des Apache steuern.<br />
Siehe: <a href="configuring.html">Konfigurationsdateien</a>
<dt><a name="context" id="context">Kontext</a></dt>
- <dd>Ein Bereich in den <span title="siehe Glossar">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#configurationfile">Konfigurationsdateien</a>, in dem
- verschiedene Typen von <span title="siehe Glossar">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#directive">Direktiven</a>
+ <dd>Ein Bereich in den <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#configurationfile" title="siehe Glossar">Konfigurationsdateien</a>, in dem
+ verschiedene Typen von <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#directive" title="siehe Glossar">Direktiven</a>
erlaubt sind.<br />
Siehe: <a href="mod/directive-dict.html#Context">Erklärung der
Fachbegriffe zu Apache-Direktiven</a>
<dt><a name="method" id="method">Methode</a></dt>
- <dd>Im <span title="siehe Glossar">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#http">HTTP</a>-Kontext eine in der
+ <dd>Im <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#http" title="siehe Glossar">HTTP</a>-Kontext eine in der
Anfrage(zeile) des Clients angegeben Aktion, die auf eine Ressource
angewendet wird. <code>GET</code>, <code>POST</code> und <code>PUT</code>
sind einige der verfügbaren HTTP-Methoden.
einem Haupttyp und einem Untertyp, getrennt durch einen
Schrägstrich. Einige Beispiele sind <code>text/html</code>,
<code>image/gif</code> und <code>application/octet-stream</code>.
- Bei HTTP wird der MIME-Typ mit dem <span title="siehe Glossar">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#header">Header</a> <code>Content-Type</code>
+ Bei HTTP wird der MIME-Typ mit dem <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#header" title="siehe Glossar">Header</a> <code>Content-Type</code>
übermittelt.<br />
Siehe: <a href="mod/mod_mime.html">mod_mime</a>
oder entfernen können. In die Apache-Binärdatei <code class="program"><a href="./programs/httpd.html">httpd</a></code> einkompilierte Module werden <em>statische Module</em>
genannt, während Module, die separat gespeichert sind und optional
zur Laufzeit geladen werden können, <em>dynamische Module</em> oder
- <span title="siehe Glossar">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#dso">DSOs</a> genannt werden.
+ <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#dso" title="siehe Glossar">DSOs</a> genannt werden.
Standardmäßig eingebundene Module werden <em>Basismodule</em>
genannt. Für den Apache sind viele Module verfügbar, die nicht
- als Bestandteil des <span title="siehe Glossar">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#tarball">Apache-HTTP-Server-Tarballs</a> ausgeliefert
+ als Bestandteil des <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#tarball" title="siehe Glossar">Apache-HTTP-Server-Tarballs</a> ausgeliefert
werden. Diese werden als <em>Drittmodule</em> bezeichnet.<br />
Siehe: <a href="mod/">Modulverzeichnis</a>
<dt><a name="publickey" id="publickey">Öffentlicher
- <dd>Der öffentlich verfügbare Schlüssel in einem <span title="siehe Glossar">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#publickeycryptography">Public-Key-Kryptographie</a>-System,
+ <dd>Der öffentlich verfügbare Schlüssel in einem <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#publickeycryptography" title="siehe Glossar">Public-Key-Kryptographie</a>-System,
mit dem für seinen Eigentümer bestimmte Nachrichten
verschlüsselt und Signaturen von seinem Eigentümer
entschlüsselt werden.<br />
<dd>Das Wort oder die Phrase, welches private Schlüssel-Dateien
schützt. Sie verhindert die Entschlüsselung durch nicht
authorisierte Benutzer. Normalerweise ist dies einfach der geheimen
- (De-)Codierungsschlüssel, der für <span title="siehe Glossar">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#cipher">Chiffren</a> verwendet wird.<br />
+ (De-)Codierungsschlüssel, der für <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#cipher" title="siehe Glossar">Chiffren</a> verwendet wird.<br />
Siehe: <a href="ssl/">SSL/TLS-Verschlüsselung</a>
<dt><a name="privatekey" id="privatekey">Privater Schlüssel</a></dt>
- <dd>Der geheime Schlüssel in einem <span title="siehe Glossar">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#publickeycryptography">Public-Key-Kryptographie</a>-System,
+ <dd>Der geheime Schlüssel in einem <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#publickeycryptography" title="siehe Glossar">Public-Key-Kryptographie</a>-System,
mit dem hereinkommende Nachrichten decodiert und ausgehende signiert
werden.<br />
Siehe: <a href="ssl/">SSL/TLS-Verschlüsselung</a>
<dt><a name="reverseproxy" id="reverseproxy">Reverse Proxy</a>
<span class="phonetic">[riːvəːs
- <dd>Ein <span title="siehe Glossar">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#proxy">Proxy</a>-Server, der dem Client
+ <dd>Ein <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#proxy" title="siehe Glossar">Proxy</a>-Server, der dem Client
gegenüber als <em>ursprünglicher Server</em> erscheint. Dies
ist nützlich, um den tatsächlichen Server aus
Sicherheitsgründen oder zur Lastverteilung vor dem Client zu
<a name="url" id="url">(URL)</a></dt>
<dd>Der Name bzw. die Adresse einer Ressource im Internet. Dies ist der
allgemein gebräuchliche Audruck für die formale Bezeichnung
- <span title="siehe Glossar">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#uniformresourceidentifier">Uniform Resource
+ <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#uniformresourceidentifier" title="siehe Glossar">Uniform Resource
Identifier</a>. URLs bestehen üblicherweise aus einem
Schema wie <code>http</code> oder <code>https</code>, einem Hostnamen
und einem Pfad. Die URL für diese Seite ist
<dd>Eine kompakte Zeichenfolge zur Identifizierung einer abstrakten oder
physischen Ressource. Er wird in dem <a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt">RFC 2396</a> formell
definiert. Im World Wide Web verwendete URIs werden üblicherweise
- als <span title="siehe Glossar">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#url">URLs</a> bezeichnet.
+ als <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#url" title="siehe Glossar">URLs</a> bezeichnet.
<dt><a name="virtualhosting" id="virtualhosting">Virtual-Hosting</a>
<dt><a name="certificate" id="certificate">Zertifikat</a></dt>
- <dd>Ein Datensatz zur <span title="siehe Glossar">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#authentication">Authentisierung</a> einer
+ <dd>Ein Datensatz zur <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#authentication" title="siehe Glossar">Authentisierung</a> einer
Nertzwerkeinheit wie Server oder Client. Ein Zertifikat
- enthält <span title="siehe Glossar">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#x.509">X.509</a>-Informationen
+ enthält <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#x.509" title="siehe Glossar">X.509</a>-Informationen
über seinen Eigentümer (das sogenannte Betreff
<span class="transnote">(<em>Anm.d.Ü.:</em> engl.: subject)</span>) und die
- signierende <span title="siehe Glossar">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#certificationauthority">Certification
+ signierende <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#certificationauthority" title="siehe Glossar">Certification
Authority</a> (der sogenannte Aussteller <span class="transnote">(<em>Anm.d.Ü.:</em> engl.:
- issuer)</span>) sowie den <span title="siehe Glossar">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#publickey">öffentlichen Schlüssel</a> des
+ issuer)</span>) sowie den <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#publickey" title="siehe Glossar">öffentlichen Schlüssel</a> des
Eigentümers und die Signatur der CA. Netzwerkeinheiten
überprüfen diese Signatur mit Hilfe von CA-Zertifikaten.<br />
Siehe: <a href="ssl/">SSL/TLS-Verschlüsselung</a>
<dt><a name="apacheextensiontool" id="apacheextensiontool">APache
eXtension Tool</a> <a name="apxs" id="apxs">(apxs)</a></dt>
- <dd>A perl script that aids in compiling <span title="see glossary">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#module">module</a> sources into Dynamic Shared Objects
- (<span title="see glossary">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#dso">DSO</a>s) and helps install them in the
+ <dd>A perl script that aids in compiling <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#module" title="see glossary">module</a> sources into Dynamic Shared Objects
+ (<a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#dso" title="see glossary">DSO</a>s) and helps install them in the
Apache Web server.<br />
See: Manual Page: <code class="program"><a href="./programs/apxs.html">apxs</a></code>
<dt><a name="certificate" id="certificate">Certificate</a></dt>
<dd>A data record used for authenticating network entities such
as a server or a client. A certificate contains X.509 information pieces
- about its owner (called the subject) and the signing <span title="see glossary">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#certificationauthority">Certification Authority</a> (called
- the issuer), plus the owner's <span title="see glossary">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#publickey">public
+ about its owner (called the subject) and the signing <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#certificationauthority" title="see glossary">Certification Authority</a> (called
+ the issuer), plus the owner's <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#publickey" title="see glossary">public
key</a> and the
signature made by the CA. Network entities verify these signatures
using CA certificates.<br />
<dt><a name="certificatsigningrequest" id="certificatsigningrequest">Certificate Signing Request</a>
<a name="csr" id="csr">(CSR)</a></dt>
- <dd>An unsigned <span title="see glossary">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#certificate">certificate</a> for
- submission to a <span title="see glossary">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#certificationauthority">Certification
- Authority</a>, which signs it with the <span title="see glossary">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#privatekey">Private Key</a> of their CA
+ <dd>An unsigned <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#certificate" title="see glossary">certificate</a> for
+ submission to a <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#certificationauthority" title="see glossary">Certification
+ Authority</a>, which signs it with the <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#privatekey" title="see glossary">Private Key</a> of their CA
<em>Certificate</em>. Once the CSR is signed, it becomes a real
certificate.<br />
See: <a href="ssl/">SSL/TLS Encryption</a>
<dt><a name="ciphertext" id="ciphertext">Ciphertext</a></dt>
- <dd>The result after <span title="see glossary">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#plaintext">Plaintext</a> is
- passed through a <span title="see glossary">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#cipher">Cipher</a>.<br /> See: <a href="ssl/">SSL/TLS Encryption</a>
+ <dd>The result after <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#plaintext" title="see glossary">Plaintext</a> is
+ passed through a <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#cipher" title="see glossary">Cipher</a>.<br /> See: <a href="ssl/">SSL/TLS Encryption</a>
<dt><a name="commongatewayinterface" id="commongatewayinterface">Common
<dt><a name="configurationdirective" id="configurationdirective">Configuration Directive</a></dt>
- <dd>See: <span title="see glossary">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#directive">Directive</a></dd>
+ <dd>See: <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#directive" title="see glossary">Directive</a></dd>
<dt><a name="configurationfile" id="configurationfile">Configuration
- <dd>A text file containing <span title="see glossary">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#directive">Directives</a>
+ <dd>A text file containing <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#directive" title="see glossary">Directives</a>
that control the configuration of Apache.<br />
See: <a href="configuring.html">Configuration Files</a>
<dt><a name="connect" id="connect">CONNECT</a></dt>
- <dd>An HTTP <span title="see glossary">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#method">method</a> for proxying raw data
+ <dd>An HTTP <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#method" title="see glossary">method</a> for proxying raw data
channels over HTTP. It can be used to encapsulate other protocols, such as
the SSL protocol.
<dt><a name="context" id="context">Context</a></dt>
- <dd>An area in the <span title="see glossary">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#configurationfile">configuration
- files</a> where certain types of <span title="see glossary">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#directive">directives</a> are allowed.<br />
+ <dd>An area in the <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#configurationfile" title="see glossary">configuration
+ files</a> where certain types of <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#directive" title="see glossary">directives</a> are allowed.<br />
See: <a href="mod/directive-dict.html#Context">Terms Used to Describe
Apache Directives</a>
<dt><a name="digitalsignature" id="digitalsignature">Digital
<dd>An encrypted text block that validates a certificate or other file. A
- <span title="see glossary">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#certificationauthority">Certification Authority</a>
+ <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#certificationauthority" title="see glossary">Certification Authority</a>
creates a signature by generating a hash of the <em>Public Key</em>
embedded in a <em>Certificate</em>, then encrypting the hash with its own
<em>Private Key</em>. Only the CA's public key can decrypt the signature,
<dt><a name="directive" id="directive">Directive</a></dt>
<dd>A configuration command that controls one or more aspects of Apache's
- behavior. Directives are placed in the <span title="see glossary">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#configurationfile">Configuration File</a><br />
+ behavior. Directives are placed in the <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#configurationfile" title="see glossary">Configuration File</a><br />
See: <a href="mod/directives.html">Directive Index</a>
<dt><a name="dynamicsharedobject" id="dynamicsharedobject">Dynamic
Shared Object</a> <a name="dso" id="dso">(DSO)</a></dt>
- <dd><span title="see glossary">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#module">Modules</a> compiled separately from the
+ <dd><a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#module" title="see glossary">Modules</a> compiled separately from the
Apache <code class="program"><a href="./programs/httpd.html">httpd</a></code> binary that can be loaded on-demand.<br />
See: <a href="dso.html">Dynamic Shared Object Support</a>
server. Input filters process data sent by the client to the server,
while output filters process documents on the server before they are sent
to the client. For example, the <code>INCLUDES</code> output filter
- processes documents for <span title="see glossary">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#ssi">Server Side
+ processes documents for <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#ssi" title="see glossary">Server Side
Includes</a>.<br />
See: <a href="filter.html">Filters</a>
type. Normally, all files are simply served by the server, but certain
file types are "handled" separately. For example, the
<code>cgi-script</code> handler designates files to be processed as
- <span title="see glossary">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#cgi">CGIs</a>.<br />
+ <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#cgi" title="see glossary">CGIs</a>.<br />
See: <a href="handler.html">Apache's Handler Use</a>
<dt><a name="header" id="header">Header</a></dt>
- <dd>The part of the <span title="see glossary">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#http">HTTP</a> request and
+ <dd>The part of the <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#http" title="see glossary">HTTP</a> request and
response that is sent before the actual content, and that contains
meta-information describing the content.
<dt><a name="htaccess" id="htaccess">.htaccess</a></dt>
- <dd>A <span title="see glossary">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#configurationfile">configuration file</a> that
- is placed inside the web tree and applies configuration <span title="see glossary">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#directive">directives</a> to the directory where it is
+ <dd>A <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#configurationfile" title="see glossary">configuration file</a> that
+ is placed inside the web tree and applies configuration <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#directive" title="see glossary">directives</a> to the directory where it is
placed and all sub-directories. Despite its name, this file can hold
almost any type of directive, not just access-control directives.<br />
See: <a href="configuring.html">Configuration Files</a>
<dt><a name="httpd.conf" id="httpd.conf">httpd.conf</a></dt>
- <dd>The main Apache <span title="see glossary">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#configurationfile">configuration
+ <dd>The main Apache <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#configurationfile" title="see glossary">configuration
file</a>. The default location is
<code>/usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf</code>, but it may be moved using
run-time or compile-time configuration.<br />
<dt><a name="https" id="https">HTTPS</a></dt>
<dd>The HyperText Transfer Protocol (Secure), the standard encrypted
communication mechanism on the World Wide Web. This is actually just HTTP
- over <span title="see glossary">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#ssl">SSL</a>.<br />
+ over <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#ssl" title="see glossary">SSL</a>.<br />
See: <a href="ssl/">SSL/TLS Encryption</a>
<dt><a name="method" id="method">Method</a></dt>
- <dd>In the context of <span title="see glossary">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#http">HTTP</a>, an action to
+ <dd>In the context of <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#http" title="see glossary">HTTP</a>, an action to
perform on a resource, specified on the request line by the client. Some
of the methods available in HTTP are <code>GET</code>, <code>POST</code>,
and <code>PUT</code>.
separated by a slash. Some examples are <code>text/html</code>,
<code>image/gif</code>, and <code>application/octet-stream</code>. In
HTTP, the MIME-type is transmitted in the <code>Content-Type</code>
- <span title="see glossary">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#header">header</a>.<br />
+ <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#header" title="see glossary">header</a>.<br />
See: <a href="mod/mod_mime.html">mod_mime</a>
that are compiled into the Apache <code class="program"><a href="./programs/httpd.html">httpd</a></code> binary are
called <dfn>static modules</dfn>, while modules that are stored
separately and can be optionally loaded at run-time are called
- <dfn>dynamic modules</dfn> or <span title="see glossary">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#dso">DSOs</a>.
+ <dfn>dynamic modules</dfn> or <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#dso" title="see glossary">DSOs</a>.
Modules that are included by default
are called <dfn>base modules</dfn>. Many modules are available for Apache
- that are not distributed as part of the Apache HTTP Server <span title="see glossary">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#tarball">tarball</a>. These are referred to as
+ that are not distributed as part of the Apache HTTP Server <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#tarball" title="see glossary">tarball</a>. These are referred to as
<dfn>third-party modules</dfn>.<br />
See: <a href="mod/">Module Index</a>
<dt><a name="passphrase" id="passphrase">Pass Phrase</a></dt>
<dd>The word or phrase that protects private key files. It prevents
unauthorized users from encrypting them. Usually it's just the secret
- encryption/decryption key used for <span title="see glossary">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#cipher">Ciphers</a>.<br />
+ encryption/decryption key used for <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#cipher" title="see glossary">Ciphers</a>.<br />
See: <a href="ssl/">SSL/TLS Encryption</a>
<dd>The unencrypted text.</dd>
<dt><a name="privatekey" id="privatekey">Private Key</a></dt>
- <dd>The secret key in a <span title="see glossary">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#publickeycryptography">Public Key
+ <dd>The secret key in a <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#publickeycryptography" title="see glossary">Public Key
Cryptography</a> system, used to decrypt incoming messages and
sign outgoing ones.<br />
See: <a href="ssl/">SSL/TLS Encryption</a>
<dt><a name="publickey" id="publickey">Public Key</a></dt>
- <dd>The publicly available key in a <span title="see glossary">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#publickeycryptography">Public Key Cryptography</a> system,
+ <dd>The publicly available key in a <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#publickeycryptography" title="see glossary">Public Key Cryptography</a> system,
used to encrypt messages bound for its owner and to decrypt signatures
made by its owner.<br />
See: <a href="ssl/">SSL/TLS Encryption</a>
<dt><a name="reverseproxy" id="reverseproxy">Reverse Proxy</a></dt>
- <dd>A <span title="see glossary">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#proxy">proxy</a> server that appears to the client
+ <dd>A <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#proxy" title="see glossary">proxy</a> server that appears to the client
as if it is an <em>origin server</em>. This is useful to hide the real
origin server from the client for security reasons, or to load balance.
<dt><a name="uniformresourcelocator" id="uniformresourcelocator">Uniform
Resource Locator</a> <a name="url" id="url">(URL)</a></dt>
<dd>The name/address of a resource on the Internet. This is the common
- informal term for what is formally called a <span title="see glossary">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#uniformresourceidentifier">Uniform Resource Identifier</a>.
+ informal term for what is formally called a <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#uniformresourceidentifier" title="see glossary">Uniform Resource Identifier</a>.
URLs are usually made up of a scheme, like <code>http</code> or
<code>https</code>, a hostname, and a path. A URL for this page is
<a name="URI" id="URI">(URI)</a></dt>
<dd>A compact string of characters for identifying an abstract or physical
resource. It is formally defined by <a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt">RFC 2396</a>. URIs used on the
- world-wide web are commonly referred to as <span title="see glossary">→</span> <a href="./glossary.html#url">URLs</a>.
+ world-wide web are commonly referred to as <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#url" title="see glossary">URLs</a>.
<dt><a name="virtualhosting" id="virtualhosting">Virtual Hosting</a></dt>
- <p>Extended regular
- expressions can also be used, with the addition of the
+ <p><a class="glossarylink" href="../glossary.html#regex" title="see glossary">Regular
+ expressions</a> can also be used, with the addition of the
<code>~</code> character. For example:</p>
<div class="example"><p><code>
<code></DirectoryMatch></code> are used to enclose a group
of directives which will apply only to the named directory and
sub-directories of that directory, the same as <code class="directive"><a href="#directory"><Directory></a></code>. However, it
- takes as an argument a regular expression. For example:</p>
+ takes as an argument a <a class="glossarylink" href="../glossary.html#regex" title="see glossary">regular
+ expression</a>. For example:</p>
<div class="example"><p><code>
<DirectoryMatch "^/www/(.+/)?[0-9]{3}">
<p>The <var>filename</var> argument should include a filename, or
a wild-card string, where <code>?</code> matches any single character,
- and <code>*</code> matches any sequences of characters. Extended regular
- expressions can also be used, with the addition of the
+ and <code>*</code> matches any sequences of characters.
+ <a class="glossarylink" href="../glossary.html#regex" title="see glossary">Regular expressions</a>
+ can also be used, with the addition of the
<code>~</code> character. For example:</p>
<div class="example"><p><code>
<p>The <code class="directive"><FilesMatch></code> directive
limits the scope of the enclosed directives by filename, just as the
<code class="directive"><a href="#files"><Files></a></code> directive
- does. However, it accepts a regular expression. For example:</p>
+ does. However, it accepts a <a class="glossarylink" href="../glossary.html#regex" title="see glossary">regular
+ expression</a>. For example:</p>
<div class="example"><p><code>
<FilesMatch "\.(gif|jpe?g|png)$">
any single character, and <code>*</code> matches any sequences of
- <p>Extended regular
- expressions can also be used, with the addition of the
+ <p><a class="glossarylink" href="../glossary.html#regex" title="see glossary">Regular expressions</a>
+ can also be used, with the addition of the
<code>~</code> character. For example:</p>
<div class="example"><p><code>
<p>The <code class="directive"><LocationMatch></code> directive
limits the scope of the enclosed directives by URL, in an identical manner
to <code class="directive"><a href="#location"><Location></a></code>. However,
- it takes a regular expression as an argument instead of a simple
- string. For example:</p>
+ it takes a <a class="glossarylink" href="../glossary.html#regex" title="see glossary">regular expression</a>
+ as an argument instead of a simple string. For example:</p>
<div class="example"><p><code>
<LocationMatch "/(extra|special)/data">
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE modulesynopsis SYSTEM "../style/modulesynopsis.dtd">
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="../style/manual.de.xsl"?>
-<!-- English Revision: 167959:290537 (outdated) -->
+<!-- English Revision: 167959:290729 (outdated) -->
Copyright 2003-2005 The Apache Software Foundation or its licensors,
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-2022-jp"?>
<!DOCTYPE modulesynopsis SYSTEM "../style/modulesynopsis.dtd">
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="../style/manual.ja.xsl"?>
-<!-- English Revision: 190982:290537 (outdated) -->
+<!-- English Revision: 190982:290729 (outdated) -->
Copyright 2003-2005 The Apache Software Foundation or its licensors,
- <dd>A Perl-compatible <a href="../glossary.html#regex">regular
+ <dd>A Perl-compatible <a class="glossarylink" href="../glossary.html#regex" title="see glossary">regular
expression</a>. The directive definition will specify what the
<em>regex</em> is matching against.</dd>
<a href="../ja/mod/directive-dict.html" title="Japanese"> ja </a> |
<a href="../ko/mod/directive-dict.html" hreflang="ko" rel="alternate" title="Korean"> ko </a></p>
+<div class="outofdate">This translation may be out of date. Check the
+ English version for recent changes.</div>
<p>¤³¤Îʸ½ñ¤Ï³Æ Apache <a href="directives.html">ÀßÄê¥Ç¥£¥ì¥¯¥Æ¥£¥Ö</a>
<a href="../ja/mod/directive-dict.html" hreflang="ja" rel="alternate" title="Japanese"> ja </a> |
<a href="../ko/mod/directive-dict.html" title="Korean"> ko </a></p>
+<div class="outofdate">ÀÌ ¹®¼´Â ÃÖ½ÅÆÇ ¹ø¿ªÀÌ ¾Æ´Õ´Ï´Ù.
+ ÃÖ±Ù¿¡ º¯°æµÈ ³»¿ëÀº ¿µ¾î ¹®¼¸¦ Âü°íÇϼ¼¿ä.</div>
<p>ÀÌ ¹®¼´Â ¾ÆÆÄÄ¡ <a href="directives.html">¼³Á¤
Áö½Ã¾î</a>¸¦ ¼³¸íÇϴµ¥ »ç¿ëÇÑ ¿ë¾îµéÀ» ¼³¸íÇÑ´Ù.</p>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-2022-jp"?>
<!DOCTYPE manualpage SYSTEM "../style/manualpage.dtd">
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="../style/manual.ja.xsl"?>
-<!-- English Revision: 151408 -->
+<!-- English Revision: 151408:290723 (outdated) -->
Copyright 2002-2005 The Apache Software Foundation or its licensors,
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="EUC-KR" ?>
<!DOCTYPE manualpage SYSTEM "../style/manualpage.dtd">
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="../style/manual.ko.xsl"?>
-<!-- English Revision: 151408 -->
+<!-- English Revision: 151408:290723 (outdated) -->
Copyright 2003-2005 The Apache Software Foundation or its licensors,
- <variant>ja</variant>
- <variant>ko</variant>
+ <variant outdated="yes">ja</variant>
+ <variant outdated="yes">ko</variant>
<tr><th><a href="directive-dict.html#Status">Status:</a></th><td>Base</td></tr>
<tr><th><a href="directive-dict.html#Module">Module:</a></th><td>mod_alias</td></tr>
- <p>This directive is equivalent to <code class="directive"><a href="#alias">Alias</a></code>, but makes use of standard
- regular expressions, instead of simple prefix matching. The
+ <p>This directive is equivalent to <code class="directive"><a href="#alias">Alias</a></code>, but makes use of
+ <a class="glossarylink" href="../glossary.html#regex" title="see glossary">regular expressions</a>,
+ instead of simple prefix matching. The
supplied regular expression is matched against the URL-path, and
if it matches, the server will substitute any parenthesized
matches into the given string and use it as a filename. For
<tr><th><a href="directive-dict.html#Status">Status:</a></th><td>Base</td></tr>
<tr><th><a href="directive-dict.html#Module">Module:</a></th><td>mod_alias</td></tr>
- <p>This directive is equivalent to <code class="directive"><a href="#redirect">Redirect</a></code>, but makes use of standard
- regular expressions, instead of simple prefix matching. The
+ <p>This directive is equivalent to <code class="directive"><a href="#redirect">Redirect</a></code>, but makes use of
+ <a class="glossarylink" href="../glossary.html#regex" title="see glossary">regular expressions</a>,
+ instead of simple prefix matching. The
supplied regular expression is matched against the URL-path, and
if it matches, the server will substitute any parenthesized
matches into the given string and use it as a filename. For
<tr><th><a href="directive-dict.html#Status">Status:</a></th><td>Base</td></tr>
<tr><th><a href="directive-dict.html#Module">Module:</a></th><td>mod_alias</td></tr>
- <p>This directive is equivalent to <code class="directive"><a href="#scriptalias">ScriptAlias</a></code>, but makes use of standard
- regular expressions, instead of simple prefix matching. The
+ <p>This directive is equivalent to <code class="directive"><a href="#scriptalias">ScriptAlias</a></code>, but makes use of
+ <a class="glossarylink" href="../glossary.html#regex" title="see glossary">regular expressions</a>,
+ instead of simple prefix matching. The
supplied regular expression is matched against the URL-path,
and if it matches, the server will substitute any parenthesized
matches into the given string and use it as a filename. For
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-2022-jp"?>
<!DOCTYPE modulesynopsis SYSTEM "../style/modulesynopsis.dtd">
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="../style/manual.ja.xsl"?>
-<!-- English Revision: 151408:240299 (outdated) -->
+<!-- English Revision: 151408:290723 (outdated) -->
Copyright 2002-2005 The Apache Software Foundation or its licensors,
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="EUC-KR" ?>
<!DOCTYPE modulesynopsis SYSTEM "../style/modulesynopsis.dtd">
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="../style/manual.ko.xsl"?>
-<!-- English Revision: 151408:240299 (outdated) -->
+<!-- English Revision: 151408:290723 (outdated) -->
Copyright 2004-2005 The Apache Software Foundation or its licensors,
BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4\.0[678] no-gzip<br />
<br />
# MSIE masquerades as Netscape, but it is fine<br />
- # BrowserMatch \bMSIE !no-gzip !gzip-only-text/html<br />
- <br />
- # NOTE: Due to a bug in mod_setenvif up to Apache 2.0.48<br />
- # the above regex won't work. You can use the following<br />
- # workaround to get the desired effect:<br />
- BrowserMatch \bMSI[E] !no-gzip !gzip-only-text/html<br />
- <br />
+ BrowserMatch \bMSIE !no-gzip !gzip-only-text/html<br />
# Don't compress images<br />
SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI \<br />
<span class="indent">
<a href="../ja/mod/mod_deflate.html" title="Japanese"> ja </a> |
<a href="../ko/mod/mod_deflate.html" hreflang="ko" rel="alternate" title="Korean"> ko </a></p>
+<div class="outofdate">This translation may be out of date. Check the
+ English version for recent changes.</div>
<table class="module"><tr><th><a href="module-dict.html#Description">ÀâÌÀ:</a></th><td>¥¯¥é¥¤¥¢¥ó¥È¤ØÁ÷¤é¤ì¤ëÁ°¤Ë¥³¥ó¥Æ¥ó¥Ä¤ò°µ½Ì¤¹¤ë</td></tr>
<tr><th><a href="module-dict.html#Status">¥¹¥Æ¡¼¥¿¥¹:</a></th><td>Extension</td></tr>
<tr><th><a href="module-dict.html#ModuleIdentifier">¥â¥¸¥å¡¼¥ë¼±ÊÌ»Ò:</a></th><td>deflate_module</td></tr>
<a href="../ja/mod/mod_deflate.html" hreflang="ja" rel="alternate" title="Japanese"> ja </a> |
<a href="../ko/mod/mod_deflate.html" title="Korean"> ko </a></p>
+<div class="outofdate">ÀÌ ¹®¼´Â ÃÖ½ÅÆÇ ¹ø¿ªÀÌ ¾Æ´Õ´Ï´Ù.
+ ÃÖ±Ù¿¡ º¯°æµÈ ³»¿ëÀº ¿µ¾î ¹®¼¸¦ Âü°íÇϼ¼¿ä.</div>
<table class="module"><tr><th><a href="module-dict.html#Description">¼³¸í:</a></th><td>³»¿ëÀ» Ŭ¶óÀ̾ðÆ®·Î º¸³»±â Àü¿¡ ¾ÐÃàÇÑ´Ù</td></tr>
<tr><th><a href="module-dict.html#Status">»óÅÂ:</a></th><td>Extension</td></tr>
<tr><th><a href="module-dict.html#ModuleIdentifier">¸ðµâ¸í:</a></th><td>deflate_module</td></tr>
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- <variant>ja</variant>
- <variant>ko</variant>
+ <variant outdated="yes">ja</variant>
+ <variant outdated="yes">ko</variant>
<p>The <var>match</var> argument specifies a match that will be applied to
the filter's <var>dispatch</var> criterion. The <var>match</var> may be
- a string match (exact match or substring), a regexp, an integer (greater,
- lessthan or equals), or unconditional. The first characters of the
- <var>match</var> argument determines this:</p>
+ a string match (exact match or substring), a <a class="glossarylink" href="../glossary.html#regex" title="see glossary">regex</a>, an integer (greater, lessthan or equals), or
+ unconditional. The first characters of the <var>match</var> argument
+ determines this:</p>
<p><strong>First</strong>, if the first character is an exclamation mark
(<code>!</code>), this reverses the rule, so the provider will be used
<table class="bordered"><tr class="header"><th>Character</th><th>Description</th></tr>
<tr><td><em>(none)</em></td><td>exact match</td></tr>
<tr class="odd"><td><code>$</code></td><td>substring match</td></tr>
-<tr><td><code>/</code></td><td>regexp match (delimited by a second <code>/</code>)</td></tr>
+<tr><td><code>/</code></td><td>regex match (delimited by a second <code>/</code>)</td></tr>
<tr class="odd"><td><code>=</code></td><td>integer equality</td></tr>
<tr><td><code><</code></td><td>integer less-than</td></tr>
<tr class="odd"><td><code><=</code></td><td>integer less-than or equal</td></tr>
<dd>Request headers with this name are echoed back in the
- response headers. <var>header</var> may be a regular expression.
+ response headers. <var>header</var> may be a
+ <a class="glossarylink" href="../glossary.html#regex" title="see glossary">regular expression</a>.
<var>value</var> must be omitted.</dd>
can include the final colon, but it is not required. Case is
ignored for <code>set</code>, <code>append</code>, <code>add</code>
and <code>unset</code>. The <var>header</var> name for <code>echo</code>
- is case sensitive and may be a regular expression.</p>
+ is case sensitive and may be a <a class="glossarylink" href="../glossary.html#regex" title="see glossary">regular
+ expression</a>.</p>
<p>For <code>add</code>, <code>append</code> and <code>set</code> a
<var>value</var> is specified as the third argument. If <var>value</var>
<a href="../ja/mod/mod_headers.html" title="Japanese"> ja </a> |
<a href="../ko/mod/mod_headers.html" hreflang="ko" rel="alternate" title="Korean"> ko </a></p>
+<div class="outofdate">This translation may be out of date. Check the
+ English version for recent changes.</div>
<table class="module"><tr><th><a href="module-dict.html#Description">ÀâÌÀ:</a></th><td>HTTP ¥ê¥¯¥¨¥¹¥È¤Î¥Ø¥Ã¥À¤È±þÅú¤Î¥Ø¥Ã¥À¤Î¥«¥¹¥¿¥Þ¥¤¥º</td></tr>
<tr><th><a href="module-dict.html#Status">¥¹¥Æ¡¼¥¿¥¹:</a></th><td>Extension</td></tr>
<tr><th><a href="module-dict.html#ModuleIdentifier">¥â¥¸¥å¡¼¥ë¼±ÊÌ»Ò:</a></th><td>headers_module</td></tr>
<a href="../ja/mod/mod_headers.html" hreflang="ja" rel="alternate" title="Japanese"> ja </a> |
<a href="../ko/mod/mod_headers.html" title="Korean"> ko </a></p>
+<div class="outofdate">ÀÌ ¹®¼´Â ÃÖ½ÅÆÇ ¹ø¿ªÀÌ ¾Æ´Õ´Ï´Ù.
+ ÃÖ±Ù¿¡ º¯°æµÈ ³»¿ëÀº ¿µ¾î ¹®¼¸¦ Âü°íÇϼ¼¿ä.</div>
<table class="module"><tr><th><a href="module-dict.html#Description">¼³¸í:</a></th><td>HTTP ¿äû Çì´õ¿Í ÀÀ´ä Çì´õ ¼öÁ¤</td></tr>
<tr><th><a href="module-dict.html#Status">»óÅÂ:</a></th><td>Extension</td></tr>
<tr><th><a href="module-dict.html#ModuleIdentifier">¸ðµâ¸í:</a></th><td>headers_module</td></tr>
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- <variant>ja</variant>
- <variant>ko</variant>
+ <variant outdated="yes">ja</variant>
+ <variant outdated="yes">ko</variant>
<p>The <code class="directive"><ProxyMatch></code> directive is
identical to the <code class="directive"><a href="#proxy"><Proxy></a></code> directive, except it matches URLs
- using regular expressions.</p>
+ using <a class="glossarylink" href="../glossary.html#regex" title="see glossary">regular expressions</a>.</p>
<div class="top"><a href="#page-header"><img alt="top" src="../images/up.gif" /></a></div>
<p>The <code class="directive">ProxyRemoteMatch</code> is identical to the
<code class="directive"><a href="#proxyremote">ProxyRemote</a></code> directive, except the
- first argument is a regular expression match against the requested URL.</p>
+ first argument is a <a class="glossarylink" href="../glossary.html#regex" title="see glossary">regular expression</a>
+ match against the requested URL.</p>
<div class="top"><a href="#page-header"><img alt="top" src="../images/up.gif" /></a></div>
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-<!-- English Revision: 189754:239684 (outdated) -->
+<!-- English Revision: 189754:290723 (outdated) -->
Copyright 2005 The Apache Software Foundation or its licensors, as
because any number of rules may already have matched and made
alterations to it.</p>
- <p>Some hints about the syntax of regular expressions:</p>
+ <p>Some hints about the syntax of <a class="glossarylink" href="../glossary.html#regex" title="see glossary">regular
+ expressions</a>:</p>
<div class="note"><pre>
-<p>The second argument (<em>regex</em>) is a <a href="http://www.pcre.org/">Perl compatible regular expression</a>.
-This is similar to a POSIX.2 egrep-style regular expression.
-If the <em>regex</em> matches against the <em>attribute</em>,
-then the remainder of the arguments are evaluated.</p>
+<p>The second argument (<em>regex</em>) is a <a class="glossarylink" href="../glossary.html#regex" title="see glossary">regular expression</a>. If the <em>regex</em>
+matches against the <em>attribute</em>, then the remainder of the
+arguments are evaluated.</p>
<p>The rest of the arguments give the names of variables to set, and
optionally values to which they should be set. These take the form
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Copyright 2004-2005 The Apache Software Foundation or its licensors,
- <p>Besides the numerical comparison it is possible to match a regular
- expression against the httpd version. There are two ways to write it:</p>
+ <p>Besides the numerical comparison it is possible to match a
+ <a class="glossarylink" href="../glossary.html#regex" title="see glossary">regular expression</a>
+ against the httpd version. There are two ways to write it:</p>
<table class="bordered"><tr class="header"><th><var>operator</var></th><th>description</th></tr>
<tr><td><code>=</code> or <code>==</code></td>
<a href="../ja/mod/mod_version.html" title="Japanese"> ja </a> |
<a href="../ko/mod/mod_version.html" hreflang="ko" rel="alternate" title="Korean"> ko </a></p>
+<div class="outofdate">This translation may be out of date. Check the
+ English version for recent changes.</div>
<table class="module"><tr><th><a href="module-dict.html#Description">ÀâÌÀ:</a></th><td>¥Ð¡¼¥¸¥ç¥ó°Í¸¤ÎÀßÄê</td></tr>
<tr><th><a href="module-dict.html#Status">¥¹¥Æ¡¼¥¿¥¹:</a></th><td>Extension</td></tr>
<tr><th><a href="module-dict.html#ModuleIdentifier">¥â¥¸¥å¡¼¥ë¼±ÊÌ»Ò:</a></th><td>version_module</td></tr>
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Copyright 2004-2005 The Apache Software Foundation or its licensors,
- <variant>ja</variant>
+ <variant outdated="yes">ja</variant>
<variant outdated="yes">ko</variant>
<code class="module"><a href="./mod/worker.html">worker</a></code> oder <code class="module"><a href="./mod/event.html">event</a></code> wählen,
während Sites, die Stabilität oder Kompatibilität mit
älterer Software erfordern, <code class="module"><a href="./mod/prefork.html">prefork</a></code> wählen
- können. Darüber hinaus können Spezialfähigkeiten wie
- die Bedienung verschiedener Hosts unter unterschiedlichen User-IDs
- (<code class="module"><a href="./mod/perchild.html">perchild</a></code>) angeboten werden.</li>
+ können.</li>
<p>Auf Anwenderebene erscheinen MPMs fast wie andere Apache-Module. Der
scalability can choose to use a threaded MPM like
<code class="module"><a href="./mod/worker.html">worker</a></code> or <code class="module"><a href="./mod/event.html">event</a></code>, while sites requiring
stability or compatibility with older software can use a
- <code class="module"><a href="./mod/prefork.html">prefork</a></code>. In addition,
- special features like serving different hosts under different
- userids (<code class="module"><a href="./mod/perchild.html">perchild</a></code>) can be
- provided.</li>
+ <code class="module"><a href="./mod/prefork.html">prefork</a></code>.</li>
<p>At the user level, MPMs appear much like other Apache
<a href="./ja/mpm.html" title="Japanese"> ja </a> |
<a href="./ko/mpm.html" hreflang="ko" rel="alternate" title="Korean"> ko </a></p>
+<div class="outofdate">This translation may be out of date. Check the
+ English version for recent changes.</div>
Apache HTTP ¥µ¡¼¥Ð¤Ç¤É¤Î¤è¤¦¤Ë»ÈÍѤµ¤ì¤ë¤«¤Ë¤Ä¤¤¤Æ²òÀ⤷¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤¹¡£</p>
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Copyright 2003-2005 The Apache Software Foundation or its licensors,
<variant outdated="yes">es</variant>
- <variant>ja</variant>
+ <variant outdated="yes">ja</variant>
<variant outdated="yes">ko</variant>
<p>The <code class="directive"><a href="./mod/core.html#directory"><Directory></a></code>
and <code class="directive"><a href="./mod/core.html#files"><Files></a></code>
-directives, along with their regex counterparts, apply directives to
+directives, along with their <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#regex" title="see glossary">regex</a>
+counterparts, apply directives to
parts of the filesystem. Directives enclosed in a <code class="directive"><a href="./mod/core.html#directory"><Directory></a></code> section apply to
the named filesystem directory and all subdirectories of that
directory. The same effect can be obtained using <a href="howto/htaccess.html">.htaccess files</a>. For example, in the
<h3><a name="webspace" id="webspace">Webspace Containers</a></h3>
<p>The <code class="directive"><a href="./mod/core.html#location"><Location></a></code>
-directive and its regex counterpart, on the other hand, change the
+directive and its <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#regex" title="see glossary">regex</a> counterpart, on
+the other hand, change the
configuration for content in the webspace. For example, the following
configuration prevents access to any URL-path that begins in /private.
In particular, it will apply to requests for
<p>If even more flexible matching is required, each
-container has a regular-expression (regex) counterpart <code class="directive"><a href="./mod/core.html#directorymatch"><DirectoryMatch></a></code>, <code class="directive"><a href="./mod/core.html#filesmatch"><FilesMatch></a></code>, and <code class="directive"><a href="./mod/core.html#locationmatch"><LocationMatch></a></code> that allow
+container has a regular expression (regex) counterpart <code class="directive"><a href="./mod/core.html#directorymatch"><DirectoryMatch></a></code>, <code class="directive"><a href="./mod/core.html#filesmatch"><FilesMatch></a></code>, and <code class="directive"><a href="./mod/core.html#locationmatch"><LocationMatch></a></code> that allow
-<a href="glossary.html#regex">regular expressions</a>
+<a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#regex" title="see glossary">regular expressions</a>
to be used in choosing the matches. But see the section below on
configuration merging to find out how using regex sections will change
how directives are applied.</p>
<a href="./ja/sections.html" title="Japanese"> ja </a> |
<a href="./ko/sections.html" hreflang="ko" rel="alternate" title="Korean"> ko </a></p>
+<div class="outofdate">This translation may be out of date. Check the
+ English version for recent changes.</div>
<p><a href="configuring.html">ÀßÄê¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë</a>Ãæ¤Î¥Ç¥£¥ì¥¯¥Æ¥£¥Ö¤Ï
¥µ¡¼¥ÐÁ´ÂΤËŬÍѤµ¤ì¤¿¤ê¡¢ÆÃÄê¤Î¥Ç¥£¥ì¥¯¥È¥ê¤ä¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¡¢¥Û¥¹¥È¡¢URL ¤Ë¤Î¤ß
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Copyright 2003-2005 The Apache Software Foundation or its licensors,
- <variant>ja</variant>
+ <variant outdated="yes">ja</variant>
<variant outdated="yes">ko</variant>
will be served from <code>/var/web/dir/file.html</code>. The
<code class="directive"><a href="./mod/mod_alias.html#scriptalias">ScriptAlias</a></code> directive
works the same way, with the additional effect that all content
- located at the target path is treated as CGI scripts.</p>
+ located at the target path is treated as <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#cgi" title="see glossary">CGI</a> scripts.</p>
<p>For situations where you require additional flexibility, you
- can use the <code class="directive"><a href="./mod/mod_alias.html#aliasmatch">AliasMatch</a></code> and
- <code class="directive"><a href="./mod/mod_alias.html#scriptaliasmatch">ScriptAliasMatch</a></code>
- directives to do powerful regular-expression based matching and
- substitution. For example,</p>
+ can use the <code class="directive"><a href="./mod/mod_alias.html#aliasmatch">AliasMatch</a></code>
+ and <code class="directive"><a href="./mod/mod_alias.html#scriptaliasmatch">ScriptAliasMatch</a></code>
+ directives to do powerful <a class="glossarylink" href="./glossary.html#regex" title="see glossary">regular
+ expression</a> based matching and substitution. For
+ example,</p>
<div class="example"><p><code>ScriptAliasMatch ^/~([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/cgi-bin/(.+)
<a href="./ja/urlmapping.html" title="Japanese"> ja </a> |
<a href="./ko/urlmapping.html" hreflang="ko" rel="alternate" title="Korean"> ko </a></p>
+<div class="outofdate">This translation may be out of date. Check the
+ English version for recent changes.</div>
<p>¤³¤Îʸ½ñ¤Ï Apache ¤¬¥ê¥¯¥¨¥¹¥È¤Î URL ¤«¤éÁ÷¿®¤¹¤ë¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤Î
<a href="./ja/urlmapping.html" hreflang="ja" rel="alternate" title="Japanese"> ja </a> |
<a href="./ko/urlmapping.html" title="Korean"> ko </a></p>
+<div class="outofdate">ÀÌ ¹®¼´Â ÃÖ½ÅÆÇ ¹ø¿ªÀÌ ¾Æ´Õ´Ï´Ù.
+ ÃÖ±Ù¿¡ º¯°æµÈ ³»¿ëÀº ¿µ¾î ¹®¼¸¦ Âü°íÇϼ¼¿ä.</div>
<p>ÀÌ ¹®¼´Â ¿äûÀÇ URLÀ» °¡Áö°í ¾ÆÆÄÄ¡°¡ ¾î¶»°Ô ¼ºñ½ºÇÒ
ÆÄÀÏÀÇ ÆÄÀϽýºÅÛ»ó À§Ä¡¸¦ ã´ÂÁö ¼³¸íÇÑ´Ù.</p>
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+ <variant outdated="yes">ja</variant>
+ <variant outdated="yes">ko</variant>