'-test-print-mangle', f.name])
if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
output = output.decode()
- RE = re.compile(r'^FunctionDecl=(\w+):(\d+):\d+ \(Definition\) \[mangled=([^]]+)\]')
+ DeclRE = re.compile(r'^FunctionDecl=(\w+):(\d+):\d+ \(Definition\)')
+ MangleRE = re.compile(r'.*\[mangled=([^]]+)\]')
+ MatchedDecl = False
for line in output.splitlines():
- m = RE.match(line)
- if not m: continue
- spell, line, mangled = m.groups()
+ # Get the function source name, line number and mangled name. Sometimes
+ # c-index-test outputs the mangled name on a separate line (this can happen
+ # with block comments in front of functions). Keep scanning until we see
+ # the mangled name.
+ decl_m = DeclRE.match(line)
+ mangle_m = MangleRE.match(line)
+ if decl_m:
+ MatchedDecl = True
+ spell, lineno = decl_m.groups()
+ if MatchedDecl and mangle_m:
+ mangled = mangle_m.group(1)
+ MatchedDecl = False
+ else:
+ continue
if mangled == '_' + spell:
# HACK for MacOS (where the mangled name includes an _ for C but the IR won't):
mangled = spell
# Note -test-print-mangle does not print file names so if #include is used,
# the line number may come from an included file.
- ret[int(line)-1] = (spell, mangled)
+ ret[int(lineno)-1] = (spell, mangled)
if args.verbose:
for line, func_name in sorted(ret.items()):
print('line {}: found function {}'.format(line+1, func_name), file=sys.stderr)