--- /dev/null
+Please answer these questions before submitting your issue. It may help !
+1. What version of ejabberd are you using ?
+2. What operating system are you using ?
+3. How did you install ejabberd (source, package, distribution) ?
+4. What did not work as expected ? What that error in the log ?
+ What that unexpected behaviour ? What was the expected result ?
--- /dev/null
+We are open to contribution for ejabberd, as Github pull requests (PR).
+Here is a few points to consider before submitting your pull request.
+(You can remove the whole text after reading).
+1. Does this PR address an issue ?
+ Please reference it in PR description.
+2. Have you properly described the proposed changed ?
+3. Please, make sure the change is atomic and does only touch the
+ needed modules.
+ If you have other changes / fixes to provide, please make them as
+ separate PR.
+4. If you change or new feature involves backends,
+ did you make sure you change is compliant with all backends or
+ provide the feature for all backends ?
+5. Do you provides tests ?
+ How can we check the behaviour of the code ?
+6. Did you consider documentation changes on project
+ processone/docs.ejabberd.im ?