{socket :: ejabberd_socket:socket_state(),
sockmod = ejabberd_socket :: ejabberd_socket | ejabberd_frontend_socket,
streamid = <<"">> :: binary(),
- hosts = [] :: [binary()],
- password = <<"">> :: binary(),
+ host_opts = dict:new() :: ?TDICT,
+ host = <<"">> :: binary(),
access :: atom(),
check_from = true :: boolean()}).
{value, {_, A}} -> A;
_ -> all
- %% This should be improved probably
- {Hosts, HostOpts} = case lists:keyfind(hosts, 1, Opts) of
- {_, HOpts} ->
- {[H || {H, _} <- HOpts],
- lists:flatten(
- [O || {_, O} <- HOpts])};
- _ ->
- {[], []}
- end,
- Password = gen_mod:get_opt(password, HostOpts,
- fun iolist_to_binary/1,
- p1_sha:sha(crypto:rand_bytes(20))),
+ HostOpts = case lists:keyfind(hosts, 1, Opts) of
+ {hosts, HOpts} ->
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun({H, Os}, D) ->
+ P = proplists:get_value(
+ password, Os,
+ p1_sha:sha(crypto:rand_bytes(20))),
+ dict:store(H, P, D)
+ end, dict:new(), HOpts);
+ false ->
+ Pass = proplists:get_value(
+ password, Opts,
+ p1_sha:sha(crypto:rand_bytes(20))),
+ dict:from_list([{global, Pass}])
+ end,
Shaper = case lists:keysearch(shaper_rule, 1, Opts) of
{value, {_, S}} -> S;
_ -> none
SockMod:change_shaper(Socket, Shaper),
{ok, wait_for_stream,
#state{socket = Socket, sockmod = SockMod,
- streamid = new_id(), hosts = Hosts, password = Password,
+ streamid = new_id(), host_opts = HostOpts,
access = Access, check_from = CheckFrom}}.
case xml:get_attr_s(<<"xmlns">>, Attrs) of
<<"jabber:component:accept">> ->
To = xml:get_attr_s(<<"to">>, Attrs),
- Header = io_lib:format(?STREAM_HEADER,
- [StateData#state.streamid, xml:crypt(To)]),
- send_text(StateData, Header),
- {next_state, wait_for_handshake, StateData};
+ Host = jid:nameprep(To),
+ if Host == error ->
+ Header = io_lib:format(?STREAM_HEADER,
+ [<<"none">>, ?MYNAME]),
+ send_text(StateData,
+ <<(list_to_binary(Header))/binary,
+ (?INVALID_XML_ERR)/binary,
+ (?STREAM_TRAILER)/binary>>),
+ {stop, normal, StateData};
+ true ->
+ Header = io_lib:format(?STREAM_HEADER,
+ [StateData#state.streamid, xml:crypt(To)]),
+ send_text(StateData, Header),
+ HostOpts = case dict:is_key(Host, StateData#state.host_opts) of
+ true ->
+ StateData#state.host_opts;
+ false ->
+ case dict:find(global, StateData#state.host_opts) of
+ {ok, GlobalPass} ->
+ dict:from_list([{Host, GlobalPass}]);
+ error ->
+ StateData#state.host_opts
+ end
+ end,
+ {next_state, wait_for_handshake,
+ StateData#state{host = Host, host_opts = HostOpts}}
+ end;
_ ->
send_text(StateData, ?INVALID_HEADER_ERR),
{stop, normal, StateData}
#xmlel{name = Name, children = Els} = El,
case {Name, xml:get_cdata(Els)} of
{<<"handshake">>, Digest} ->
- case p1_sha:sha(<<(StateData#state.streamid)/binary,
- (StateData#state.password)/binary>>)
- of
- Digest ->
- send_text(StateData, <<"<handshake/>">>),
- lists:foreach(fun (H) ->
- ejabberd_router:register_route(H),
- ?INFO_MSG("Route registered for service ~p~n",
- [H])
- end,
- StateData#state.hosts),
- {next_state, stream_established, StateData};
- _ ->
- send_text(StateData, ?INVALID_HANDSHAKE_ERR),
- {stop, normal, StateData}
+ case dict:find(StateData#state.host, StateData#state.host_opts) of
+ {ok, Password} ->
+ case p1_sha:sha(<<(StateData#state.streamid)/binary,
+ Password/binary>>) of
+ Digest ->
+ send_text(StateData, <<"<handshake/>">>),
+ lists:foreach(
+ fun (H) ->
+ ejabberd_router:register_route(H),
+ ?INFO_MSG("Route registered for service ~p~n",
+ [H])
+ end, dict:fetch_keys(StateData#state.host_opts)),
+ {next_state, stream_established, StateData};
+ _ ->
+ send_text(StateData, ?INVALID_HANDSHAKE_ERR),
+ {stop, normal, StateData}
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ send_text(StateData, ?INVALID_HANDSHAKE_ERR),
+ {stop, normal, StateData}
_ -> {next_state, wait_for_handshake, StateData}
FromJID1 = jid:from_string(From),
case FromJID1 of
#jid{lserver = Server} ->
- case lists:member(Server, StateData#state.hosts) of
+ case dict:is_key(Server, StateData#state.host_opts) of
true -> FromJID1;
false -> error
lists:foreach(fun (H) ->
- StateData#state.hosts);
+ dict:fetch_keys(StateData#state.host_opts));
_ -> ok