" Opening the location list window without any errors should fail
if a:cchar == 'l'
call assert_fails('lopen', 'E776:')
+ call assert_fails('lwindow', 'E776:')
" Create a list with no valid entries
silent helpgrep grail
assert_equal('aABceFs', &cpo)
- delete(dir, 'rf')
+ delete('Xruntime', 'rf')
&rtp = rtp_save
+" When running the :helpgrep command, if an autocmd modifies the 'cpoptions'
+" value, then Vim crashes. (issue fixed by 7.2b-004 and 8.2.4453)
func Test_helpgrep_restore_cpo_aucmd()
let save_cpo = &cpo
augroup QF_Test
set efm=
call assert_fails('Xexpr "abc.txt:1:Hello world"', 'E378:')
+ " Empty directory name. When there is an error in parsing new entries, make
+ " sure the previous quickfix list is made the current list.
+ set efm&
+ cexpr ["one", "two"]
+ let qf_id = getqflist(#{id: 0}).id
set efm=%DEntering\ dir\ abc,%f:%l:%m
call assert_fails('Xexpr ["Entering dir abc", "abc.txt:1:Hello world"]', 'E379:')
+ call assert_equal(qf_id, getqflist(#{id: 0}).id)
let &efm = save_efm
- augroup testgroup
+ augroup QF_Test
autocmd BufReadCmd test_changed.txt call ReadFunc()
augroup END
call assert_fails('Xrewind', ErrorNr . ':')
- augroup! testgroup
+ augroup QF_Test
+ au!
+ augroup END
+ if a:cchar == 'c'
+ cexpr ["Xtest1:1:Line"]
+ cwindow
+ only
+ augroup QF_Test
+ au!
+ autocmd WinEnter * call setqflist([], 'f')
+ augroup END
+ call assert_fails('exe "normal \<CR>"', 'E925:')
+ augroup QF_Test
+ au!
+ augroup END
+ endif
+ %bw!
func Test_quickfix_was_changed_by_autocmd()
call g:Xsetlist([[1, 2,3]])
call assert_equal(0, len(g:Xgetlist()))
call assert_fails('call g:Xsetlist([], [])', 'E928:')
+ call g:Xsetlist([test_null_dict()])
+ call assert_equal([], g:Xgetlist())
func Test_setqflist()
call assert_equal(0, getbufinfo('Xtestfile1')[0].loaded)
call assert_equal([], getbufinfo('Xtestfile2'))
+ " Test for opening the dummy buffer used by vimgrep in a window. The new
+ " window should be closed
+ %bw!
+ augroup QF_Test
+ au!
+ autocmd BufReadPre * exe "sb " .. expand("<abuf>")
+ augroup END
+ call assert_fails("Xvimgrep /sublime/ Xtestfile1", 'E480:')
+ call assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))
+ augroup QF_Test
+ au!
+ augroup END
call delete('Xtestfile1')
call delete('Xtestfile2')
" The following test used to crash Vim
func Test_lhelpgrep_autocmd()
lhelpgrep quickfix
- autocmd QuickFixCmdPost * call setloclist(0, [], 'f')
+ augroup QF_Test
+ au!
+ autocmd QuickFixCmdPost * call setloclist(0, [], 'f')
+ augroup END
lhelpgrep buffer
call assert_equal('help', &filetype)
call assert_equal(0, getloclist(0, {'nr' : '$'}).nr)
lhelpgrep tabpage
call assert_equal('help', &filetype)
call assert_equal(1, getloclist(0, {'nr' : '$'}).nr)
- au! QuickFixCmdPost
+ augroup QF_Test
+ au!
+ augroup END
new | only
augroup QF_Test
wincmd w
call assert_fails('helpgrep quickfix', 'E925:')
augroup QF_Test
- au! BufEnter
+ au!
augroup END
new | only
augroup END
call assert_fails('helpgrep quickfix', 'E925:')
augroup QF_Test
- au! BufEnter
+ au!
augroup END
new | only
augroup END
call assert_fails('lhelpgrep quickfix', 'E926:')
augroup QF_Test
- au! BufEnter
+ au!
augroup END
+ " Replace the contents of a help window location list when it is still in
+ " use.
new | only
+ lhelpgrep quickfix
+ wincmd w
+ augroup QF_Test
+ au!
+ autocmd WinEnter * call setloclist(0, [], 'r')
+ augroup END
+ call assert_fails('lhelpgrep win_getid', 'E926:')
+ augroup QF_Test
+ au!
+ augroup END
+ %bw!
+" The following test used to crash Vim
+func Test_lhelpgrep_autocmd_free_loclist()
+ %bw!
+ lhelpgrep quickfix
+ wincmd w
+ augroup QF_Test
+ au!
+ autocmd WinEnter * call setloclist(0, [], 'f')
+ augroup END
+ lhelpgrep win_getid
+ wincmd w
+ wincmd w
+ wincmd w
+ augroup QF_Test
+ au!
+ augroup END
+ %bw!
" Test for shortening/simplifying the file name when opening the
call assert_equal('L20', l[0].text)
call assert_equal([], g:Xgetlist({'idx' : -1, 'items' : 0}).items)
call assert_equal([], g:Xgetlist({'idx' : 3, 'items' : 0}).items)
+ call assert_equal({}, g:Xgetlist(#{idx: "abc"}))
call assert_equal('F1|10 col 2-7| green', getline(1))
call assert_equal('F1|20-25 col 4-8| blue', getline(2))
+ set efm=%f:%l:%c:%m
+ set quickfixtextfunc=Tqfexpr
+ " Update the list with only the cwindow
+ Xwindow
+ only
+ call g:Xsetlist([
+ \ { 'filename': 'F2', 'lnum': 20, 'col': 2,
+ \ 'end_col': 7, 'text': 'red'}
+ \ ])
+ call assert_equal(['F2-L20C2-red'], getline(1, '$'))
+ new
+ Xclose
set efm&
set quickfixtextfunc&
call delete('Xresult')
+" Test for calling setqflist() function recursively
+func Test_recursive_setqflist()
+ augroup QF_Test
+ au!
+ autocmd BufWinEnter quickfix call setqflist([], 'r')
+ augroup END
+ copen
+ call assert_fails("call setqflist([], 'a')", 'E952:')
+ augroup QF_Test
+ au!
+ augroup END
+ %bw!
+" Test for failure to create a new window when selecting a file from the
+" quickfix window
+func Test_cwindow_newwin_fails()
+ cgetexpr ["Xfile1:10:L10", "Xfile1:20:L20"]
+ cwindow
+ only
+ let qf_wid = win_getid()
+ " create the maximum number of scratch windows
+ let hor_win_count = (&lines - 1)/2
+ let hor_split_count = hor_win_count - 1
+ for s in range(1, hor_split_count) | new | set buftype=nofile | endfor
+ call win_gotoid(qf_wid)
+ call assert_fails('exe "normal \<CR>"', 'E36:')
+ %bw!
+" Test for updating the location list when only the location list window is
+" present and the corresponding file window is closed.
+func Test_loclist_update_with_llwin_only()
+ %bw!
+ new
+ wincmd w
+ lexpr ["Xfile1:1:Line1"]
+ lopen
+ wincmd p
+ close
+ call setloclist(2, [], 'r', {'lines': ["Xtest2:2:Line2"]})
+ call assert_equal(['Xtest2|2| Line2'], getbufline(winbufnr(2), 1, '$'))
+ %bw!
+" Test for getting the quickfix list after a buffer with an error is wiped out
+func Test_getqflist_wiped_out_buffer()
+ %bw!
+ cexpr ["Xtest1:34:Wiped out"]
+ let bnum = bufnr('Xtest1')
+ call assert_equal(bnum, getqflist()[0].bufnr)
+ bw Xtest1
+ call assert_equal(0, getqflist()[0].bufnr)
+ %bw!
" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab