<para><xref linkend="RT_ST_ScaleY" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_Raster2WorldCoordX" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_SetSkew" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_SkewY" /></para>
+ <refentry id="RT_ST_Rotation">
+ <refnamediv>
+ <refname>ST_Rotation</refname>
+ <refpurpose>Returns the rotation of the raster</refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <refsynopsisdiv>
+ <funcsynopsis>
+ <funcprototype>
+ <funcdef>float8 <function>ST_Rotation</function></funcdef>
+ <paramdef><type>raster</type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
+ </funcprototype>
+ </funcsynopsis>
+ </refsynopsisdiv>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Description</title>
+ <para>Returns the uniform rotation of the raster. If a raster does not have uniform rotation, NaN is returned.
+ Refer to <ulink url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_file">World File</ulink> for more details.</para>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Examples</title>
+ <programlisting>SELECT rid, ST_Rotation(ST_SetScale(ST_SetSkew(rast, sqrt(2)), sqrt(2))) as rot FROM dummy_rast;
+ rid | rot
+ 1 | 0.785398163397448
+ 2 | 0.785398163397448
+ </programlisting>
+ </refsection>
+ <!-- Optionally add a "See Also" section -->
+ <refsection>
+ <title>See Also</title>
+ <para><xref linkend="RT_ST_SetRotation" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_SetScale" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_SetSkew" /></para>
+ </refsection>
+ </refentry>
<refentry id="RT_ST_SkewX">
<sect1 id="Raster_Pixel_Accessors">
- <title>Raster Pixel Accessors and Settors</title>
+ <title>Raster Pixel Accessors and Setters</title>
<refentry id="RT_ST_PixelAsPolygon">
<para><xref linkend="RT_ST_GeoReference" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_ScaleX" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_ScaleY" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_UpperLeftX" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_UpperLeftY" /></para>
+ <refentry id="RT_ST_SetRotation">
+ <refnamediv>
+ <refname>ST_SetRotation</refname>
+ <refpurpose>Set the rotation of the raster.</refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <refsynopsisdiv>
+ <funcsynopsis>
+ <funcprototype>
+ <funcdef>float8 <function>ST_SetRotation</function></funcdef>
+ <paramdef><type>raster</type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
+ <paramdef><type>float8</type> <parameter>rotation</parameter></paramdef>
+ </funcprototype>
+ </funcsynopsis>
+ </refsynopsisdiv>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Description</title>
+ <para>Uniformly rotate the raster. Refer to <ulink url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_file">World File</ulink> for more details.</para>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Examples</title>
+ <programlisting>SELECT
+ ST_ScaleX(rast1), ST_ScaleY(rast1), ST_SkewX(rast1), ST_SkewY(rast1),
+ ST_ScaleX(rast2), ST_ScaleY(rast2), ST_SkewX(rast2), ST_SkewY(rast2)
+ SELECT ST_SetRotation(rast, 15) AS rast1, rast as rast2 FROM dummy_rast
+) AS foo;
+ st_scalex | st_scaley | st_skewx | st_skewy | st_scalex | st_scaley | st_skewx | st_skewy
+ -1.51937582571764 | -2.27906373857646 | 1.95086352047135 | 1.30057568031423 | 2 | 3 | 0 | 0
+ -0.0379843956429411 | -0.0379843956429411 | 0.0325143920078558 | 0.0325143920078558 | 0.05 | -0.05 | 0 | 0
+ </programlisting>
+ </refsection>
+ <!-- Optionally add a "See Also" section -->
+ <refsection>
+ <title>See Also</title>
+ <para><xref linkend="RT_ST_Rotation" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_ScaleX" />, <xref linked="RT_ST_ScaleY" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_SkewX" />, <xref linked="RT_ST_SkewY" /></para>
+ </refsection>
+ </refentry>
<refentry id="RT_ST_SetScale">