Problem: No statistics displayed after running tests.
Solution: Summarize the test results. (Christian Brabandt, closes #4391)
Also make it possible to report a skipped file.
# Execute the test scripts and the unittests.
-test check: scripttests unittests test_libvterm
+# Do the scripttests first, so that the summary shows last.
+test check: unittests test_libvterm scripttests
# Execute the test scripts. Run these after compiling Vim, before installing.
# This doesn't depend on $(VIMTARGET), because that won't work when configure
# Comment out this line to see the verbose output of tests.
# Catches SwapExists to avoid hanging at the ATTENTION prompt.
-REDIR_TEST_TO_NULL = --cmd 'au SwapExists * let v:swapchoice = "e"' > /dev/null
+# REDIR_TEST_TO_NULL = --cmd 'au SwapExists * let v:swapchoice = "e"' > /dev/null
# Uncomment this line to use valgrind for memory leaks and extra warnings.
# The output goes into a file "valgrind.testN"
benchmark: $(SCRIPTS_BENCH)
+ $(RUN_VIMTEST) $(NO_INITS) -S summarize.vim messages $(REDIR_TEST_TO_NULL)
@echo 'Test results:'
+ @cat test_result.log
@/bin/sh -c "if test -f test.log; \
- then cat test.log; echo TEST FAILURE; exit 1; \
+ then echo TEST FAILURE; exit 1; \
else echo ALL DONE; \
- -rm -rf *.out *.failed *.res *.rej *.orig opt_test.vim test.log messages $(RM_ON_RUN) $(RM_ON_START) valgrind.*
+ -rm -rf *.out *.failed *.res *.rej *.orig
+ -rm opt_test.vim test.log test_result.log messages
+ -rm $(RM_ON_RUN) $(RM_ON_START)
+ -rm valgrind.*
-rm -rf $*.failed $(RM_ON_RUN) $(RM_ON_START) wrongtermsize
source %
+ catch /^\cskipped/
+ call add(s:messages, ' Skipped')
+ call add(s:skipped, 'SKIPPED ' . expand('%') . ': ' . substitute(v:exception, '^\S*\s\+', '', ''))
let s:fail += 1
call add(s:errors, 'Caught exception: ' . v:exception . ' @ ' . v:throwpoint)
--- /dev/null
+if 1
+ " This is executed with the eval feature
+ set nocp
+ func Count(match, type)
+ if a:type ==# 'executed'
+ let g:executed += (a:match+0)
+ elseif a:type ==# 'failed'
+ let g:failed = a:match+0
+ elseif a:type ==# 'skipped'
+ let g:skipped += 1
+ call extend(g:skipped_output, ["\t".a:match])
+ endif
+ endfunc
+ let g:executed = 0
+ let g:skipped = 0
+ let g:failed = 0
+ let g:skipped_output = []
+ let g:failed_output = []
+ let output = [""]
+ try
+ " This uses the :s command to just fetch and process the output of the
+ " tests, it doesn't acutally replay anything
+ %s/^Executed\s\+\zs\d\+\ze\s\+tests/\=Count(submatch(0),'executed')/egn
+ %s/^SKIPPED \zs.*/\=Count(submatch(0), 'skipped')/egn
+ %s/^\(\d\+\)\s\+FAILED:/\=Count(submatch(1), 'failed')/egn
+ call extend(output, ["Skipped:"])
+ call extend(output, skipped_output)
+ call extend(output, [
+ \ "",
+ \ "-------------------------------",
+ \ printf("Executed: %5d Tests", g:executed),
+ \ printf(" Skipped: %5d Tests", g:skipped),
+ \ printf(" %s: %5d Tests", g:failed == 0 ? 'Failed' : 'FAILED', g:failed),
+ \ "",
+ \ ])
+ if filereadable('test.log')
+ " outputs and indents the failed test result
+ call extend(output, ["", "Failures: "])
+ let failed_output = filter(readfile('test.log'), { v,k -> !empty(k)})
+ call extend(output, map(failed_output, { v,k -> "\t".k}))
+ " Add a final newline
+ call extend(output, [""])
+ endif
+ catch " Catch-all
+ finally
+ call writefile(output, 'test_result.log') " overwrites an existing file
+ q!
+ endtry
+" This is executed without the eval feature
+r test.log
+w test_result.log
" functional tests that check the shaping works with real text.
if !has('arabic')
- finish
+ throw 'Skipped: arabic feature missing'
source view_util.vim
" Test 'autochdir' behavior
if !exists("+autochdir")
- finish
+ throw 'Skipped: autochdir feature missing'
func Test_set_filename()
" Tests for 'balloonevalterm'.
-" Tests that only work in the terminal.
-if has('balloon_eval_term') && !has('gui_running')
+if !has('balloon_eval_term')
+ throw 'Skipped: balloon_eval_term feature missing'
+" A few tests only work in the terminal.
+if !has('gui_running')
source screendump.vim
if !CanRunVimInTerminal()
- finish
+ throw 'Skipped: cannot run Vim in a terminal window'
let s:common_script =<< [CODE]
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 1476,