the website, merge the contents of the master branch into
the gh-pages branch.
+To update the generated documentation for the website:
+$ git remote -v
+github (fetch)
+github (push)
+$ git fetch github
+$ git checkout github/gh-pages -b gh-pages
+Branch gh-pages set up to track remote branch gh-pages from github.
+Switched to a new branch 'gh-pages'
+$ git rebase github/master
+First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...
+Fast-forwarded gh-pages to github/master.
+$ autoreconf -i
+$ ./configure
+$ make clean
+$ make
+$ make doc/check_html
+$ make doc/doxygen
+$ git add doc
+$ git commit -m “Update documentation”
+$ git push github gh-pages:gh-pages
Automatic building of pull requests