((CollapseUnread || !UNREAD(header)) && (CollapseFlagged || !FLAGGED(header)))
- * collapse/uncollapse all threads
+ * collapse_all - Collapse/uncollapse all threads
* @param menu current menu
* @param toggle toggle collapsed state
#ifndef DEBUG
#include <sys/resource.h>
+ * disable_coredumps - Prevent coredumps if neomutt were to crash
+ */
static void disable_coredumps(void)
struct rlimit rl = { 0, 0 };
return rc;
+ * mutt_protect - Encrypt and/or sign a message
+ * @param msg Header of the message
+ * @param keylist List of keys to encrypt to (space-separated)
+ * @retval 0 Success
+ * @retval -1 Error
+ */
int mutt_protect(struct Header *msg, char *keylist)
struct Body *pbody = NULL, *tmp_pbody = NULL;
return 0;
+ * mutt_is_multipart_signed - Is a message signed?
+ * @param b Body of email
+ * @retval >0 Message is signed, e.g. #PGPSIGN
+ * @retval 0 Message is not signed
+ */
int mutt_is_multipart_signed(struct Body *b)
char *p = NULL;
return 0;
+ * mutt_is_multipart_encrypted - Does the message have encrypted parts?
+ * @param b Body of email
+ * @retval >0 Message has got encrypted parts, e.g. #PGPENCRYPT
+ * @retval 0 Message hasn't got encrypted parts
+ */
int mutt_is_multipart_encrypted(struct Body *b)
if ((WithCrypto & APPLICATION_PGP) == 0)
+ * mutt_is_valid_multipart_pgp_encrypted - Is this a valid multi-part encrypted message?
+ * @param b Body of email
+ * @retval >0 Message is valid, with encrypted parts, e.g. #PGPENCRYPT
+ * @retval 0 Message hasn't got encrypted parts
+ */
int mutt_is_valid_multipart_pgp_encrypted(struct Body *b)
if (mutt_is_multipart_encrypted(b) == 0)
+ * mutt_is_application_pgp - Does the message use PGP?
+ * @param m Body of email
+ * @retval >0 Message uses PGP, e.g. #PGPENCRYPT
+ * @retval 0 Message doesn't use PGP
+ */
int mutt_is_application_pgp(struct Body *m)
int t = 0;
return t;
+ * mutt_is_application_smime - Does the message use S/MIME?
+ * @param m Body of email
+ * @retval >0 Message uses S/MIME, e.g. #SMIMEENCRYPT
+ * @retval 0 Message doesn't use S/MIME
+ */
int mutt_is_application_smime(struct Body *m)
if (!m)
return 0;
+ * crypt_convert_to_7bit - Convert an email to 7bit encoding
+ * @param a Body of email to convert
+ */
void crypt_convert_to_7bit(struct Body *a)
if (!WithCrypto)
+ * crypt_extract_keys_from_messages - Extract keys from a message
+ * @param h Header of email
+ *
+ * The extracted keys will be added to the user's keyring.
+ */
void crypt_extract_keys_from_messages(struct Header *h)
char tempfname[PATH_MAX], *mbox = NULL;
+ * crypt_fetch_signatures - Create an array of an emails parts
+ * @param[out] signatures Array of Body parts
+ * @param[in] a Body part to examine
+ * @param[out] n Cumulative count of parts
+ */
static void crypt_fetch_signatures(struct Body ***signatures, struct Body *a, int *n)
if (!WithCrypto)
current_sender = mutt_str_strdup(sender);
+ * mutt_gpgme_print_version - Get version of GPGME
+ * @retval ptr GPGME version string
+ */
const char *mutt_gpgme_print_version(void)
return 0;
+ * pgp_use_gpg_agent - Does the user want to use the gpg agent?
+ * @retval true If they do
+ *
+ * @note This functions sets the environment variable `$GPG_TTY`
+ */
bool pgp_use_gpg_agent(void)
char *tty = NULL;
return true;
+ * key_parent - Find a key's parent (if it's a subkey)
+ * @param k PGP key
+ * @retval ptr Parent key
+ */
static struct PgpKeyInfo *key_parent(struct PgpKeyInfo *k)
if ((k->flags & KEYFLAG_SUBKEY) && k->parent && PgpIgnoreSubkeys)
return k;
+ * pgp_long_keyid - Get a key's long id
+ * @param k PGP key
+ * @retval ptr Long key id string
+ */
char *pgp_long_keyid(struct PgpKeyInfo *k)
k = key_parent(k);
return k->keyid;
+ * pgp_short_keyid - Get a key's short id
+ * @param k PGP key
+ * @retval ptr Short key id string
+ */
char *pgp_short_keyid(struct PgpKeyInfo *k)
k = key_parent(k);
return k->keyid + 8;
+ * pgp_this_keyid - Get the ID of this key
+ * @param k PGP key
+ * @retval ptr Long/Short key id string
+ *
+ * @note The string returned depends on `$pgp_long_ids`
+ */
char *pgp_this_keyid(struct PgpKeyInfo *k)
if (PgpLongIds)
return k->keyid + 8;
+ * pgp_keyid - Get the ID of the main (parent) key
+ * @param k PGP key
+ * @retval ptr Long/Short key id string
+ */
char *pgp_keyid(struct PgpKeyInfo *k)
k = key_parent(k);
return pgp_this_keyid(k);
+ * pgp_fingerprint - Get the key's fingerprint
+ * @param k PGP key
+ * @retval ptr Fingerprint string
+ */
static char *pgp_fingerprint(struct PgpKeyInfo *k)
k = key_parent(k);
- * pgp_check_decryption_okay - Check PGP output to look for successful outcome
+ * pgp_check_pgp_decryption_okay_regex - Check PGP output to look for successful outcome
* @param fpin File to read from
* @retval 0 Success
* @retval -1 Error
return rc;
+ * pgp_check_traditional_one_body - Check the body of an inline PGP message
+ * @param fp File to read
+ * @param b Body to populate
+ * @retval 1 Success
+ * @retval 0 Error
+ */
static int pgp_check_traditional_one_body(FILE *fp, struct Body *b)
char tempfile[PATH_MAX];
OptDontHandlePgpKeys = false;
+ * pgp_decrypt_part - Decrypt part of a PGP message
+ * @param a Body of attachment
+ * @param s State to use
+ * @param fpout File to write to
+ * @param p Body of parent (main email)
+ * @retval ptr New Body for the attachment
+ */
static struct Body *pgp_decrypt_part(struct Body *a, struct State *s,
FILE *fpout, struct Body *p)
const char *ids; /**< %r */
+ * fmt_pgp_command - Format a PGP command string
+ * @param[out] buf Buffer in which to save string
+ * @param[in] buflen Buffer length
+ * @param[in] col Starting column
+ * @param[in] cols Number of screen columns
+ * @param[in] op printf-like operator, e.g. 't'
+ * @param[in] src printf-like format string
+ * @param[in] prec Field precision, e.g. "-3.4"
+ * @param[in] if_str If condition is met, display this string
+ * @param[in] else_str Otherwise, display this string
+ * @param[in] data Pointer to the mailbox Context
+ * @param[in] flags Format flags
+ * @retval src (unchanged)
+ *
+ * fmt_pgp_command() is a callback function for mutt_expando_format().
+ *
+ * | Expando | Description
+ * |:--------|:-----------------------------------------------------------------
+ * | \%a | Value of $pgp_sign_as if set, otherwise $pgp_default_key
+ * | \%f | File containing a message
+ * | \%p | Expands to PGPPASSFD=0 when a pass phrase is needed, to an empty string otherwise
+ * | \%r | One or more key IDs (or fingerprints if available)
+ * | \%s | File containing the signature part of a multipart/signed attachment when verifying it
+ */
static const char *fmt_pgp_command(char *buf, size_t buflen, size_t col, int cols,
char op, const char *src, const char *prec,
const char *if_str, const char *else_str,
return src;
+ * mutt_pgp_command - Prepare a PGP Command
+ * @param buf Buffer for the result
+ * @param buflen Length of buffer
+ * @param cctx Data to pass to the formatter
+ * @param fmt printf-like formatting string
+ */
static void mutt_pgp_command(char *buf, size_t buflen,
struct PgpCommandContext *cctx, const char *fmt)
mutt_debug(2, "%s\n", buf);
+ * pgp_invoke - Run a PGP command
+ * @param pgpin stdin for the command, or NULL (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgpout stdout for the command, or NULL (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgperr stderr for the command, or NULL (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgpinfd stdin for the command, or -1 (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgpoutfd stdout for the command, or -1 (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgperrfd stderr for the command, or -1 (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param need_passphrase Is a passphrase needed?
+ * @param fname Filename to pass to the command
+ * @param sig_fname Signature filename to pass to the command
+ * @param ids List of IDs/fingerprints, space separated
+ * @param format printf-like format string
+ * @retval num PID of the created process
+ * @retval -1 Error creating pipes or forking
+ *
+ * @note `pgpin` has priority over `pgpinfd`.
+ * Likewise `pgpout` and `pgperr`.
+ */
static pid_t pgp_invoke(FILE **pgpin, FILE **pgpout, FILE **pgperr, int pgpinfd, int pgpoutfd,
int pgperrfd, bool need_passphrase, const char *fname,
const char *sig_fname, const char *ids, const char *format)
* This is historic and may be removed at some point.
+ * pgp_invoke_decode - Use PGP to decode a message
+ * @param pgpin stdin for the command, or NULL (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgpout stdout for the command, or NULL (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgperr stderr for the command, or NULL (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgpinfd stdin for the command, or -1 (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgpoutfd stdout for the command, or -1 (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgperrfd stderr for the command, or -1 (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param fname Filename to pass to the command
+ * @param need_passphrase Is a passphrase needed?
+ * @retval num PID of the created process
+ * @retval -1 Error creating pipes or forking
+ *
+ * @note `pgpin` has priority over `pgpinfd`.
+ * Likewise `pgpout` and `pgperr`.
+ */
pid_t pgp_invoke_decode(FILE **pgpin, FILE **pgpout, FILE **pgperr, int pgpinfd,
int pgpoutfd, int pgperrfd, const char *fname, bool need_passphrase)
need_passphrase, fname, NULL, NULL, PgpDecodeCommand);
+ * pgp_invoke_verify - Use PGP to verify a message
+ * @param pgpin stdin for the command, or NULL (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgpout stdout for the command, or NULL (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgperr stderr for the command, or NULL (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgpinfd stdin for the command, or -1 (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgpoutfd stdout for the command, or -1 (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgperrfd stderr for the command, or -1 (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param fname Filename to pass to the command
+ * @param sig_fname Signature filename to pass to the command
+ * @retval num PID of the created process
+ * @retval -1 Error creating pipes or forking
+ *
+ * @note `pgpin` has priority over `pgpinfd`.
+ * Likewise `pgpout` and `pgperr`.
+ */
pid_t pgp_invoke_verify(FILE **pgpin, FILE **pgpout, FILE **pgperr, int pgpinfd,
int pgpoutfd, int pgperrfd, const char *fname, const char *sig_fname)
fname, sig_fname, NULL, PgpVerifyCommand);
+ * pgp_invoke_decrypt - Use PGP to decrypt a file
+ * @param pgpin stdin for the command, or NULL (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgpout stdout for the command, or NULL (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgperr stderr for the command, or NULL (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgpinfd stdin for the command, or -1 (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgpoutfd stdout for the command, or -1 (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgperrfd stderr for the command, or -1 (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param fname Filename to pass to the command
+ * @retval num PID of the created process
+ * @retval -1 Error creating pipes or forking
+ *
+ * @note `pgpin` has priority over `pgpinfd`.
+ * Likewise `pgpout` and `pgperr`.
+ */
pid_t pgp_invoke_decrypt(FILE **pgpin, FILE **pgpout, FILE **pgperr, int pgpinfd,
int pgpoutfd, int pgperrfd, const char *fname)
fname, NULL, NULL, PgpDecryptCommand);
+ * pgp_invoke_sign - Use PGP to sign a file
+ * @param pgpin stdin for the command, or NULL (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgpout stdout for the command, or NULL (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgperr stderr for the command, or NULL (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgpinfd stdin for the command, or -1 (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgpoutfd stdout for the command, or -1 (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgperrfd stderr for the command, or -1 (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param fname Filename to pass to the command
+ * @retval num PID of the created process
+ * @retval -1 Error creating pipes or forking
+ *
+ * @note `pgpin` has priority over `pgpinfd`.
+ * Likewise `pgpout` and `pgperr`.
+ */
pid_t pgp_invoke_sign(FILE **pgpin, FILE **pgpout, FILE **pgperr, int pgpinfd,
int pgpoutfd, int pgperrfd, const char *fname)
fname, NULL, NULL, PgpSignCommand);
+ * pgp_invoke_encrypt - Use PGP to encrypt a file
+ * @param pgpin stdin for the command, or NULL (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgpout stdout for the command, or NULL (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgperr stderr for the command, or NULL (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgpinfd stdin for the command, or -1 (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgpoutfd stdout for the command, or -1 (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgperrfd stderr for the command, or -1 (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param fname Filename to pass to the command
+ * @param uids List of IDs/fingerprints, space separated
+ * @param sign If true, also sign the file
+ * @retval num PID of the created process
+ * @retval -1 Error creating pipes or forking
+ *
+ * @note `pgpin` has priority over `pgpinfd`.
+ * Likewise `pgpout` and `pgperr`.
+ */
pid_t pgp_invoke_encrypt(FILE **pgpin, FILE **pgpout, FILE **pgperr,
int pgpinfd, int pgpoutfd, int pgperrfd,
const char *fname, const char *uids, bool sign)
+ * pgp_invoke_traditional - Use PGP to create in inline-signed message
+ * @param pgpin stdin for the command, or NULL (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgpout stdout for the command, or NULL (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgperr stderr for the command, or NULL (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgpinfd stdin for the command, or -1 (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgpoutfd stdout for the command, or -1 (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgperrfd stderr for the command, or -1 (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param fname Filename to pass to the command
+ * @param uids List of IDs/fingerprints, space separated
+ * @param flags Flags, e.g. #SIGN, #ENCRYPT
+ * @retval num PID of the created process
+ * @retval -1 Error creating pipes or forking
+ *
+ * @note `pgpin` has priority over `pgpinfd`.
+ * Likewise `pgpout` and `pgperr`.
+ */
pid_t pgp_invoke_traditional(FILE **pgpin, FILE **pgpout, FILE **pgperr,
int pgpinfd, int pgpoutfd, int pgperrfd,
const char *fname, const char *uids, int flags)
+ * pgp_invoke_export - Use PGP to export a key from the user's keyring
+ * @param pgpin stdin for the command, or NULL (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgpout stdout for the command, or NULL (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgperr stderr for the command, or NULL (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgpinfd stdin for the command, or -1 (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgpoutfd stdout for the command, or -1 (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgperrfd stderr for the command, or -1 (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param uids List of IDs/fingerprints, space separated
+ * @retval num PID of the created process
+ * @retval -1 Error creating pipes or forking
+ *
+ * @note `pgpin` has priority over `pgpinfd`.
+ * Likewise `pgpout` and `pgperr`.
+ */
pid_t pgp_invoke_export(FILE **pgpin, FILE **pgpout, FILE **pgperr, int pgpinfd,
int pgpoutfd, int pgperrfd, const char *uids)
NULL, NULL, uids, PgpExportCommand);
+ * pgp_invoke_verify_key - Use PGP to verify a key
+ * @param pgpin stdin for the command, or NULL (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgpout stdout for the command, or NULL (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgperr stderr for the command, or NULL (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgpinfd stdin for the command, or -1 (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgpoutfd stdout for the command, or -1 (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgperrfd stderr for the command, or -1 (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param uids List of IDs/fingerprints, space separated
+ * @retval num PID of the created process
+ * @retval -1 Error creating pipes or forking
+ *
+ * @note `pgpin` has priority over `pgpinfd`.
+ * Likewise `pgpout` and `pgperr`.
+ */
pid_t pgp_invoke_verify_key(FILE **pgpin, FILE **pgpout, FILE **pgperr, int pgpinfd,
int pgpoutfd, int pgperrfd, const char *uids)
* pgp_invoke_list_keys - Find matching PGP Keys
- * @param pgpin File stream pointing to stdin for the command process, can be NULL
- * @param pgpout File stream pointing to stdout for the command process, can be NULL
- * @param pgperr File stream pointing to stderr for the command process, can be NULL
- * @param pgpinfd If `pgpin` is NULL and pgpin is not -1 then pgpin will be used as stdin for the command process
- * @param pgpoutfd If `pgpout` is NULL and pgpout is not -1 then pgpout will be used as stdout for the command process
- * @param pgperrfd If `pgperr` is NULL and pgperr is not -1 then pgperr will be used as stderr for the command process
+ * @param pgpin stdin for the command, or NULL (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgpout stdout for the command, or NULL (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgperr stderr for the command, or NULL (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgpinfd stdin for the command, or -1 (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgpoutfd stdout for the command, or -1 (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param pgperrfd stderr for the command, or -1 (OPTIONAL)
* @param keyring Keyring type, e.g. #PGP_SECRING
* @param hints Match keys to these strings
- * @retval num PID of the created process
- * @retval -1 Error creating pipes or forking
+ * @retval num PID of the created process
+ * @retval -1 Error creating pipes or forking
+ *
+ * @note `pgpin` has priority over `pgpinfd`.
+ * Likewise `pgpout` and `pgperr`.
pid_t pgp_invoke_list_keys(FILE **pgpin, FILE **pgpout, FILE **pgperr,
int pgpinfd, int pgpoutfd, int pgperrfd,
#include "mutt/mutt.h"
#include "pgplib.h"
+ * pgp_pkalgbytype - Get the name of the algorithm from its ID
+ * @param type Algorithm ID
+ * @retval ptr Algorithm name
+ */
const char *pgp_pkalgbytype(unsigned char type)
switch (type)
+ * pgp_canencrypt - Does this algorithm ID support encryption?
+ * @param type Algorithm ID
+ * @retval true If it does
+ */
bool pgp_canencrypt(unsigned char type)
switch (type)
+ * pgp_cansign - Does this algorithm ID support signing?
+ * @param type Algorithm ID
+ * @retval true If it does
+ */
bool pgp_cansign(unsigned char type)
switch (type)
+ * pgp_get_abilities - Get the capabilities of an algorithm
+ * @param type Algorithm ID
+ * @retval num Capabilities
+ *
+ * The abilities are OR'd together
+ * - 1 If signing is possible
+ * - 2 If encryption is possible
+ */
short pgp_get_abilities(unsigned char type)
return (pgp_canencrypt(type) << 1) | pgp_cansign(type);
+ * pgp_free_uid - Free a PGP UID
+ * @param upp PGP UID to free
+ */
static void pgp_free_uid(struct PgpUid **upp)
struct PgpUid *up = NULL, *q = NULL;
*upp = NULL;
+ * pgp_copy_uids - Copy a list of PGP UIDs
+ * @param up List of PGP UIDs
+ * @param parent Parent PGP key
+ * @retval ptr New list of PGP UIDs
+ */
struct PgpUid *pgp_copy_uids(struct PgpUid *up, struct PgpKeyInfo *parent)
struct PgpUid *l = NULL;
return l;
+ * free_key - Free a PGP Key info
+ * @param kpp PGP Key info to free
+ */
static void free_key(struct PgpKeyInfo **kpp)
struct PgpKeyInfo *kp = NULL;
+ * pgp_remove_key - Remove a PGP key from a list
+ * @param klist List of PGP Keys
+ * @param key Key to remove
+ * @retval ptr Updated list of PGP Keys
+ */
struct PgpKeyInfo *pgp_remove_key(struct PgpKeyInfo **klist, struct PgpKeyInfo *key)
struct PgpKeyInfo **last = NULL;
return q;
+ * pgp_free_key - Free a PGP key info
+ * @param kpp PGP key info to free
+ */
void pgp_free_key(struct PgpKeyInfo **kpp)
struct PgpKeyInfo *p = NULL, *q = NULL, *r = NULL;
* @page crypt_pgpmicalg Identify the hash algorithm from a PGP signature
- * Identify the hash algorithm from a PGP signature
+ * Identify the Message Integrity Check algorithm (micalg) from a PGP signature
#include "config.h"
{ 11, "pgp-sha224" }, { -1, NULL },
+ * pgp_hash_to_micalg - Lookup a hash name, given its id
+ * @param id ID
+ * @retval ptr Name of hash algorithm
+ */
static const char *pgp_hash_to_micalg(short id)
for (int i = 0; HashAlgorithms[i].id >= 0; i++)
return "x-unknown";
+ * pgp_dearmor - Unwrap an armoured PGP block
+ * @param in File to read from
+ * @param out File to write to
+ */
static void pgp_dearmor(FILE *in, FILE *out)
char line[HUGE_STRING];
mutt_decode_base64(&state, end - start, false, (iconv_t) -1);
+ * pgp_mic_from_packet - Get the hash algorithm from a PGP packet
+ * @param p PGP packet
+ * @param len Length of packet
+ * @retval num Hash algorithm id
+ */
static short pgp_mic_from_packet(unsigned char *p, size_t len)
/* is signature? */
+ * pgp_find_hash - Find the hash algorithm of a file
+ * @param fname File to read
+ * @retval num Hash algorithm id
+ */
static short pgp_find_hash(const char *fname)
size_t l;
return rc;
+ * pgp_micalg - Find the hash algorithm of a file
+ * @param fname File to read
+ * @retval ptr Name of hash algorithm
+ */
const char *pgp_micalg(const char *fname)
return pgp_hash_to_micalg(pgp_find_hash(fname));
* @param[in] flags Format flags
* @retval src (unchanged)
- * This is almost identical to pgp's invoking interface.
- *
* fmt_smime_command() is a callback function for mutt_expando_format().
* | Expando | Description
mutt_debug(2, "%s\n", buf);
+ * smime_invoke - Run an SMIME command
+ * @param smimein stdin for the command, or NULL (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param smimeout stdout for the command, or NULL (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param smimeerr stderr for the command, or NULL (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param smimeinfd stdin for the command, or -1 (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param smimeoutfd stdout for the command, or -1 (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param smimeerrfd stderr for the command, or -1 (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param fname Filename to pass to the command
+ * @param sig_fname Signature filename to pass to the command
+ * @param cryptalg Encryption algorithm
+ * @param digestalg Hashing algorithm
+ * @param key SMIME key
+ * @param certificates Public certificates
+ * @param intermediates Intermediate certificates
+ * @param format printf-like format string
+ * @retval num PID of the created process
+ * @retval -1 Error creating pipes or forking
+ *
+ * @note `smimein` has priority over `smimeinfd`.
+ * Likewise `smimeout` and `smimeerr`.
+ */
static pid_t smime_invoke(FILE **smimein, FILE **smimeout, FILE **smimeerr,
int smimeinfd, int smimeoutfd, int smimeerrfd,
const char *fname, const char *sig_fname, const char *cryptalg,
* Creating S/MIME - bodies.
+ * smime_invoke_encrypt - Use SMIME to encrypt a file
+ * @param smimein stdin for the command, or NULL (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param smimeout stdout for the command, or NULL (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param smimeerr stderr for the command, or NULL (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param smimeinfd stdin for the command, or -1 (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param smimeoutfd stdout for the command, or -1 (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param smimeerrfd stderr for the command, or -1 (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param fname Filename to pass to the command
+ * @param uids List of IDs/fingerprints, space separated
+ * @retval num PID of the created process
+ * @retval -1 Error creating pipes or forking
+ *
+ * @note `smimein` has priority over `smimeinfd`.
+ * Likewise `smimeout` and `smimeerr`.
+ */
static pid_t smime_invoke_encrypt(FILE **smimein, FILE **smimeout, FILE **smimeerr,
int smimeinfd, int smimeoutfd, int smimeerrfd,
const char *fname, const char *uids)
uids, NULL, SmimeEncryptCommand);
+ * smime_invoke_sign - Use SMIME to sign a file
+ * @param smimein stdin for the command, or NULL (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param smimeout stdout for the command, or NULL (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param smimeerr stderr for the command, or NULL (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param smimeinfd stdin for the command, or -1 (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param smimeoutfd stdout for the command, or -1 (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param smimeerrfd stderr for the command, or -1 (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param fname Filename to pass to the command
+ * @retval num PID of the created process
+ * @retval -1 Error creating pipes or forking
+ *
+ * @note `smimein` has priority over `smimeinfd`.
+ * Likewise `smimeout` and `smimeerr`.
+ */
static pid_t smime_invoke_sign(FILE **smimein, FILE **smimeout, FILE **smimeerr, int smimeinfd,
int smimeoutfd, int smimeerrfd, const char *fname)
* Handling S/MIME - bodies.
+ * smime_invoke_verify - Use SMIME to verify a file
+ * @param smimein stdin for the command, or NULL (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param smimeout stdout for the command, or NULL (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param smimeerr stderr for the command, or NULL (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param smimeinfd stdin for the command, or -1 (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param smimeoutfd stdout for the command, or -1 (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param smimeerrfd stderr for the command, or -1 (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param fname Filename to pass to the command
+ * @param sig_fname Signature filename to pass to the command
+ * @param opaque If true, use `$smime_verify_opaque_command` else `$smime_verify_command`
+ * @retval num PID of the created process
+ * @retval -1 Error creating pipes or forking
+ *
+ * @note `smimein` has priority over `smimeinfd`.
+ * Likewise `smimeout` and `smimeerr`.
+ */
static pid_t smime_invoke_verify(FILE **smimein, FILE **smimeout, FILE **smimeerr,
int smimeinfd, int smimeoutfd, int smimeerrfd,
const char *fname, const char *sig_fname, int opaque)
(opaque ? SmimeVerifyOpaqueCommand : SmimeVerifyCommand));
+ * smime_invoke_decrypt - Use SMIME to decrypt a file
+ * @param smimein stdin for the command, or NULL (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param smimeout stdout for the command, or NULL (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param smimeerr stderr for the command, or NULL (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param smimeinfd stdin for the command, or -1 (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param smimeoutfd stdout for the command, or -1 (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param smimeerrfd stderr for the command, or -1 (OPTIONAL)
+ * @param fname Filename to pass to the command
+ * @retval num PID of the created process
+ * @retval -1 Error creating pipes or forking
+ *
+ * @note `smimein` has priority over `smimeinfd`.
+ * Likewise `smimeout` and `smimeerr`.
+ */
static pid_t smime_invoke_decrypt(FILE **smimein, FILE **smimeout,
FILE **smimeerr, int smimeinfd, int smimeoutfd,
int smimeerrfd, const char *fname)