process status of the WAL receiver process, displayed using the
<command>ps</> command (see <xref linkend="monitoring-ps"> for details).
+ <para>
+ You can retrieve a list of WAL sender processes via the
+ <link linkend="monitoring-stats-views-table">
+ <literal>pg_stat_replication</></link> view. Large differences between
+ <function>pg_current_xlog_location</> and <literal>sent_location</> field
+ might indicate that the master server is under heavy load, while
+ differences between <literal>sent_location</> and
+ <function>pg_last_xlog_receive_location</> on the standby might indicate
+ network delay, or that the the standby is under heavy load.
+ </para>
+ <row>
+ <entry><structname>pg_stat_replication</><indexterm><primary>pg_stat_replication</primary></indexterm></entry>
+ <entry>One row per WAL sender process, showing process <acronym>ID</>,
+ user OID, user name, application name, client's address and port number,
+ time at which the server process began execution, and transaction log
+ location.
+ </entry>
+ </row>
<entry>For each table in the current database (including TOAST tables),