ntopogeoms = SPI_processed;
- for ( i=0; i<ntopogeoms; ++i )
+ if ( ntopogeoms )
- HeapTuple row = SPI_tuptable->vals[i];
- TupleDesc tdesc = SPI_tuptable->tupdesc;
- int negate;
- int element_id;
- int topogeo_id;
- int layer_id;
- int element_type;
+ resetStringInfo(sql);
+ appendStringInfo(sql, "INSERT INTO \"%s\".relation VALUES ", topo->name);
+ for ( i=0; i<ntopogeoms; ++i )
+ {
+ HeapTuple row = SPI_tuptable->vals[i];
+ TupleDesc tdesc = SPI_tuptable->tupdesc;
+ int negate;
+ int element_id;
+ int topogeo_id;
+ int layer_id;
+ int element_type;
+ if ( ! getNotNullInt32( row, tdesc, 1, &element_id ) ) {
+ cberror(topo->be_data,
+ "unexpected null element_id in \"%s\".relation",
+ topo->name);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ negate = ( element_id < 0 );
- if ( ! getNotNullInt32( row, tdesc, 1, &element_id ) ) {
- cberror(topo->be_data,
- "unexpected null element_id in \"%s\".relation",
- topo->name);
- return 0;
- }
- negate = ( element_id < 0 );
+ if ( ! getNotNullInt32( row, tdesc, 2, &topogeo_id ) ) {
+ cberror(topo->be_data,
+ "unexpected null topogeo_id in \"%s\".relation",
+ topo->name);
+ return 0;
+ }
- if ( ! getNotNullInt32( row, tdesc, 2, &topogeo_id ) ) {
- cberror(topo->be_data,
- "unexpected null topogeo_id in \"%s\".relation",
- topo->name);
- return 0;
- }
+ if ( ! getNotNullInt32( row, tdesc, 3, &layer_id ) ) {
+ cberror(topo->be_data,
+ "unexpected null layer_id in \"%s\".relation",
+ topo->name);
+ return 0;
+ }
- if ( ! getNotNullInt32( row, tdesc, 3, &layer_id ) ) {
- cberror(topo->be_data,
- "unexpected null layer_id in \"%s\".relation",
- topo->name);
- return 0;
- }
+ if ( ! getNotNullInt32( row, tdesc, 4, &element_type ) ) {
+ cberror(topo->be_data,
+ "unexpected null element_type in \"%s\".relation",
+ topo->name);
+ return 0;
+ }
- if ( ! getNotNullInt32( row, tdesc, 4, &element_type ) ) {
- cberror(topo->be_data,
- "unexpected null element_type in \"%s\".relation",
- topo->name);
- return 0;
- }
+ if ( i ) appendStringInfoChar(sql, ',');
+ appendStringInfo(sql,
+ "(%d,%d,%" LWTFMT_ELEMID ",%d)",
+ topogeo_id, layer_id, negate ? -new_face1 : new_face1, element_type);
- resetStringInfo(sql);
- appendStringInfo(sql,
- "INSERT INTO \"%s\".relation VALUES ("
- "%d,%d,%" LWTFMT_ELEMID ",%d)", topo->name,
- topogeo_id, layer_id, negate ? -new_face1 : new_face1, element_type);
+ if ( new_face2 != -1 ) {
+ appendStringInfo(sql,
+ ",(%d,%d,%" LWTFMT_ELEMID ",%d)",
+ topogeo_id, layer_id, negate ? -new_face2 : new_face2, element_type);
+ }
+ }
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(1, "cb_updateTopoGeomFaceSplit query: %s", sql->data);
spi_result = SPI_execute(sql->data, false, 0);
MemoryContextSwitchTo( oldcontext ); /* switch back */
if ( spi_result != SPI_OK_INSERT ) {
return 0;
if ( SPI_processed ) topo->be_data->data_changed = true;
- if ( new_face2 != -1 ) {
- resetStringInfo(sql);
- appendStringInfo(sql,
- "INSERT INTO \"%s\".relation VALUES ("
- "%d,%d,%" LWTFMT_ELEMID ",%d)", topo->name,
- topogeo_id, layer_id, negate ? -new_face2 : new_face2, element_type);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(1, "cb_updateTopoGeomFaceSplit query: %s", sql->data);
- spi_result = SPI_execute(sql->data, false, 0);
- MemoryContextSwitchTo( oldcontext ); /* switch back */
- if ( spi_result != SPI_OK_INSERT ) {
- cberror(topo->be_data, "unexpected return (%d) from query execution: %s",
- spi_result, sql->data);
- pfree(sqldata.data);
- return 0;
- }
- if ( SPI_processed ) topo->be_data->data_changed = true;
- }
- /* TODO: release string info */
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(1, "cb_updateTopoGeomFaceSplit: updated %d topogeoms", ntopogeoms);
+ pfree(sqldata.data);
return 1;
UNION VALUES (4),(5) )
ORDER BY edge_id;
+-- Split a face referenced by multiple TopoGeometries
+-- See https://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/3407
+INSERT INTO city_data.fp VALUES ('F17',
+ topology.CreateTopoGeom('city_data', 3, 1, '{{17,3}}'));
+INSERT INTO newedge SELECT 29 as id, topology.st_addedgemodface('city_data',
+ 14, 16, 'LINESTRING(21 14, 9 22)');
+SELECT 'T29', 'E'||edge_id, next_left_edge, next_right_edge,
+ left_face, right_face FROM
+ city_data.edge WHERE edge_id IN (21, 33, 19, 34,
+ ( SELECT edge_id FROM newedge WHERE id = 29 ) )
+ ORDER BY edge_id;
-- Check new relations and faces status
DROP TABLE newedge;
SELECT topology.DropTopology('city_data');
F1|POLYGON((3 30,3 38,16 38,16 30,3 30))
F32|POLYGON((36 33,36 38,57 38,57 33,36 33))
F33|POLYGON((38 40,38 43,41 43,41 40,38 40))
F34|POLYGON((35 25,35 45,63 45,63 25,35 25))
+F35|POLYGON((9 14,9 22,21 22,21 14,9 14))
Topology 'city_data' dropped
UNION VALUES (4),(5) )
ORDER BY edge_id;
+-- Split a face referenced by multiple TopoGeometries
+-- See https://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/3407
+INSERT INTO city_data.fp VALUES ('F25',
+ topology.CreateTopoGeom('city_data', 3, 1, '{{25,3}}'));
+INSERT INTO newedge SELECT 29 as id, topology.st_addedgemodface('city_data',
+ 14, 16, 'LINESTRING(21 14, 9 22)');
+SELECT 'T29', 'E'||edge_id, next_left_edge, next_right_edge,
+ left_face, right_face FROM
+ city_data.edge WHERE edge_id IN (21, 33, 19, 34,
+ ( SELECT edge_id FROM newedge WHERE id = 29 ) )
+ ORDER BY edge_id;
-- Check new relations and faces status
F1|POLYGON((3 30,3 38,16 38,16 30,3 30))
F47|POLYGON((36 33,36 38,57 38,57 33,36 33))
F49|POLYGON((38 40,38 43,41 43,41 40,38 40))
F50|POLYGON((35 25,35 45,63 45,63 25,35 25))
+F51|POLYGON((9 14,9 22,21 22,21 14,9 14))
Topology 'city_data' dropped