form generator. Made the extensions part of the MIME type struct to reduce
the size and run-time relocations necessary to build the table.
+Daniel Fandrich (14 Nov 2008)
+- Added .xml as one of the few common file extensions known by the multipart
+ form generator.
Yang Tse (13 Nov 2008)
- Refactored configure script detection of functions used to set sockets into
non-blocking mode, and decouple function detection from function capability.
* extensions and pick the first we match!
struct ContentType {
- const char *extension;
+ char extension[6];
const char *type;
static const struct ContentType ctts[]={
{".jpg", "image/jpeg"},
{".jpeg", "image/jpeg"},
{".txt", "text/plain"},
- {".html", "text/html"}
+ {".html", "text/html"},
+ {".xml", "application/xml"}
the same form won't be identical */
size_t i;
- static const char table16[]="abcdef0123456789";
+ static const char table16[]="0123456789abcdef";
retstring = malloc(BOUNDARY_LENGTH+1);