Problem: 'ttybuiltin' is not tested.
Solution: At least test that it doesn't break things.
set t_k1=
set t_k1&
call assert_equal(k1, &t_k1)
+ " use external termcap first
+ set nottybuiltin
+ set t_k1=
+ set t_k1&
+ " when using external termcap may get something else, but it must not be
+ " empty, since we would fallback to the builtin one.
+ call assert_notequal('', &t_k1)
+ if &term =~ 'xterm'
+ " use internal termcap first
+ let term_save = &term
+ let &term = 'builtin_' .. &term
+ set t_k1=
+ set t_k1&
+ call assert_equal(k1, &t_k1)
+ let &term = term_save
+ endif
+ set ttybuiltin
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 1474,