-$Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/doc/src/sgml/ref/grant.sgml,v 1.17 2001/12/08 03:24:37 thomas Exp $
+$Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/doc/src/sgml/ref/grant.sgml,v 1.18 2002/01/18 01:04:53 tgl Exp $
PostgreSQL documentation
- Users other than the creator do not have any access privileges
- to an object unless the creator grants permissions.
+ Users other than the creator of an object do not have any access privileges
+ to the object unless the creator grants permissions.
There is no need to grant privileges to the creator of an object,
- as the creator automatically holds all privileges, and can also
- drop the object. (The creator could, however, choose to revoke
+ as the creator automatically holds all privileges.
+ (The creator could, however, choose to revoke
some of his own privileges for safety. Note that the ability to
grant and revoke privileges is inherent in the creator and cannot
- be lost.)
+ be lost. The right to drop the object is likewise inherent in the
+ creator, and cannot be granted or revoked.)
- Allows the <xref linkend="sql-delete" endterm="sql-delete-title"> of a row from the
+ Allows <xref linkend="sql-delete" endterm="sql-delete-title"> of a row from the
specified table.
Allows the creation of a rule on the table/view. (See <xref
- linkend="sql-createrule" endterm="sql-createrule-title"> statement).
+ linkend="sql-createrule" endterm="sql-createrule-title"> statement.)
To create a table with a foreign key constraint, it is
- necessary to have this privilege on the table with the primary
+ necessary to have this privilege on the table with the referenced
Allows the creation of a trigger on the specified table. (See
- <xref linkend="sql-createtrigger" endterm="sql-createtrigger-title"> statement).
+ <xref linkend="sql-createtrigger" endterm="sql-createtrigger-title"> statement.)
Grant all of the above privileges at once. The
- <literal>PRIVILEGES</literal> key word is optional, but it is
+ <literal>PRIVILEGES</literal> key word is optional in
+ <productname>PostgreSQL</productname>, though it is
required by strict SQL.
<refsect1 id="SQL-GRANT-notes">
+ <para>
+ It should be noted that database <firstterm>superusers</> can access
+ all objects regardless of object privilege settings. This
+ is comparable to the rights of <literal>root</> in a Unix system.
+ As with <literal>root</>, it's unwise to operate as a superuser
+ except when absolutely necessary.
+ </para>
Currently, to grant privileges in <productname>PostgreSQL</productname>
to only a few columns, you must