get_password_s/2, is_user_exists/2, remove_user/2,
remove_user/3, store_type/0, export/1, import/2,
plain_password_required/0, opt_type/1]).
+-export([need_transform/1, transform/1]).
start(Host) ->
- update_table(),
- maybe_alert_password_scrammed_without_option(),
stop(_Host) ->
store_type() ->
- case is_scrammed() of
- false -> plain; %% allows: PLAIN DIGEST-MD5 SCRAM
- true -> scram %% allows: PLAIN SCRAM
- end.
+ ejabberd_config:get_option({auth_password_format, ?MYNAME},
+ opt_type(auth_password_format), plain).
check_password(User, AuthzId, Server, Password) ->
if AuthzId /= <<>> andalso AuthzId /= User ->
_ -> bad_request
-update_table() ->
- Fields = record_info(fields, passwd),
- case mnesia:table_info(passwd, attributes) of
- Fields ->
- convert_to_binary(Fields),
- maybe_scram_passwords(),
- ok;
- _ ->
- ?INFO_MSG("Recreating passwd table", []),
- mnesia:transform_table(passwd, ignore, Fields)
+need_transform(#passwd{us = {U, S}, password = Pass}) ->
+ if is_binary(Pass) ->
+ IsScrammed = is_scrammed(),
+ if IsScrammed ->
+ ?INFO_MSG("Passwords in Mnesia table 'passwd' "
+ "will be SCRAM'ed", []);
+ true ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ IsScrammed;
+ is_record(Pass, scram) ->
+ case is_scrammed() of
+ true ->
+ next;
+ false ->
+ ?WARNING_MSG("Some passwords were stored in the database "
+ "as SCRAM, but 'auth_password_format' "
+ "is not configured as 'scram'.", []),
+ false
+ end;
+ is_list(U) orelse is_list(S) orelse is_list(Pass) ->
+ ?INFO_MSG("Mnesia table 'passwd' will be converted to binary", []),
+ true
-convert_to_binary(Fields) ->
- ejabberd_config:convert_table_to_binary(
- passwd, Fields, set,
- fun(#passwd{us = {U, _}}) -> U end,
- fun(#passwd{us = {U, S}, password = Pass} = R) ->
- NewUS = {iolist_to_binary(U), iolist_to_binary(S)},
- NewPass = case Pass of
- #scram{storedkey = StoredKey,
- serverkey = ServerKey,
- salt = Salt} ->
- Pass#scram{
- storedkey = iolist_to_binary(StoredKey),
- serverkey = iolist_to_binary(ServerKey),
- salt = iolist_to_binary(Salt)};
- _ ->
- iolist_to_binary(Pass)
- end,
- R#passwd{us = NewUS, password = NewPass}
- end).
+transform(#passwd{us = {U, S}, password = Pass} = R)
+ when is_list(U) orelse is_list(S) orelse is_list(Pass) ->
+ NewUS = {iolist_to_binary(U), iolist_to_binary(S)},
+ NewPass = case Pass of
+ #scram{storedkey = StoredKey,
+ serverkey = ServerKey,
+ salt = Salt} ->
+ Pass#scram{
+ storedkey = iolist_to_binary(StoredKey),
+ serverkey = iolist_to_binary(ServerKey),
+ salt = iolist_to_binary(Salt)};
+ _ ->
+ iolist_to_binary(Pass)
+ end,
+ transform(R#passwd{us = NewUS, password = NewPass});
+transform(#passwd{us = {U, S}, password = Password} = P)
+ when is_binary(Password) ->
+ case is_scrammed() of
+ true ->
+ case jid:resourceprep(Password) of
+ error ->
+ ?ERROR_MSG("SASLprep failed for password of user ~s@~s",
+ [U, S]),
+ P;
+ _ ->
+ Scram = password_to_scram(Password),
+ P#passwd{password = Scram}
+ end;
+ false ->
+ P
+ end;
+transform(#passwd{password = Password} = P)
+ when is_record(Password, scram) ->
+ P.
-%% The passwords are stored scrammed in the table either if the option says so,
-%% or if at least the first password is scrammed.
is_scrammed() ->
- OptionScram = is_option_scram(),
- FirstElement = mnesia:dirty_read(passwd,
- mnesia:dirty_first(passwd)),
- case {OptionScram, FirstElement} of
- {true, _} -> true;
- {false, [#passwd{password = Scram}]}
- when is_record(Scram, scram) ->
- true;
- _ -> false
- end.
-is_option_scram() ->
- scram ==
- ejabberd_config:get_option({auth_password_format, ?MYNAME},
- fun(V) -> V end).
-maybe_alert_password_scrammed_without_option() ->
- case is_scrammed() andalso not is_option_scram() of
- true ->
- ?ERROR_MSG("Some passwords were stored in the database "
- "as SCRAM, but 'auth_password_format' "
- "is not configured 'scram'. The option "
- "will now be considered to be 'scram'.",
- []);
- false -> ok
- end.
-maybe_scram_passwords() ->
- case is_scrammed() of
- true -> scram_passwords();
- false -> ok
- end.
-scram_passwords() ->
- ?INFO_MSG("Converting the stored passwords into "
- "SCRAM bits",
- []),
- Fun = fun (#passwd{us = {U, S}, password = Password} = P)
- when is_binary(Password) ->
- case jid:resourceprep(Password) of
- error ->
- "SASLprep failed for "
- "password of user ~s@~s",
- [U, S]),
- P;
- _ ->
- Scram = password_to_scram(Password),
- P#passwd{password = Scram}
- end;
- (P) ->
- P
- end,
- Fields = record_info(fields, passwd),
- mnesia:transform_table(passwd, Fun, Fields).
+ scram == store_type().
password_to_scram(Password) ->
#passwd{us = {LUser, LServer}, password = Password}).
-opt_type(auth_password_format) -> fun (V) -> V end;
+opt_type(auth_password_format) ->
+ fun (plain) -> plain;
+ (scram) -> scram
+ end;
opt_type(_) -> [auth_password_format].
is_scrammed() ->
scram ==
ejabberd_config:get_option({auth_password_format, ?MYNAME},
- fun(V) -> V end).
+ opt_type(auth_password_format), plain).
password_to_scram(Password) ->
Passwd = #passwd{us = {LUser, LServer}, password = Password},
ejabberd_riak:put(Passwd, passwd_schema(), [{'2i', [{<<"host">>, LServer}]}]).
-opt_type(auth_password_format) -> fun (V) -> V end;
+opt_type(auth_password_format) ->
+ fun (plain) -> plain;
+ (scram) -> scram
+ end;
opt_type(_) -> [auth_password_format].
is_scrammed() ->
scram ==
ejabberd_config:get_option({auth_password_format, ?MYNAME},
- fun(V) -> V end).
+ opt_type(auth_password_format), plain).
password_to_scram(Password) ->
-opt_type(auth_password_format) -> fun (V) -> V end;
+opt_type(auth_password_format) ->
+ fun (plain) -> plain;
+ (scram) -> scram
+ end;
opt_type(_) -> [auth_password_format].
get_vh_by_auth_method/1, is_file_readable/1,
get_version/0, get_myhosts/0, get_mylang/0,
get_ejabberd_config_path/0, is_using_elixir_config/0,
- prepare_opt_val/4, convert_table_to_binary/5,
- transform_options/1, collect_options/1,
+ prepare_opt_val/4, transform_options/1, collect_options/1,
convert_to_yaml/1, convert_to_yaml/2, v_db/2,
env_binary_to_list/2, opt_type/1, may_hide_data/1,
is_elixir_enabled/0, v_dbs/1, v_dbs_mods/1,
transform_options(Opt, Opts) ->
--spec convert_table_to_binary(atom(), [atom()], atom(),
- fun(), fun()) -> ok.
-convert_table_to_binary(Tab, Fields, Type, DetectFun, ConvertFun) ->
- case is_table_still_list(Tab, DetectFun) of
- true ->
- ?INFO_MSG("Converting '~s' table from strings to binaries.", [Tab]),
- TmpTab = list_to_atom(atom_to_list(Tab) ++ "_tmp_table"),
- catch mnesia:delete_table(TmpTab),
- case ejabberd_mnesia:create(?MODULE, TmpTab,
- [{disc_only_copies, [node()]},
- {type, Type},
- {local_content, true},
- {record_name, Tab},
- {attributes, Fields}]) of
- {atomic, ok} ->
- mnesia:transform_table(Tab, ignore, Fields),
- case mnesia:transaction(
- fun() ->
- mnesia:write_lock_table(TmpTab),
- mnesia:foldl(
- fun(R, _) ->
- NewR = ConvertFun(R),
- mnesia:dirty_write(TmpTab, NewR)
- end, ok, Tab)
- end) of
- {atomic, ok} ->
- mnesia:clear_table(Tab),
- case mnesia:transaction(
- fun() ->
- mnesia:write_lock_table(Tab),
- mnesia:foldl(
- fun(R, _) ->
- mnesia:dirty_write(R)
- end, ok, TmpTab)
- end) of
- {atomic, ok} ->
- mnesia:delete_table(TmpTab);
- Err ->
- report_and_stop(Tab, Err)
- end;
- Err ->
- report_and_stop(Tab, Err)
- end;
- Err ->
- report_and_stop(Tab, Err)
- end;
- false ->
- ok
- end.
-is_table_still_list(Tab, DetectFun) ->
- is_table_still_list(Tab, DetectFun, mnesia:dirty_first(Tab)).
-is_table_still_list(_Tab, _DetectFun, '$end_of_table') ->
- false;
-is_table_still_list(Tab, DetectFun, Key) ->
- Rs = mnesia:dirty_read(Tab, Key),
- Res = lists:foldl(fun(_, true) ->
- true;
- (_, false) ->
- false;
- (R, _) ->
- case DetectFun(R) of
- '$next' ->
- '$next';
- El ->
- is_list(El)
- end
- end, '$next', Rs),
- case Res of
- true ->
- true;
- false ->
- false;
- '$next' ->
- is_table_still_list(Tab, DetectFun, mnesia:dirty_next(Tab, Key))
- end.
-report_and_stop(Tab, Err) ->
- ErrTxt = lists:flatten(
- io_lib:format(
- "Failed to convert '~s' table to binary: ~p",
- [Tab, Err])),
- ?CRITICAL_MSG(ErrTxt, []),
- timer:sleep(1000),
- halt(string:substr(ErrTxt, 1, 199)).
emit_deprecation_warning(Module, NewModule, DBType) ->
?WARNING_MSG("Module ~s is deprecated, use ~s with 'db_type: ~s'"
" instead", [Module, NewModule, DBType]).
--export([start/0, create/3, reset/2, update/2]).
+-export([start/0, create/3, update/2, transform/2, transform/3,
+ dump_schema/0]).
%% gen_server callbacks
-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
terminate/2, code_change/3]).
--record(state, {tables = #{} :: map()}).
+-record(state, {tables = #{} :: map(),
+ schema = [] :: [{atom(), [{atom(), any()}]}]}).
start() ->
gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []).
+-spec create(module(), atom(), list()) -> any().
create(Module, Name, TabDef) ->
gen_server:call(?MODULE, {create, Module, Name, TabDef},
- timer:seconds(60)).
+ %% Huge timeout is need to have enough
+ %% time to transform huge tables
+ timer:minutes(30)).
init([]) ->
ejabberd_config:env_binary_to_list(mnesia, dir),
ejabberd:start_app(mnesia, permanent),
?DEBUG("Waiting for Mnesia tables synchronization...", []),
mnesia:wait_for_tables(mnesia:system_info(local_tables), infinity),
- {ok, #state{}};
+ Schema = read_schema_file(),
+ {ok, #state{schema = Schema}};
false ->
?CRITICAL_MSG("Node name mismatch: I'm [~s], "
"the database is owned by ~p", [MyNode, DbNodes]),
{TabDef, Result} ->
{reply, Result, State};
_ ->
- Result = do_create(Module, Name, TabDef),
+ Result = do_create(Module, Name, TabDef, State#state.schema),
Tables = maps:put(Name, {TabDef, Result}, State#state.tables),
- {reply, Result, #state{tables = Tables}}
+ {reply, Result, State#state{tables = Tables}}
handle_call(_Request, _From, State) ->
{noreply, State}.
code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
{ok, State}.
-do_create(Module, Name, TabDef)
- when is_atom(Module), is_atom(Name), is_list(TabDef) ->
- Path = os:getenv("EJABBERD_SCHEMA_PATH"),
- Schema = schema(Path, Module, Name, TabDef),
+do_create(Module, Name, TabDef, TabDefs) ->
+ code:ensure_loaded(Module),
+ Schema = schema(Name, TabDef, TabDefs),
{attributes, Attrs} = lists:keyfind(attributes, 1, Schema),
case catch mnesia:table_info(Name, attributes) of
{'EXIT', _} ->
create(Name, TabDef);
Attrs ->
case need_reset(Name, Schema) of
- true -> reset(Name, Schema);
- false -> update(Name, Attrs, Schema)
+ true ->
+ reset(Name, Schema);
+ false ->
+ case update(Name, Attrs, Schema) of
+ {atomic, ok} ->
+ transform(Module, Name, Attrs, Attrs);
+ Err ->
+ Err
+ end
OldAttrs ->
- Fun = case lists:member({transform,1}, Module:module_info(exports)) of
- true -> fun(Old) -> Module:transform(Old) end;
- false -> fun(Old) -> transform(OldAttrs, Attrs, Old) end
- end,
- mnesia_op(transform_table, [Name, Fun, Attrs])
+ transform(Module, Name, OldAttrs, Attrs)
-reset(Name, TabDef)
- when is_atom(Name), is_list(TabDef) ->
+reset(Name, TabDef) ->
+ ?INFO_MSG("Deleting Mnesia table '~s'", [Name]),
mnesia_op(delete_table, [Name]),
create(Name, TabDef).
-update(Name, TabDef)
- when is_atom(Name), is_list(TabDef) ->
+update(Name, TabDef) ->
{attributes, Attrs} = lists:keyfind(attributes, 1, TabDef),
update(Name, Attrs, TabDef).
update(Name, Attrs, TabDef) ->
- Storage = case catch mnesia:table_info(Name, storage_type) of
- {'EXIT', _} -> unknown;
- Type -> Type
- end,
- NewStorage = lists:foldl(
- fun({Key, _}, Acc) ->
- case lists:member(Key, ?STORAGE_TYPES) of
- true -> Key;
- false -> Acc
- end
- end, Storage, TabDef),
- R1 = [mnesia_op(change_table_copy_type, [Name, node(), NewStorage])
- || Storage=/=NewStorage],
- CurIndexes = [lists:nth(N-1, Attrs) || N<-mnesia:table_info(Name, index)],
- NewIndexes = proplists:get_value(index, TabDef, []),
- R2 = [mnesia_op(del_table_index, [Name, Attr])
- || Attr <- CurIndexes--NewIndexes],
- R3 = [mnesia_op(add_table_index, [Name, Attr])
- || Attr <- NewIndexes--CurIndexes],
- lists:foldl(
- fun({atomic, ok}, Acc) -> Acc;
- (Error, _Acc) -> Error
- end, {atomic, ok}, R1++R2++R3).
+ case change_table_copy_type(Name, TabDef) of
+ {atomic, ok} ->
+ CurrIndexes = [lists:nth(N-1, Attrs) ||
+ N <- mnesia:table_info(Name, index)],
+ NewIndexes = proplists:get_value(index, TabDef, []),
+ case delete_indexes(Name, CurrIndexes -- NewIndexes) of
+ {atomic, ok} ->
+ add_indexes(Name, NewIndexes -- CurrIndexes);
+ Err ->
+ Err
+ end;
+ Err ->
+ Err
+ end.
+change_table_copy_type(Name, TabDef) ->
+ CurrType = mnesia:table_info(Name, storage_type),
+ NewType = case lists:filter(fun is_storage_type_option/1, TabDef) of
+ [{Type, _}|_] -> Type;
+ [] -> CurrType
+ end,
+ if NewType /= CurrType ->
+ ?INFO_MSG("Changing Mnesia table '~s' from ~s to ~s",
+ [Name, CurrType, NewType]),
+ mnesia_op(change_table_copy_type, [Name, node(), NewType]);
+ true ->
+ {atomic, ok}
+ end.
+delete_indexes(Name, [Index|Indexes]) ->
+ ?INFO_MSG("Deleting index '~s' from Mnesia table '~s'", [Index, Name]),
+ case mnesia_op(del_table_index, [Name, Index]) of
+ {atomic, ok} ->
+ delete_indexes(Name, Indexes);
+ Err ->
+ Err
+ end;
+delete_indexes(_Name, []) ->
+ {atomic, ok}.
+add_indexes(Name, [Index|Indexes]) ->
+ ?INFO_MSG("Adding index '~s' to Mnesia table '~s'", [Index, Name]),
+ case mnesia_op(add_table_index, [Name, Index]) of
+ {atomic, ok} ->
+ add_indexes(Name, Indexes);
+ Err ->
+ Err
+ end;
+add_indexes(_Name, []) ->
+ {atomic, ok}.
% utilities
-schema(false, Module, _Name, TabDef) ->
- ?DEBUG("No custom ~s schema path", [Module]),
- TabDef;
-schema(Path, Module, Name, TabDef) ->
- File = filename:join(Path, atom_to_list(Module)++".mnesia"),
- case parse(File) of
- {ok, CustomDefs} ->
- case lists:keyfind(Name, 1, CustomDefs) of
- {Name, CustomDef} ->
- ?INFO_MSG("Using custom ~s schema for table ~s",
- [Module, Name]),
- merge(TabDef, CustomDef);
- _ ->
- TabDef
- end;
+schema(Name, Default, Schema) ->
+ case lists:keyfind(Name, 1, Schema) of
+ {_, Custom} ->
+ TabDefs = merge(Custom, Default),
+ ?DEBUG("Using custom schema for table '~s': ~p",
+ [Name, TabDefs]),
+ TabDefs;
+ false ->
+ ?DEBUG("No custom Mnesia schema for table '~s' found",
+ [Name]),
+ Default
+ end.
+read_schema_file() ->
+ File = schema_path(),
+ case fast_yaml:decode_from_file(File, [plain_as_atom]) of
+ {ok, [Defs|_]} ->
+ ?INFO_MSG("Using custom Mnesia schema from ~s", [File]),
+ lists:flatmap(
+ fun({Tab, Opts}) ->
+ case validate_schema_opts(File, Opts) of
+ {ok, NewOpts} ->
+ [{Tab, lists:ukeysort(1, NewOpts)}];
+ error ->
+ []
+ end
+ end, Defs);
+ {ok, []} ->
+ ?WARNING_MSG("Mnesia schema file ~s is empty", [File]),
+ [];
{error, enoent} ->
- ?DEBUG("No custom ~s schema path", [Module]),
- TabDef;
- {error, Error} ->
- ?ERROR_MSG("Can not use custom ~s schema for table ~s: ~p",
- [Module, Name, Error]),
- TabDef
+ ?DEBUG("No custom Mnesia schema file found", []),
+ [];
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?ERROR_MSG("Failed to read Mnesia schema file ~s: ~s",
+ [File, fast_yaml:format_error(Reason)]),
+ []
+ end.
+validate_schema_opts(File, Opts) ->
+ try {ok, lists:map(
+ fun({storage_type, Type}) when Type == ram_copies;
+ Type == disc_copies;
+ Type == disc_only_copies ->
+ {Type, [node()]};
+ ({storage_type, _} = Opt) ->
+ erlang:error({invalid_value, Opt});
+ ({local_content, Bool}) when is_boolean(Bool) ->
+ {local_content, Bool};
+ ({local_content, _} = Opt) ->
+ erlang:error({invalid_value, Opt});
+ ({type, Type}) when Type == set;
+ Type == ordered_set;
+ Type == bag ->
+ {type, Type};
+ ({type, _} = Opt) ->
+ erlang:error({invalid_value, Opt});
+ ({attributes, Attrs} = Opt) ->
+ try lists:all(fun is_atom/1, Attrs) of
+ true -> {attributes, Attrs};
+ false -> erlang:error({invalid_value, Opt})
+ catch _:_ -> erlang:error({invalid_value, Opt})
+ end;
+ ({index, Indexes} = Opt) ->
+ try lists:all(fun is_atom/1, Indexes) of
+ true -> {index, Indexes};
+ false -> erlang:error({invalid_value, Opt})
+ catch _:_ -> erlang:error({invalid_value, Opt})
+ end;
+ (Opt) ->
+ erlang:error({unknown_option, Opt})
+ end, Opts)}
+ catch _:{invalid_value, {Opt, Val}} ->
+ ?ERROR_MSG("Mnesia schema ~s is incorrect: invalid value ~p of "
+ "option '~s'", [File, Val, Opt]),
+ error;
+ _:{unknown_option, Opt} ->
+ ?ERROR_MSG("Mnesia schema ~s is incorrect: unknown option ~p",
+ [File, Opt]),
+ error
create(Name, TabDef) ->
+ ?INFO_MSG("Creating Mnesia table '~s'", [Name]),
case mnesia_op(create_table, [Name, TabDef]) of
{atomic, ok} ->
mnesia_op(add_table_copy, [Name, node(), Type])
-merge(TabDef, CustomDef) ->
- {CustomKeys, _} = lists:unzip(CustomDef),
- CleanDef = lists:foldl(
- fun(Elem, Acc) ->
- case lists:member(Elem, ?STORAGE_TYPES) of
- true ->
- lists:foldl(
- fun(Key, CleanAcc) ->
- lists:keydelete(Key, 1, CleanAcc)
- end, Acc, ?STORAGE_TYPES);
- false ->
- Acc
- end
- end, TabDef, CustomKeys),
- lists:ukeymerge(1,
- lists:ukeysort(1, CustomDef),
- lists:ukeysort(1, CleanDef)).
-parse(File) ->
- case file:consult(File) of
- {ok, Terms} -> parse(Terms, []);
- Error -> Error
- end.
-parse([], Acc) ->
- {ok, lists:reverse(Acc)};
-parse([{Name, Storage, TabDef}|Tail], Acc)
- when is_atom(Name), is_atom(Storage), is_list(TabDef) ->
- NewDef = case lists:member(Storage, ?STORAGE_TYPES) of
- true -> [{Storage, [node()]} | TabDef];
- false -> TabDef
- end,
- parse(Tail, [{Name, NewDef} | Acc]);
-parse([Other|_], _) ->
- {error, {invalid, Other}}.
+merge(Custom, Default) ->
+ NewDefault = case lists:any(fun is_storage_type_option/1, Custom) of
+ true ->
+ lists:filter(
+ fun(O) ->
+ not is_storage_type_option(O)
+ end, Default);
+ false ->
+ Default
+ end,
+ lists:ukeymerge(1, Custom, lists:ukeysort(1, NewDefault)).
need_reset(Table, TabDef) ->
ValuesF = [mnesia:table_info(Table, Key) || Key <- ?NEED_RESET],
({_, _}, _) -> true
end, false, lists:zip(ValuesF, ValuesT)).
-transform(OldAttrs, Attrs, Old) ->
+transform(Module, Name) ->
+ try mnesia:table_info(Name, attributes) of
+ Attrs ->
+ transform(Module, Name, Attrs, Attrs)
+ catch _:{aborted, _} = Err ->
+ Err
+ end.
+transform(Module, Name, NewAttrs) ->
+ try mnesia:table_info(Name, attributes) of
+ OldAttrs ->
+ transform(Module, Name, OldAttrs, NewAttrs)
+ catch _:{aborted, _} = Err ->
+ Err
+ end.
+transform(Module, Name, Attrs, Attrs) ->
+ case need_transform(Module, Name) of
+ true ->
+ ?INFO_MSG("Transforming table '~s', this may take a while", [Name]),
+ transform_table(Module, Name);
+ false ->
+ {atomic, ok}
+ end;
+transform(Module, Name, OldAttrs, NewAttrs) ->
+ Fun = case erlang:function_exported(Module, transform, 1) of
+ true -> transform_fun(Module, Name);
+ false -> fun(Old) -> do_transform(OldAttrs, NewAttrs, Old) end
+ end,
+ mnesia_op(transform_table, [Name, Fun, NewAttrs]).
+-spec need_transform(module(), atom()) -> boolean().
+need_transform(Module, Name) ->
+ case erlang:function_exported(Module, need_transform, 1) of
+ true ->
+ do_need_transform(Module, Name, mnesia:dirty_first(Name));
+ false ->
+ false
+ end.
+do_need_transform(_Module, _Name, '$end_of_table') ->
+ false;
+do_need_transform(Module, Name, Key) ->
+ Objs = mnesia:dirty_read(Name, Key),
+ case lists:foldl(
+ fun(_, true) -> true;
+ (Obj, _) -> Module:need_transform(Obj)
+ end, undefined, Objs) of
+ true -> true;
+ false -> false;
+ _ ->
+ do_need_transform(Module, Name, mnesia:dirty_next(Name, Key))
+ end.
+do_transform(OldAttrs, Attrs, Old) ->
[Name|OldValues] = tuple_to_list(Old),
Before = lists:zip(OldAttrs, OldValues),
After = lists:foldl(
{Attrs, NewRecord} = lists:unzip(After),
+transform_fun(Module, Name) ->
+ fun(Obj) ->
+ try Module:transform(Obj)
+ catch E:R ->
+ StackTrace = erlang:get_stacktrace(),
+ ?ERROR_MSG("Failed to transform Mnesia table ~s:~n"
+ "** Record: ~p~n"
+ "** Reason: ~p~n"
+ "** StackTrace: ~p",
+ [Name, Obj, R, StackTrace]),
+ erlang:raise(E, R, StackTrace)
+ end
+ end.
+transform_table(Module, Name) ->
+ Type = mnesia:table_info(Name, type),
+ Attrs = mnesia:table_info(Name, attributes),
+ TmpTab = list_to_atom(atom_to_list(Name) ++ "_backup"),
+ StorageType = if Type == ordered_set -> disc_copies;
+ true -> disc_only_copies
+ end,
+ mnesia:create_table(TmpTab,
+ [{StorageType, [node()]},
+ {type, Type},
+ {local_content, true},
+ {record_name, Name},
+ {attributes, Attrs}]),
+ mnesia:clear_table(TmpTab),
+ Fun = transform_fun(Module, Name),
+ Res = mnesia_op(
+ transaction,
+ [fun() -> do_transform_table(Name, Fun, TmpTab, mnesia:first(Name)) end]),
+ mnesia:delete_table(TmpTab),
+ Res.
+do_transform_table(Name, _Fun, TmpTab, '$end_of_table') ->
+ mnesia:foldl(
+ fun(Obj, _) ->
+ mnesia:write(Name, Obj, write)
+ end, ok, TmpTab);
+do_transform_table(Name, Fun, TmpTab, Key) ->
+ Next = mnesia:next(Name, Key),
+ Objs = mnesia:read(Name, Key),
+ lists:foreach(
+ fun(Obj) ->
+ mnesia:write(TmpTab, Fun(Obj), write),
+ mnesia:delete_object(Obj)
+ end, Objs),
+ do_transform_table(Name, Fun, TmpTab, Next).
mnesia_op(Fun, Args) ->
case apply(mnesia, Fun, Args) of
{atomic, ok} ->
[Fun, Args, Other]),
+schema_path() ->
+ Dir = case os:getenv("EJABBERD_MNESIA_SCHEMA") of
+ false -> mnesia:system_info(directory);
+ Path -> Path
+ end,
+ filename:join(Dir, "ejabberd.schema").
+is_storage_type_option({O, _}) ->
+ O == ram_copies orelse O == disc_copies orelse O == disc_only_copies.
+dump_schema() ->
+ File = schema_path(),
+ Schema = lists:flatmap(
+ fun(schema) ->
+ [];
+ (Tab) ->
+ [{Tab, [{storage_type,
+ mnesia:table_info(Tab, storage_type)},
+ {local_content,
+ mnesia:table_info(Tab, local_content)}]}]
+ end, mnesia:system_info(tables)),
+ case file:write_file(File, [fast_yaml:encode(Schema), io_lib:nl()]) of
+ ok ->
+ io:format("Mnesia schema is written to ~s~n", [File]);
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ io:format("Failed to write Mnesia schema to ~s: ~s",
+ [File, file:format_error(Reason)])
+ end.
%% API
-export([init/2, set_motd_users/2, set_motd/2, delete_motd/1,
get_motd/1, is_motd_user/2, set_motd_user/2, import/3]).
+-export([need_transform/1, transform/1]).
ejabberd_mnesia:create(?MODULE, motd_users,
[{disc_copies, [node()]},
- record_info(fields, motd_users)}]),
- update_tables().
+ record_info(fields, motd_users)}]).
set_motd_users(_LServer, USRs) ->
F = fun() ->
+need_transform(#motd{server = S}) when is_list(S) ->
+ ?INFO_MSG("Mnesia table 'motd' will be converted to binary", []),
+ true;
+need_transform(#motd_users{us = {U, S}}) when is_list(U) orelse is_list(S) ->
+ ?INFO_MSG("Mnesia table 'motd_users' will be converted to binary", []),
+ true;
+need_transform(_) ->
+ false.
+transform(#motd{server = S, packet = P} = R) ->
+ NewS = iolist_to_binary(S),
+ NewP = fxml:to_xmlel(P),
+ R#motd{server = NewS, packet = NewP};
+transform(#motd_users{us = {U, S}} = R) ->
+ NewUS = {iolist_to_binary(U), iolist_to_binary(S)},
+ R#motd_users{us = NewUS}.
import(LServer, <<"motd">>, [<<>>, XML, _TimeStamp]) ->
El = fxml_stream:parse_element(XML),
mnesia:dirty_write(#motd{server = LServer, packet = El});
%%% Internal functions
-update_tables() ->
- update_motd_table(),
- update_motd_users_table().
-update_motd_table() ->
- Fields = record_info(fields, motd),
- case mnesia:table_info(motd, attributes) of
- Fields ->
- ejabberd_config:convert_table_to_binary(
- motd, Fields, set,
- fun(#motd{server = S}) -> S end,
- fun(#motd{server = S, packet = P} = R) ->
- NewS = iolist_to_binary(S),
- NewP = fxml:to_xmlel(P),
- R#motd{server = NewS, packet = NewP}
- end);
- _ ->
- ?INFO_MSG("Recreating motd table", []),
- mnesia:transform_table(motd, ignore, Fields)
- end.
-update_motd_users_table() ->
- Fields = record_info(fields, motd_users),
- case mnesia:table_info(motd_users, attributes) of
- Fields ->
- ejabberd_config:convert_table_to_binary(
- motd_users, Fields, set,
- fun(#motd_users{us = {U, _}}) -> U end,
- fun(#motd_users{us = {U, S}} = R) ->
- NewUS = {iolist_to_binary(U),
- iolist_to_binary(S)},
- R#motd_users{us = NewUS}
- end);
- _ ->
- ?INFO_MSG("Recreating motd_users table", []),
- mnesia:transform_table(motd_users, ignore, Fields)
- end.
%% API
-export([init/2, caps_read/2, caps_write/3, import/3]).
+-export([need_transform/1, transform/1]).
%%% API
init(_Host, _Opts) ->
- case catch mnesia:table_info(caps_features, storage_type) of
- {'EXIT', _} ->
- ok;
- disc_only_copies ->
- ok;
- _ ->
- mnesia:delete_table(caps_features)
- end,
ejabberd_mnesia:create(?MODULE, caps_features,
- [{disc_only_copies, [node()]},
- {local_content, true},
- {attributes,
- record_info(fields, caps_features)}]),
- update_table().
+ [{disc_only_copies, [node()]},
+ {local_content, true},
+ {attributes, record_info(fields, caps_features)}]).
caps_read(_LServer, Node) ->
case mnesia:dirty_read({caps_features, Node}) of
#caps_features{node_pair = NodePair, features = Features}).
+need_transform(#caps_features{node_pair = {N, P}, features = Fs}) ->
+ case is_list(N) orelse is_list(P) orelse
+ (is_list(Fs) andalso lists:any(fun is_list/1, Fs)) of
+ true ->
+ ?INFO_MSG("Mnesia table 'caps_features' will be "
+ "converted to binary", []),
+ true;
+ false ->
+ false
+ end.
+transform(#caps_features{node_pair = {N, P}, features = Fs} = R) ->
+ NewFs = if is_integer(Fs) ->
+ Fs;
+ true ->
+ [iolist_to_binary(F) || F <- Fs]
+ end,
+ R#caps_features{node_pair = {iolist_to_binary(N), iolist_to_binary(P)},
+ features = NewFs}.
%%% Internal functions
-update_table() ->
- Fields = record_info(fields, caps_features),
- case mnesia:table_info(caps_features, attributes) of
- Fields ->
- ejabberd_config:convert_table_to_binary(
- caps_features, Fields, set,
- fun(#caps_features{node_pair = {N, _}}) -> N end,
- fun(#caps_features{node_pair = {N, P},
- features = Fs} = R) ->
- NewFs = if is_integer(Fs) ->
- Fs;
- true ->
- [iolist_to_binary(F) || F <- Fs]
- end,
- R#caps_features{node_pair = {iolist_to_binary(N),
- iolist_to_binary(P)},
- features = NewFs}
- end);
- _ ->
- ?INFO_MSG("Recreating caps_features table", []),
- mnesia:transform_table(caps_features, ignore, Fields)
- end.
%% API
-export([init/2, get_data/3, set_data/4, import/2]).
+-export([need_transform/1, transform/1]).
init(_Host, _Opts) ->
ejabberd_mnesia:create(?MODULE, irc_custom,
- [{disc_copies, [node()]},
- {attributes, record_info(fields, irc_custom)}]),
- update_table().
+ [{disc_copies, [node()]},
+ {attributes, record_info(fields, irc_custom)}]).
get_data(_LServer, Host, From) ->
{U, S, _} = jid:tolower(From),
import(_LServer, #irc_custom{} = R) ->
+need_transform(#irc_custom{us_host = {{U, S}, H}})
+ when is_list(U) orelse is_list(S) orelse is_list(H) ->
+ ?INFO_MSG("Mnesia table 'irc_custom' will be converted to binary", []),
+ true;
+need_transform(_) ->
+ false.
+transform(#irc_custom{us_host = {{U, S}, H},
+ data = Data} = R) ->
+ JID = jid:make(U, S),
+ R#irc_custom{us_host = {{iolist_to_binary(U),
+ iolist_to_binary(S)},
+ iolist_to_binary(H)},
+ data = mod_irc:data_to_binary(JID, Data)}.
%%% Internal functions
-update_table() ->
- Fields = record_info(fields, irc_custom),
- case mnesia:table_info(irc_custom, attributes) of
- Fields ->
- ejabberd_config:convert_table_to_binary(
- irc_custom, Fields, set,
- fun(#irc_custom{us_host = {_, H}}) -> H end,
- fun(#irc_custom{us_host = {{U, S}, H},
- data = Data} = R) ->
- JID = jid:make(U, S),
- R#irc_custom{us_host = {{iolist_to_binary(U),
- iolist_to_binary(S)},
- iolist_to_binary(H)},
- data = mod_irc:data_to_binary(JID, Data)}
- end);
- _ ->
- ?INFO_MSG("Recreating irc_custom table", []),
- mnesia:transform_table(irc_custom, ignore, Fields)
- end.
%% API
-export([init/2, import/2, get_last/2, store_last_info/4, remove_user/2]).
+-export([need_transform/1, transform/1]).
init(_Host, _Opts) ->
ejabberd_mnesia:create(?MODULE, last_activity,
- [{disc_copies, [node()]},
- {attributes,
- record_info(fields, last_activity)}]),
- update_table().
+ [{disc_copies, [node()]},
+ {attributes, record_info(fields, last_activity)}]).
get_last(LUser, LServer) ->
case mnesia:dirty_read(last_activity, {LUser, LServer}) of
import(_LServer, #last_activity{} = LA) ->
+need_transform(#last_activity{us = {U, S}, status = Status})
+ when is_list(U) orelse is_list(S) orelse is_list(Status) ->
+ ?INFO_MSG("Mnesia table 'last_activity' will be converted to binary", []),
+ true;
+need_transform(_) ->
+ false.
+transform(#last_activity{us = {U, S}, status = Status} = R) ->
+ R#last_activity{us = {iolist_to_binary(U), iolist_to_binary(S)},
+ status = iolist_to_binary(Status)}.
%%% Internal functions
-update_table() ->
- Fields = record_info(fields, last_activity),
- case mnesia:table_info(last_activity, attributes) of
- Fields ->
- ejabberd_config:convert_table_to_binary(
- last_activity, Fields, set,
- fun(#last_activity{us = {U, _}}) -> U end,
- fun(#last_activity{us = {U, S}, status = Status} = R) ->
- R#last_activity{us = {iolist_to_binary(U),
- iolist_to_binary(S)},
- status = iolist_to_binary(Status)}
- end);
- _ ->
- ?INFO_MSG("Recreating last_activity table", []),
- mnesia:transform_table(last_activity, ignore, Fields)
- end.
%% gen_server callbacks
-export([start_link/2, init/1, handle_cast/2, handle_call/3, handle_info/2,
terminate/2, code_change/3]).
+-export([need_transform/1, transform/1]).
[{disc_copies, [node()]},
record_info(fields, muc_registered)},
- {index, [nick]}]),
- update_tables(MyHost);
+ {index, [nick]}]);
_ ->
case gen_mod:ram_db_mod(Host, Opts, mod_muc) of
- update_muc_online_table(),
ejabberd_mnesia:create(?MODULE, muc_online_room,
[{ram_copies, [node()]},
{type, ordered_set},
-update_tables(Host) ->
- update_muc_room_table(Host),
- update_muc_registered_table(Host).
-update_muc_room_table(_Host) ->
- Fields = record_info(fields, muc_room),
- case mnesia:table_info(muc_room, attributes) of
- Fields ->
- ejabberd_config:convert_table_to_binary(
- muc_room, Fields, set,
- fun(#muc_room{name_host = {N, _}}) -> N end,
- fun(#muc_room{name_host = {N, H},
- opts = Opts} = R) ->
- R#muc_room{name_host = {iolist_to_binary(N),
- iolist_to_binary(H)},
- opts = mod_muc:opts_to_binary(Opts)}
- end);
- _ ->
- ?INFO_MSG("Recreating muc_room table", []),
- mnesia:transform_table(muc_room, ignore, Fields)
- end.
-update_muc_registered_table(_Host) ->
- Fields = record_info(fields, muc_registered),
- case mnesia:table_info(muc_registered, attributes) of
- Fields ->
- ejabberd_config:convert_table_to_binary(
- muc_registered, Fields, set,
- fun(#muc_registered{us_host = {_, H}}) -> H end,
- fun(#muc_registered{us_host = {{U, S}, H},
- nick = Nick} = R) ->
- R#muc_registered{us_host = {{iolist_to_binary(U),
- iolist_to_binary(S)},
- iolist_to_binary(H)},
- nick = iolist_to_binary(Nick)}
- end);
- _ ->
- ?INFO_MSG("Recreating muc_registered table", []),
- mnesia:transform_table(muc_registered, ignore, Fields)
- end.
-update_muc_online_table() ->
- try
- case mnesia:table_info(muc_online_room, type) of
- ordered_set -> ok;
- _ ->
- case mnesia:delete_table(muc_online_room) of
- {atomic, ok} -> ok;
- Err -> erlang:error(Err)
- end
- end
- catch _:{aborted, {no_exists, muc_online_room}} -> ok;
- _:{aborted, {no_exists, muc_online_room, type}} -> ok;
- E:R ->
- ?ERROR_MSG("failed to update mnesia table '~s': ~p",
- [muc_online_room, {E, R, erlang:get_stacktrace()}])
- end.
+need_transform(#muc_room{name_host = {N, H}})
+ when is_list(N) orelse is_list(H) ->
+ ?INFO_MSG("Mnesia table 'muc_room' will be converted to binary", []),
+ true;
+need_transform(#muc_registered{us_host = {{U, S}, H}, nick = Nick})
+ when is_list(U) orelse is_list(S) orelse is_list(H) orelse is_list(Nick) ->
+ ?INFO_MSG("Mnesia table 'muc_registered' will be converted to binary", []),
+ true;
+need_transform(_) ->
+ false.
+transform(#muc_room{name_host = {N, H}, opts = Opts} = R) ->
+ R#muc_room{name_host = {iolist_to_binary(N), iolist_to_binary(H)},
+ opts = mod_muc:opts_to_binary(Opts)};
+transform(#muc_registered{us_host = {{U, S}, H}, nick = Nick} = R) ->
+ R#muc_registered{us_host = {{iolist_to_binary(U), iolist_to_binary(S)},
+ iolist_to_binary(H)},
+ nick = iolist_to_binary(Nick)}.
remove_old_messages/2, remove_user/2, read_message_headers/2,
read_message/3, remove_message/3, read_all_messages/2,
remove_all_messages/2, count_messages/2, import/1]).
+-export([need_transform/1, transform/1]).
init(_Host, _Opts) ->
ejabberd_mnesia:create(?MODULE, offline_msg,
- [{disc_only_copies, [node()]}, {type, bag},
- {attributes, record_info(fields, offline_msg)}]),
- update_table().
+ [{disc_only_copies, [node()]}, {type, bag},
+ {attributes, record_info(fields, offline_msg)}]).
store_messages(_Host, US, Msgs, Len, MaxOfflineMsgs) ->
F = fun () ->
import(#offline_msg{} = Msg) ->
+need_transform(#offline_msg{us = {U, S}}) when is_list(U) orelse is_list(S) ->
+ ?INFO_MSG("Mnesia table 'offline_msg' will be converted to binary", []),
+ true;
+need_transform(_) ->
+ false.
+transform(#offline_msg{us = {U, S}, from = From, to = To,
+ packet = El} = R) ->
+ R#offline_msg{us = {iolist_to_binary(U), iolist_to_binary(S)},
+ from = jid_to_binary(From),
+ to = jid_to_binary(To),
+ packet = fxml:to_xmlel(El)}.
%%% Internal functions
MSec = Secs div 1000000,
Sec = Secs rem 1000000,
{MSec, Sec, USec}.
-update_table() ->
- Fields = record_info(fields, offline_msg),
- case mnesia:table_info(offline_msg, attributes) of
- Fields ->
- ejabberd_config:convert_table_to_binary(
- offline_msg, Fields, bag,
- fun(#offline_msg{us = {U, _}}) -> U end,
- fun(#offline_msg{us = {U, S},
- from = From,
- to = To,
- packet = El} = R) ->
- R#offline_msg{us = {iolist_to_binary(U),
- iolist_to_binary(S)},
- from = jid_to_binary(From),
- to = jid_to_binary(To),
- packet = fxml:to_xmlel(El)}
- end);
- _ ->
- ?INFO_MSG("Recreating offline_msg table", []),
- mnesia:transform_table(offline_msg, ignore, Fields)
- end.
remove_privacy_list/3, set_privacy_list/1,
set_privacy_list/4, get_user_list/2, get_user_lists/2,
remove_user/2, import/1]).
+-export([need_transform/1, transform/1]).
init(_Host, _Opts) ->
ejabberd_mnesia:create(?MODULE, privacy,
- [{disc_copies, [node()]},
- {attributes, record_info(fields, privacy)}]),
- update_table().
+ [{disc_copies, [node()]},
+ {attributes, record_info(fields, privacy)}]).
process_lists_get(LUser, LServer) ->
case catch mnesia:dirty_read(privacy, {LUser, LServer}) of
import(#privacy{} = P) ->
-%%% Internal functions
-update_table() ->
- Fields = record_info(fields, privacy),
- case mnesia:table_info(privacy, attributes) of
- Fields ->
- ejabberd_config:convert_table_to_binary(
- privacy, Fields, set,
- fun(#privacy{us = {U, _}}) -> U end,
- fun(#privacy{us = {U, S}, default = Def, lists = Lists} = R) ->
- NewLists =
- lists:map(
- fun({Name, Ls}) ->
- NewLs =
- lists:map(
- fun(#listitem{value = Val} = L) ->
- NewVal =
- case Val of
+need_transform(#privacy{us = {U, S}}) when is_list(U) orelse is_list(S) ->
+ ?INFO_MSG("Mnesia table 'privacy' will be converted to binary", []),
+ true;
+need_transform(_) ->
+ false.
+transform(#privacy{us = {U, S}, default = Def, lists = Lists} = R) ->
+ NewLists = lists:map(
+ fun({Name, Ls}) ->
+ NewLs = lists:map(
+ fun(#listitem{value = Val} = L) ->
+ NewVal = case Val of
{LU, LS, LR} ->
to -> to;
_ -> iolist_to_binary(Val)
- L#listitem{value = NewVal}
- end, Ls),
- {iolist_to_binary(Name), NewLs}
- end, Lists),
- NewDef = case Def of
- none -> none;
- _ -> iolist_to_binary(Def)
- end,
- NewUS = {iolist_to_binary(U), iolist_to_binary(S)},
- R#privacy{us = NewUS, default = NewDef,
- lists = NewLists}
- end);
- _ ->
- ?INFO_MSG("Recreating privacy table", []),
- mnesia:transform_table(privacy, ignore, Fields)
- end.
+ L#listitem{value = NewVal}
+ end, Ls),
+ {iolist_to_binary(Name), NewLs}
+ end, Lists),
+ NewDef = case Def of
+ none -> none;
+ _ -> iolist_to_binary(Def)
+ end,
+ NewUS = {iolist_to_binary(U), iolist_to_binary(S)},
+ R#privacy{us = NewUS, default = NewDef, lists = NewLists}.
+%%% Internal functions
%% API
-export([init/2, set_data/3, get_data/3, get_all_data/2, remove_user/2,
+-export([need_transform/1, transform/1]).
init(_Host, _Opts) ->
ejabberd_mnesia:create(?MODULE, private_storage,
- [{disc_only_copies, [node()]},
- {attributes,
- record_info(fields, private_storage)}]),
- update_table().
+ [{disc_only_copies, [node()]},
+ {attributes, record_info(fields, private_storage)}]).
set_data(LUser, LServer, Data) ->
F = fun () ->
PS = #private_storage{usns = {LUser, LServer, XMLNS}, xml = El},
+need_transform(#private_storage{usns = {U, S, NS}})
+ when is_list(U) orelse is_list(S) orelse is_list(NS) ->
+ ?INFO_MSG("Mnesia table 'private_storage' will be converted to binary", []),
+ true;
+need_transform(_) ->
+ false.
+transform(#private_storage{usns = {U, S, NS}, xml = El} = R) ->
+ R#private_storage{usns = {iolist_to_binary(U),
+ iolist_to_binary(S),
+ iolist_to_binary(NS)},
+ xml = fxml:to_xmlel(El)}.
%%% Internal functions
-update_table() ->
- Fields = record_info(fields, private_storage),
- case mnesia:table_info(private_storage, attributes) of
- Fields ->
- ejabberd_config:convert_table_to_binary(
- private_storage, Fields, set,
- fun(#private_storage{usns = {U, _, _}}) -> U end,
- fun(#private_storage{usns = {U, S, NS}, xml = El} = R) ->
- R#private_storage{usns = {iolist_to_binary(U),
- iolist_to_binary(S),
- iolist_to_binary(NS)},
- xml = fxml:to_xmlel(El)}
- end);
- _ ->
- ?INFO_MSG("Recreating private_storage table", []),
- mnesia:transform_table(private_storage, ignore, Fields)
- end.
roster_subscribe/4, get_roster_by_jid_with_groups/3,
remove_user/2, update_roster/4, del_roster/3, transaction/2,
read_subscription_and_groups/3, import/3, create_roster/1]).
+-export([need_transform/1, transform/1]).
ejabberd_mnesia:create(?MODULE, roster_version,
[{disc_copies, [node()]},
- record_info(fields, roster_version)}]),
- update_tables().
+ record_info(fields, roster_version)}]).
read_roster_version(LUser, LServer) ->
US = {LUser, LServer},
RV = #roster_version{us = {LUser, LServer}, version = Ver},
+need_transform(#roster{usj = {U, S, _}}) when is_list(U) orelse is_list(S) ->
+ ?INFO_MSG("Mnesia table 'roster' will be converted to binary", []),
+ true;
+need_transform(#roster_version{us = {U, S}, version = Ver})
+ when is_list(U) orelse is_list(S) orelse is_list(Ver) ->
+ ?INFO_MSG("Mnesia table 'roster_version' will be converted to binary", []),
+ true;
+need_transform(_) ->
+ false.
+transform(#roster{usj = {U, S, {LU, LS, LR}},
+ us = {U1, S1},
+ jid = {U2, S2, R2},
+ name = Name,
+ groups = Gs,
+ askmessage = Ask,
+ xs = Xs} = R) ->
+ R#roster{usj = {iolist_to_binary(U), iolist_to_binary(S),
+ {iolist_to_binary(LU),
+ iolist_to_binary(LS),
+ iolist_to_binary(LR)}},
+ us = {iolist_to_binary(U1), iolist_to_binary(S1)},
+ jid = {iolist_to_binary(U2),
+ iolist_to_binary(S2),
+ iolist_to_binary(R2)},
+ name = iolist_to_binary(Name),
+ groups = [iolist_to_binary(G) || G <- Gs],
+ askmessage = try iolist_to_binary(Ask)
+ catch _:_ -> <<"">> end,
+ xs = [fxml:to_xmlel(X) || X <- Xs]};
+transform(#roster_version{us = {U, S}, version = Ver} = R) ->
+ R#roster_version{us = {iolist_to_binary(U), iolist_to_binary(S)},
+ version = iolist_to_binary(Ver)}.
%%% Internal functions
-update_tables() ->
- update_roster_table(),
- update_roster_version_table().
-update_roster_table() ->
- Fields = record_info(fields, roster),
- case mnesia:table_info(roster, attributes) of
- Fields ->
- ejabberd_config:convert_table_to_binary(
- roster, Fields, set,
- fun(#roster{usj = {U, _, _}}) -> U end,
- fun(#roster{usj = {U, S, {LU, LS, LR}},
- us = {U1, S1},
- jid = {U2, S2, R2},
- name = Name,
- groups = Gs,
- askmessage = Ask,
- xs = Xs} = R) ->
- R#roster{usj = {iolist_to_binary(U),
- iolist_to_binary(S),
- {iolist_to_binary(LU),
- iolist_to_binary(LS),
- iolist_to_binary(LR)}},
- us = {iolist_to_binary(U1),
- iolist_to_binary(S1)},
- jid = {iolist_to_binary(U2),
- iolist_to_binary(S2),
- iolist_to_binary(R2)},
- name = iolist_to_binary(Name),
- groups = [iolist_to_binary(G) || G <- Gs],
- askmessage = try iolist_to_binary(Ask)
- catch _:_ -> <<"">> end,
- xs = [fxml:to_xmlel(X) || X <- Xs]}
- end);
- _ ->
- ?INFO_MSG("Recreating roster table", []),
- mnesia:transform_table(roster, ignore, Fields)
- end.
-%% Convert roster table to support virtual host
-%% Convert roster table: xattrs fields become
-update_roster_version_table() ->
- Fields = record_info(fields, roster_version),
- case mnesia:table_info(roster_version, attributes) of
- Fields ->
- ejabberd_config:convert_table_to_binary(
- roster_version, Fields, set,
- fun(#roster_version{us = {U, _}}) -> U end,
- fun(#roster_version{us = {U, S}, version = Ver} = R) ->
- R#roster_version{us = {iolist_to_binary(U),
- iolist_to_binary(S)},
- version = iolist_to_binary(Ver)}
- end);
- _ ->
- ?INFO_MSG("Recreating roster_version table", []),
- mnesia:transform_table(roster_version, ignore, Fields)
- end.
get_user_groups/2, get_group_explicit_users/2,
get_user_displayed_groups/3, is_user_in_group/3,
add_user_to_group/3, remove_user_from_group/3, import/3]).
+-export([need_transform/1, transform/1]).
init(_Host, _Opts) ->
ejabberd_mnesia:create(?MODULE, sr_group,
- [{disc_copies, [node()]},
- {attributes, record_info(fields, sr_group)}]),
+ [{disc_copies, [node()]},
+ {attributes, record_info(fields, sr_group)}]),
ejabberd_mnesia:create(?MODULE, sr_user,
- [{disc_copies, [node()]}, {type, bag},
- {attributes, record_info(fields, sr_user)},
- {index, [group_host]}]),
- update_tables().
+ [{disc_copies, [node()]}, {type, bag},
+ {attributes, record_info(fields, sr_user)},
+ {index, [group_host]}]).
list_groups(Host) ->
User = #sr_user{us = {U, S}, group_host = {Group, LServer}},
+need_transform(#sr_group{group_host = {G, H}})
+ when is_list(G) orelse is_list(H) ->
+ ?INFO_MSG("Mnesia table 'sr_group' will be converted to binary", []),
+ true;
+need_transform(#sr_user{us = {U, S}, group_host = {G, H}})
+ when is_list(U) orelse is_list(S) orelse is_list(G) orelse is_list(H) ->
+ ?INFO_MSG("Mnesia table 'sr_user' will be converted to binary", []),
+ true;
+need_transform(_) ->
+ false.
+transform(#sr_group{group_host = {G, H}, opts = Opts} = R) ->
+ R#sr_group{group_host = {iolist_to_binary(G), iolist_to_binary(H)},
+ opts = mod_shared_roster:opts_to_binary(Opts)};
+transform(#sr_user{us = {U, S}, group_host = {G, H}} = R) ->
+ R#sr_user{us = {iolist_to_binary(U), iolist_to_binary(S)},
+ group_host = {iolist_to_binary(G), iolist_to_binary(H)}}.
%%% Internal functions
-update_tables() ->
- update_sr_group_table(),
- update_sr_user_table().
-update_sr_group_table() ->
- Fields = record_info(fields, sr_group),
- case mnesia:table_info(sr_group, attributes) of
- Fields ->
- ejabberd_config:convert_table_to_binary(
- sr_group, Fields, set,
- fun(#sr_group{group_host = {G, _}}) -> G end,
- fun(#sr_group{group_host = {G, H},
- opts = Opts} = R) ->
- R#sr_group{group_host = {iolist_to_binary(G),
- iolist_to_binary(H)},
- opts = mod_shared_roster:opts_to_binary(Opts)}
- end);
- _ ->
- ?INFO_MSG("Recreating sr_group table", []),
- mnesia:transform_table(sr_group, ignore, Fields)
- end.
-update_sr_user_table() ->
- Fields = record_info(fields, sr_user),
- case mnesia:table_info(sr_user, attributes) of
- Fields ->
- ejabberd_config:convert_table_to_binary(
- sr_user, Fields, bag,
- fun(#sr_user{us = {U, _}}) -> U end,
- fun(#sr_user{us = {U, S}, group_host = {G, H}} = R) ->
- R#sr_user{us = {iolist_to_binary(U), iolist_to_binary(S)},
- group_host = {iolist_to_binary(G),
- iolist_to_binary(H)}}
- end);
- _ ->
- ?INFO_MSG("Recreating sr_user table", []),
- mnesia:transform_table(sr_user, ignore, Fields)
- end.
-export([init/2, stop/1, import/3, get_vcard/2, set_vcard/4, search/4,
search_fields/1, search_reported/1, remove_user/2]).
+-export([need_transform/1, transform/1]).
lgiven, lmiddle, lnickname,
lbday, lctry, llocality,
lemail, lorgname, lorgunit
- ]}]),
- update_tables().
+ ]}]).
stop(_Host) ->
orgname = OrgName, lorgname = LOrgName,
orgunit = OrgUnit, lorgunit = LOrgUnit}).
+need_transform(#vcard{us = {U, S}}) when is_list(U) orelse is_list(S) ->
+ ?INFO_MSG("Mnesia table 'vcard' will be converted to binary", []),
+ true;
+need_transform(#vcard_search{us = {U, S}}) when is_list(U) orelse is_list(S) ->
+ ?INFO_MSG("Mnesia table 'vcard_search' will be converted to binary", []),
+ true;
+need_transform(_) ->
+ false.
+transform(#vcard{us = {U, S}, vcard = El} = R) ->
+ R#vcard{us = {iolist_to_binary(U), iolist_to_binary(S)},
+ vcard = fxml:to_xmlel(El)};
+transform(#vcard_search{} = VS) ->
+ [vcard_search | L] = tuple_to_list(VS),
+ NewL = lists:map(
+ fun({U, S}) ->
+ {iolist_to_binary(U), iolist_to_binary(S)};
+ (Str) ->
+ iolist_to_binary(Str)
+ end, L),
+ list_to_tuple([vcard_search | NewL]).
%%% Internal functions
-update_tables() ->
- update_vcard_table(),
- update_vcard_search_table().
-update_vcard_table() ->
- Fields = record_info(fields, vcard),
- case mnesia:table_info(vcard, attributes) of
- Fields ->
- ejabberd_config:convert_table_to_binary(
- vcard, Fields, set,
- fun(#vcard{us = {U, _}}) -> U end,
- fun(#vcard{us = {U, S}, vcard = El} = R) ->
- R#vcard{us = {iolist_to_binary(U),
- iolist_to_binary(S)},
- vcard = fxml:to_xmlel(El)}
- end);
- _ ->
- ?INFO_MSG("Recreating vcard table", []),
- mnesia:transform_table(vcard, ignore, Fields)
- end.
-update_vcard_search_table() ->
- Fields = record_info(fields, vcard_search),
- case mnesia:table_info(vcard_search, attributes) of
- Fields ->
- ejabberd_config:convert_table_to_binary(
- vcard_search, Fields, set,
- fun(#vcard_search{us = {U, _}}) -> U end,
- fun(#vcard_search{} = VS) ->
- [vcard_search | L] = tuple_to_list(VS),
- NewL = lists:map(
- fun({U, S}) ->
- {iolist_to_binary(U),
- iolist_to_binary(S)};
- (Str) ->
- iolist_to_binary(Str)
- end, L),
- list_to_tuple([vcard_search | NewL])
- end);
- _ ->
- ?INFO_MSG("Recreating vcard_search table", []),
- mnesia:transform_table(vcard_search, ignore, Fields)
- end.
make_matchspec(LServer, Data) ->
GlobMatch = #vcard_search{_ = '_'},
Match = filter_fields(Data, GlobMatch, LServer),
%% API
-export([init/2, import/3, add_xupdate/3, get_xupdate/2, remove_xupdate/2]).
+-export([need_transform/1, transform/1]).
ejabberd_mnesia:create(?MODULE, vcard_xupdate,
[{disc_copies, [node()]},
- record_info(fields, vcard_xupdate)}]),
- update_table().
+ record_info(fields, vcard_xupdate)}]).
add_xupdate(LUser, LServer, Hash) ->
F = fun () ->
#vcard_xupdate{us = {LUser, LServer}, hash = Hash}).
+need_transform(#vcard_xupdate{us = {U, S}, hash = Hash})
+ when is_list(U) orelse is_list(S) orelse is_list(Hash) ->
+ ?INFO_MSG("Mnesia table 'vcard_xupdate' will be converted to binary", []),
+ true;
+need_transform(_) ->
+ false.
+transform(#vcard_xupdate{us = {U, S}, hash = Hash} = R) ->
+ R#vcard_xupdate{us = {iolist_to_binary(U), iolist_to_binary(S)},
+ hash = iolist_to_binary(Hash)}.
%%% Internal functions
-update_table() ->
- Fields = record_info(fields, vcard_xupdate),
- case mnesia:table_info(vcard_xupdate, attributes) of
- Fields ->
- ejabberd_config:convert_table_to_binary(
- vcard_xupdate, Fields, set,
- fun(#vcard_xupdate{us = {U, _}}) -> U end,
- fun(#vcard_xupdate{us = {U, S}, hash = Hash} = R) ->
- R#vcard_xupdate{us = {iolist_to_binary(U),
- iolist_to_binary(S)},
- hash = iolist_to_binary(Hash)}
- end);
- _ ->
- ?INFO_MSG("Recreating vcard_xupdate table", []),
- mnesia:transform_table(vcard_xupdate, ignore, Fields)
- end.
convert_list_records(Tab, Fields, DetectFun, ConvertFun) ->
case mnesia:table_info(Tab, attributes) of
Fields ->
- ejabberd_config:convert_table_to_binary(
+ convert_table_to_binary(
Tab, Fields, set, DetectFun, ConvertFun);
_ ->
?INFO_MSG("Recreating ~p table", [Tab]),
bin(L) -> iolist_to_binary(L).
+%% The code should be updated to support new ejabberd_mnesia
+%% transform functions (i.e. need_transform/1 and transform/1)
+convert_table_to_binary(Tab, Fields, Type, DetectFun, ConvertFun) ->
+ case is_table_still_list(Tab, DetectFun) of
+ true ->
+ ?INFO_MSG("Converting '~s' table from strings to binaries.", [Tab]),
+ TmpTab = list_to_atom(atom_to_list(Tab) ++ "_tmp_table"),
+ catch mnesia:delete_table(TmpTab),
+ case ejabberd_mnesia:create(?MODULE, TmpTab,
+ [{disc_only_copies, [node()]},
+ {type, Type},
+ {local_content, true},
+ {record_name, Tab},
+ {attributes, Fields}]) of
+ {atomic, ok} ->
+ mnesia:transform_table(Tab, ignore, Fields),
+ case mnesia:transaction(
+ fun() ->
+ mnesia:write_lock_table(TmpTab),
+ mnesia:foldl(
+ fun(R, _) ->
+ NewR = ConvertFun(R),
+ mnesia:dirty_write(TmpTab, NewR)
+ end, ok, Tab)
+ end) of
+ {atomic, ok} ->
+ mnesia:clear_table(Tab),
+ case mnesia:transaction(
+ fun() ->
+ mnesia:write_lock_table(Tab),
+ mnesia:foldl(
+ fun(R, _) ->
+ mnesia:dirty_write(R)
+ end, ok, TmpTab)
+ end) of
+ {atomic, ok} ->
+ mnesia:delete_table(TmpTab);
+ Err ->
+ report_and_stop(Tab, Err)
+ end;
+ Err ->
+ report_and_stop(Tab, Err)
+ end;
+ Err ->
+ report_and_stop(Tab, Err)
+ end;
+ false ->
+ ok
+ end.
+is_table_still_list(Tab, DetectFun) ->
+ is_table_still_list(Tab, DetectFun, mnesia:dirty_first(Tab)).
+is_table_still_list(_Tab, _DetectFun, '$end_of_table') ->
+ false;
+is_table_still_list(Tab, DetectFun, Key) ->
+ Rs = mnesia:dirty_read(Tab, Key),
+ Res = lists:foldl(fun(_, true) ->
+ true;
+ (_, false) ->
+ false;
+ (R, _) ->
+ case DetectFun(R) of
+ '$next' ->
+ '$next';
+ El ->
+ is_list(El)
+ end
+ end, '$next', Rs),
+ case Res of
+ true ->
+ true;
+ false ->
+ false;
+ '$next' ->
+ is_table_still_list(Tab, DetectFun, mnesia:dirty_next(Tab, Key))
+ end.
+report_and_stop(Tab, Err) ->
+ ErrTxt = lists:flatten(
+ io_lib:format(
+ "Failed to convert '~s' table to binary: ~p",
+ [Tab, Err])),
+ ?CRITICAL_MSG(ErrTxt, []),
+ timer:sleep(1000),
+ halt(string:substr(ErrTxt, 1, 199)).