+SVG::SVGElement::miter_point(SVG::SVGPoint segment_start,
+ SVG::SVGPoint segment_end,
+ SVG::SVGPoint following_segment_end) const {
+ /*
+ * Compute the stroke shape miter point according to
+ * https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG2/painting.html#StrokeShape.
+ *
+ * The spec assumes the points of a shape are given in clockwise
+ * (mathematically negative) direction which is how Graphviz draws the points
+ * of an arrow head. A standard arrow head looks like this:
+ *
+ * 1
+ * ^
+ * /◡\
+ * / θ \
+ * / \
+ * / \
+ * / \
+ * 0 ----------- 2
+ * (3) |
+ * |
+ * |
+ * |
+ *
+ *
+ * NOTE: Graphviz draws node shapes in the opposite direction, i.e., in
+ * counter-clockwise (mathematically positive) direction which means that such
+ * points must be reordered before calling this method.
+ *
+ * See https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG2/painting.html#TermLineJoinShape for how the
+ * terminating line join shape should be calculated. Below is an attempt to
+ * copy the diagram from the spec with some details added
+ *
+ *
+ * P3
+ * /\
+ * . .
+ * l . .
+ * . .
+ * . .
+ * P1 . P2
+ * /˙·.ٜ P ٜ .·˙ \
+ * / /\ \
+ * / /◟◞\ \
+ * / / θ \ \
+ * / / \ \
+ * Aleft / A / \ B \ Bleft
+ * / / \ \
+ * / / \ \
+ * / / α /\ \ \ β-π
+ * .../....../◝...../..\.....◜ ◝.....\◝.....
+ * / / / \ ◟ \ \
+ * / / \ β \
+ * / \
+ * Aright Bright
+ *
+ * A is the current segment that ends in P.
+ * B is the following segment that starts in P.
+ *
+ * θ is the angle between the A segment and the B segment in the reverse
+ * direction
+ *
+ * α is the angle of the A segment to the x-axis.
+ *
+ * β is the angle of the B segment to the x-axis.
+ * NOTE: In the diagram above, the B segment crosses the x-axis in the
+ * downwards direction so its angle to the x-axis is in this case
+ * larger than a semi-circle (π or 180°). In the picture it is
+ * around 5π/6 or 300°. The B segement in the opposite direction has
+ * an angle to the x-axis which is β-π. This is denoted next to the
+ * Bleft line in the picture.
+ *
+ * π is the number pi ≃ 3.14
+ *
+ * l is the calculated length between P1 and P3.
+ *
+ * The distance between P and P1 and between P and P2 is stroke-width / 2.
+ *
+ * NOTE: This method only implements the 'miter' join and does not fallback to
+ * 'bevel' when stroke-miterlimit is exceeded.
+ */
+ const auto stroke_width = attributes.stroke_width;
+ // SVG has inverted y axis so invert all y values before use
+ const SVG::SVGPoint P = {segment_end.x, -segment_end.y};
+ const SVG::SVGLine A = {segment_start.x, -segment_start.y, segment_end.x,
+ -segment_end.y};
+ const SVG::SVGLine B = {segment_end.x, -segment_end.y,
+ following_segment_end.x, -following_segment_end.y};
+ const auto dxA = A.x2 - A.x1;
+ const auto dyA = A.y2 - A.y1;
+ const auto hypotA = std::hypot(dxA, dyA);
+ const auto cosAlpha = dxA / hypotA;
+ const auto sinAlpha = dyA / hypotA;
+ const auto alpha = dyA > 0 ? std::acos(cosAlpha) : -std::acos(cosAlpha);
+ const SVG::SVGPoint P1 = {P.x - stroke_width / 2.0 * sinAlpha,
+ P.y + stroke_width / 2.0 * cosAlpha};
+ const auto dxB = B.x2 - B.x1;
+ const auto dyB = B.y2 - B.y1;
+ const auto hypotB = std::hypot(dxB, dyB);
+ const auto cosBeta = dxB / hypotB;
+ const auto beta = dyB > 0 ? std::acos(cosBeta) : -std::acos(cosBeta);
+ // angle between the A segment and the B segment in the reverse direction
+ const auto beta_rev = beta - std::numbers::pi;
+ const auto theta = beta_rev - alpha;
+ // length between P1 and P3 (and between P2 and P3)
+ const auto l = stroke_width / 2.0 / std::tan(theta / 2.0);
+ const SVG::SVGPoint P3 = {P1.x + l * cosAlpha, P1.y + l * sinAlpha};
+ // SVG has inverted y axis so invert the returned y value
+ return {P3.x, -P3.y};
SVG::SVGElement::stroke_to_graphviz_color(const std::string &color) const {
return to_graphviz_color(color);
bool is_more_right_than(const SVGPoint &other) const;
+struct SVGLine {
+ double x1;
+ double y1;
+ double x2;
+ double y2;
struct SVGRect {
double x;
double y;
std::string id_attribute_to_string() const;
std::string fill_attribute_to_string() const;
std::string fill_opacity_attribute_to_string() const;
+ /// Compute the stroke shape miter point according to
+ /// https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG2/painting.html#StrokeShape.
+ SVG::SVGPoint miter_point(SVG::SVGPoint segment_start,
+ SVG::SVGPoint segment_end,
+ SVG::SVGPoint following_segment_end) const;
std::string points_attribute_to_string() const;
std::string stroke_attribute_to_string() const;
std::string stroke_opacity_attribute_to_string() const;