r81454 | victor.stinner | 2010-05-22 00:50:28 +0200 (sam., 22 mai 2010) | 3 lines
Issue #5640: Fix Shift-JIS incremental encoder for error handlers different
than strict
self.assertRaises(UnicodeEncodeError, encoder.encode, u'\u0123')
self.assertEqual(encoder.encode(u'', True), '\xa9\xdc')
+ def test_issue5640(self):
+ encoder = codecs.getincrementalencoder('shift-jis')('backslashreplace')
+ self.assertEqual(encoder.encode(u'\xff'), b'\\xff')
+ self.assertEqual(encoder.encode(u'\n'), b'\n')
class Test_IncrementalDecoder(unittest.TestCase):
+- Issue #5640: Fix Shift-JIS incremental encoder for error handlers different
+ than strict
- Issue #8782: Add a trailing newline in linecache.updatecache to the last line
of files without one.
outleft = (Py_ssize_t)(buf.outbuf_end - buf.outbuf);
r = codec->encode(state, codec->config, &buf.inbuf, inleft,
&buf.outbuf, outleft, flags);
- *data = buf.inbuf;
if ((r == 0) || (r == MBERR_TOOFEW && !(flags & MBENC_FLUSH)))
else if (multibytecodec_encerror(codec, state, &buf, errors,r))
if (_PyString_Resize(&buf.outobj, finalsize) == -1)
goto errorexit;
+ *data = buf.inbuf;
return buf.outobj;