The log level will be ignored throughout log events in fpm_unix_init_main, until
the very end when zlog_set_level is finally called.
In particular, fpm_unix_conf_wp may throw notices like this:
> [08-Nov-2014 17:13:36] NOTICE: [pool www] 'user' directive is ignored when…
Which will still appear even if log_level in php-fpm.conf is set to warning+
struct fpm_worker_pool_s *wp;
int is_root = !geteuid();
+ zlog_set_level(fpm_globals.log_level);
if (fpm_global_config.rlimit_files) {
struct rlimit r;
- zlog_set_level(fpm_globals.log_level);
return 0;
/* }}} */