varnumber_T n;
int error = FALSE;
- int save_reg_executing = reg_executing;
// vpeekc() used to check for messages, but that caused problems, invoking
- reg_executing = save_reg_executing;
set_vim_var_nr(VV_MOUSE_WIN, 0);
set_vim_var_nr(VV_MOUSE_WINID, 0);
exarg_T ea; /* Ex command arguments */
int save_msg_scroll = msg_scroll;
cmdmod_T save_cmdmod;
+ int save_reg_executing = reg_executing;
int ni; /* set when Not Implemented */
char_u *cmd;
cmdmod = save_cmdmod;
+ reg_executing = save_reg_executing;
if (ea.save_msg_silent != -1)
" getchar() command saves and restores reg_executing
map W :call TestFunc()<CR>
let @q = "W"
+ let g:typed = ''
+ let g:regs = []
func TestFunc() abort
- let g:reg1 = reg_executing()
+ let g:regs += [reg_executing()]
let g:typed = getchar(0)
- let g:reg2 = reg_executing()
+ let g:regs += [reg_executing()]
call feedkeys("@qy", 'xt')
call assert_equal(char2nr("y"), g:typed)
- call assert_equal('q', g:reg1)
- call assert_equal('q', g:reg2)
+ call assert_equal(['q', 'q'], g:regs)
delfunc TestFunc
unmap W
unlet g:typed
- unlet g:reg1
- unlet g:reg2
+ unlet g:regs
+ " input() command saves and restores reg_executing
+ map W :call TestFunc()<CR>
+ let @q = "W"
+ let g:typed = ''
+ let g:regs = []
+ func TestFunc() abort
+ let g:regs += [reg_executing()]
+ let g:typed = input('?')
+ let g:regs += [reg_executing()]
+ endfunc
+ call feedkeys("@qy\<CR>", 'xt')
+ call assert_equal("y", g:typed)
+ call assert_equal(['q', 'q'], g:regs)
+ delfunc TestFunc
+ unmap W
+ unlet g:typed
+ unlet g:regs
delfunc s:save_reg_stat