-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Changes with Apache 2.4.34
- *) core: On ECBDIC platforms, some errors related to oversized headers
+ *) mod_remoteip: Restore compatibility with APR 1.4 (apr_sockaddr_is_wildcard).
+ [Eric Covener]
+ *) core: On ECBDIC platforms, some errors related to oversized headers
may be misreported or be logged as ASCII escapes. PR 62200
[Hank Ibell <hwibell gmail.com>]
- *) mod_remoteip: restore apr 1.4.x compat by copying apr_sock_is_wildcard
- trunk patch: http://svn.apache.org/r1827654
- http://svn.apache.org/r1827671
- 2.4.x patch:
- svn merge -c 1827654,1827671 ^/httpd/httpd/trunk .
- +1: covener, ylavic, rpluem, jim
*) mod_ssl: Fix merging of proxy SSL context outside <Proxy> sections,
regression introduced in 2.4.30. PR 62232.
trunk patch: http://svn.apache.org/r1828390
#include "apr_want.h"
#include "apr_network_io.h"
+#include "apr_version.h"
module AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA remoteip_module;
return (addr1->port == addr2->port && apr_sockaddr_equal(addr1, addr2));
+#define apr_sockaddr_is_wildcard sockaddr_is_wildcard
+/* XXX: temp build fix from apr 1.5.x */
+static int sockaddr_is_wildcard(const apr_sockaddr_t *addr)
+ static const char inaddr_any[
+ sizeof(struct in6_addr)
+ sizeof(struct in_addr)
+ ] = {0};
+ if (addr->ipaddr_ptr /* IP address initialized */
+ && addr->ipaddr_len <= sizeof inaddr_any) { /* else bug elsewhere? */
+ if (!memcmp(inaddr_any, addr->ipaddr_ptr, addr->ipaddr_len)) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (addr->family == AF_INET6
+ && IN6_IS_ADDR_V4MAPPED((struct in6_addr *)addr->ipaddr_ptr)) {
+ struct in_addr *v4 = (struct in_addr *)&((apr_uint32_t *)addr->ipaddr_ptr)[3];
+ if (!memcmp(inaddr_any, v4, sizeof *v4)) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
/** Similar to remoteip_sockaddr_equal, except that it handles wildcard addresses
* and ports too.