enum_class._value2member_map_ = {}
# check for a supported pickle protocols, and if not present sabotage
- # pickling, since it won't work anyway
- if member_type is not object:
- methods = ('__getnewargs_ex__', '__getnewargs__',
- '__reduce_ex__', '__reduce__')
- if not any(map(member_type.__dict__.get, methods)):
- _make_class_unpicklable(enum_class)
+ # pickling, since it won't work anyway.
+ # if new class implements its own __reduce_ex__, do not sabotage
+ if classdict.get('__reduce_ex__') is None:
+ if member_type is not object:
+ methods = ('__getnewargs_ex__', '__getnewargs__',
+ '__reduce_ex__', '__reduce__')
+ if not any(map(member_type.__dict__.get, methods)):
+ _make_class_unpicklable(enum_class)
# instantiate them, checking for duplicates as we go
# we instantiate first instead of checking for duplicates first in case
# double check that repr and friends are not the mixin's or various
# things break (such as pickle)
- for name in ('__repr__', '__str__', '__format__', '__getnewargs__', '__reduce_ex__'):
+ for name in ('__repr__', '__str__', '__format__', '__reduce_ex__'):
class_method = getattr(enum_class, name)
obj_method = getattr(member_type, name, None)
enum_method = getattr(first_enum, name, None)
(i.e. Color = Enum('Color', names='red green blue')).
When used for the functional API: `module`, if set, will be stored in
- the new class' __module__ attribute; `type`, if set, will be mixed in
- as the first base class.
+ the new class' __module__ attribute; `qualname`, if set, will be stored
+ in the new class' __qualname__ attribute; `type`, if set, will be mixed
+ in as the first base class.
Note: if `module` is not set this routine will attempt to discover the
calling module by walking the frame stack; if this is unsuccessful
val = self.value
return cls.__format__(val, format_spec)
- def __getnewargs__(self):
- return (self._value_, )
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self._name_)
def __reduce_ex__(self, proto):
- return self.__class__, self.__getnewargs__()
+ return self.__class__, (self._value_, )
# DynamicClassAttribute is used to provide access to the `name` and
# `value` properties of enum members while keeping some measure of
test_pickle_dump_load(self.assertEqual, NI5, 5)
self.assertEqual(NEI.y.value, 2)
test_pickle_dump_load(self.assertIs, NEI.y)
+ test_pickle_dump_load(self.assertIs, NEI)
def test_subclasses_with_getnewargs_ex(self):
class NamedInt(int):
test_pickle_dump_load(self.assertEqual, NI5, 5, protocol=(4, 4))
self.assertEqual(NEI.y.value, 2)
test_pickle_dump_load(self.assertIs, NEI.y, protocol=(4, 4))
+ test_pickle_dump_load(self.assertIs, NEI)
def test_subclasses_with_reduce(self):
class NamedInt(int):
test_pickle_dump_load(self.assertEqual, NI5, 5)
self.assertEqual(NEI.y.value, 2)
test_pickle_dump_load(self.assertIs, NEI.y)
+ test_pickle_dump_load(self.assertIs, NEI)
def test_subclasses_with_reduce_ex(self):
class NamedInt(int):
test_pickle_dump_load(self.assertEqual, NI5, 5)
self.assertEqual(NEI.y.value, 2)
test_pickle_dump_load(self.assertIs, NEI.y)
+ test_pickle_dump_load(self.assertIs, NEI)
- def test_subclasses_without_getnewargs(self):
+ def test_subclasses_without_direct_pickle_support(self):
class NamedInt(int):
__qualname__ = 'NamedInt'
def __new__(cls, *args):
test_pickle_exception(self.assertRaises, TypeError, NEI.x)
test_pickle_exception(self.assertRaises, PicklingError, NEI)
+ def test_subclasses_without_direct_pickle_support_using_name(self):
+ class NamedInt(int):
+ __qualname__ = 'NamedInt'
+ def __new__(cls, *args):
+ _args = args
+ name, *args = args
+ if len(args) == 0:
+ raise TypeError("name and value must be specified")
+ self = int.__new__(cls, *args)
+ self._intname = name
+ self._args = _args
+ return self
+ @property
+ def __name__(self):
+ return self._intname
+ def __repr__(self):
+ # repr() is updated to include the name and type info
+ return "{}({!r}, {})".format(type(self).__name__,
+ self.__name__,
+ int.__repr__(self))
+ def __str__(self):
+ # str() is unchanged, even if it relies on the repr() fallback
+ base = int
+ base_str = base.__str__
+ if base_str.__objclass__ is object:
+ return base.__repr__(self)
+ return base_str(self)
+ # for simplicity, we only define one operator that
+ # propagates expressions
+ def __add__(self, other):
+ temp = int(self) + int( other)
+ if isinstance(self, NamedInt) and isinstance(other, NamedInt):
+ return NamedInt(
+ '({0} + {1})'.format(self.__name__, other.__name__),
+ temp )
+ else:
+ return temp
+ class NEI(NamedInt, Enum):
+ __qualname__ = 'NEI'
+ x = ('the-x', 1)
+ y = ('the-y', 2)
+ def __reduce_ex__(self, proto):
+ return getattr, (self.__class__, self._name_)
+ self.assertIs(NEI.__new__, Enum.__new__)
+ self.assertEqual(repr(NEI.x + NEI.y), "NamedInt('(the-x + the-y)', 3)")
+ globals()['NamedInt'] = NamedInt
+ globals()['NEI'] = NEI
+ NI5 = NamedInt('test', 5)
+ self.assertEqual(NI5, 5)
+ self.assertEqual(NEI.y.value, 2)
+ test_pickle_dump_load(self.assertIs, NEI.y)
+ test_pickle_dump_load(self.assertIs, NEI)
def test_tuple_subclass(self):
class SomeTuple(tuple, Enum):
__qualname__ = 'SomeTuple' # needed for pickle protocol 4