// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // GCA - Seth Ornstein added lua callable functions - 5/30/2017
- // DNSQuestion - setTag, getTagMatch, getTagArray
+ // GCA - Seth Ornstein added lua callable functions - 6/2/2017
+ // DNSQuestion - setTag, setTagArray, getTagMatch, getTagArray
g_lua.registerFunction<void(DNSQuestion::*)(std::string, std::string)>("setTag", [](DNSQuestion& dq, const std::string& strLabel, const std::string& strValue) {
+ g_lua.registerFunction<void(DNSQuestion::*)(vector<pair<string, string>>)>("setTagArray", [](DNSQuestion& dq, const vector<pair<string, string>>&tags) {
+ setLuaSideEffect();
+ for (const auto& tag : tags)
+ {
+ dq.qTag.add(tag.first, tag.second);
+ }
+ });
g_lua.registerFunction<string(DNSQuestion::*)(std::string)>("getTagMatch", [](const DNSQuestion& dq, const std::string& strLabel) {
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// GCA - Seth Ornstein added lua callable functions - 5/30/2017
-// DNSDistProtoBufMessage - setTagArray, setProtobufResponseType
+// GCA - Seth Ornstein added lua callable functions - 6/2/2017
+// DNSDistProtoBufMessage - setTag, setTagArray, setProtobufResponseType, setProtobufResponseTypeQT
+ g_lua.registerFunction<void(DNSDistProtoBufMessage::*)(std::string, std::string)>("setTag", [](DNSDistProtoBufMessage& message, const std::string& strLabel, const std::string& strValue) {
+ setLuaSideEffect();
+ message.addTags(strLabel, strValue); // add a tag to store text - not used by dnsdist normally
+ });
g_lua.registerFunction<void(DNSDistProtoBufMessage::*)(vector<pair<string, string>>)>("setTagArray", [](DNSDistProtoBufMessage& message, const vector<pair<string, string>>&tags) {
for (const auto& tag : tags)
- message.addTags(tag.first, tag.second); // add a tag to store text - not used by dnsdist at present?
+ message.addTags(tag.first, tag.second); // add a tag to store text - not used by dnsdist normally
- g_lua.registerFunction<void(DNSDistProtoBufMessage::*)(const std::string&, time_t sec, uint uSec)>("setProtobufResponseType", [](DNSDistProtoBufMessage& message, const std::string& strQueryName, time_t sec, uint uSec) {
+ // setProtobufResponseType - no timestamp
+ g_lua.registerFunction<void(DNSDistProtoBufMessage::*)(const std::string&)>("setProtobufResponseType", [](DNSDistProtoBufMessage& message, const std::string& strQueryName) {
+ message.setType(DNSProtoBufMessage::Response); // set protobuf type to be response - not query
+ message.setQueryTime(0, 0); // seconds and microseconds
+ message.addRRs(strQueryName); // add a RR to the response
+ });
+ // setProtobufResponseTypeQT - with query time as function parameter
+ g_lua.registerFunction<void(DNSDistProtoBufMessage::*)(const std::string&, time_t sec, uint uSec)>("setProtobufResponseTypeTS", [](DNSDistProtoBufMessage& message, const std::string& strQueryName, time_t sec, uint uSec) {
message.setType(DNSProtoBufMessage::Response); // set protobuf type to be response - not query
message.addRRs(strQueryName); // add a RR to the response
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------