?? ??? ????, PHP 6.0
-- Fixed bug #34148 (+,- and . not supported as parts of scheme). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #32981 (ReflectionMethod::getStaticVariables() causes apache2.0.54
- seg fault). (Dmitry)
-- cURL improvements (Ilia)
+- Unicode support. (Andrei, Dmitriy, et al)
+- cURL improvements: (Ilia)
. Added curl_setopt_array() which allows setting of multiple cURL options.
. Added CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT to facilitate request retrieval.
- Added an optional parameter to parse_url() to allow retrieval of distinct URL
components. (Ilia)
- Added an optional parameter to strstr() and stristr() for retrieval of either
the part of haystack before or after first occurence of needle. (Johannes)
-- Unicode support. (Andrei, Dmitriy, et al)
-?? ??? 2005, PHP 5.1
-- Upgraded PCRE library to version 6.2. (Andrei)
-- Updated bundled libraries in Windows distribution. (Edin)
- . zlib 1.2.3
- . curl 7.14.0
- . openssl 0.9.8
- . ming 0.3b
- . libpq (PostgreSQL) 8.0.1
-- Fixed "make test" to work for phpized extensions. (Hartmut, Jani)
-- Fixed failing queries (FALSE returned) with mysqli_query() on 64 bit systems.
- (Andrey)
-- Fixed bug #34078 (Reflection API problems in methods with boolean or null
- default values). (Tony)
-- Fixed bug #34064 (arr[] as param to function in class gives invalid opcode).
- (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #34062 (Crash in catch block when many arguments are used).
- (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #34045 (Buffer overflow with serialized object). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #33999 (object remains object when cast to int). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #33996 (No information given for fatal error on passing invalid
- value to typed argument). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #33989 (extract($GLOBALS,EXTR_REFS) crashes PHP). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #33967 (misuse of Exception constructor doesn't display errorfile).
- (Jani)
-- Fixed bug #33958 (duplicate cookies and magic_quotes=off may cause a crash).
- (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #33940 (array_map() fails to pass by reference when called
- recursively). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #33917 (number_format() output with > 1 char separators). (Jani)
-- Fixed bug #33904 (input array keys being escaped when magic quotes is off).
- (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #33899 (CLI: setting extension_dir=some/path
- does not work). (Jani)
-- Fixed bug #33882 (CLI was looking for php.ini in wrong path). (Hartmut)
-- Fixed bug #33869 (strtotime() problem with "+1days" format). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #33841 (pdo sqlite driver forgets to update affected column count
- on execution of prepared statments). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #33837 (Informix ESQL version numbering schema changed). (Jani)
-- Fixed bug #33802 (throw Exception in error handler causes crash). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #33723 (php_value overrides php_admin_value). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #33710 (ArrayAccess objects doen't initialize $this). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #33690 (Crash setting some ini directives in httpd.conf). (Rasmus)
-- Fixed bug #33578 (strtotime() problem with "Oct17" format). (Derick)
-- Fixed bug #33558 (warning with nested calls to functions returning by
- reference). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #33326 (Cannot build extensions with phpize on Macosx). (Jani)
-- Fixed bug #32139 (SOAP client does not auto-handle base64 encoding). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #32010 (Memory leak in mssql_fetch_batch). (fmk)
-- Fixed bug #29334 (win32 mail() provides incorrect Date: header). (Jani)
-- Fixed bug #29253 (array_diff with $GLOBALS argument fails). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #25359 (array_multisort() doesn't work in a function if array is
- global or reference). (Dmitry)
-14 Jul 2005, PHP 5.1 Beta 3
-- Upgraded bundled SQLite library for PDO:SQLite to 3.2.2 (Ilia)
-- Moved extensions to PECL:
- . ext/dbx (Jani, Derick)
- . ext/ircg (Jani, Derick)
-- Added PDO_MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY parameter for pdo_mysql. (Ilia)
-- Added date_timezone_set() function to set the timezone that the date
- functions will use. (Derick)
-- Added pg_fetch_all_columns() function to fetch all values of a column from
- a result cursor. (Ilia)
-- Added support for LOCK_EX flag for file_put_contents(). (Ilia)
-- Implemented feature request #33452 (Year belonging to ISO week). (Derick)
-- Fixed support for shared extensions on AIX. (Dmitry)
-- Fixed memory corruption in pg_copy_from() in case the as_null parameter was
- passed. (Derick)
-- Fixed crash inside stream_get_line() when length parameter equals 0. (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #33673 (Added detection for partially uploaded files). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #33605 (substr_compare() crashes with negative offset and length).
- (Tony)
-- Fixed bug #33597 (setcookie() "expires" date format doesn't comply with RFC).
- (Tony)
-- Fixed bug #33588 (LDAP: RootDSE query not possible). (Jani)
-- Fixed bug #33578 (strtotime() doesn't understand "11 Oct" format). (Derick)
-- Fixed bug #33562 (date("") crashes). (Derick)
-- Fixed bug #33536 (strtotime() defaults to now even on non time string).
- (Derick)
-- Fixed bug #33532 (Different output for strftime() and date()). (Derick)
-- Fixed bug #33523 (Memory leak in xmlrpc_encode_request()). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #33520 (crash if safe_mode is on and session.save_path is changed).
- (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #33512 (Add missing support for isset()/unset() overloading to
- complement the property get/set methods). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #33491 (crash after extending MySQLi internal class). (Tony)
-- Fixed bug #33475 (cURL handle is not closed on curl_close(). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #33469 (Compile error undefined reference to ifx_checkAPI). (Jani)
-- Fixed bug #33433 (strtoll not available on Tru64). (Jani, Derick)
-- Fixed bug #33415 (strtotime() related bugs). (Derick)
-- Fixed bug #32660 (Assignment by reference causes crash when field access is
- overloaded (__get)). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #31358 (Older GCC versions do not provide portable va_copy()).
- (Jani)
-- Fixed bug #31158 (array_splice on $GLOBALS crashes). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #33156 (cygwin version of setitimer doesn't accept ITIMER_PROF).
- (Nuno)
-- Fixed bug #30828 (debug_backtrace() reports incorrect class in overridden
- methods). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #30519 (Interface not existing says Class not found). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #30096 (gmmktime does not return the corrent time). (Derick)
-- Fixed bug #30052 (Crash on shutdown after odbc_pconnect()). (Edin)
-- Fixed bug #28377 (debug_backtrace is intermittently passing args). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #28072 (static array with some constant keys will be incorrectly
- ordered). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #27268 (Bad references accentuated by clone). (Dmitry)
-22 Jun 2005, PHP 5.1 Beta 2
-- Improved PHP extension loading mechanism with support for module dependencies
- and conflicts. (Jani, Dmitry)
-- Allowed return by reference from internal functions. (Marcus, Andi, Dmitry)
-- Rewrote strtotime() with support for timezones and many new formats.
- Implements feature requests #21399, #26694, #28088, #29150, #29585 and
- #29595. (Derick)
-- Added bindto socket context option. (Ilia)
-- Added offset parameter to the stream_copy_to_stream() function. (Ilia)
-- Added offset & length parameters to substr_count() function. (Ilia)
-- Fixed inheritance check to control return by reference and pass by reference
- correctly (ArrayAccess can no longer support references correctly).
- (Marcus, Andi, Dmitry)
-- Fixed PDO shutdown problem (possible inifite loop running rollback on
- shutdown). (Wez)
-- Fixed PECL bug #3714 (PDO: beginTransaction doesn't work if you're in
- auto-commit mode). (Wez)
-- Fixed bug #33427 (ext/odbc: check if unixODBC header file exists). (Jani)
-- Fixed bug #33389 (double free() when exporting a ReflectionClass). (Marcus)
-- Fixed bug #33382 (array_reverse() fails after *sort()),
- introduced by zend_hash_sort() optimizations in HEAD. (Tony)
-- Fixed bug #33340 (CLI Crash when calling php:function from XSLT). (Rob)
-- Fixed bug #33318 (throw 1; results in Invalid opcode 108/1/8). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #33312 (ReflectionParameter methods do not work correctly).
- (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #33299 (php:function no longer handles returned dom objects).
- (Rob, Joe Orton)
-- Fixed bug #33286 (nested array_walk() calls and user array compare functions
- broken; FCI cache). (Andrei, patch from
-- Fixed bug #33277 (private method accessed by child class). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #33257 (array_splice() inconsistent when passed function instead
- of variable). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #33212 ([GCC 4]: 'zend_error_noreturn' aliased to external symbol
- 'zend_error'). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #33150 (shtool: insecure temporary file creation). (Jani)
-- Fixed bug #33136 (method offsetSet in class extended from ArrayObject crash
- PHP). (Marcus)
-- Fixed bug #32160 (copying a file into itself leads to data loss). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #31256 (PHP_EVAL_LIBLINE configure macro does not handle -pthread).
- (Jani)
-- Fixed bug #31213 (Sideeffects caused by fix of bug #29493). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #31054 (safe_mode & open_basedir checks only check first
- include_path value). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #29896 (Backtrace argument list out of sync). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #29683 (headers_list() returns empty array). (Tony)
-- Fixed bug #28355 (glob wont error if dir is not readable). (Hartmut)
-- Fixed bug #15854 (boolean ini options may be incorrectly displayed as Off
- when they are On). (Tony)
-- Fixed bugs #14561, #20382, #26090, #26320, #28024, #30532, #32086, #32270,
- #32555, #32588, #33056 (strtotime() related bugs). (Derick)
-10 Jun 2005, PHP 5.1 Beta 1
-- Upgraded PCRE library to version 5.0. (Andrei)
-- Removed php_check_syntax() function which never worked properly. (Ilia)
-- Removed garbage manager in Zend Engine which results in more aggressive
- freeing of data. (Dmitry, Andi)
-- Moved extensions to PECL:
- . ext/cpdf (Tony, Derick)
- . ext/dio (Jani, Derick)
- . ext/fam (Jani, Derick)
- . ext/ingres_ii (Jani, Derick)
- . ext/mnogosearch (Jani, Derick)
- . ext/w32api (Jani, Derick)
- . ext/yp (Jani, Derick)
-- Changed sha1_file() and md5_file() functions to use streams instead of
- low level IO. (Uwe)
-- Changed abstract private methods to be not allowed anymore. (Stas)
-- Changed stream_filter_(ap|pre)pend() to return resource. (Sara)
-- Changed mysqli_exception and sqlite_exception to use RuntimeException as base
- if SPL extension is present. (Georg, Marcus)
-- Improved interactive mode of PHP CLI (php -a). (Johannes, Marcus)
-- Improved performance of:
- . general execution/compilation. (Andi, Thies, Sterling, Dmitry, Marcus)
- . switch() statement. (Dmitry)
- . several array functions. (Marcus)
- . virtual path handling by adding a realpath() cache. (Andi)
- . variable fetches. (Andi)
- . magic method invocations. (Marcus)
-- Improved support for embedded server in mysqli. (Georg)
-- Improved mysqli extension. (Georg)
- . added constructor for mysqli_stmt and mysqli_result classes
- . added new function mysqli_get_charset()
- . added new function mysqli_set_charset()
- . added new class mysqli_driver
- . added new class mysqli_warning
- . added new class mysqli_execption
- . added new class mysqli_sql_exception
-- Improved SPL extension. (Marcus)
- . added standard hierarchy of Exception classes
- . added interface Countable
- . added interfaces Subject and Observer
- . added spl_autoload*() functions
- . converted several 5.0 examples into c code
- . added class FileObject
- . added possibility to use a string with class_parents() and
- class_implements(). (Andrey)
-- Added man pages for "phpize" and "php-config" scripts. (Jakub Vrana)
-- Added support for .cc files in extensions. (Brian)
-- Added PHP_INT_MAX and PHP_INT_SIZE as predefined constants. (Andrey)
-- Added user opcode API that allow overloading of opcode handlers. (Dmitry)
-- Added an optional remove old session parameter to session_regenerate_id(). (Ilia)
-- Added array type hinting. (Dmitry)
-- Added the tidy_get_opt_doc() function to return documentation for
- configuration options in tidy. (Patch by:
-- Added support for .cc files in extensions. (Brian)
-- Added imageconvolution() function which can be used to apply a custom 3x3
- matrix convolution to an image. (Pierre)
-- Added optional first parameter to XsltProcessor::registerPHPFunctions to only
- allow certain functions to be called from XSLT. (Christian)
-- Added the ability to override the autotools executables used by the buildconf
- script via the PHP_AUTOCONF and PHP_AUTOHEADER environmental variables. (Jon)
-- Added several new functions to support the PostgreSQL v3 protocol introduced
- in PostgreSQL 7.4. (Christopher)
- . pg_transaction_status() - in-transaction status of a database connection.
- . pg_query_params() - execution of parameterized queries.
- . pg_prepare() - prepare named queries.
- . pg_execute() - execution of named prepared queries.
- . pg_send_query_params() - async equivalent of pg_query_params().
- . pg_send_prepare() - async equivalent of pg_prepare().
- . pg_send_execute() - async equivalent of pg_execute().
- . pg_result_error_field() - highly detailed error information,
- most importantly the SQLSTATE error code.
- . pg_set_error_verbosity() - set verbosity of errors.
-- Added optional fifth parameter "count" to preg_replace_callback() and
- preg_replace() to count the number of replacements made. FR #32275. (Andrey)
-- Added optional third parameter "charlist" to str_word_count() which
- contains characters to be considered as word part. FR #31560. (Andrey, Ilia)
-- Added interface Serializeable. (Stanislav, Marcus)
-- Added pg_field_type_oid() PostgreSQL function. (mauroi at digbang dot com)
-- Added zend_declare_property_...() and zend_update_property_...()
- API functions for bool, double and binary safe strings. (Hartmut)
-- Added possibility to access INI variables from within .ini file. (Andrei)
-- Added variable $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] containing request start time. (Ilia)
-- Added optional float parameter to gettimeofday(). (Ilia)
-- Added apache_reset_timeout() Apache1 function. (Rasmus)
-- Added sqlite_fetch_column_types() 3rd argument for arrays. (Ilia)
-- Added optional offset parameter to stream_get_contents() and
- file_get_contents(). (Ilia)
-- Added optional maxlen parameter to file_get_contents(). (Ilia)
-- Added SAPI hook to get the current request time. (Rasmus)
-- Added new functions:
- . array_diff_key() (Andrey)
- . array_diff_ukey() (Andrey)
- . array_intersect_key() (Christiano Duarte)
- . array_intersect_ukey() (Christiano Duarte)
- . array_product() (Andrey)
- . DomDocumentFragment::appendXML() (Christian)
- . fputcsv() (David Sklar)
- . htmlspecialchars_decode() (Ilia)
- . inet_pton() (Sara)
- . inet_ntop() (Sara)
- . mysqli::client_info property (Georg)
- . posix_access() (Magnus)
- . posix_mknod() (Magnus)
- . SimpleXMLElement::registerXPathNamespace() (Christian)
- . stream_context_get_default() (Wez)
- . stream_socket_enable_crypto() (Wez)
- . stream_wrapper_unregister() (Sara)
- . stream_wrapper_restore() (Sara)
- . stream_filter_remove() (Sara)
- . time_sleep_until() (Ilia)
-- Added DomDocument::$recover property for parsing not well-formed
- XML Documents. (Christian)
-- Added Cursor support for MySQL 5.0.x in mysqli (Georg)
-- Added proxy support to ftp wrapper via http. (Sara)
-- Added MDTM support to ftp_url_stat. (Sara)
-- Added zlib stream filter support. (Sara)
-- Added bz2 stream filter support. (Sara)
-- Added HTTP/1.1 and chunked encoding support to http:// wrapper. (Sara)
-- Added max_redirects context option that specifies how many HTTP
- redirects to follow. (Ilia)
-- Added support of parameter=>value arrays to xsl_xsltprocessor_set_parameter().
- (Tony)
-- Fixed extension initialization to respect dependancies between extensions.
- (Wez)
-- Fixed ext/mysqli to allocate less memory when fetching bound params
-- Fixed memory corruption in ImageTTFText() with 64bit systems. (Andrey)
-- Fixed memory corruption in stristr(). (Derick)
-- Fixed segfaults when CURL callback functions throw exception. (Tony)
-- Fixed a problem with SPL iterators aggregating the innner iterator. (Marcus)
-- Fixed bug with $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA not getting set. (Brian)
-- Fixed bug in mysql::client_version(). (Georg)
-- Fixed ZTS destruction. (Marcus)
-- Fixed bug #33268 (iconv_strlen() works only with a parameter of < 3 in
- length). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #33243 (ze1_compatibility_mode does not work as expected). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #33242 (Mangled error message when stream fails). (Derick)
-- Fixed bug #33222 (segfault when CURL handle is closed in a callback). (Tony)
-- Fixed bug #33214 (odbc_next_result does not signal SQL errors with
- 2-statement SQL batches). (rich at kastle dot com, Tony)
-- Fixed bug #33210 (relax jpeg recursive loop protection). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #33200 (preg_replace(): magic_quotes_sybase=On makes 'e' modifier
- misbehave). (Jani)
-- Fixed bug #33185 (--enable-session=shared does not build). (Jani)
-- Fixed bug #33171 (foreach enumerates private fields declared in base
- classes). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #33164 (Soap extension incorrectly detects HTTP/1.1). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #33116 (crash when assigning class name to global variable in
- __autoload). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #33090 (mysqli_prepare() doesn't return an error). (Georg)
-- Fixed bug #33076 (str_ireplace() incorrectly counts result string length
- and may cause segfault). (Tony)
-- Fixed bug #33072 (Add a safemode/open_basedir check for runtime
- "session.save_path" change using session_save_path() function). (Rasmus)
-- Fixed bug #33070 (Improved performance of bzdecompress() by several orders
- of magnitude). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #33059 (crash when moving xml attribute set in dtd). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #33057 (Don't send extraneous entity-headers on a 304 as per
- RFC 2616 section 10.3.5) (Rasmus, Choitel)
-- Fixed bug #33019 (socket errors cause memory leaks in php_strerror()).
- (jwozniak23 at poczta dot onet dot pl, Tony).
-- Fixed bug #33017 ("make distclean" gives an error with VPATH build). (Jani)
-- Fixed bug #33013 ("next month" was handled wrong while parsing dates).
- (Derick)
-- Fixed bug #32993 (implemented Iterator function current() don't throw
- exception). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #32956 (mysql_bind_result() doesn't support MYSQL_TYPE_NULL). (Georg)
-- Fixed bug #32947 (Incorrect option for mysqli default password). (Georg)
-- Fixed bug #32944 (Disabling session.use_cookies doesn't prevent reading
- session cookies). (Jani, Tony)
-- Fixed bug #32941 (Sending structured SOAP fault kills a php). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #32936 (http redirects URLs are not checked for control chars). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #32933 (Cannot extend class "SQLiteDatabase"). (Marcus)
-- Fixed bug #32932 (Oracle LDAP: ldap_get_entries(), invalid pointer). (Jani)
-- Fixed bug #32930 (class extending DOMDocument doesn't clone properly). (Rob)
-- Fixed bug #32924 (file included with "auto_prepend_file" can be included
- with require_once() or include_once()). (Stas)
-- Fixed bug #32904 (pg_get_notify() ignores result_type parameter). (Tony)
-- Fixed bug #32852 (Crash with singleton and __destruct when
- zend.ze1_compatibility_mode = On). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #32833 (Invalid opcode). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #32813 (parse_url() does not handle scheme-only urls properly). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #32810 (temporary files not using plain file wrapper). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #32809 (Missing T1LIB support on Windows). (Edin)
-- Fixed bug #32802 (General cookie overrides more specific cookie). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bugs #32800, #32830 (ext/odbc: Problems with 64bit systems). (Jani)
-- Fixed bug #32799 (crash: calling the corresponding global var during the
- destruct). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #32776 (SOAP doesn't support one-way operations). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #32773 (GMP functions break when second parameter is 0). (Stas)
-- Fixed bug #32759 (incorrect determination of default value (COM)). (Wez)
-- Fixed bug #32758 (Cannot access safearray properties in VB6 objects). (Wez)
-- Fixed bug #32755 (Segfault in replaceChild() when DocumentFragment has
- no children). (Rob)
-- Fixed bug #32753 (Undefined constant SQLITE_NOTADB). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #32742 (segmentation fault when the stream with a wrapper
- is not closed). (Tony, Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #32699 (pg_affected_rows() was defined when it was not available).
- (Derick)
-- Fixed bug #32686 (Require/include file in destructor causes segfault).
- (Marcus)
-- Fixed bug #32682 (ext/mssql: Error on module shutdown when called from
- activescript). (Frank)
-- Fixed bug #32674 (exception in iterator causes crash). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #32647 (Using register_shutdown_function() with invalid callback
- can crash PHP). (Jani)
-- Fixed bug #32615 (Segfault in replaceChild() using fragment when
- previousSibling is NULL). (Rob)
-- Fixed bug #32613 (ext/snmp: use of snmp_shutdown() causes snmpapp.conf
- access errors). (Jani, ric at arizona dot edu)
-- Fixed bug #32608 (html_entity_decode() converts single quotes even if
- ENT_NOQUOTES is given). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #32596 (Segfault/Memory Leak by getClass (etc) in __destruct).
- (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #32591 (ext/mysql: Unsatisfied symbol: ntohs with HP-UX). (Jani)
-- Fixed bug #32589 (Possible crash inside imap_mail_compose, with charsets).
- (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #32587 (Apache2: errors sent to error_log do not include
- timestamps). (Jani)
-- Fixed bug #32560 (configure looks for incorrect db2 library). (Tony)
-- Fixed bug #32553 (mmap loads only the 1st 2000000 bytes on Win32). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #32533 (proc_get_status() returns the incorrect process status). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #32530 (chunk_split() does not append endstr if chunklen is
- longer then the original string). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #32491 (File upload error - unable to create a temporary file).
- (Uwe Schindler)
-- Fixed bug #32429 (method_exists() always return TRUE if __call method
- exists). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #32428 (The @ warning error supression operator is broken).
- (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #32427 (Interfaces are not allowed 'static' access modifier).
- (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #32405 (mysqli::fetch() returns bad data - 64bit problem). (Andrey)
-- Fixed bug #32282 (Segfault in mysqli_fetch_array on 64-bit). (Georg)
-- Fixed bug #32296 (get_class_methods() output has changed between 5.0.2 and
- 5.0.3). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #32245 (xml_parser_free() in a function assigned to the xml parser
- gives a segfault). (Rob)
-- Fixed bug #32171 (Userspace stream wrapper crashes PHP). (Tony, Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #32109 ($_POST is not populated in multithreaded environment).
- (Moriyoshi)
-- Fixed bug #32080 (segfault when assigning object to itself with
- zend.ze1_compatibility_mode=On). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #32021 (Crash caused by range('', 'z')). (Derick)
-- Fixed bug #32013 (ext/mysqli bind_result causes fatal error: memory
- limit). (Andrey)
-- Fixed bug #31887 (ISAPI: Custom 5xx error does not return correct HTTP
- response message). (Jani)
-- Fixed bug #31828 (Crash with zend.ze1_compatibility_mode=On). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #31668 (multi_query works exactly every other time - multi query
- d/e flag global and not per connection). (Andrey)
-- Fixed bug #31636 (another crash when echoing a COM object). (Wez)
-- Fixed bug #31583 (php_std_date() uses short day names in non-y2k_compliance
- mode). (mike at php dot net)
-- Fixed bug #31525 (object reference being dropped. $this getting lost).
- (Stas, Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #31502 (Wrong deserialization from session when using WDDX
- serializer). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #31478 (segfault with empty() / isset()). (Moriyoshi)
-- Fixed bug #31465 (False warning in unpack() when working with *). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #31363 (broken non-blocking flock()). (ian at snork dot net)
-- Fixed bug #31033 (php:function(string, nodeset) with xsl:key crashes PHP).
- (Rob)
-- Fixed bug #30961 (Wrong linenumber in ReflectionClass getStartLine()).
- (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #30889 (Conflict between __get/__set and ++ operator). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #30833 (array_count_values() modifying input array). (Tony)
-- Fixed bug #30820 (static member conflict with $this->member silently
- ignored). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #30819 (Better support for LDAP SASL bind). (Jani)
-- Fixed bug #30791 (magic methods (__sleep/__wakeup/__toString) call __call if
- object is overloaded). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #30707 (Segmentation fault on exception in method). (Stas, Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #30702 (cannot initialize class variable from class constant).
- (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #30578 (Output buffers flushed before calling __desctruct()
- functions). (Jani)
-- Fixed bug #30407 (Strange behaviour of default arguments). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #30394 (Assignment operators yield wrong result with __get/__set).
- (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #30332 (zend.ze1_compatibility_mode isnt fully compatable with
- array_push()). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #30162 (Catching exception in constructor causes lose of $this).
- (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #30140 (Problem with array in static properties). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #30126 (Enhancement for error message for abstract classes).
- (Marcus)
-- Fixed bug #30080 (Passing array or non array of objects). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #29975 (memory leaks when set_error_handler() is used inside error
- handler). (Tony)
-- Fixed bug #29971 (variables_order behaviour). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #29944 (Function defined in switch, crashes). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #29728 (Reflection API Feature: Default parameter value). (Marcus)
-- Fixed bug #29689 (default value of protected member overrides default value of
- private and other private variable problems in inherited classes). (Stas)
-- Fixed bug #29583 (crash when echoing a COM object). (M.Sisolak, Wez)
-- Fixed bug #29522 (accessing properties without connection). (Georg)
-- Fixed bug #29338 (unencoded spaces get ignored after certain tags). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #29335 (fetch functions now use MYSQLI_BOTH as default). (Georg)
-- Fixed bug #29311 (calling parent constructor in mysqli). (Georg)
-- Fixed bug #29256 (SOAP HTTP Error when envelop size is more than 24345 bytes).
- (Dmitry, Wez)
-- Fixed bug #29236 (memory error when wsdl-cache is enabled). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #29210 (Function: is_callable - no support for private and
- protected classes). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #29109 (SoapFault exception: [WSDL] Out of memory). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #29104 (Function declaration in method doesn't work). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #29061 (soap extension segfaults). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #29015 (Incorrect behavior of member vars(non string ones)-numeric
- mem vars und others). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #28985 (__getTypes() returning nothing on complex WSDL). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #28969 (Wrong data encoding of special characters). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #28839 (SIGSEGV in interactive mode (php -a)).
- (kameshj at fastmail dot fm)
-- Fixed bug #28605 (Need to use -[m]ieee option for Alpha CPUs). (Jani)
-- Fixed bug #28568 (SAPI::known_post_content_types is not thread safe).
- (Moriyoshi)
-- Fixed bug #27598 (list() array key assignment causes HUGE memory leak).
- (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #26456 (Wrong results from Reflection-API getDocComment() when
- called via STDIN). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #25922 (In error handler, modifying 5th arg (errcontext) may result
- in seg fault). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #22836 (returning reference to uninitialized variable). (Dmitry)
-31 Mar 2005, PHP 5.0.4
-- Added SNMPv2 support. (harrie)
-- Added Oracle Instant Client support. (cjbj at hotmail dot com, Tony)
-- Added length and charsetnr for field array and object in mysqli. (Georg)
-- Added checks for negative values to gmp_sqrt(), gmp_powm(), gmp_sqrtrem()
- and gmp_fact() to prevent SIGFPE. (Tony)
-- Changed foreach() to throw an exception if IteratorAggregate::getIterator()
- does not return an Iterator. (Marcus)
-- Changed phpize not to require libtool. (Jani)
-- Updated bundled oniguruma library (used for multibyte regular expression)
- to 3.7.0. (Moriyoshi)
-- Updated bundled libmbfl library (used for multibyte functions). (Moriyoshi)
- Fixed bugs:
- . Bug #32311 (mb_encode_mimeheader() does not properly escape characters)
- . Bug #32063 (mb_convert_encoding ignores named entity 'alpha')
- . Bug #31911 (mb_decode_mimeheader() is case-sensitive to hex escapes)
- . bug #30573 (compiler warnings in libmbfl due to invalid type cast)
- . Bug #30549 (incorrect character translations for some ISO8859 charsets).
-- Fixed bug preventing from building oci8 as shared.
- (stanislav dot voroniy at portavita dot nl, Tony)
-- Fixed a bug in mysql_affected_rows and mysql_stmt_affected_rows when the
- api function returns -1 (Georg)
-- Fixed several leaks in ext/browscap and sapi/embed. (Andrei)
-- Fixed several leaks in ext/filepro. (Tony)
-- Fixed build system to always use bundled libtool files. (Jani)
-- Fixed a bug in mysqli_stmt_execute() (type conversion with NULL values).
- (Georg)
-- Fixed segfault in mysqli_fetch_field_direct() when invalid field offset
- is passed. (Tony)
-- Fixed posix_getsid() & posix_getpgid() to return sid & pgid instead
- of true. (Tony)
-- Fixed bug #32394 (offsetUnset() segfaults in a foreach). (Marcus)
-- Fixed bug #32373 (segfault in bzopen() if supplied path to non-existent
- file). (Tony)
-- Fixed bug #32326 (Check values of Connection/Transfer-Encoding
- case-incentively in SOAP extension). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #32290 (call_user_func_array() calls wrong class method within
- child class). (Marcus)
-- Fixed bug #32238 (spl_array.c: void function cannot return value). (Johannes)
-- Fixed bug #32210 (proc_get_status() sets "running" always to true). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #32200 (Prevent using both --with-apxs2 and --with-apxs2filter).
- (Jani)
-- Fixed bug #32134 (Overloading offsetGet/offsetSet). (Marcus)
-- Fixed bug #32130 (ArrayIterator::seek() does not throw an Exception on
- invalid index). (Marcus)
-- Fixed bug #32115 (dateTime SOAP encoding of timezone incorrect). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #32081 (in mysqli default socket value is not being used). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #32021 (Crash caused by range('', 'z')). (Derick)
-- Fixed bug #32011 (Fragments which replaced Nodes are not globaly useable).
- (Rob)
-- Fixed bug #32001 (xml_parse_into_struct() function exceeds maximum
- execution time). (Rob, Moriyoshi)
-- Fixed bug #31980 (Unicode exif data not available on Windows). (Edin)
-- Fixed bug #31960 (msql_fetch_row() and msql_fetch_array() dropping columns
- with NULL values). (Daniel Convissor)
-- Fixed bug #31878 (Segmentation fault using clone keyword on nodes). (Rob)
-- Fixed bug #31858 (--disable-cli does not force --without-pear). (Jani)
-- Fixed bug #31842 (*date('r') does not return RFC2822 conforming date string).
- (Jani)
-- Fixed bug #31832 (SOAP encoding problem with complex types in WSDL mode with
- multiple parts). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #31797 (exif_read_data() uses too low nesting limit). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #31796 (readline completion handler does not handle empty return
- values). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #31792 (getrusage() does not provide ru_nswap value). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #31755 (Cannot create SOAP header in no namespace). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #31754 (dbase_open() fails for mode = 1). (Mehdi, Derick)
-- Fixed bug #31751 (pg_parameter_status() missing on Windows). (Edin)
-- Fixed bug #31747 (SOAP Digest Authentication doesn't work with
- "HTTP/1.1 100 Continue" response). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #31732 (mb_get_info() causes segfault when no parameters
- specified). (Tony)
-- Fixed bug #31710 (Wrong return values for mysqli_autocommit/commit/rollback).
- (Georg)
-- Fixed bug #31705 (parse_url() does not recognize (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #31695 (Cannot redefine endpoint when using WSDL). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #31684 (dio_tcsetattr(): misconfigured termios settings).
- (elod at itfais dot com)
-- Fixed bug #31683 (changes to $name in __get($name) override future
- parameters). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #31699 (unserialize() float problem on non-English locales). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #31562 (__autoload() problem with static variables). (Marcus)
-- Fixed bug #31651 (ReflectionClass::getDefaultProperties segfaults with arrays).
- (Marcus)
-- Fixed bug #31623 (OCILogin does not support password grace period).
- (daniel dot beet at accuratesoftware dot com, Tony)
-- Fixed bug #31527 (crash in msg_send() when non-string is stored without
- being serialized). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #31515 (Improve performance of scandir() by factor of 10 or so). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #31514 (open_basedir uses path_translated rather then cwd for .
- translation). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #31480 (Possible infinite loop in imap_mail_compose()). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #31479 (Fixed crash in chunk_split(), when chunklen > strlen). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #31454 (session_set_save_handler crashes PHP when supplied
- non-existent object ref). (Tony)
-- Fixed bug #31444 (Memory leak in zend_language_scanner.c).
- (hexer at studentcenter dot org)
-- Fixed bug #31442 (unserialize broken on 64-bit systems). (Marcus)
-- Fixed bug #31440 ($GLOBALS can be overwritten via GPC when register_globals
- is enabled). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #31422 (No Error-Logging on SoapServer-Side). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #31413 (curl POSTFIELDS crashes on 64-bit platforms). (Joe)
-- Fixed bug #31396 (compile fails with gd 2.0.33 without freetype). (Jani)
-- Fixed bug #31371 (highlight_file() trims new line after heredoc). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #31361 (simplexml/domxml segfault when adding node twice). (Rob)
-- Fixed bug #31348 (CachingIterator::rewind() leaks). (Marcus)
-- Fixed bug #31346 (ArrayIterator::next segfaults). (Marcus)
-- Fixed bug #31190 (Unexpected warning then exception is thrown from
- call_user_func_array()). (phpbugs at domain51 dot net, Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #31142 (imap_mail_compose() fails to generate correct output). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #31139 (XML Parser Functions seem to drop & when parsing). (Rob)
-- Fixed bug #31398 (When magic_guotes_gpc are enabled filenames with ' get cutoff).
- (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #31288 (Possible crash in mysql_fetch_field(), if mysql_list_fields()
- was not called previously). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #31107, #31110, #31111, #31249 (Compile failure of zend_strtod.c).
- (Jani)
-- Fixed bug #31110 (PHP 4.3.10 does not compile on Tru64 UNIX 5.1B). (Derick)
-- Fixed bug #31107 (Compile failure on Solaris 9 (Intel) and gcc 3.4.3). (Derick)
-- Fixed bug #31103 (Better error message when c-client cannot be found). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #31101 (missing kerberos header file path with --with-openssl). (Jani)
-- Fixed bug #31098 (isset() / empty() incorrectly return true in dereference of
- a string type). (Moriyoshi)
-- Fixed bug #31087 (broken php_url_encode_hash macro). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #31072 (var_export() does not output an array element with an empty
- string key). (Derick)
-- Fixed bug #31060 (imageftbbox() does not use linespacing parameter). (Jani)
-- Fixed bug #31056 (php_std_date() returns invalid formatted date if
- y2k_compliance is On). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #31055 (apache2filter: per request leak proportional to the full
- path of the request URI). (kameshj at fastmail dot fm)
-- Fixed bug #30901 (can't send cookies with soap envelop). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #30871 (Misleading warning message for array_combine()). (Andrey)
-- Fixed bug #30868 (evaluated pointer comparison in mbregex causes compile
- failure). (Moriyoshi)
-- Fixed bug #30862 (Static array with boolean indexes). (Marcus)
-- Fixed bug #30726 (-.1 like numbers are not being handled correctly). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #30725 (PHP segfaults when an exception is thrown in getIterator()
- within foreach). (Marcus)
-- Fixed bug #30609 (cURL functions bypass open_basedir). (Jani)
-- Fixed bug #30446 (apache2handler: virtual() includes files out of sequence)
-- Fixed bug #30430 (odbc_next_result() doesn't bind values and that results
- in segfault). (pdan-php at esync dot org, Tony)
-- Fixed bug #30266 (Invalid opcode 137/1/8). (Marcus)
-- Fixed bug #30120 (imagettftext() and imagettfbbox() accept too many
- parameters). (Jani)
-- Fixed bug #30106 (SOAP cannot not parse 'ref' element. Causes Uncaught
- SoapFault exception). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #29989 (type re_registers redefined in oniguruma.h). (Moriyoshi)
-- Fixed bug #28803 (enabled debug causes bailout errors with CLI on AIX
- because of fflush() called on already closed filedescriptor). (Tony)
-- Fixed bug #29767 (Weird behaviour of __set($name, $value)). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #29733 (printf() handles repeated placeholders wrong).
- (bugs dot php dot net at bluetwanger dot de, Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #29424 (width and height inverted for JPEG2000 files). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #29329 (configure for mysqli with shared doesn't work). (Georg)
-- Fixed bug #29136 (make test - libtool failure on MacOSX). (Jani)
-- Fixed bug #28976 (mail(): use "From:" from headers if sendmail_from is empty).
- (Jani)
-- Fixed bug #28930 (PHP sources pick wrong header files generated by bison).
- (eggert at gnu dot org, Jani)
-- Fixed bug #28840 (__destruct of a class that extends mysqli not called).
- (Marcus)
-- Fixed bug #28804 (ini-file section parsing pattern is buggy).
- (wendland at scan-plus dot de)
-- Fixed bug #28451 (corrupt EXIF headers have unlimited recursive IFD directory
- entries). (Andrei)
-- Fixed bug #28444 (Cannot access undefined property for object with overloaded
- property access). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #28442 (Changing a static variables in a class changes it across
- sub/super classes.) (Marcus)
-- Fixed bug #28324 (HTTP_SESSION_VARS appear when register_long_arrays is
- Off). (Tony)
-- Fixed bug #28074 (FastCGI: stderr should be written in a FCGI stderr stream).
- (chris at ex-parrot dot com)
-- Fixed bug #28067 (partially incorrect utf8 to htmlentities mapping). (Derick,
- Benjamin Greiner)
-- Fixed bug #28041 (SOAP HTTP Digest Access Authentication). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #27633 (Double \r problem on ftp_get in ASCII mode on Win32). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #18613 (Multiple OUs in x509 certificate not handled properly).
- (Jani)
-15 Dec 2004, PHP 5.0.3
-- Added the %F modifier to *printf to render a non-locale-aware representation
- of a float with the . as decimal seperator. (Derick)
-- Fixed error handling in mysqli_multi_query. (Georg)
-- Extended the functionality of is_subclass_of() to accept either a class name
- or an object as first parameter. (Andrey)
-- Fixed potential problems with unserializing invalid serialize data. (Marcus)
-- Fixed bug #32076 (ReflectionMethod::isDestructor() always return true).
- (Derick, Tony)
-- Fixed bug #31034 (Problem with non-existing iconv header file). (Derick)
-- Fixed bug #30995 (snmp extension does not build with net-snmp 5.2). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #30994 (SOAP server unable to handle request with references).
- (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #30990 (allow popen() on *NIX to accept 'b' flag). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #30967 (properties in extended mysqli classes don't work). (Georg)
-- Fixed bug #30928 (When Using WSDL, SoapServer doesn't handle private or
- protected properties). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #30922 (reflective functions crash PHP when interfaces extend
- themselves). (Tony, Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #30904 (segfault when recording soapclient into session). (Tony,
- Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #30890 (MySQLi testsuite)
-- Fixed bug #30856 (ReflectionClass::getStaticProperties segfaults). (Marcus)
-- Fixed bug #30832 ("!" stripped off comments in xml parser). (Rob)
-- Fixed bug #30799 (SoapServer doesn't handle private or protected properties).
- (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #30783 (Apache crash when using ReflectionFunction::
- getStaticVariables()). (Marcus)
-- Fixed bug #30750 (Meaningful error message when upload directory is not
- accessible). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #30685 (Malformed SOAPClient http header reequest). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #30672 (Problem handling exif data in jpeg images at unusual
- places). (Marcus)
-- Fixed bug #30658 (Ensure that temporary files created by GD are removed).
- (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #30645 (def. multi result set support for mysql_connect). (Georg)
-- Fixed bug #30637 (compile with pear error). (Antony)
-- Fixed bug #30587 (array_multisort doesn't separate zvals before
- changing them). (Tony)
-- Fixed bug #30572 (crash when comparing SimpleXML attribute to a boolean).
- (Andi)
-- Fixed bug #30566 (attribute namespace URIs are inconsistent when parsing).
- (Rob)
-- Fixed bug #30490 (PEAR installation fails). (Antony)
-- Fixed bug #30475 (curl_getinfo() may crash in some situations). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #30442 (segfault when parsing ?getvariable[][ ). (Tony)
-- Fixed bug #30388 (rename across filesystems loses ownership and
- permission info). (Tony)
-- Fixed bug #30387 (stream_socket_client async connect was broken).
- (vnegrier at esds dot com, Wez).
-- Fixed bug #30381 (Strange results with get_class_vars()). (Marcus)
-- Fixed bug #30375 (cal_info() does not work without a parameter). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #30362 (stream_get_line() not handling end string correctly).
- (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #30359 (SOAP client requests have no port in "Host" field).
- (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #30356 (str_ireplace() does not work on all strings). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #30344 (Reflection::getModifierNames() returns too long strings).
- (Marcus)
-- Fixed bug #30329 (Error Fetching http body, No Content-Length, connection
- closed or chunked data). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #30282 (segfault when using unknown/unsupported
- session.save_handler and/or session.serialize_handler). (Tony)
-- Fixed bug #30281 (Prevent non-wbmp images from being detected as such).
- (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #30276 (Possible crash in ctype_digit on large numbers). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #30230 (exception handler not working with objects). (Marcus)
-- Fixed bug #30224 (Sybase date strings are sometimes not null terminated).
- (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #30175 (SOAP results aren't parsed correctly). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #30147 (OO sqlite_fetch_object did not reset error handler). (Wez)
-- Fixed bug #30133 (get_current_user() crashes on Windows). (Edin)
-- Fixed bug #30061 (xml_set_start_namespace_decl_handler not called). (Rob)
-- Fixed bug #30057 (did not detect IPV6 on FreeBSD 4.1). (Wez)
-- Fixed bug #30042 (strtotime does not use second param). (Derick)
-- Fixed bug #30027 (Possible crash inside ftp_get()).
- (cfield at affinitysolutions dot com)
-- Fixed bug #29954 (array_reduce segfaults when initial value is array). (Tony)
-- Fixed bug #29883 (isset gives invalid values on strings). (Tony, Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #29801 (Set limit on the size of mmapable data). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #29557 (strtotime error). (Derick)
-- Fixed bug #29418 (double free when openssl_csr_new fails).
- (Kamesh Jayachandran).
-- Fixed bug #29385 (Soapserver always uses std class). (David, Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #29211 (SoapClient doesn't request wsdl through proxy). (Rob)
-- Fixed bug #28817 (Var problem when extending domDocument). (Georg)
-- Fixed bug #28599 (strtotime fails with zero base time). (Derick)
-- Fixed bug #28598 (Lost support for MS Symbol fonts). (Pierre)
-- Fixed bug #28220 (mb_strwidth() returns wrong width values for some hangul
- characters). (Moriyoshi)
-- Fixed bug #28228 (NULL decimal separator is not being handled correctly).
- (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #28209 (strtotime("now")). (Derick)
-- Fixed bug #27798 (private / protected variables not exposed by
- get_object_vars() inside class). (Marcus)
-- Fixed bug #27728 (Can't return within a zend_try {} block or the previous
- bailout state isn't restored. (Andi)
-- Fixed bug #27183 (Userland stream wrapper segfaults on stream_write).
- (Christian)
-23 Sep 2004, PHP 5.0.2
-- Added new boolean (fourth) parameter to array_slice() that turns on the
- preservation of keys in the returned array. (Derick)
-- Added the sorting flag SORT_LOCALE_STRING to the sort() functions which makes
- them sort based on the current locale. (Derick)
-- Added interface_exists() and make class_exists() only return true for real
- classes. (Andrey)
-- Added PHP_EOL constant that contains the OS way of representing newlines.
- (Paul Hudson, Derick)
-- Implemented periodic PCRE compiled regexp cache cleanup, to avoid memory
- exhaustion. (Andrei)
-- Renamed SoapClient->__call() to SoapClinet->__soapCall(). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug with raw_post_data not getting set (Brian)
-- Fixed a file-descriptor leak with phpinfo() and other 'special' URLs (Zeev)
-- Fixed bug #30209 (ReflectionClass::getMethod() lowercases attribute).
- (Marcus)
-- Fixed bug #30182 (SOAP module processing WSDL file dumps core). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #30045 (Cannot pass big integers (> 2147483647) in SOAP requests).
- (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #29985 (unserialize()/ __PHP_Incomplete_class does not report
- correctly class name). (Marcus, Tony)
-- Fixed bug #29945 (simplexml_load_file URL limitation 255 char). (Rob)
-- Fixed bug #29873 (No defines around pcntl_*priority definitions). (Derick)
-- Fixed bug #29844 (SOAP doesn't return the result of a valid SOAP request).
- (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #29842 (soapclient return null value). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #29839 (incorrect convert (xml:lang to lang)). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #29830 (SoapServer::setClass() should not export non-public
- methods). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #29828 (Interfaces no longer work). (Marcus)
-- Fixed bug #29821 (Fixed possible crashes in convert_uudecode() on invalid
- data). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #29808 (array_count_values() breaks with numeric strings). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #29805 (HTTP Authentication Issues). (Uwe Schindler)
-- Fixed bug #29795 (SegFault with Soap and Amazon's Web Services). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #29737 (ip2long should return -1 if IP is and FALSE
- on error). (Tony)
-- Fixed bug #29711 (Changed ext/xml to default to UTF-8 output). (Rob)
-- Fixed bug #29678 (opendir() with ftp:// wrapper segfaults if path does not
- have trailing slash). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #29657 (xml_* functions throw non descriptive error).
- (Christian, Rob)
-- Fixed bug #29656 (segfault on result and statement properties). (Georg)
-- Fixed bug #29566 (foreach/string handling strangeness (crash)). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #29447 (Reflection API issues). (Marcus)
-- Fixed bug #29296 (Added sslv2 and sslv3 transports). (Wez)
-- Fixed bug #29283 (Invalid statement handle in mysqli on execute). (Georg)
-- Fixed bug #29913 (parse_url() is now binary safe). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #27994 (segfault with Soapserver when WSDL-Cache is enabled).
- (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #27791 (Apache 2.0 SAPI build against Apache 2 HEAD). (Joe Orton,
- Derick)
-- Fixed bug #26737 (private/protected properties not serialized when user
- declared method __sleep() exists). E_NOTICE thrown when __sleep() returns
- name of non-existing member. (Andrey, Curt)
-12 Aug 2004, PHP 5.0.1
-- Changed destructor mechanism so that destructors are called prior to request
- shutdown. (Marcus)
-- Rewritten UNIX and Windows install help files. (Documentation Team)
-- Updated several libraries bundled with the windows release which now
- includes libxml2-2.6.11, libxslt-1.1.7 and iconv-1.9.1. (Rob, Edin)
-- Improved and moved ActiveScript SAPI to PECL. (Wez)
-- Fixed bug #29606 (php_strip_whitespace() prints to stdout rather then
- returning the value). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #29577 (MYSQLI_CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS undefined) (Georg)
-- Fixed bug #29573 (Segmentation fault, when exception thrown within
- PHP function called from XSLT). (Christian)
-- Fixed bug #29522 (accessing properties without connection) (Georg)
-- Fixed bug #29505 (get_class_vars() severely broken when used with arrays).
- (Marcus)
-- Fixed bug #29490 (.Net object instantiation failed). (Michael Sisolak).
-- Fixed bug #29474 (win32: usleep() doesn't work). (Wez)
-- Fixed bug #29449 (win32: feof() hangs on empty tcp stream). (Wez)
-- Fixed bug #29437 (Possible crash inside array_walk_recursive()). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #29431 (crash when parsing invalid address; invalid address
- returned by stream_socket_recvfrom(), stream_socket_getname()). (Wez)
-- Fixed bug #29409 (Segfault in PHP functions called from XSLT). (Rob)
-- Fixed unloading of dynamically loaded extensions.
- (Marcus, kameshj at fastmail dot fm)
-- Fixed bug #29395 (sqlite_escape_string() returns bogus data on empty
- strings). (Ilia, Tony)
-- Fixed bug #29392 (com_dotnet crashes when echo'ing an object). (Wez)
-- Fixed bug #29368 (The destructor is called when an exception is thrown from
- the constructor). (Marcus)
-- Fixed bug #29354 (Exception constructor marked as both public and protected).
- (Marcus)
-- Fixed bug #29342 (strtotime() does not handle empty date string properly).
- (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #29340 (win32 build produces invalid php_ifx.dll). (Edin)
-- Fixed bug #29335 (fetch functions now use MYSQLI_BOTH as default) (Georg)
-- Fixed bug #29291 (get_class_vars() return names with NULLs). (Marcus)
-- Fixed bug #29264 (gettext extension not working). (Edin)
-- Fixed bug #29258 (variant_date_from_timestamp() does not honour
- timezone). (Wez)
-- Fixed bug #29256 (error when sending large packets on a socket). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #29236 (memory error when wsdl-cache is enabled). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #29147 (Compile Error in mnoGoSearch functions). (Sergey, Antony)
-- Fixed bug #29132 ($_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_USER"] isn't defined). (Stefan)
-- Fixed bug #29119 (html_entity_decode() misbehaves with UTF-8). (Moriyoshi)
-- Fixed bug #29109 (SoapFault exception: [WSDL] Out of memory). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #29061 (soap extension segfaults). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #28985 (__getTypes() returning nothing on complex WSDL). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #28969 (Wrong data encoding of special characters). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #28895 (ReflectionClass::isAbstract always returns false). (Marcus)
-- Fixed bug #28829 (Thread-unsafety in bcmath elementary values). (Sara)
-- Fixed bug #28464 (catch() does not catch exceptions by interfaces). (Marcus)
-- Fixed bug #27669 (PHP 5 didn't support all possibilities for calling static
- methods dynamically). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed ReflectionClass::getMethod() and ReflectionClass::getProperty() to
- raise an ReflectionException instead of returning NULL on failure.
- (Sebastian)
-- Fixed convert.* filters to consume remaining buckets_in on flush. (Sara)
-- Fixed bug in mysqli->client_version. (Georg)
-13 Jul 2004, PHP 5.0.0
-- Updated PCRE to provide better error handling in certain cases. (Andrei)
-- Changed doc comments to require a single white space after '/**'. (Marcus)
-- Fixed bug #29019 (Database not closing). (Marcus)
-- Fixed bug #29008 (array_combine() does not handle non-numeric/string keys).
- (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #28999 (fixed behaviour of exec() to work as it did in 4.X). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #28868 (Internal filter registry not thread safe). (Sara)
-- Fixed bug #28851 (call_user_func_array has typo in error message). (Marcus)
-- Fixed bug #28831 (ArrayObject::offsetGet() does the work of offsetUnset()).
- (Marcus)
-- Fixed bug #28822 (ArrayObject::offsetExists() works inverted). (Marcus)
-- Fixed bug #28789 (ReflectionProperty getValue() fails on public static
- members). (Marcus)
-- Fixed bug #28771 (Segfault when using xslt and clone). (Rob)
-- Fixed bug #28751 (SoapServer does not call _autoload()). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #28739 (array_*diff() and array_*intersect() not clearing the fci
- cache before work). (Andrey)
-- Fixed bug #28721 (appendChild() and insertBefore() unset DOMText).(Rob)
-- Fixed bug #28702 (SOAP does not parse WSDL service address correctly). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #28699 (Reflection api bugs). (Marcus)
-- Fixed bug #28694 (ReflectionExtension::getFunctions() crashes PHP). (Marcus)
-- Fixed bug #28512 (Allocate enough space to store MSSQL data). (Frank)
-- Fixed strip_tags() to correctly handle '\0' characters. (Stefan)