/* Currently these are only internal to this module */
static void
RotateKernelInfo(KernelInfo *, double),
- ScaleKernelInfo(KernelInfo *, double);
+ ScaleKernelInfo(KernelInfo *, const double, const MagickStatusType);
static KernelInfo
*CloneKernelInfo(const KernelInfo *);
kernel->maximum = kernel->values[
kernel->y*kernel->width+kernel->x ];
- ScaleKernelInfo(kernel, 0.0); /* Normalize Kernel Values */
+ ScaleKernelInfo(kernel, 1.0, NormalizeValue); /* Normalize */
** Because of this the divisor in the above kernel generator is
** not needed, so is not done above.
- ScaleKernelInfo(kernel, 0.0); /* Normalize Kernel Values */
+ ScaleKernelInfo(kernel, 1.0, NormalizeValue); /* Normalize */
/* rotate the kernel by given angle */
RotateKernelInfo(kernel, args->xi);
kernel->minimum = 0;
kernel->maximum = kernel->values[0];
- ScaleKernelInfo(kernel, 0.0); /* Normalize Kernel Values */
- RotateKernelInfo(kernel, args->xi);
+ ScaleKernelInfo(kernel, 1.0, NormalizeValue); /* Normalize */
+ RotateKernelInfo(kernel, args->xi); /* Rotate by angle */
/* Boolean Kernels */
switch(method) {
case ErodeMorphology:
case ErodeIntensityMorphology:
- /* kernel is not reflected */
+ /* kernel is user as is, without reflection */
case ConvolveMorphology:
case DilateMorphology:
case DilateIntensityMorphology:
case DistanceMorphology:
- /* kernel needs to be reflected */
+ /* kernel needs to used with reflection */
offx = (long) kernel->width-offx-1;
offy = (long) kernel->height-offy-1;
MagickExport Image *MorphologyImageChannel(const Image *image, const
ChannelType channel, const MorphologyMethod method, const long
iterations, const KernelInfo *kernel, ExceptionInfo *exception)
artifact = GetImageArtifact(image,"convolve:scale");
if ( artifact != (char *)NULL ) {
+ MagickStatusType
+ flags;
+ GeometryInfo
+ args;
if ( curr_kernel == kernel )
curr_kernel = CloneKernelInfo(kernel);
- ScaleKernelInfo(curr_kernel, StringToDouble(artifact) );
+ args.rho = 1.0;
+ flags = ParseGeometry(artifact, &args);
+ ScaleKernelInfo(curr_kernel, args.rho, flags);
/* FALL-THRU to do the first, and typically the only iteration */
% %
-% ScaleKernelInfo() scales the kernel by the given amount. Scaling by value
-% of zero will result in a normalization of the kernel.
+% ScaleKernelInfo() scales the kernel by the given amount, with or without
+% normalization of the sum of the kernel values.
+% By default (no flags given) the values within the kernel is scaled
+% according the given scaling factor.
+% If any 'normalize_flags' are given the kernel will be normalized and then
+% further scaled by the scaleing factor value given. A 'PercentValue' flag
+% will cause the given scaling factor to be divided by one hundred percent.
+% Kernel normalization ('normalize_flags' given) is designed to ensure that
+% any use of the kernel scaling factor with 'Convolve' or 'Correlate'
+% morphology methods will fall into -1.0 to +1.0 range. Note however that
+% for non-HDRI versions of IM this may cause images to have any negative
+% results clipped, unless some 'clip' any negative output from 'Convolve'
+% with the use of some kernels.
+% More specifically. Kernels which only contain positive values (such as a
+% 'Gaussian' kernel) will be scaled so that those values sum to +1.0,
+% ensuring a 0.0 to +1.0 convolution output range for non-HDRI images.
+% For Kernels that contain some negative values, (such as 'Sharpen' kernels)
+% the kernel will be scaled by the absolute of the sum of kernel values, so
+% that it will generally fall within the +/- 1.0 range.
-% For positive kernels normalization scales the kernel so the addition os all
-% values is 1.0. While for kernels where values add to zero it is scaled
-% so that the convolution output range covers 1.0. In such 'zero kernels'
-% it is generally recomended that the user also provides a 50% bias to the
-% output results.
+% For kernels whose values sum to zero, (such as 'Laplician' kernels) kernel
+% will be scaled by just the sum of the postive values, so that its output
+% range will again fall into the +/- 1.0 range.
-% Correct normalization assumes the 'range_*' attributes of the kernel
-% structure have been correctly set during the kernel creation.
+% For special kernels designed for locating shapes using 'Correlate', (often
+% only containing +1 and -1 values, representing foreground/brackground
+% matching) a special normalization method is provided to scale the positive
+% values seperatally to those of the negative values, so the kernel will be
+% forced to become a zero-sum kernel better suited to such searches.
+% WARNING: Correct normalization of the kernal assumes that the '*_range'
+% attributes within the kernel structure have been correctly set during the
+% kernels creation.
+% NOTE: The values used for 'normalize_flags' have been selected specifically
+% to match the use of geometry options, so that '!' means NormalizeValue, '^'
+% means CorrelateNormalizeValue, and '%' means PercentValue. All other
+% GeometryFlags values are ignored.
% The format of the ScaleKernelInfo method is:
-% void ScaleKernelInfo(KernelInfo *kernel)
+% void ScaleKernelInfo(KernelInfo *kernel, const double scaling_factor,
+% const MagickStatusType normalize_flags )
% A description of each parameter follows:
% o kernel: the Morphology/Convolution kernel
-% o scale: multiple all values by this, if zero normalize instead.
+% o scaling_factor:
+% multiply all values (after normalization) by this factor if not
+% zero. If the kernel is normalized regardless of any flags.
+% o normalize_flags:
+% GeometryFlags defining normalization method to use.
+% specifically: NormalizeValue, CorrelateNormalizeValue,
+% and/or PercentValue
% This function is internal to this module only at this time, but can be
% exported to other modules if needed.
-static void ScaleKernelInfo(KernelInfo *kernel, double scale)
+static void ScaleKernelInfo(KernelInfo *kernel, const double scaling_factor,
+ const GeometryFlags normalize_flags)
register long
- if ( fabs(scale) < MagickEpsilon ) {
- if ( fabs(kernel->positive_range + kernel->negative_range) < MagickEpsilon )
- scale = 1/(kernel->positive_range - kernel->negative_range); /* zero kernels */
+ register double
+ pos_scale,
+ neg_scale;
+ pos_scale = 1.0;
+ if ( (normalize_flags&NormalizeValue) != 0 ) {
+ /* normalize kernel appropriately */
+ if ( fabs(kernel->positive_range + kernel->negative_range) > MagickEpsilon )
+ pos_scale = fabs(kernel->positive_range + kernel->negative_range);
- scale = 1/(kernel->positive_range + kernel->negative_range); /* non-zero kernel */
+ pos_scale = kernel->positive_range; /* special zero-summing kernel */
+ }
+ /* force kernel into being a normalized zero-summing kernel */
+ if ( (normalize_flags&CorrelateNormalizeValue) != 0 ) {
+ pos_scale = ( fabs(kernel->positive_range) > MagickEpsilon )
+ ? kernel->positive_range : 1.0;
+ neg_scale = ( fabs(kernel->negative_range) > MagickEpsilon )
+ ? -kernel->negative_range : 1.0;
+ }
+ else
+ neg_scale = pos_scale;
+ /* finialize scaling_factor for positive and negative components */
+ pos_scale = scaling_factor/pos_scale;
+ neg_scale = scaling_factor/neg_scale;
+ if ( (normalize_flags&PercentValue) != 0 ) {
+ pos_scale /= 100.0;
+ neg_scale /= 100.0;
for (i=0; i < (long) (kernel->width*kernel->height); i++)
if ( ! IsNan(kernel->values[i]) )
- kernel->values[i] *= scale;
- kernel->positive_range *= scale; /* convolution output range */
- kernel->negative_range *= scale;
- kernel->maximum *= scale; /* maximum and minimum values in kernel */
- kernel->minimum *= scale;
+ kernel->values[i] *= (kernel->values[i] >= 0) ? pos_scale : neg_scale;
+ /* convolution output range */
+ kernel->positive_range *= pos_scale;
+ kernel->negative_range *= neg_scale;
+ /* maximum and minimum values in kernel */
+ kernel->maximum *= (kernel->maximum >= 0.0) ? pos_scale : neg_scale;
+ kernel->minimum *= (kernel->minimum >= 0.0) ? pos_scale : neg_scale;
+ /* swap kernel settings if user scaling factor is negative */
+ if ( scaling_factor < MagickEpsilon ) {
+ double t;
+ t = kernel->positive_range;
+ kernel->positive_range = kernel->negative_range;
+ kernel->negative_range = t;
+ t = kernel->maximum;
+ kernel->maximum = kernel->minimum;
+ kernel->minimum = 1;
+ }