-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-- $Log$
+-- Revision 1.21 2003/11/13 13:14:49 strk
+-- used quote_ident() calls in AddGeometryColumns as suggested by Bernhard Herzog
-- Revision 1.20 2003/11/12 20:55:18 strk
-- AddGeometryColumn column identifier case respect fix as suggested by Bernhard Herzog
return ''fail'';
- EXECUTE ''ALTER TABLE "'' || table_name || ''" ADD COLUMN "'' || column_name || ''" geometry '';
+ EXECUTE ''ALTER TABLE '' || quote_ident(table_name) || '' ADD COLUMN '' || quote_ident(column_name) || '' geometry '';
EXECUTE ''INSERT INTO geometry_columns VALUES ('' || quote_literal('''') || '','' ||
quote_literal(database_name) || '','' || quote_literal(table_name) || '','' ||
quote_literal(column_name) || '','' ||
EXECUTE ''update geometry_columns set attrelid = (select pg_class.oid AS attrelid from pg_class,pg_attribute where relname =geometry_columns.f_table_name::name and pg_attribute.attrelid = pg_class.oid and pg_attribute.attname = geometry_columns.f_geometry_column::name), varattnum = (select pg_attribute.attnum from pg_class,pg_attribute where relname =geometry_columns.f_table_name::name and pg_attribute.attrelid = pg_class.oid and pg_attribute.attname = geometry_columns.f_geometry_column::name)'';
- EXECUTE ''ALTER TABLE "'' ||table_name||''" ADD CHECK (SRID("'' || column_name ||
- ''") = '' || new_srid || '')'' ;
+ EXECUTE ''ALTER TABLE '' || quote_ident(table_name) ||
+ '' ADD CHECK (SRID('' || quote_ident(column_name) ||
+ '') = '' || new_srid || '')'' ;
IF (not(new_type = ''GEOMETRY'')) THEN
- EXECUTE ''ALTER TABLE "'' ||table_name||''" ADD CHECK ( geometrytype("''||column_name||''")=''|| quote_literal(new_type)||'' OR ("'' ||column_name ||''") is null)'';
+ EXECUTE ''ALTER TABLE '' || quote_ident(table_name) ||
+ '' ADD CHECK (geometrytype('' ||
+ quote_ident(column_name) || '')='' ||
+ quote_literal(new_type) || '' OR ('' ||
+ quote_ident(column_name) || '') is null)'';
return ''Geometry column '' || column_name || '' added to table ''
- ||table_name ||'' WITH a SRID of ''||new_srid || '' and type ''||new_type;
+ || table_name || '' WITH a SRID of '' || new_srid ||
+ '' and type '' || new_type;
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' WITH (isstrict);