--- /dev/null
+// Verbatim.java - Saxon extensions supporting DocBook verbatim environments
+package com.nwalsh.saxon8;
+import java.util.Vector;
+import java.util.StringTokenizer;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
+import net.sf.saxon.Controller;
+import net.sf.saxon.Configuration;
+import net.sf.saxon.expr.XPathContext;
+import net.sf.saxon.om.DocumentInfo;
+import net.sf.saxon.om.Axis;
+import net.sf.saxon.om.AxisIterator;
+import net.sf.saxon.om.Item;
+import net.sf.saxon.om.SequenceIterator;
+import net.sf.saxon.om.NamePool;
+import net.sf.saxon.om.NodeInfo;
+import net.sf.saxon.type.Type;
+import net.sf.saxon.tinytree.TinyBuilder;
+import net.sf.saxon.event.NamespaceReducer;
+import net.sf.saxon.event.Receiver;
+ * <p>Saxon extensions supporting DocBook verbatim environments</p>
+ *
+ * <p>$Id$</p>
+ *
+ * <p>Copyright (C) 2000 Norman Walsh.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>This class provides a
+ * <a href="http://saxon.sourceforge.net/">Saxon</a> 8.x
+ * implementation of two features that would be impractical to
+ * implement directly in XSLT: line numbering and callouts.</p>
+ *
+ * <p><b>Line Numbering</b></p>
+ * <p>The <tt>numberLines</tt> method takes a tree
+ * (assumed to contain the contents of a formatted verbatim
+ * element in DocBook: programlisting, screen, address, literallayout,
+ * or synopsis) and returns a tree decorated with
+ * line numbers.</p>
+ *
+ * <p><b>Callouts</b></p>
+ * <p>The <tt>insertCallouts</tt> method takes an
+ * <tt>areaspec</tt> and a tree
+ * (assumed to contain the contents of a formatted verbatim
+ * element in DocBook: programlisting, screen, address, literallayout,
+ * or synopsis) and returns a tree decorated with
+ * callouts.</p>
+ *
+ * <p><b>Change Log:</b></p>
+ * <dl>
+ * <dt>1.0</dt>
+ * <dd><p>Initial release.</p></dd>
+ * </dl>
+ *
+ * @author Norman Walsh
+ * <a href="mailto:ndw@nwalsh.com">ndw@nwalsh.com</a>
+ *
+ * @version $Id$
+ *
+ */
+public class Verbatim {
+ private static final int CALLOUT_TEXT = 1;
+ private static final int CALLOUT_UNICODE = 2;
+ private static final int CALLOUT_GRAPHICS = 3;
+ /** The modulus for line numbering (every 'modulus' line is numbered). */
+ private static int modulus = 5;
+ /** The width (in characters) of line numbers (for padding). */
+ private static int width = 0;
+ /** The current line number. */
+ private static int lineNumber = 1;
+ /** The separator between the line number and the verbatim text. */
+ private static String separator = " | ";
+ /** The number of lines in the verbatim environment. */
+ private static int lineCount = 0;
+ /** The line number wrapper element. */
+ private static NodeInfo wrapper = null;
+ /** List of open elements. */
+ private static Vector openElements = null;
+ /** List of callouts. */
+ private static Vector calloutList = null;
+ /** The current column number. */
+ private static int colNumber = 1;
+ /** The default column for callouts that have only a line or line range */
+ private static int defaultColumn = 60;
+ /** The type of callout to use. */
+ private static int calloutStyle = CALLOUT_TEXT;
+ /** The prefix for text callouts. */
+ private static String textPrefix = "(";
+ /** The suffix for text callouts. */
+ private static String textSuffix = ")";
+ /** The text callout wrapper element. */
+ private static NodeInfo textWrapper = null;
+ /** The starting code point for Unicode callouts. */
+ private static int unicodeStart = 0;
+ /** The highest Unicode callout available before falling back to text. */
+ private static int unicodeMax = 10;
+ /** The Unicode callout wrapper element. */
+ private static NodeInfo unicodeWrapper = null;
+ /** The highest graphical callout available before falling back to text. */
+ private static int graphicsMax = 10;
+ /** The Graphics callout wrapper element. */
+ private static NodeInfo graphicsWrapper = null;
+ /**
+ * <p>Constructor for Verbatim</p>
+ *
+ * <p>All of the methods are static, so the constructor does nothing.</p>
+ */
+ public Verbatim() {
+ }
+ /**
+ * <p>Number lines in a verbatim environment</p>
+ *
+ * <p>The extension function expects the following variables to be
+ * available in the calling context: $linenumbering.everyNth,
+ * $linenumbering.width, $linenumbering.separator, and
+ * $stylesheet.result.type.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>This method adds line numbers to a result tree fragment. Each
+ * newline that occurs in a text node is assumed to start a new line.
+ * The first line is always numbered, every subsequent 'everyNth' line
+ * is numbered (so if everyNth=5, lines 1, 5, 10, 15, etc. will be
+ * numbered. If there are fewer than everyNth lines in the environment,
+ * every line is numbered.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>Every line number will be right justified in a string 'width'
+ * characters long. If the line number of the last line in the
+ * environment is too long to fit in the specified width, the width
+ * is automatically increased to the smallest value that can hold the
+ * number of the last line. (In other words, if you specify the value 2
+ * and attempt to enumerate the lines of an environment that is 100 lines
+ * long, the value 3 will automatically be used for every line in the
+ * environment.)</p>
+ *
+ * <p>The 'separator' string is inserted between the line
+ * number and the original program listing. Lines that aren't numbered
+ * are preceded by a 'width' blank string and the separator.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>If inline markup extends across line breaks, markup changes are
+ * required. All the open elements are closed before the line break and
+ * "reopened" afterwards. The reopened elements will have the same
+ * attributes as the originals, except that 'name' and 'id' attributes
+ * are not duplicated if the stylesheet.result.type is "html" and
+ * 'id' attributes will not be duplicated if the result type is "fo".</p>
+ *
+ * @param rtf The result tree fragment of the verbatim environment.
+ *
+ * @return The modified result tree fragment.
+ */
+ public static DocumentInfo numberLines (XPathContext context,
+ SequenceIterator ns,
+ SequenceIterator wrapperns,
+ int lnLineNumber,
+ int lnEveryNth,
+ int lnWidth,
+ String lnSeparator)
+ throws TransformerException {
+ Controller controller = context.getController();
+ Configuration config = controller.getConfiguration();
+ NamePool pool = config.getNamePool();
+ TinyBuilder builder = new TinyBuilder();
+ NamespaceReducer reducer = new NamespaceReducer();
+ reducer.setUnderlyingReceiver(builder);
+ Receiver tree = reducer;
+ tree.setConfiguration(config);
+ builder.setConfiguration(config);
+ tree.startDocument();
+ wrapper = findWrapper(wrapperns);
+ // We're really counting newlines so there's a tendency to be short
+ // by one. That's why we start at 1 and not zero.
+ lineCount = 1;
+ SequenceIterator nscount = ns.getAnother();
+ NodeInfo verbatim = (NodeInfo) nscount.next();
+ if (verbatim.getNodeKind() != Type.ELEMENT) {
+ System.err.println("Error!!!: " + verbatim);
+ } else {
+ NodeInfo node = (NodeInfo) verbatim;
+ if (node.hasChildNodes()) {
+ AxisIterator children = node.iterateAxis(Axis.CHILD);
+ NodeInfo child = (NodeInfo) children.next();
+ while (child != null) {
+ countLines(child);
+ child = (NodeInfo) children.next();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Start with initialLineNumber
+ lineNumber = lnLineNumber;
+ // Number every line if we have fewer than 'modulus' lines
+ modulus = (lineCount < lnEveryNth || lnEveryNth < 1) ? 1 : lnEveryNth;
+ // Make the width at least wide enough for the longest number we may need
+ double log10numLines = Math.log(lineCount) / Math.log(10);
+ width = lnWidth < log10numLines+1
+ ? (int) Math.floor(log10numLines + 1)
+ : lnWidth;
+ // Use the specified separator
+ separator = lnSeparator;
+ // Now walk through the content and number those lines
+ openElements = new Vector();
+ verbatim = (NodeInfo) ns.next();
+ if (verbatim.getNodeKind() != Type.ELEMENT) {
+ System.err.println("Error!!!: " + verbatim);
+ } else {
+ NodeInfo node = (NodeInfo) verbatim;
+ if (node.hasChildNodes()) {
+ formatLineNumber(pool, tree);
+ AxisIterator children = node.iterateAxis(Axis.CHILD);
+ NodeInfo child = (NodeInfo) children.next();
+ while (child != null) {
+ number(child, pool, tree);
+ child = (NodeInfo) children.next();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ tree.endDocument();
+ return builder.getCurrentDocument();
+ }
+ private static NodeInfo findWrapper (SequenceIterator wrapperns)
+ throws TransformerException {
+ NodeInfo wrapper = (NodeInfo) wrapperns.next();
+ if (wrapper.getNodeKind() == Type.DOCUMENT) {
+ if (wrapper.hasChildNodes()) {
+ AxisIterator children = wrapper.iterateAxis(Axis.CHILD);
+ NodeInfo child = (NodeInfo) children.next();
+ while (child != null && child.getNodeKind() != Type.ELEMENT) {
+ child = (NodeInfo) children.next();
+ }
+ if (child != null) {
+ wrapper = child;
+ }
+ } else {
+ wrapper = null;
+ }
+ } else if (wrapper.getNodeKind() != Type.ELEMENT) {
+ wrapper = null;
+ }
+ return wrapper;
+ }
+ public static void countLines (NodeInfo node)
+ throws TransformerException {
+ // we have to recurse through elements
+ if (node.getNodeKind() == Type.ELEMENT) {
+ if (node.hasChildNodes()) {
+ AxisIterator children = node.iterateAxis(Axis.CHILD);
+ NodeInfo child = (NodeInfo) children.next();
+ while (child != null) {
+ countLines(child);
+ child = (NodeInfo) children.next();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // we have to look for newlines in text nodes
+ if (node.getNodeKind() == Type.TEXT) {
+ String text = node.getStringValue();
+ int pos = text.indexOf('\n');
+ while (pos >= 0) {
+ lineCount++;
+ text = text.substring(pos+1);
+ pos = text.indexOf('\n');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public static void number (NodeInfo node,
+ NamePool pool,
+ Receiver tree)
+ throws TransformerException {
+ // Maybe node is an element, a text node, a comment, or a PI
+ switch (node.getNodeKind()) {
+ case Type.ELEMENT:
+ tree.startElement(node.getNameCode(), 0, 0);
+ {
+ AxisIterator attrIter = node.iterateAxis(Axis.ATTRIBUTE);
+ NodeInfo attr = (NodeInfo) attrIter.next();
+ while (attr != null) {
+ tree.attribute(attr.getNameCode(), 0, attr.getStringValue(), 0);
+ attr = (NodeInfo) attrIter.next();
+ }
+ }
+ openElements.add(node);
+ tree.startContent();
+ if (node.hasChildNodes()) {
+ AxisIterator children = node.iterateAxis(Axis.CHILD);
+ NodeInfo child = (NodeInfo) children.next();
+ while (child != null) {
+ number(child, pool, tree);
+ child = (NodeInfo) children.next();
+ }
+ }
+ openElements.remove(openElements.size()-1);
+ tree.endElement();
+ break;
+ case Type.TEXT:
+ String text = node.getStringValue();
+ int pos = text.indexOf('\n');
+ while (pos >= 0) {
+ tree.characters(text.substring(0, pos), 0);
+ // Close any open elements
+ for (int openpos = 0; openpos < openElements.size(); openpos++) {
+ tree.endElement();
+ }
+ // Output the line number
+ tree.characters("\n", 0);
+ lineNumber++;
+ formatLineNumber(pool, tree);
+ // Now re-open the elements
+ for (int openpos = 0; openpos < openElements.size(); openpos++) {
+ NodeInfo onode = (NodeInfo) openElements.get(openpos);
+ tree.startElement(onode.getNameCode(), 0, 0);
+ AxisIterator oattrIter = onode.iterateAxis(Axis.ATTRIBUTE);
+ NodeInfo attr = (NodeInfo) oattrIter.next();
+ while (attr != null) {
+ // Don't output {xml:}id attributes again
+ if (!"id".equals(attr.getLocalPart())) {
+ tree.attribute(attr.getNameCode(), 0, attr.getStringValue(), 0);
+ }
+ attr = (NodeInfo) oattrIter.next();
+ }
+ tree.startContent();
+ }
+ text = text.substring(pos+1);
+ pos = text.indexOf('\n');
+ }
+ tree.characters(text, 0);
+ break;
+ case Type.COMMENT:
+ tree.comment(node.getStringValue(), 0);
+ break;
+ tree.processingInstruction(node.getDisplayName(),
+ node.getStringValue(), 0);
+ break;
+ default:
+ System.err.println("Error!");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ public static void formatLineNumber(NamePool pool, Receiver tree)
+ throws TransformerException {
+ char ch = 160; //
+ String lno = "";
+ if (lineNumber == 1
+ || (modulus >= 1 && (lineNumber % modulus == 0))) {
+ lno = "" + lineNumber;
+ }
+ while (lno.length() < width) {
+ lno = ch + lno;
+ }
+ lno += separator;
+ if (wrapper != null) {
+ tree.startElement(wrapper.getNameCode(), 0, 0);
+ AxisIterator attrIter = wrapper.iterateAxis(Axis.ATTRIBUTE);
+ NodeInfo attr = (NodeInfo) attrIter.next();
+ while (attr != null) {
+ tree.attribute(attr.getNameCode(), 0, attr.getStringValue(), 0);
+ attr = (NodeInfo) attrIter.next();
+ }
+ tree.startContent();
+ }
+ tree.characters(lno, 0);
+ if (wrapper != null) {
+ tree.endElement();
+ }
+ }
+ public static DocumentInfo insertCallouts (XPathContext context,
+ SequenceIterator ns,
+ SequenceIterator areaspecns,
+ String prefix, String suffix,
+ boolean useText,
+ SequenceIterator twrapperns,
+ int uStart, int uMax,
+ boolean useUnicode,
+ SequenceIterator uwrapperns,
+ int gMax, boolean useGraphics,
+ SequenceIterator gwrapperns)
+ throws TransformerException {
+ // Take care of parameter passing
+ textPrefix = prefix;
+ textSuffix = suffix;
+ if (useText) {
+ calloutStyle = CALLOUT_TEXT;
+ }
+ unicodeStart = uStart;
+ unicodeMax = uMax;
+ if (useUnicode) {
+ calloutStyle = CALLOUT_UNICODE;
+ }
+ graphicsMax = gMax;
+ if (useGraphics) {
+ calloutStyle = CALLOUT_GRAPHICS;
+ }
+ textWrapper = findWrapper(twrapperns);
+ unicodeWrapper = findWrapper(uwrapperns);
+ graphicsWrapper = findWrapper(gwrapperns);
+ setupCallouts(areaspecns);
+ Controller controller = context.getController();
+ Configuration config = controller.getConfiguration();
+ NamePool pool = config.getNamePool();
+ TinyBuilder builder = new TinyBuilder();
+ NamespaceReducer reducer = new NamespaceReducer();
+ reducer.setUnderlyingReceiver(builder);
+ Receiver tree = reducer;
+ tree.setConfiguration(config);
+ builder.setConfiguration(config);
+ tree.startDocument();
+ // Start at (1,1)
+ lineNumber = 1;
+ colNumber = 1;
+ // Now walk through the content and number those lines
+ openElements = new Vector();
+ NodeInfo verbatim = (NodeInfo) ns.next();
+ if (verbatim.getNodeKind() != Type.ELEMENT) {
+ System.err.println("Error!!!: " + verbatim);
+ } else {
+ NodeInfo node = (NodeInfo) verbatim;
+ if (node.hasChildNodes()) {
+ formatLineNumber(pool, tree);
+ AxisIterator children = node.iterateAxis(Axis.CHILD);
+ NodeInfo child = (NodeInfo) children.next();
+ while (child != null) {
+ insert(child, pool, tree);
+ child = (NodeInfo) children.next();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ tree.endDocument();
+ return builder.getCurrentDocument();
+ }
+ public static void insert (NodeInfo node,
+ NamePool pool,
+ Receiver tree)
+ throws TransformerException {
+ // Maybe node is an element, a text node, a comment, or a PI
+ switch (node.getNodeKind()) {
+ case Type.ELEMENT:
+ tree.startElement(node.getNameCode(), 0, 0);
+ {
+ AxisIterator attrIter = node.iterateAxis(Axis.ATTRIBUTE);
+ NodeInfo attr = (NodeInfo) attrIter.next();
+ while (attr != null) {
+ tree.attribute(attr.getNameCode(), 0, attr.getStringValue(), 0);
+ attr = (NodeInfo) attrIter.next();
+ }
+ }
+ openElements.add(node);
+ tree.startContent();
+ if (node.hasChildNodes()) {
+ AxisIterator children = node.iterateAxis(Axis.CHILD);
+ NodeInfo child = (NodeInfo) children.next();
+ while (child != null) {
+ insert(child, pool, tree);
+ child = (NodeInfo) children.next();
+ }
+ }
+ openElements.remove(openElements.size()-1);
+ tree.endElement();
+ break;
+ case Type.TEXT:
+ String text = node.getStringValue();
+ // Are we ready to do a callout?
+ if (calloutList.size() > 0) {
+ Callout callout = (Callout) calloutList.get(0);
+ System.err.println(lineNumber + ", " + callout.getLine());
+ for (int count = 0; count < text.length(); count++) {
+ boolean done = (callout == null);
+ while (!done) {
+ done = true;
+ if (lineNumber == callout.getLine()
+ && colNumber == callout.getColumn()) {
+ insertCallout(callout, node, pool, tree);
+ callout = null;
+ calloutList.remove(0);
+ if (calloutList.size() > 0) {
+ callout = (Callout) calloutList.get(0);
+ done = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ String ch = text.substring(count, count+1);
+ while (callout != null && "\n".equals(ch)
+ && lineNumber == callout.getLine()) {
+ tree.characters(" ", 0);
+ colNumber++;
+ done = false;
+ while (!done) {
+ done = true;
+ if (lineNumber == callout.getLine()
+ && colNumber == callout.getColumn()) {
+ insertCallout(callout, node, pool, tree);
+ callout = null;
+ calloutList.remove(0);
+ if (calloutList.size() > 0) {
+ callout = (Callout) calloutList.get(0);
+ done = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ tree.characters(ch, 0);
+ if ("\n".equals(ch)) {
+ lineNumber++;
+ colNumber = 1;
+ } else {
+ colNumber++;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ tree.characters(text, 0);
+ }
+ break;
+ case Type.COMMENT:
+ tree.comment(node.getStringValue(), 0);
+ break;
+ tree.processingInstruction(node.getDisplayName(),
+ node.getStringValue(), 0);
+ break;
+ default:
+ System.err.println("Error!");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ public static void insertCallout (Callout callout,
+ NodeInfo node,
+ NamePool pool,
+ Receiver tree)
+ throws TransformerException {
+ int style = calloutStyle;
+ if ((style == CALLOUT_UNICODE
+ && callout.getCallout() > unicodeMax)
+ || (style == CALLOUT_GRAPHICS
+ && callout.getCallout() > graphicsMax)) {
+ style = CALLOUT_TEXT;
+ }
+ // Close any open elements
+ for (int openpos = 0; openpos < openElements.size(); openpos++) {
+ tree.endElement();
+ }
+ switch (style) {
+ startCalloutWrapper(callout, textWrapper, tree);
+ tree.characters(textPrefix + callout.getCallout() + textSuffix, 0);
+ endCalloutWrapper(textWrapper, tree);
+ break;
+ startCalloutWrapper(callout, unicodeWrapper, tree);
+ int codepoint = unicodeStart + callout.getCallout() - 1;
+ char chars[] = new char[1];
+ chars[0] = (char) codepoint;
+ String unicodeCh = new String(chars);
+ tree.characters(unicodeCh, 0);
+ endCalloutWrapper(unicodeWrapper, tree);
+ break;
+ startCalloutWrapper(callout, graphicsWrapper, tree);
+ endCalloutWrapper(graphicsWrapper, tree);
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ // Now re-open the elements
+ for (int openpos = 0; openpos < openElements.size(); openpos++) {
+ NodeInfo onode = (NodeInfo) openElements.get(openpos);
+ tree.startElement(onode.getNameCode(), 0, 0);
+ AxisIterator oattrIter = onode.iterateAxis(Axis.ATTRIBUTE);
+ NodeInfo attr = (NodeInfo) oattrIter.next();
+ while (attr != null) {
+ // Don't output {xml:}id attributes again
+ if (!"id".equals(attr.getLocalPart())) {
+ tree.attribute(attr.getNameCode(), 0, attr.getStringValue(), 0);
+ }
+ attr = (NodeInfo) oattrIter.next();
+ }
+ tree.startContent();
+ }
+ }
+ private static void startCalloutWrapper (Callout callout,
+ NodeInfo wrapper,
+ Receiver tree)
+ throws TransformerException {
+ if (wrapper != null) {
+ tree.startElement(wrapper.getNameCode(), 0, 0);
+ AxisIterator attrIter = wrapper.iterateAxis(Axis.ATTRIBUTE);
+ NodeInfo attr = (NodeInfo) attrIter.next();
+ while (attr != null) {
+ String value = attr.getStringValue().replaceAll("\\{CALLOUT\\}",
+ ""+callout.getCallout());
+ tree.attribute(attr.getNameCode(), 0, value, 0);
+ attr = (NodeInfo) attrIter.next();
+ }
+ tree.startContent();
+ }
+ }
+ private static void endCalloutWrapper (NodeInfo wrapper, Receiver tree)
+ throws TransformerException {
+ if (wrapper != null) {
+ tree.endElement();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * <p>Examine the areaspec and determine the number and position of
+ * callouts.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>The <code><a href="http://docbook.org/tdg/html/areaspec.html">areaspecNodeSet</a></code>
+ * is examined and a sorted list of the callouts is constructed.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>This data structure is used to augment the tree
+ * with callout bullets.</p>
+ *
+ * @param areaspecNodeSet The source document <areaspec> element.
+ *
+ */
+ public static void setupCallouts (SequenceIterator areaspecns)
+ throws TransformerException {
+ // First we walk through the areaspec to calculate the position
+ // of the callouts
+ // <areaspec>
+ // <areaset id="ex.plco.const" coords="">
+ // <area id="ex.plco.c1" coords="4"/>
+ // <area id="ex.plco.c2" coords="8"/>
+ // </areaset>
+ // <area id="ex.plco.ret" coords="12"/>
+ // <area id="ex.plco.dest" coords="12"/>
+ // </areaspec>
+ calloutList = new Vector();
+ int pos = 0;
+ int coNum = 0;
+ boolean inAreaSet = false;
+ NodeInfo areaspec = (NodeInfo) areaspecns.next();
+ if (!areaspec.hasChildNodes()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ AxisIterator children = areaspec.iterateAxis(Axis.CHILD);
+ NodeInfo child = (NodeInfo) children.next();
+ while (child != null) {
+ if (child.getNodeKind() == Type.ELEMENT) {
+ if ("areaset".equals(child.getLocalPart())) {
+ coNum++;
+ AxisIterator areas = child.iterateAxis(Axis.CHILD);
+ NodeInfo area = (NodeInfo) areas.next();
+ while (area != null) {
+ if (area.getNodeKind() == Type.ELEMENT) {
+ if ("area".equals(area.getLocalPart())) {
+ addCallout(coNum, area, defaultColumn);
+ } else {
+ System.out.println("Unexpected element in areaset: "
+ + area.getDisplayName());
+ }
+ }
+ area = (NodeInfo) areas.next();
+ }
+ } else if ("area".equals(child.getLocalPart())) {
+ coNum++;
+ addCallout(coNum, child, defaultColumn);
+ } else {
+ System.out.println("Unexpected element in areaspec: "
+ + child.getLocalPart());
+ }
+ }
+ child = (NodeInfo) children.next();
+ }
+ // Now sort them
+ Collections.sort(calloutList);
+ }
+ /**
+ * <p>Add a callout to the global callout array</p>
+ *
+ * <p>This method examines a callout <tt>area</tt> and adds it to
+ * the global callout array if it can be interpreted.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>Only the <tt>linecolumn</tt> and <tt>linerange</tt> units are
+ * supported. If no unit is specifed, <tt>linecolumn</tt> is assumed.
+ * If only a line is specified, the callout decoration appears in
+ * the <tt>defaultColumn</tt>.</p>
+ *
+ * @param coNum The callout number.
+ * @param node The <tt>area</tt>.
+ * @param defaultColumn The default column for callouts.
+ */
+ protected static void addCallout (int coNum,
+ NodeInfo area,
+ int defaultColumn) {
+ String units = null;
+ String coords = null;
+ AxisIterator attrIter = area.iterateAxis(Axis.ATTRIBUTE);
+ NodeInfo attr = (NodeInfo) attrIter.next();
+ while (attr != null) {
+ if ("".equals(attr.getURI())) {
+ if ("units".equals(attr.getLocalPart())) {
+ units = attr.getStringValue();
+ }
+ if ("coords".equals(attr.getLocalPart())) {
+ coords = attr.getStringValue();
+ }
+ }
+ attr = (NodeInfo) attrIter.next();
+ }
+ if (units != null
+ && !units.equals("linecolumn")
+ && !units.equals("linerange")) {
+ System.out.println("Only linecolumn and linerange units are supported");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (coords == null) {
+ System.out.println("Coords must be specified");
+ return;
+ }
+ // Now let's see if we can interpret the coordinates...
+ StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(coords);
+ int tokenCount = 0;
+ int c1 = 0;
+ int c2 = 0;
+ while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
+ tokenCount++;
+ if (tokenCount > 2) {
+ System.out.println("Unparseable coordinates");
+ return;
+ }
+ try {
+ String token = st.nextToken();
+ int coord = Integer.parseInt(token);
+ c2 = coord;
+ if (tokenCount == 1) {
+ c1 = coord;
+ }
+ } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
+ System.out.println("Unparseable coordinate");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // Ok, add the callout
+ if (tokenCount == 2) {
+ if (units != null && units.equals("linerange")) {
+ for (int count = c1; count <= c2; count++) {
+ calloutList.add(new Callout(coNum, area, count, defaultColumn));
+ }
+ } else {
+ // assume linecolumn
+ calloutList.add(new Callout(coNum, area, c1, c2));
+ }
+ } else {
+ // if there's only one number, assume it's the line
+ calloutList.add(new Callout(coNum, area, c1, defaultColumn));
+ }
+ }