-/* SCCS Id: @(#)spell.c 3.5 2004/06/12 */
+/* SCCS Id: @(#)spell.c 3.5 2006/02/03 */
/* Copyright (c) M. Stephenson 1988 */
/* NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */
#define SPELLMENU_VIEW (-1)
#define KEEN 20000
-#define MAX_SPELL_STUDY 3
#define incrnknow(spell) spl_book[spell].sp_know = KEEN
#define spellev(spell) spl_book[spell].sp_lev
short booktype;
char splname[BUFSZ];
boolean costly = TRUE;
+ struct obj *book = context.spbook.book;
/* JDS: lenses give 50% faster reading; 33% smaller read time */
- if (context.spbook.delay && ublindf && ublindf->otyp == LENSES && rn2(2)) context.spbook.delay++;
+ if (context.spbook.delay && ublindf && ublindf->otyp == LENSES && rn2(2))
+ context.spbook.delay++;
if (Confusion) { /* became confused while learning */
- (void) confused_book(context.spbook.book);
+ (void) confused_book(book);
context.spbook.book = 0; /* no longer studying */
context.spbook.o_id = 0;
nomul(context.spbook.delay); /* remaining delay is uninterrupted */
return(1); /* still busy */
exercise(A_WIS, TRUE); /* you're studying. */
- booktype = context.spbook.book->otyp;
+ booktype = book->otyp;
if(booktype == SPE_BOOK_OF_THE_DEAD) {
- deadbook(context.spbook.book);
+ deadbook(book);
Sprintf(splname, objects[booktype].oc_name_known ?
"\"%s\"" : "the \"%s\" spell",
- for (i = 0; i < MAXSPELL; i++) {
- if (spellid(i) == booktype) {
- if (context.spbook.book->spestudied > MAX_SPELL_STUDY) {
- pline("This spellbook is too faint to be read any more.");
- context.spbook.book->otyp = booktype = SPE_BLANK_PAPER;
- } else if (spellknow(i) <= 1000) {
- Your("knowledge of %s is keener.", splname);
- incrnknow(i);
- context.spbook.book->spestudied++;
- exercise(A_WIS,TRUE); /* extra study */
- } else { /* 1000 < spellknow(i) <= MAX_SPELL_STUDY */
- You("know %s quite well already.", splname);
- costly = FALSE;
- }
- /* make book become known even when spell is already
- known, in case amnesia made you forget the book */
- makeknown((int)booktype);
- break;
- } else if (spellid(i) == NO_SPELL) {
- spl_book[i].sp_id = booktype;
- spl_book[i].sp_lev = objects[booktype].oc_level;
- incrnknow(i);
- context.spbook.book->spestudied++;
- You(i > 0 ? "add %s to your repertoire." : "learn %s.",
- splname);
- makeknown((int)booktype);
- break;
- }
+ for (i = 0; i < MAXSPELL; i++)
+ if (spellid(i) == booktype || spellid(i) == NO_SPELL) break;
+ if (i == MAXSPELL) {
+ impossible("Too many spells memorized!");
+ } else if (spellid(i) == booktype) {
+ /* normal book can be read and re-read a total of 4 times */
+ if (book->spestudied > MAX_SPELL_STUDY) {
+ pline("This spellbook is too faint to be read any more.");
+ book->otyp = booktype = SPE_BLANK_PAPER;
+ } else if (spellknow(i) <= 1000) {
+ Your("knowledge of %s is keener.", splname);
+ incrnknow(i);
+ book->spestudied++;
+ exercise(A_WIS,TRUE); /* extra study */
+ } else { /* 1000 < spellknow(i) <= KEEN */
+ You("know %s quite well already.", splname);
+ costly = FALSE;
+ }
+ /* make book become known even when spell is already
+ known, in case amnesia made you forget the book */
+ makeknown((int)booktype);
+ } else { /* (spellid(i) == NO_SPELL) */
+ /* for a normal book, spestudied will be zero, but for
+ a polymorphed one, spestudied will be non-zero and
+ one less reading is available than when re-learning */
+ if (book->spestudied >= MAX_SPELL_STUDY) {
+ /* pre-used due to being the product of polymorph */
+ pline("This spellbook is too faint to read even once.");
+ book->otyp = booktype = SPE_BLANK_PAPER;
+ } else {
+ spl_book[i].sp_id = booktype;
+ spl_book[i].sp_lev = objects[booktype].oc_level;
+ incrnknow(i);
+ book->spestudied++;
+ You(i > 0 ? "add %s to your repertoire." : "learn %s.",
+ splname);
+ }
+ makeknown((int)booktype);
- if (i == MAXSPELL) impossible("Too many spells memorized!");
- if (context.spbook.book->cursed) { /* maybe a demon cursed it */
- if (cursed_book(context.spbook.book)) {
- useup(context.spbook.book);
+ if (book->cursed) { /* maybe a demon cursed it */
+ if (cursed_book(book)) {
+ useup(book);
context.spbook.book = 0;
context.spbook.o_id = 0;
return 0;
- if (costly) check_unpaid(context.spbook.book);
+ if (costly) check_unpaid(book);
context.spbook.book = 0;
context.spbook.o_id = 0;