-# $File: windows,v 1.20 2017/11/17 12:44:45 christos Exp $
+# $File: windows,v 1.21 2018/02/06 12:57:16 christos Exp $
# windows: file(1) magic for Microsoft Windows
# This file is mainly reserved for files where programs
!:mime text/x-wine-extension-reg
!:ext reg
-# Windows *.INF *.INI files updated by Joerg Jenderek at Apr 2013
+# Windows *.INF *.INI files updated by Joerg Jenderek at Apr 2013, Feb 2018
# empty ,comment , section
# PR/383: remove unicode BOM because it is not portable across regex impls
-0 regex/s \\`(\\r\\n|;|[[])
-# left bracket in section line
->&0 search/8192 [
+#0 regex/s \\`(\\r\\n|;|[[])
+# empty line CRLF
+0 ubeshort 0x0D0A
+>0 use ini-file
+# comment line
+0 string ;
+>0 use ini-file
+# section line
+0 string [
+>0 use ini-file
+# check and then display Windows INItialization configuration
+0 name ini-file
+# look for left bracket in section line
+>0 search/8192 [
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autorun.inf
# http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/cc144200.aspx
->>&0 regex/c \^(autorun)]\r\n
->>>&0 ubyte =0x5b INItialization configuration
-!:mime application/x-wine-extension-ini
+# space after right bracket
+# or AutoRun.Amd64 for 64 bit systems
+# or only NL separator
+>>&0 regex/c \^(autorun)
+# but sometimes total commander directory tree file "treeinfo.wc" with lines like
+# [boot]
+>>>&0 string =]\r\n\[ Total commander directory treeinfo.wc
+!:mime text/plain
+!:ext wc
# From: Pal Tamas <folti@balabit.hu>
# Autorun File
->>>&0 ubyte !0x5b Microsoft Windows Autorun file
+>>>&0 string !]\r\n\[ Microsoft Windows Autorun file
!:mime application/x-setupscript
+!:ext inf
# http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/ff549520(v=vs.85).aspx
# version strings ASCII coded case-independent for Windows setup information script file
>>&0 regex/c \^(version|strings)] Windows setup INFormation
!:mime application/x-setupscript
-#!:mime application/inf
#!:mime application/x-wine-extension-inf
+!:ext inf
>>&0 regex/c \^(WinsockCRCList|OEMCPL)] Windows setup INFormation
-!:mime text/inf
+!:mime application/x-setupscript
+!:ext inf
# http://www.winfaq.de/faq_html/Content/tip2500/onlinefaq.php?h=tip2653.htm
# http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/cc144102.aspx
# .ShellClassInfo DeleteOnCopy LocalizedFileNames ASCII coded case-independent
# http://support.microsoft.com/kb/84709/
>>&0 regex/c \^(don't\ load)] Windows CONTROL.INI
!:mime application/x-wine-extension-ini
+!:ext ini
>>&0 regex/c \^(ndishlp\\$|protman\\$|NETBEUI\\$)] Windows PROTOCOL.INI
!:mime application/x-wine-extension-ini
+!:ext ini
# http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc722567.aspx
# http://www.winfaq.de/faq_html/Content/tip0000/onlinefaq.php?h=tip0137.htm
>>&0 regex/c \^(windows|Compatibility|embedding)] Windows WIN.INI
!:mime application/x-wine-extension-ini
+!:ext ini
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SYSTEM.INI
>>&0 regex/c \^(boot|386enh|drivers)] Windows SYSTEM.INI
!:mime application/x-wine-extension-ini
+!:ext ini
# http://www.mdgx.com/newtip6.htm
>>&0 regex/c \^(SafeList)] Windows IOS.INI
!:mime application/x-wine-extension-ini
+!:ext ini
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NTLDR Windows Boot Loader information
>>&0 regex/c \^(boot\x20loader)] Windows boot.ini
!:mime application/x-wine-extension-ini
->>>&0 ubyte x
+!:ext ini
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CONFIG.SYS
->>&0 regex/c \^(menu)]\r\n MS-DOS CONFIG.SYS
+>>&0 regex/c \^(menu)] MS-DOS CONFIG.SYS
+# @CONFIG.UI configuration file of previous DOS version saved by Caldera OPENDOS INSTALL.EXE
+# CONFIG.PSS saved version of file CONFIG.SYS created by %WINDIR%\SYTEM\MSCONFIG.EXE
+# dos and w40 used in dual booting scene
+!:ext sys/dos/w40
# http://support.microsoft.com/kb/118579/
>>&0 regex/c \^(Paths)]\r\n MS-DOS MSDOS.SYS
-# VERS string unicoded case-independent
->>&0 ubequad&0xFFdfFFdfFFdfFFdf 0x0056004500520053
-# ION] string unicoded case-independent
->>>&0 ubequad&0xFFdfFFdfFFdfFFff 0x0049004f004e005d Windows setup INFormation
-!:mime application/x-setupscript
-# STRI string unicoded case-independent
->>&0 ubequad&0xFFdfFFdfFFdfFFdf 0x0053005400520049
-# NGS] string unicoded case-independent
->>>&0 ubequad&0xFFdfFFdfFFdfFFff 0x004e00470053005D Windows setup INFormation
-!:mime application/x-setupscript
+!:ext sys/dos
+# http://chmspec.nongnu.org/latest/INI.html#HHP
+>>&0 regex/c \^(options)]\r\n Microsoft HTML Help Project
+!:mime text/plain
+!:ext hhp
# unknown keyword after opening bracket
>>&0 default x
+#>>>&0 string/c x UNKNOWN [%s
+# look for left bracket of second section
>>>&0 search/8192 [
# version Strings FileIdentification
>>>>&0 string/c version Windows setup INFormation
!:mime application/x-setupscript
-# VERS string unicoded case-independent
->>>>&0 ubequad&0xFFdfFFdfFFdfFFdf 0x0056004500520053
-# ION] string unicoded case-independent
->>>>>&0 ubequad&0xFFdfFFdfFFdfFFff 0x0049004f004e005d Windows setup INFormation
-!:mime application/x-setupscript
+!:ext inf
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Initialization_file Windows Initialization File or other
-#>>>>&0 default x Generic INItialization configuration
-#!:mime application/x-wine-extension-ini
+>>>>&0 default x
+>>>>>&0 ubyte x
+# characters, digits, underscore and white space followed by right bracket
+# terminated by CR implies section line to skip BOOTLOG.TXT DETLOG.TXT
+>>>>>>&-1 regex \^([A-Za-z0-9_\(\)\ ]+)\]\r Generic INItialization configuration [%-.40s
+# NETDEF.INF multiarc.ini
+#!:mime application/x-setupscript
+!:mime application/x-wine-extension-ini
+#!:mime text/plain
+!:ext ini/inf
+# UTF-16 BOM followed by CR~0D00 , comment~semicolon~3B00 , section~bracket~5B00
+0 ubelong&0xFFff89FF =0xFFFE0900
+# look for left bracket in section line
+>2 search/8192 [
+# keyword without 1st letter which is maybe up-/down-case
+>>&3 lestring16 ersion] Windows setup INFormation
+!:mime application/x-setupscript
+!:ext inf
+>>&3 lestring16 trings] Windows setup INFormation
+!:mime application/x-setupscript
+!:ext inf
+>>&3 lestring16 ourceDisksNames] Windows setup INFormation
+!:mime application/x-setupscript
+!:ext inf
+# netnwcli.inf start with ;---[ NetNWCli.INX ]
+>>&3 default x
+# look for NL followed by left bracket
+>>>&0 search/8192 \x0A\x00\x5b
+>>>>&3 lestring16 ersion] Windows setup INFormation
+!:mime application/x-setupscript
+!:ext inf
# Windows Precompiled INF files *.PNF added by Joerg Jenderek at Mar 2013 of _PNF_HEADER inf.h
# http://read.pudn.com/downloads3/sourcecode/windows/248345/win2k/private/windows/setup/setupapi/inf.h__.htm